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0001 // Created on: 2013-05-30
0002 // Created by: Anton POLETAEV
0003 // Copyright (c) 2013-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //
0005 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //
0007 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //
0013 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 #ifndef _NCollection_Mat4_HeaderFile
0017 #define _NCollection_Mat4_HeaderFile
0019 #include <NCollection_Vec4.hxx>
0020 #include <NCollection_Mat3.hxx>
0022 //! Generic matrix of 4 x 4 elements.
0023 //! To be used in conjunction with NCollection_Vec4 entities.
0024 //! Originally introduced for 3D space projection and orientation operations.
0025 //! Warning, empty constructor returns an identity matrix.
0026 template<typename Element_t>
0027 class NCollection_Mat4
0028 {
0029 public:
0031   //! Get number of rows.
0032   //! @return number of rows.
0033   static size_t Rows()
0034   {
0035     return 4;
0036   }
0038   //! Get number of columns.
0039   //! @retur number of columns.
0040   static size_t Cols()
0041   {
0042     return 4;
0043   }
0045   //! Return identity matrix.
0046   static NCollection_Mat4 Identity()
0047   {
0048     return NCollection_Mat4();
0049   }
0051   //! Return zero matrix.
0052   static NCollection_Mat4 Zero()
0053   {
0054     NCollection_Mat4 aMat; aMat.InitZero();
0055     return aMat;
0056   }
0058 public:
0060   //! Empty constructor.
0061   //! Construct the identity matrix.
0062   NCollection_Mat4()
0063   {
0064     InitIdentity();
0065   }
0067   //! Conversion constructor (explicitly converts some 4 x 4 matrix with other element type
0068   //! to a new 4 x 4 matrix with the element type Element_t,
0069   //! whose elements are static_cast'ed corresponding elements of theOtherMat4 matrix)
0070   //! @tparam OtherElement_t the element type of the other 4 x 4 matrix theOtherVec4
0071   //! @param theOtherMat4 the 4 x 4 matrix that needs to be converted
0072   template <typename OtherElement_t>
0073   explicit NCollection_Mat4 (const NCollection_Mat4<OtherElement_t>& theOtherMat4)
0074   {
0075     ConvertFrom (theOtherMat4);
0076   }
0078   //! Get element at the specified row and column.
0079   //! @param theRow [in] the row to address.
0080   //! @param theCol [in] the column to address.
0081   //! @return the value of the addressed element.
0082   Element_t GetValue (const size_t theRow, const size_t theCol) const
0083   {
0084     return myMat[theCol * 4 + theRow];
0085   }
0087   //! Access element at the specified row and column.
0088   //! @param theRow [in] the row to access.
0089   //! @param theCol [in] the column to access.
0090   //! @return reference on the matrix element.
0091   Element_t& ChangeValue (const size_t theRow, const size_t theCol)
0092   {
0093     return myMat[theCol * 4 + theRow];
0094   }
0096   //! Set value for the element specified by row and columns.
0097   //! @param theRow   [in] the row to change.
0098   //! @param theCol   [in] the column to change.
0099   //! @param theValue [in] the value to set.
0100   void SetValue (const size_t    theRow,
0101                  const size_t    theCol,
0102                  const Element_t theValue)
0103   {
0104     myMat[theCol * 4 + theRow] = theValue;
0105   }
0107   //! Return value.
0108   Element_t& operator() (const size_t theRow, const size_t theCol) { return ChangeValue (theRow, theCol); }
0110   //! Return value.
0111   Element_t  operator() (const size_t theRow, const size_t theCol) const { return GetValue (theRow, theCol); }
0113   //! Get vector of elements for the specified row.
0114   //! @param theRow [in] the row to access.
0115   //! @return vector of elements.
0116   NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> GetRow (const size_t theRow) const
0117   {
0118     return NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> (GetValue (theRow, 0),
0119                                         GetValue (theRow, 1),
0120                                         GetValue (theRow, 2),
0121                                         GetValue (theRow, 3));
0122   }
0124   //! Change first 3 row values by the passed vector.
0125   //! @param theRow [in] the row to change.
0126   //! @param theVec [in] the vector of values.
