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0001 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef Interface_Translates_HeaderFile
0015 #define Interface_Translates_HeaderFile
0017 //  Interface_Translates.hxx
0019 //  This set of macros provides some simple translation formula, i.e.
0020 //  from a HSequence to an HArray and reverse
0021 //  Include files for the types of HSequence and HArray1 remain to be called
0022 //  Other kinds of translations remain to be completely written
0024 //  from HSequence to HArray1 : creates the HArray1 if HSequence not empty
0025 //  from HArray1 to HSequence : the HSequence must have been already created
0027 //  SeqToArray(seq,arr,TColStd_HArray1OfReal)  will :
0028 //    consider <seq> input HSequence (here, must be TColStd_HSequenceOfReal)
0029 //    consider <arr> output HArray1, declared but to be created
0030 //    do nothing if <seq> is null or empty; else
0031 //    create <arr> as TColStd_HArrayOfReal(1,seq->Length())
0032 //    then fill each value of <arr> with the homologous from <seq>
0034 //  SeqToArrayFrom(seq,arr,TColStd_HArray1OfReal,lowind)  will :
0035 //    consider <lowind> as an Integer (variable or constant) which defines
0036 //    the desired lower index if different from one
0037 //    do the same thing as SeqToArray if <lowind> equates 1
0038 //    else fixes lower index of <arr> as <lowind>
0040 //  SeqToArrayCast(seq,arr,Interface_HArray1OfHAsciiString,TCollection_HAsciiString)  will :
0041 //    do as SeqToArray, but array values are Handles to be casted
0042 //      (if <seq> does not work with the same type, e.g. Standard_Transient)
0043 //    fill array value by the result of DownCast of the type <typent>
0045 //  ArrayToSeq(arr,seq) will fill <seq> a sequence with the items of <arr> a
0046 //  HArray1. <seq> and <arr> are already created (<seq> can be empty or not)
0047 //  Items from <arr> are considered as compatible with items from <seq>
0048 //    (no DownCast required for Handles)
0051 #define SeqToArrayFrom(seq,arr,typarr,lowind) \
0052 if (!seq.IsNull()) {\
0053     Standard_Integer numseq, lenseq = seq->Length();\
0054     if (lenseq > 0) {\
0055       arr = new typarr (lowind,lenseq+1-lowind);\
0056       for (numseq = 1; numseq <= lenseq; numseq ++)\
0057     arr->SetValue (numseq+1-lowind, seq->Value(numseq));\
0058     }\
0059   }
0061 #define SeqToArray(seq,arr,typarr) \
0062   if (!seq.IsNull()) {\
0063     Standard_Integer numseq, lenseq = seq->Length();\
0064     if (lenseq > 0) {\
0065       arr = new typarr (1,lenseq);\
0066       for (numseq = 1; numseq <= lenseq; numseq ++)\
0067     arr->SetValue (numseq, seq->Value(numseq));\
0068     }\
0069   }
0071 #define SeqToArrayCast(seq,arr,typarr,typent) \
0072   if (!seq.IsNull()) {\
0073     Standard_Integer numseq, lenseq = seq->Length();\
0074     if (lenseq > 0) {\
0075       arr = new typarr (1,lenseq);\
0076       for (numseq = 1; numseq <= lenseq; numseq ++)\
0077     arr->SetValue (numseq, Handle(typent)::DownCast(seq->Value(numseq)));\
0078     }\
0079   }
0081 #define ArrayToSeq (arr,seq)\
0082   {\
0083     Standard_Integer nument, numlow = arr->Lower() , numup = arr->Upper();\
0084     for (nument = numlow; nument <= numup; nument ++)\
0085       seq->Append(arr->Value(nument));\
0086   }
0088 #endif