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0001 // Created on: 2011-02-03
0002 // Created by: Mikhail SAZONOV
0003 // Copyright (c) 2011-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //
0005 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //
0007 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //
0013 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 #ifndef _OSD_MAllocHook_HeaderFile
0017 #define _OSD_MAllocHook_HeaderFile
0019 #include <Standard_Mutex.hxx>
0020 #include <fstream>
0022 /**
0023  * This class provides the possibility to set callback for memory
0024  * allocation/deallocation.
0025  * On MS Windows, it works only in Debug builds. It relies on the
0026  * debug CRT function _CrtSetAllocHook (see MSDN for help).
0027  */
0028 class OSD_MAllocHook
0029 {
0030 public:
0031   /**
0032    * Interface of a class that should handle allocation/deallocation events
0033    */
0034   class Callback
0035   {
0036   public:
0037     //! Allocation event handler
0038     /**
0039      * It is called when allocation is done
0040      * @param theSize
0041      *   the size of the memory block in bytes
0042      * @param theRequestNum
0043      *   the allocation order number of the memory block
0044      */
0045     virtual void AllocEvent
0046                    (size_t      theSize,
0047                     long        theRequestNum) = 0;
0049     //! Freeing event handler
0050     /**
0051      * It is called when the block is freed
0052      * @param theData
0053      *   the pointer to the user data section of the memory block
0054      * @param theSize
0055      *   the size of the memory block in bytes
0056      * @param theRequestNum
0057      *   the allocation order number of the memory block
0058      */
0059     virtual void FreeEvent
0060                    (void*       theData,
0061                     size_t      theSize,
0062                     long        theRequestNum) = 0;
0063   };
0065   /**
0066    * Implementation of the handler that collects all events
0067    * to the log file. It contains the method to generate the report
0068    * from the log file.
0069    */
0070   class LogFileHandler: public Callback
0071   {
0072   public:
0073     //! Constructor
0074     Standard_EXPORT LogFileHandler();
0076     //! Destructor
0077     Standard_EXPORT ~LogFileHandler();
0079     //! Create the file and start collecting events.
0080     //! Return false if the file with the given name cannot be created.
0081     Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Open(const char* theFileName);
0083     //! Close the file and stop collecting events
0084     Standard_EXPORT void Close();
0086     //! Make synthesized report on the given log file.
0087     /**
0088      * Generate an easy to use report in the
0089      * new file with the given name, taking the given log file as input.
0090      * If theIncludeAlive is true then
0091      * include into the report the alive allocation numbers.
0092      */
0093     Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean MakeReport
0094                    (const char* theLogFile,
0095                     const char* theOutFile,
0096                     const Standard_Boolean theIncludeAlive = Standard_False);
0098     Standard_EXPORT virtual void AllocEvent(size_t, long);
0099     Standard_EXPORT virtual void FreeEvent(void*, size_t, long);
0101   private:
0102     std::ofstream  myLogFile;
0103     Standard_Mutex myMutex;
0104     size_t         myBreakSize;
0105   };
0107   /**
0108    * Implementation of the handler that collects numbers of
0109    * allocations/deallocations for each block size directly in the memory.
0110    */
0111   class CollectBySize: public Callback
0112   {
0113   public:
0114     //! Constructor
0115     Standard_EXPORT CollectBySize();
0117     //! Destructor
0118     Standard_EXPORT ~CollectBySize();
0120     //! Reset the buffer and start collecting events.
0121     Standard_EXPORT void Reset();
0123     //! Write report in the given file.
0124     Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean MakeReport(const char* theOutFile);
0126     Standard_EXPORT virtual void AllocEvent(size_t, long);
0127     Standard_EXPORT virtual void FreeEvent(void*, size_t, long);
0129   public:
0130     struct Numbers
0131     {
0132       int nbAlloc;
0133       int nbFree;
0134       int nbLeftPeak;
0135       Numbers() : nbAlloc(0), nbFree(0), nbLeftPeak(0) {}
0136     };
0138     static const size_t myMaxAllocSize; //!< maximum tracked size
0140     Standard_Mutex myMutex;             //!< used for thread-safe access
0141     Numbers*       myArray;             //!< indexed from 0 to myMaxAllocSize-1
0142     ptrdiff_t      myTotalLeftSize;     //!< currently remained allocated size
0143     size_t         myTotalPeakSize;     //!< maximum cumulative allocated size
0144     size_t         myBreakSize;         //!< user defined allocation size to debug (see place_for_breakpoint())
0145     size_t         myBreakPeak;         //!< user defined peak size limit to debug
0146   };
0148   //! Set handler of allocation/deallocation events
0149   /**
0150    * You can pass here any implementation. For easy start, you can try
0151    * with the predefined handler LogFileHandler, which static instance 
0152    * is returned by GetLogFileHandler().
0153    * To clear the handler, pass NULL here.
0154    */
0155   Standard_EXPORT static void SetCallback
0156                    (Callback* theCB);
0158   //! Get current handler of allocation/deallocation events
0159   Standard_EXPORT static Callback* GetCallback();
0161   //! Get static instance of LogFileHandler handler
0162   Standard_EXPORT static LogFileHandler* GetLogFileHandler();
0164   //! Get static instance of CollectBySize handler
0165   Standard_EXPORT static CollectBySize* GetCollectBySize();
0166 };
0168 #endif /* _OSD_MAllocHook_HeaderFile */