Warning, /include/opencascade/IntImp_ZerImpFunc.gxx is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
0002 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0003 //
0004 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0005 //
0006 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0007 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0008 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0009 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0010 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0011 //
0012 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0013 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0015 #define EpsAng 1.e-8
0016 #define EpsAng2 1.e-16
0017 #define Tolpetit 1.e-16
0019 #ifndef OCCT_DEBUG
0020 #define No_Standard_RangeError
0021 #define No_Standard_OutOfRange
0022 #endif
0024 #define SURF (*((ThePSurface *)(surf)))
0025 #define FUNC (*((TheISurface *)(func)))
0028 IntImp_ZerImpFunc::IntImp_ZerImpFunc() :
0029 surf(NULL),
0030 func(NULL),
0031 u(0.0),
0032 v(0.0),
0033 tol(0.0),
0034 valf(0.0),
0035 computed(Standard_False),
0036 tangent(Standard_False),
0037 tgdu(0.0),
0038 tgdv(0.0),
0039 derived(Standard_False)
0040 {
0041 }
0043 IntImp_ZerImpFunc::IntImp_ZerImpFunc(const ThePSurface& PS ,
0044 const TheISurface& IS) :
0045 u(0.0),
0046 v(0.0),
0047 tol(0.0),
0048 valf(0.0),
0049 computed(Standard_False),
0050 tangent(Standard_False),
0051 tgdu(0.0),
0052 tgdv(0.0),
0053 derived(Standard_False)
0054 {
0055 surf = (Standard_Address)(&PS);
0056 func = (Standard_Address)(&IS);
0057 }
0059 IntImp_ZerImpFunc::IntImp_ZerImpFunc(const TheISurface& IS) :
0060 surf(NULL),
0061 u(0.0),
0062 v(0.0),
0063 tol(0.0),
0064 valf(0.0),
0065 computed(Standard_False),
0066 tangent(Standard_False),
0067 tgdu(0.0),
0068 tgdv(0.0),
0069 derived(Standard_False)
0070 {
0071 func = (Standard_Address)(&IS);
0072 }
0074 Standard_Integer IntImp_ZerImpFunc::NbVariables() const
0075 {
0076 return 2;
0077 }
0079 Standard_Integer IntImp_ZerImpFunc::NbEquations() const
0080 {
0081 return 1;
0082 }
0084 Standard_Boolean IntImp_ZerImpFunc::Value(const math_Vector& X,
0085 math_Vector& F)
0086 {
0087 u = X(1);
0088 v = X(2);
0089 pntsol = ThePSurfaceTool::Value(SURF, u, v);
0090 valf = TheISurfaceTool::Value(FUNC, pntsol.X(), pntsol.Y(), pntsol.Z());
0091 F(1) = valf;
0092 computed = Standard_False;
0093 derived = Standard_False;
0094 return Standard_True;
0095 }
0097 Standard_Boolean IntImp_ZerImpFunc::Derivatives(const math_Vector& X,
0098 math_Matrix& D)
0099 {
0100 u = X(1);
0101 v = X(2);
0102 ThePSurfaceTool::D1(SURF, u, v, pntsol, d1u, d1v);
0103 TheISurfaceTool::Gradient(FUNC, pntsol.X(), pntsol.Y(), pntsol.Z(),gradient);
0104 D(1,1) = d1u.Dot(gradient);
0105 D(1,2) = d1v.Dot(gradient);
0106 computed = Standard_False;
0107 derived = Standard_True;
0108 return Standard_True;
0109 }
0111 Standard_Boolean IntImp_ZerImpFunc::Values(const math_Vector& X,
0112 math_Vector& F,
0113 math_Matrix& D)
0114 {
0115 u = X(1);
0116 v = X(2);
0117 ThePSurfaceTool::D1(SURF, u, v, pntsol, d1u, d1v);
0118 TheISurfaceTool::ValueAndGradient(FUNC, pntsol.X(), pntsol.Y(), pntsol.Z(),
0119 valf, gradient);
0120 F(1) = valf;
0121 D(1,1) = d1u.Dot(gradient);
0122 D(1,2) = d1v.Dot(gradient);
0123 computed = Standard_False;
0124 derived = Standard_True;
0125 return Standard_True;
0126 }
0128 Standard_Boolean IntImp_ZerImpFunc::IsTangent()
0129 {
0130 if (!computed) {
0131 computed = Standard_True;
0132 if(!derived) {
0133 ThePSurfaceTool::D1(SURF, u, v, pntsol, d1u, d1v);
0134 derived = Standard_True;
0135 }
0137 tgdu = gradient.Dot(d1v);
0138 tgdv = -gradient.Dot(d1u);
0139 Standard_Real N2grad = gradient.SquareMagnitude();
0140 Standard_Real N2grad_EpsAng2 = N2grad * EpsAng2;
0141 Standard_Real N2d1u = d1u.SquareMagnitude();
0142 Standard_Real N2d1v = d1v.SquareMagnitude();
0143 tangent =(tgdu * tgdu <= N2grad_EpsAng2 * N2d1v) &&
0144 (tgdv * tgdv <= N2grad_EpsAng2 * N2d1u);
0145 if(!tangent) {
0146 d3d.SetLinearForm(tgdu,d1u,tgdv,d1v);
0147 d2d = gp_Dir2d(tgdu, tgdv);
0148 if (d3d.Magnitude() <= Tolpetit) { // jag
0149 tangent = Standard_True;
0150 }
0151 }
0152 }
0153 return tangent;
0154 }
0156 #undef EpsAng
0157 #undef EpsAng2
0158 #undef Tolpetit
0159 #undef FUNC
0160 #undef SURF