0127   void SetRow (const size_t theRow, const NCollection_Vec3<Element_t>& theVec)
0128   {
0129     SetValue (theRow, 0, theVec.x());
0130     SetValue (theRow, 1, theVec.y());
0131     SetValue (theRow, 2, theVec.z());
0132   }
0134   //! Set row values by the passed 4 element vector.
0135   //! @param theRow [in] the row to change.
0136   //! @param theVec [in] the vector of values.
0137   void SetRow (const size_t theRow, const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theVec)
0138   {
0139     SetValue (theRow, 0, theVec.x());
0140     SetValue (theRow, 1, theVec.y());
0141     SetValue (theRow, 2, theVec.z());
0142     SetValue (theRow, 3, theVec.w());
0143   }
0145   //! Get vector of elements for the specified column.
0146   //! @param theCol [in] the column to access.
0147   //! @return vector of elements.
0148   NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> GetColumn (const size_t theCol) const
0149   {
0150     return NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> (GetValue (0, theCol),
0151                                         GetValue (1, theCol),
0152                                         GetValue (2, theCol),
0153                                         GetValue (3, theCol));
0154   }
0156   //! Change first 3 column values by the passed vector.
0157   //! @param theCol [in] the column to change.
0158   //! @param theVec [in] the vector of values.
0159   void SetColumn (const size_t theCol,
0160                   const NCollection_Vec3<Element_t>& theVec)
0161   {
0162     SetValue (0, theCol, theVec.x());
0163     SetValue (1, theCol, theVec.y());
0164     SetValue (2, theCol, theVec.z());
0165   }
0167   //! Set column values by the passed 4 element vector.
0168   //! @param theCol [in] the column to change.
0169   //! @param theVec [in] the vector of values.
0170   void SetColumn (const size_t theCol,
0171                   const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theVec)
0172   {
0173     SetValue (0, theCol, theVec.x());
0174     SetValue (1, theCol, theVec.y());
0175     SetValue (2, theCol, theVec.z());
0176     SetValue (3, theCol, theVec.w());
0177   }
0179   //! Get vector of diagonal elements.
0180   //! @return vector of diagonal elements.
0181   NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> GetDiagonal() const
0182   {
0183     return NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> (GetValue (0, 0),
0184                                         GetValue (1, 1),
0185                                         GetValue (2, 2),
0186                                         GetValue (3, 3));
0187   }
0189   //! Change first 3 elements of the diagonal matrix.
0190   //! @param theVec the vector of values.
0191   void SetDiagonal (const NCollection_Vec3<Element_t>& theVec)
0192   {
0193     SetValue (0, 0, theVec.x());
0194     SetValue (1, 1, theVec.y());
0195     SetValue (2, 2, theVec.z());
0196   }
0198   //! Set diagonal elements of the matrix by the passed vector.
0199   //! @param theVec [in] the vector of values.
0200   void SetDiagonal (const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theVec)
0201   {
0202     SetValue (0, 0, theVec.x());
0203     SetValue (1, 1, theVec.y());
0204     SetValue (2, 2, theVec.z());
0205     SetValue (3, 3, theVec.w());
0206   }
0208   //! Return 3x3 sub-matrix.
0209   NCollection_Mat3<Element_t> GetMat3() const
0210   {
0211     NCollection_Mat3<Element_t> aMat;
0212     aMat.SetColumn (0, GetColumn (0).xyz());
0213     aMat.SetColumn (1, GetColumn (1).xyz());
0214     aMat.SetColumn (2, GetColumn (2).xyz());
0215     return aMat;
0216   }
0218   //! Initialize the zero matrix.
0219   void InitZero()
0220   {
0221     std::memcpy (this, MyZeroArray, sizeof (NCollection_Mat4));
0222   }
0224   //! Checks the matrix for zero (without tolerance).
0225   bool IsZero() const
0226   {
0227     return std::memcmp (this, MyZeroArray, sizeof (NCollection_Mat4)) == 0;
0228   }
0230   //! Initialize the identity matrix.
0231   void InitIdentity()
0232   {
0233     std::memcpy (this, MyIdentityArray, sizeof (NCollection_Mat4));
0234   }
0236   //! Checks the matrix for identity (without tolerance).
