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0001 // Created on: 1992-12-15
0002 // Created by: Christian CAILLET
0003 // Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _IFSelect_WorkSession_HeaderFile
0018 #define _IFSelect_WorkSession_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0023 #include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
0024 #include <Interface_CheckIterator.hxx>
0025 #include <TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfTransientTransient.hxx>
0026 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
0027 #include <NCollection_Vector.hxx>
0028 #include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
0029 #include <Standard_CString.hxx>
0030 #include <IFSelect_ReturnStatus.hxx>
0031 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0032 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient.hxx>
0033 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger.hxx>
0034 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString.hxx>
0035 #include <IFSelect_RemainMode.hxx>
0036 #include <IFSelect_PrintCount.hxx>
0037 class IFSelect_ShareOut;
0038 class IFSelect_WorkLibrary;
0039 class Interface_Protocol;
0040 class Interface_InterfaceModel;
0041 class Interface_HGraph;
0042 class Interface_GTool;
0044 class IFSelect_ModelCopier;
0045 class IFSelect_Signature;
0046 class TCollection_HAsciiString;
0047 class Interface_Graph;
0048 class IFSelect_IntParam;
0049 class IFSelect_Selection;
0050 class Interface_EntityIterator;
0051 class IFSelect_SelectionIterator;
0052 class IFSelect_SignCounter;
0053 class IFSelect_Dispatch;
0054 class IFSelect_GeneralModifier;
0055 class IFSelect_Modifier;
0056 class IFSelect_Transformer;
0057 class IFSelect_PacketList;
0058 class IFSelect_SignatureList;
0060 class IFSelect_WorkSession;
0061 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(IFSelect_WorkSession, Standard_Transient)
0063 //! This class can be used to simply manage a process such as
0064 //! splitting a file, extracting a set of Entities ...
0065 //! It allows to manage different types of Variables : Integer or
0066 //! Text Parameters, Selections, Dispatches, in addition to a
0067 //! ShareOut. To each of these variables, a unique Integer
0068 //! Identifier is attached. A Name can be attached too as desired.
0069 class IFSelect_WorkSession : public Standard_Transient
0070 {
0072 public:
0074   //! Creates a Work Session
0075   //! It provides default, empty ShareOut and ModelCopier, which can
0076   //! be replaced (if required, should be done just after creation).
0077   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_WorkSession();
0079   //! Changes the Error Handler status (by default, it is not set)
0080   Standard_EXPORT void SetErrorHandle (const Standard_Boolean toHandle);
0082   //! Returns the Error Handler status
0083   Standard_Boolean ErrorHandle() const
0084   { return theerrhand; }
0086   //! Returns the ShareOut defined at creation time
0087   const Handle(IFSelect_ShareOut) & ShareOut() const
0088   { return theshareout; }
0090   //! Sets a new ShareOut. Fills Items which its content
0091   //! Warning : data from the former ShareOut are lost
0092   Standard_EXPORT void SetShareOut (const Handle(IFSelect_ShareOut)& shareout);
0094   //! Set value of mode responsible for presence of selections after loading
0095   //! If mode set to true that different selections will be accessible after loading
0096   //! else selections will be not accessible after loading( for economy memory in applications)
0097   void SetModeStat (const Standard_Boolean theMode)
0098   { themodelstat = theMode; }
0100   //! Return value of mode defining of filling selection during loading
0101   Standard_Boolean GetModeStat() const
0102   { return themodelstat; }
0104   //! Sets a WorkLibrary, which will be used to Read and Write Files
0105   void SetLibrary (const Handle(IFSelect_WorkLibrary) &theLib)
0106   { thelibrary = theLib; }
0108   //! Returns the WorkLibrary. Null Handle if not yet set
0109   //! should be C++ : return const &
