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0001 //! Created on: 2016-06-03
0002 //! Created by: NIKOLAI BUKHALOV
0003 //! Copyright (c) 2016 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //!
0005 //! This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //!
0007 //! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 //! the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 //! by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 //! OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 //! distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //!
0013 //! Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 //! commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 #ifndef _IntPatch_SpecialPoints_HeaderFile
0017 #define _IntPatch_SpecialPoints_HeaderFile
0019 //! Contains methods to add some special points
0020 //! (such as apex of cone, pole of sphere,
0021 //! point on surface boundary etc.) in the intersection line.
0023 #include <Adaptor3d_Surface.hxx>
0024 #include <IntPatch_SpecPntType.hxx>
0026 class gp_Cone;
0027 class gp_Vec;
0028 class gp_XYZ;
0029 class IntPatch_Point;
0030 class IntSurf_PntOn2S;
0032 template<typename T> class math_VectorBase;
0033 using math_Vector = math_VectorBase<double>;
0035 class IntPatch_SpecialPoints
0036 {
0037 public:
0038   //! Adds the point defined as intersection
0039   //! of two isolines (U = 0 and V = 0) on theQSurf in theLine.
0040   //! theRefPt is used to correct adjusting parameters.
0041   //! If theIsReversed is TRUE then theQSurf correspond to the 
0042   //! second (otherwise, the first) surface while forming
0043   //! intersection point IntSurf_PntOn2S.
0044   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean 
0045                       AddCrossUVIsoPoint(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& theQSurf,
0046                                          const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& thePSurf,
0047                                          const IntSurf_PntOn2S& theRefPt,
0048                                          const Standard_Real theTol3d,
0049                                          IntSurf_PntOn2S& theAddedPoint,
0050                                          const Standard_Boolean theIsReversed
0051                                                                 = Standard_False);
0053   //! Adds the point lain strictly in the isoline U = 0 or V = 0 of theQSurf,
0054   //! in theLine.
0055   //! theRefPt is used to correct adjusting parameters.
0056   //! If theIsReversed is TRUE then theQSurf corresponds to the 
0057   //! second (otherwise, the first) surface while forming
0058   //! intersection point IntSurf_PntOn2S.
0059   //! All math_Vector-objects must be filled as follows:
0060   //!   [1] - U-parameter of thePSurf;
0061   //!   [2] - V-parameter of thePSurf;
0062   //!   [3] - U- (if V-isoline is considered) or V-parameter
0063   //!         (if U-isoline is considered) of theQSurf.
0064   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean
0065                       AddPointOnUorVIso(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& theQSurf,
0066                                         const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& thePSurf,
0067                                         const IntSurf_PntOn2S& theRefPt,
0068                                         const Standard_Boolean theIsU,
0069                                         const Standard_Real theIsoParameter,
0070                                         const math_Vector& theToler,
0071                                         const math_Vector& theInitPoint,
0072                                         const math_Vector& theInfBound,
0073                                         const math_Vector& theSupBound,
0074                                         IntSurf_PntOn2S& theAddedPoint,
0075                                         const Standard_Boolean theIsReversed
0076                                                                 = Standard_False);
0078   //! Computes the pole of sphere to add it in the intersection line.
0079   //! Stores the result in theAddedPoint variable (does not add in the line).
0080   //! At that, cone and sphere (with singularity) must be set in theQSurf parameter.
0081   //! By default (if theIsReversed == FALSE), theQSurf is the first surface of the
0082   //! Walking line. If it is not, theIsReversed parameter must be set to TRUE.
0083   //! theIsReqRefCheck is TRUE if and only if 3D-point of theRefPt must be pole or apex
0084   //! for check (e.g. if it is vertex).
0085   //! thePtIso is the reference point for obtaining isoline where must be placed the Apex/Pole.
0086   //!
0087   //! ATTENTION!!!
0088   //!   theVertex must be initialized before calling the method .