0237   bool IsIdentity() const
0238   {
0239     return std::memcmp (this, MyIdentityArray, sizeof (NCollection_Mat4)) == 0;
0240   }
0242   //! Check this matrix for equality with another matrix (without tolerance!).
0243   bool IsEqual (const NCollection_Mat4& theOther) const
0244   {
0245     return std::memcmp (this, &theOther, sizeof(NCollection_Mat4)) == 0;
0246   }
0248   //! Check this matrix for equality with another matrix (without tolerance!).
0249   bool operator== (const NCollection_Mat4& theOther) const { return IsEqual (theOther); }
0251   //! Check this matrix for non-equality with another matrix (without tolerance!).
0252   bool operator!= (const NCollection_Mat4& theOther) const { return !IsEqual (theOther); }
0254   //! Raw access to the data (for OpenGL exchange);
0255   //! the data is returned in column-major order.
0256   const Element_t* GetData()    const { return myMat; }
0257   Element_t*       ChangeData()       { return myMat; }
0259   //! Multiply by the vector (M * V).
0260   //! @param theVec [in] the vector to multiply.
0261   NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> operator* (const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theVec) const
0262   {
0263     return NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> (
0264       GetValue (0, 0) * theVec.x() + GetValue (0, 1) * theVec.y() + GetValue (0, 2) * theVec.z() + GetValue (0, 3) * theVec.w(),
0265       GetValue (1, 0) * theVec.x() + GetValue (1, 1) * theVec.y() + GetValue (1, 2) * theVec.z() + GetValue (1, 3) * theVec.w(),
0266       GetValue (2, 0) * theVec.x() + GetValue (2, 1) * theVec.y() + GetValue (2, 2) * theVec.z() + GetValue (2, 3) * theVec.w(),
0267       GetValue (3, 0) * theVec.x() + GetValue (3, 1) * theVec.y() + GetValue (3, 2) * theVec.z() + GetValue (3, 3) * theVec.w());
0268   }
0270   //! Compute matrix multiplication product: A * B.
0271   //! @param theMatA [in] the matrix "A".
0272   //! @param theMatB [in] the matrix "B".
0273   static NCollection_Mat4 Multiply (const NCollection_Mat4& theMatA,
0274                                     const NCollection_Mat4& theMatB)
0275   {
0276     NCollection_Mat4 aMatRes;
0278     size_t aInputElem;
0279     for (size_t aResElem = 0; aResElem < 16; ++aResElem)
0280     {
0281       aMatRes.myMat[aResElem] = (Element_t )0;
0282       for (aInputElem = 0; aInputElem < 4; ++aInputElem)
0283       {
0284         aMatRes.myMat[aResElem] += theMatA.GetValue(aResElem % 4, aInputElem)
0285                                  * theMatB.GetValue(aInputElem, aResElem / 4);
0286       }
0287     }
0289     return aMatRes;
0290   }
0292   //! Compute matrix multiplication.
0293   //! @param theMat [in] the matrix to multiply.
0294   void Multiply (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat)
0295   {
0296     *this = Multiply(*this, theMat);
0297   }
0299   //! Multiply by the another matrix.
0300   //! @param theMat [in] the other matrix.
0301   NCollection_Mat4& operator*= (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat)
0302   {
0303     Multiply (theMat);
0304     return *this;
0305   }
0307   //! Compute matrix multiplication product.
0308   //! @param theMat [in] the other matrix.
0309   //! @return result of multiplication.
0310   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 operator* (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat) const
0311   {
0312     return Multiplied (theMat);
0313   }
0315   //! Compute matrix multiplication product.
0316   //! @param theMat [in] the other matrix.
0317   //! @return result of multiplication.
0318   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Multiplied (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat) const
0319   {
0320     NCollection_Mat4 aTempMat (*this);
0321     aTempMat *= theMat;
0322     return aTempMat;
0323   }
0325   //! Compute per-component multiplication.
0326   //! @param theFactor [in] the scale factor.
0327   void Multiply (const Element_t theFactor)
0328   {
0329     for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
0330     {
0331       myMat[i] *= theFactor;
0332     }
0333   }
0335   //! Compute per-element multiplication.