0110   const Handle(IFSelect_WorkLibrary) & WorkLibrary() const
0111   { return thelibrary; }
0113   //! Sets a Protocol, which will be used to determine Graphs, to
0114   //! Read and to Write Files
0115   Standard_EXPORT void SetProtocol (const Handle(Interface_Protocol)& protocol);
0117   //! Returns the Protocol. Null Handle if not yet set
0118   //! should be C++ : return const &
0119   const Handle(Interface_Protocol) & Protocol() const
0120   { return theprotocol; }
0122   //! Sets a specific Signature to be the SignType, i.e. the
0123   //! Signature which will determine TypeName from the Model
0124   //! (basic function). It is recorded in the GTool
0125   //! This Signature is also set as "xst-sign-type" (reserved name)
0126   Standard_EXPORT void SetSignType (const Handle(IFSelect_Signature)& signtype);
0128   //! Returns the current SignType
0129   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Signature) SignType() const;
0131   //! Returns True is a Model has been set
0132   Standard_Boolean HasModel() const
0133   { return (!myModel.IsNull()); }
0135   //! Sets a Model as input : this will be the Model from which the
0136   //! ShareOut will work
0137   //! if <clearpointed> is True (default) all SelectPointed items
0138   //! are cleared, else they must be managed by the caller
0139   //! Remark : SetModel clears the Graph, recomputes it if a
0140   //! Protocol is set and if the Model is not empty, of course
0141   Standard_EXPORT void SetModel (const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel)& model, const Standard_Boolean clearpointed = Standard_True);
0143   //! Returns the Model of the Work Session (Null Handle if none)
0144   //! should be C++ : return const &
0145   const Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) & Model () const
0146   { return myModel; }
0148   //! Stores the filename used for read for setting the model
0149   //! It is cleared by SetModel and ClearData(1)
0150   void SetLoadedFile (const Standard_CString theFileName)
0151   { theloaded = theFileName; }
0153   //! Returns the filename used to load current model
0154   //! empty if unknown
0155   Standard_CString LoadedFile() const
0156   { return theloaded.ToCString(); }
0158   //! Reads a file with the WorkLibrary (sets Model and LoadedFile)
0159   //! Returns a integer status which can be :
0160   //! RetDone if OK,  RetVoid if no Protocol not defined,
0161   //! RetError for file not found, RetFail if fail during read
0162   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus ReadFile (const Standard_CString filename);
0164   //! Reads a file from stream with the WorkLibrary (sets Model and LoadedFile)
0165   //! Returns a integer status which can be :
0166   //! RetDone if OK,  RetVoid if no Protocol not defined,
0167   //! RetError for file not found, RetFail if fail during read
0168   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus ReadStream (const Standard_CString theName, std::istream& theIStream);
0170   //! Returns the count of Entities stored in the Model, or 0
0171   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbStartingEntities() const;
0173   //! Returns an  Entity stored in the Model of the WorkSession
0174   //! (Null Handle is no Model or num out of range)
0175   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) StartingEntity (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0177   //! Returns the Number of an Entity in the Model
0178   //! (0 if no Model set or <ent> not in the Model)
0179   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer StartingNumber (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0181   //! From a given label in Model, returns the corresponding number
0182   //! Starts from first entity by Default, may start after a given
0183   //! number : this number may be given negative, its absolute value
0184   //! is then considered. Hence a loop on NumberFromLabel may be
0185   //! programmed (stop test is : returned value positive or null)
0186   //!
0187   //! Returns 0 if not found, < 0 if more than one found (first
0188   //! found in negative).