0089   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean
0090                       AddSingularPole(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& theQSurf,
0091                                       const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& thePSurf,
0092                                       const IntSurf_PntOn2S& thePtIso,
0093                                       IntPatch_Point& theVertex,
0094                                       IntSurf_PntOn2S& theAddedPoint,                                      
0095                                       const Standard_Boolean theIsReversed =
0096                                                                 Standard_False,
0097                                       const Standard_Boolean theIsReqRefCheck = 
0098                                                                 Standard_False);
0100   //! Special point has already been added in the line. Now, we need in correct
0101   //! prolongation of the line or in start new line. This function returns new point.
0102   //!
0103   //! ATTENTION!!!
0104   //!   theNewPoint is not only Output parameter. It is Input/Output one. I.e. 
0105   //! theNewPoint is reference point together with theRefPt.
0106   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean
0107                     ContinueAfterSpecialPoint(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& theQSurf,
0108                                               const Handle(Adaptor3d_Surface)& thePSurf,
0109                                               const IntSurf_PntOn2S& theRefPt,
0110                                               const IntPatch_SpecPntType theSPType,
0111                                               const Standard_Real theTol2D,
0112                                               IntSurf_PntOn2S& theNewPoint,
0113                                               const Standard_Boolean theIsReversed
0114                                                                 = Standard_False);
0116   //! Sets theNewPoint parameters in 2D-space the closest to
0117   //! theRefPoint with help of adding/subtracting corresponding periods.
0118   //! theArrPeriods must be filled as follows:
0119   //! {<U-period of 1st surface>, <V-period of 1st surface>,
0120   //!  <U-period of 2nd surface>, <V-period of 2nd surface>}.
0121   //! If theVertex != 0 then its parameters will be filled as
0122   //! corresponding parameters of theNewPoint.
0123   //!
0124   //! ATTENTION!!!
0125   //!   theNewPoint is not only Output parameter. It is Input/Output one. I.e. 
0126   //! theNewPoint is reference point together with theRefPt.
0127   Standard_EXPORT static void 
0128                       AdjustPointAndVertex(const IntSurf_PntOn2S &theRefPoint,
0129                                            const Standard_Real theArrPeriods[4],
0130                                            IntSurf_PntOn2S &theNewPoint,
0131                                            IntPatch_Point* const theVertex = 0);
0133 protected:
0134   //! Computes "special point" in the sphere
0135   //! The parameter will be found in the range [0, 2*PI].
0136   //! Therefore it must be adjusted to valid range by
0137   //! the high-level algorithm
0138   static Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ProcessSphere(const IntSurf_PntOn2S& thePtIso,
0139                                                         const gp_Vec& theDUofPSurf,
0140                                                         const gp_Vec& theDVofPSurf,
0141                                                         const Standard_Boolean theIsReversed,
0142                                                         const Standard_Real theVquad,
0143                                                         Standard_Real& theUquad,
0144                                                         Standard_Boolean& theIsIsoChoosen);
0146   //! Computes "special point" in the cone.
0147   //! The parameter will be found in the range [0, 2*PI].
0148   //! Therefore it must be adjusted to valid range by
0149   //! the high-level algorithm.
0150   static Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ProcessCone(const IntSurf_PntOn2S& thePtIso,
0151                                                       const gp_Vec& theDUofPSurf,
0152                                                       const gp_Vec& theDVofPSurf,
0153                                                       const gp_Cone& theCone,
0154                                                       const Standard_Boolean theIsReversed,
0155                                                       Standard_Real& theUquad,
0156                                                       Standard_Boolean& theIsIsoChoosen);
0158   //! Computes vector tangent to the intersection line in cone apex.
0159   //! There exist not more than 2 tangent. They will be stores in theResult vector.
0160   //! Returns the number of found tangents.
0161   //! thePlnNormal is the normalized vector of the normal to the plane intersected the cone.
0162   static Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer GetTangentToIntLineForCone(const Standard_Real theConeSemiAngle,
0163                                                                      const gp_XYZ& thePlnNormal,
0164                                                                      gp_XYZ theResult[2]);
0165 };
0167 #endif // _IntPatch_AddSpecialPoints_HeaderFile