0336   //! @param theFactor [in] the scale factor.
0337   NCollection_Mat4& operator*= (const Element_t theFactor)
0338   {
0339     Multiply (theFactor);
0340     return *this;
0341   }
0343   //! Compute per-element multiplication.
0344   //! @param theFactor [in] the scale factor.
0345   //! @return the result of multiplication.
0346   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 operator* (const Element_t theFactor) const
0347   {
0348     return Multiplied (theFactor);
0349   }
0351   //! Compute per-element multiplication.
0352   //! @param theFactor [in] the scale factor.
0353   //! @return the result of multiplication.
0354   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Multiplied (const Element_t theFactor) const
0355   {
0356     NCollection_Mat4 aTempMat (*this);
0357     aTempMat *= theFactor;
0358     return aTempMat;
0359   }
0361   //! Compute per-component division.
0362   //! @param theFactor [in] the scale factor.
0363   void Divide (const Element_t theFactor)
0364   {
0365     for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
0366     {
0367       myMat[i] /= theFactor;
0368     }
0369   }
0371   //! Per-component division.
0372   //! @param theScalar [in] the scale factor.
0373   NCollection_Mat4& operator/= (const Element_t theScalar)
0374   {
0375     Divide (theScalar);
0376     return *this;
0377   }
0379   //! Divides all the coefficients of the matrix by scalar.
0380   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Divided (const Element_t theScalar) const
0381   {
0382     NCollection_Mat4 aTempMat (*this);
0383     aTempMat /= theScalar;
0384     return aTempMat;
0385   }
0387   //! Divides all the coefficients of the matrix by scalar.
0388   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 operator/ (const Element_t theScalar) const
0389   {
0390     return Divided (theScalar);
0391   }
0393   //! Per-component addition of another matrix.
0394   void Add (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat)
0395   {
0396     for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
0397     {
0398       myMat[i] += theMat.myMat[i];
0399     }
0400   }
0402   //! Per-component addition of another matrix.
0403   NCollection_Mat4& operator+= (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat)
0404   {
0405     Add (theMat);
0406     return *this;
0407   }
0409   //! Per-component subtraction of another matrix.
0410   void Subtract (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat)
0411   {
0412     for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
0413     {
0414       myMat[i] -= theMat.myMat[i];
0415     }
0416   }
0418   //! Per-component subtraction of another matrix.
0419   NCollection_Mat4& operator-= (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat)
0420   {
0421     Subtract (theMat);
0422     return *this;
0423   }
0425   //! Per-component addition of another matrix.
0426   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Added (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat) const
0427   {
0428     NCollection_Mat4 aMat (*this);
0429     aMat += theMat;
0430     return aMat;
0431   }
0433   //! Per-component addition of another matrix.
0434   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 operator+ (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat) const { return Added (theMat); }
0436   //! Per-component subtraction of another matrix.
0437   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Subtracted (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat) const
0438   {
0439     NCollection_Mat4 aMat (*this);
0440     aMat -= theMat;
0441     return aMat;
0442   }
0444   //! Per-component subtraction of another matrix.
0445   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 operator- (const NCollection_Mat4& theMat) const { return Subtracted (theMat); }
0447   //! Returns matrix with all components negated.
0448   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Negated() const
0449   {
0450     NCollection_Mat4 aMat;
0451     for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
0452     {
0453       aMat.myMat[i] = -myMat[i];
0454     }
0455     return aMat;
0456   }
0458   //! Returns matrix with all components negated.
0459   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 operator-() const { return Negated(); }
0461   //! Translate the matrix on the passed vector.
0462   //! @param theVec [in] the translation vector.
0463   void Translate (const NCollection_Vec3<Element_t>& theVec)
0464   {
0465     NCollection_Mat4 aTempMat;
0466     aTempMat.SetColumn (3, theVec);
0467     this->Multiply (aTempMat);
0468   }
0470   //! Transpose the matrix.
0471   //! @return transposed copy of the matrix.
0472   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4 Transposed() const
0473   {
0474     NCollection_Mat4 aTempMat;
0475     aTempMat.SetRow (0, GetColumn (0));
0476     aTempMat.SetRow (1, GetColumn (1));
0477     aTempMat.SetRow (2, GetColumn (2));
0478     aTempMat.SetRow (3, GetColumn (3));
0479     return aTempMat;
0480   }
0482   //! Transpose the matrix.
0483   void Transpose()
0484   {
0485     *this = Transposed();
0486   }
0488   //! Compute inverted matrix.
0489   //! @param theOutMx [out] the inverted matrix
0490   //! @param theDet   [out] determinant of matrix
0491   //! @return true if reversion success
0492   bool Inverted (NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>& theOutMx, Element_t& theDet) const
0493   {
0494     Element_t* inv = theOutMx.myMat;
0496     // use short-cut for better readability
0497     const Element_t* m = myMat;
0499     inv[ 0] = m[ 5] * (m[10] * m[15] - m[11] * m[14]) -
0500               m[ 9] * (m[ 6] * m[15] - m[ 7] * m[14]) -
0501               m[13] * (m[ 7] * m[10] - m[ 6] * m[11]);
0503     inv[ 1] = m[ 1] * (m[11] * m[14] - m[10] * m[15]) -
0504               m[ 9] * (m[ 3] * m[14] - m[ 2] * m[15]) -
0505               m[13] * (m[ 2] * m[11] - m[ 3] * m[10]);
0507     inv[ 2] = m[ 1] * (m[ 6] * m[15] - m[ 7] * m[14]) -
0508               m[ 5] * (m[ 2] * m[15] - m[ 3] * m[14]) -
0509               m[13] * (m[ 3] * m[ 6] - m[ 2] * m[ 7]);
0511     inv[ 3] = m[ 1] * (m[ 7] * m[10] - m[ 6] * m[11]) -
0512               m[ 5] * (m[ 3] * m[10] - m[ 2] * m[11]) -
0513               m[ 9] * (m[ 2] * m[ 7] - m[ 3] * m[ 6]);
0515     inv[ 4] = m[ 4] * (m[11] * m[14] - m[10] * m[15]) -
0516               m[ 8] * (m[ 7] * m[14] - m[ 6] * m[15]) -
0517               m[12] * (m[ 6] * m[11] - m[ 7] * m[10]);
0519     inv[ 5] = m[ 0] * (m[10] * m[15] - m[11] * m[14]) -
0520               m[ 8] * (m[ 2] * m[15] - m[ 3] * m[14]) -
0521               m[12] * (m[ 3] * m[10] - m[ 2] * m[11]);
0523     inv[ 6] = m[ 0] * (m[ 7] * m[14] - m[ 6] * m[15]) -
0524               m[ 4] * (m[ 3] * m[14] - m[ 2] * m[15]) -
0525               m[12] * (m[ 2] * m[ 7] - m[ 3] * m[ 6]);
0527     inv[ 7] = m[ 0] * (m[ 6] * m[11] - m[ 7] * m[10]) -
0528               m[ 4] * (m[ 2] * m[11] - m[ 3] * m[10]) -
0529               m[ 8] * (m[ 3] * m[ 6] - m[ 2] * m[ 7]);
0531     inv[ 8] = m[ 4] * (m[ 9] * m[15] - m[11] * m[13]) -
0532               m[ 8] * (m[ 5] * m[15] - m[ 7] * m[13]) -
0533               m[12] * (m[ 7] * m[ 9] - m[ 5] * m[11]);
0535     inv[ 9] = m[ 0] * (m[11] * m[13] - m[ 9] * m[15]) -
0536               m[ 8] * (m[ 3] * m[13] - m[ 1] * m[15]) -
0537               m[12] * (m[ 1] * m[11] - m[ 3] * m[ 9]);
0539     inv[10] = m[ 0] * (m[ 5] * m[15] - m[ 7] * m[13]) -
0540               m[ 4] * (m[ 1] * m[15] - m[ 3] * m[13]) -
0541               m[12] * (m[ 3] * m[ 5] - m[ 1] * m[ 7]);
0543     inv[11] = m[ 0] * (m[ 7] * m[ 9] - m[ 5] * m[11]) -
0544               m[ 4] * (m[ 3] * m[ 9] - m[ 1] * m[11]) -
0545               m[ 8] * (m[ 1] * m[ 7] - m[ 3] * m[ 5]);
0547     inv[12] = m[ 4] * (m[10] * m[13] - m[ 9] * m[14]) -
0548               m[ 8] * (m[ 6] * m[13] - m[ 5] * m[14]) -
0549               m[12] * (m[ 5] * m[10] - m[ 6] * m[ 9]);
0551     inv[13] = m[ 0] * (m[ 9] * m[14] - m[10] * m[13]) -
0552               m[ 8] * (m[ 1] * m[14] - m[ 2] * m[13]) -
0553               m[12] * (m[ 2] * m[ 9] - m[ 1] * m[10]);
0555     inv[14] = m[ 0] * (m[ 6] * m[13] - m[ 5] * m[14]) -
0556               m[ 4] * (m[ 2] * m[13] - m[ 1] * m[14]) -
0557               m[12] * (m[ 1] * m[ 6] - m[ 2] * m[ 5]);
0559     inv[15] = m[ 0] * (m[ 5] * m[10] - m[ 6] * m[ 9]) -
0560               m[ 4] * (m[ 1] * m[10] - m[ 2] * m[ 9]) -
0561               m[ 8] * (m[ 2] * m[ 5] - m[ 1] * m[ 6]);
0563     theDet = m[0] * inv[ 0] +
0564              m[1] * inv[ 4] +
0565              m[2] * inv[ 8] +
0566              m[3] * inv[12];
0567     if (theDet == 0)
0568     {
0569       return false;
0570     }
0572     const Element_t aDiv = (Element_t) 1. / theDet;
0573     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
0574     {
0575       inv[i] *= aDiv;
0576     }
0577     return true;
0578   }
0580   //! Compute inverted matrix.
0581   //! @param theOutMx [out] the inverted matrix
0582   //! @return true if reversion success
0583   bool Inverted (NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>& theOutMx) const
0584   {
0585     Element_t aDet;
0586     return Inverted (theOutMx, aDet);
0587   }
0589   //! Return inverted matrix.
0590   NCollection_Mat4 Inverted() const
0591   {
0592     NCollection_Mat4 anInv;
0593     if (!Inverted (anInv))
0594     {
0595       throw Standard_ConstructionError ("NCollection_Mat4::Inverted() - matrix has zero determinant");
0596     }
0597     return anInv;
0598   }
0600   //! Return determinant of the 3x3 sub-matrix.
0601   Element_t DeterminantMat3() const
0602   {
0603     return (GetValue (0, 0) * GetValue (1, 1) * GetValue (2, 2)
0604           + GetValue (0, 1) * GetValue (1, 2) * GetValue (2, 0)
0605           + GetValue (0, 2) * GetValue (1, 0) * GetValue (2, 1))
0606          - (GetValue (0, 2) * GetValue (1, 1) * GetValue (2, 0)
0607           + GetValue (0, 0) * GetValue (1, 2) * GetValue (2, 1)
0608           + GetValue (0, 1) * GetValue (1, 0) * GetValue (2, 2));
0609   }
0611   //! Return adjoint (adjugate matrix, e.g. conjugate transpose).
0612   Standard_NODISCARD NCollection_Mat4<Element_t> Adjoint() const
0613   {
0614     NCollection_Mat4<Element_t> aMat;
0615     aMat.SetRow (0, crossVec4 ( GetRow (1), GetRow (2), GetRow (3)));
0616     aMat.SetRow (1, crossVec4 (-GetRow (0), GetRow (2), GetRow (3)));
0617     aMat.SetRow (2, crossVec4 ( GetRow (0), GetRow (1), GetRow (3)));
0618     aMat.SetRow (3, crossVec4 (-GetRow (0), GetRow (1), GetRow (2)));
0619     return aMat;
0620   }
0622   //! Take values from NCollection_Mat4 with a different element type with type conversion.
0623   template <typename Other_t>
0624   void ConvertFrom (const NCollection_Mat4<Other_t>& theFrom)
0625   {
0626     for (int anIdx = 0; anIdx < 16; ++anIdx)
0627     {
0628       myMat[anIdx] = static_cast<Element_t> (theFrom.myMat[anIdx]);
0629     }
0630   }
0632   //! Take values from NCollection_Mat4 with a different element type with type conversion.
0633   template <typename Other_t>
0634   void Convert (const NCollection_Mat4<Other_t>& theFrom) { ConvertFrom (theFrom); }
0636   //! Maps plain C array to matrix type.
0637   static NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>& Map (Element_t* theData)
0638   {
0639     return *reinterpret_cast<NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>*> (theData);
0640   }
0642   //! Maps plain C array to matrix type.
0643   static const NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>& Map (const Element_t* theData)
0644   {
0645     return *reinterpret_cast<const NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>*> (theData);
0646   }
0648   //! Dumps the content of me into the stream
0649   void DumpJson (Standard_OStream& theOStream, Standard_Integer) const
0650   {
0651     OCCT_DUMP_FIELD_VALUES_NUMERICAL (theOStream, "NCollection_Mat4", 16,
0652       GetValue (0, 0),  GetValue (0, 1), GetValue (0, 2),  GetValue (0, 3),
0653       GetValue (1, 0),  GetValue (1, 1), GetValue (1, 2),  GetValue (1, 3),
0654       GetValue (2, 0),  GetValue (2, 1), GetValue (2, 2),  GetValue (2, 3),
0655       GetValue (3, 0),  GetValue (3, 1), GetValue (3, 2),  GetValue (3, 3))
0656   }
0658 private:
0660   //! Cross-product has no direct meaning in 4D space - provided for local usage.
0661   static NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> crossVec4 (const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theA,
0662                                                 const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theB,
0663                                                 const NCollection_Vec4<Element_t>& theC)
0664   {
0665     const Element_t aD1 = (theB.z() * theC.w()) - (theB.w() * theC.z());
0666     const Element_t aD2 = (theB.y() * theC.w()) - (theB.w() * theC.y());
0667     const Element_t aD3 = (theB.y() * theC.z()) - (theB.z() * theC.y());
0668     const Element_t aD4 = (theB.x() * theC.w()) - (theB.w() * theC.x());
0669     const Element_t aD5 = (theB.x() * theC.z()) - (theB.z() * theC.x());
0670     const Element_t aD6 = (theB.x() * theC.y()) - (theB.y() * theC.x());
0672     NCollection_Vec4<Element_t> aVec;
0673     aVec.x() = -theA.y() * aD1 + theA.z() * aD2 - theA.w() * aD3;
0674     aVec.y() =  theA.x() * aD1 - theA.z() * aD4 + theA.w() * aD5;
0675     aVec.z() = -theA.x() * aD2 + theA.y() * aD4 - theA.w() * aD6;
0676     aVec.w() =  theA.x() * aD3 - theA.y() * aD5 + theA.z() * aD6;
0677     return aVec;
0678   }
0680 private:
0682   Element_t myMat[16];
0684 private:
0686   static const Element_t MyZeroArray[16];
0687   static const Element_t MyIdentityArray[16];
0689   // All instantiations are friend to each other
0690   template<class OtherType> friend class NCollection_Mat4;
0692 };
0694 template<typename Element_t>
0695 const Element_t NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>::MyZeroArray[] =
0696   {0, 0, 0, 0,
0697    0, 0, 0, 0,
0698    0, 0, 0, 0,
0699    0, 0, 0, 0};
0701 template<typename Element_t>
0702 const Element_t NCollection_Mat4<Element_t>::MyIdentityArray[] =
0703   {1, 0, 0, 0,
0704    0, 1, 0, 0,
0705    0, 0, 1, 0,
0706    0, 0, 0, 1};
0708 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
0709   #include <type_traits>
0711   static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<NCollection_Mat4<float>>::value, "NCollection_Mat4 is not is_trivially_copyable() structure!");
0712   static_assert(std::is_standard_layout   <NCollection_Mat4<float>>::value, "NCollection_Mat4 is not is_standard_layout() structure!");
0713   static_assert(sizeof(NCollection_Mat4<float>) == sizeof(float)*16,        "NCollection_Mat4 is not packed/aligned!");
0714 #endif
0716 #endif // _NCollection_Mat4_HeaderFile