0189   //! If <val> just gives an integer value, returns it
0190   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NumberFromLabel (const Standard_CString val, const Standard_Integer afternum = 0) const;
0192   //! Returns the label for <ent>, as the Model does
0193   //! If <ent> is not in the Model or if no Model is loaded, a Null
0194   //! Handle is returned
0195   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) EntityLabel (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0197   //! Returns the Name of an Entity
0198   //! This Name is computed by the general service Name
0199   //! Returns a Null Handle if fails
0200   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) EntityName (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0202   //! Returns the Category Number determined for an entity
0203   //! it is computed by the class Category
0204   //! An unknown entity (number 0) gives a value -1
0205   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer CategoryNumber (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0207   //! Returns the Category Name determined for an entity
0208   //! it is computed by the class Category
0209   //! Remark : an unknown entity gives an empty string
0210   Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString CategoryName (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0212   //! Returns the Validity Name determined for an entity
0213   //! it is computed by the class SignValidity
0214   //! Remark : an unknown entity gives an empty string
0215   Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString ValidityName (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0217   //! Clears recorded data (not the items) according mode :
0218   //! 1 : all Data : Model, Graph, CheckList, + ClearData 4
0219   //! 2 : Graph and CheckList (they will then be recomputed later)
0220   //! 3 : CheckList (it will be recomputed by ComputeCheck)
0221   //! 4 : just content of SelectPointed and Counters
0222   //! Plus 0 : does nothing but called by SetModel
0223   //! ClearData is virtual, hence it can be redefined to clear
0224   //! other data of a specialised Work Session
0225   Standard_EXPORT virtual void ClearData (const Standard_Integer mode);
0227   //! Computes the Graph used for Selections, Displays ...
0228   //! If a HGraph is already set, with same model as given by method
0229   //! Model, does nothing. Else, computes a new Graph.
0230   //! If <enforce> is given True, computes a new Graph anyway.
0231   //! Remark that a call to ClearGraph will cause ComputeGraph to
0232   //! really compute a new Graph
0233   //! Returns True if Graph is OK, False else (i.e. if no Protocol
0234   //! is set, or if Model is absent or empty).
0235   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ComputeGraph (const Standard_Boolean enforce = Standard_False);
0237   //! Returns the Computed Graph as HGraph (Null Handle if not set)
0238   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Interface_HGraph) HGraph();
0240   //! Returns the Computed Graph, for Read only
0241   Standard_EXPORT const Interface_Graph& Graph();
0243   //! Returns the list of entities shared by <ent> (can be empty)
0244   //! Returns a null Handle if <ent> is unknown
0245   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) Shareds (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent);
0247   //! Returns the list of entities sharing <ent> (can be empty)
0248   //! Returns a null Handle if <ent> is unknown
0249   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) Sharings (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent);
0251   //! Returns True if a Model is defined and really loaded (not
0252   //! empty), a Protocol is set and a Graph has been computed.
0253   //! In this case, the WorkSession can start to work
0254   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsLoaded() const;
0256   //! Computes the CheckList for the Model currently loaded
0257   //! It can then be used for displays, queries ...
0258   //! Returns True if OK, False else (i.e. no Protocol set, or Model
0259   //! absent). If <enforce> is False, works only if not already done
0260   //! or if a new Model has been loaded from last call.
0261   //! Remark : computation is enforced by every call to
0262   //! SetModel or RunTransformer
0263   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ComputeCheck (const Standard_Boolean enforce = Standard_False);
0265   //! Returns the Check List for the Model currently loaded :
0266   //! <complete> = True  : complete (syntactic & semantic messages),
0267   //! computed if not yet done
0268   //! <complete> = False : only syntactic (check file form)
0269   Standard_EXPORT Interface_CheckIterator ModelCheckList (const Standard_Boolean complete = Standard_True);
0271   //! Returns a Check for a single entity, under the form of a
0272   //! CheckIterator (this gives only one form for the user)
0273   //! if <ent> is Null or equates the current Model, it gives the
0274   //! Global Check, else the Check for the given entity
0275   //! <complete> as for ModelCheckList
0276   Standard_EXPORT Interface_CheckIterator CheckOne (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Standard_Boolean complete = Standard_True);
0278   //! Returns the Check List produced by the last execution of
0279   //! either : EvaluateFile(for Split), SendSplit, SendAll,
0280   //! SendSelected, RunTransformer-RunModifier
0281   //! Cleared by SetModel or ClearData(1)
0282   //! The field is protected, hence a specialized WorkSession may
0283   //! fill it
0284   Interface_CheckIterator LastRunCheckList() const
0285   { return thecheckrun; }
0287   //! Returns the Maximum Value for an Item Identifier. It can be
0288   //! greater to the count of known Items, because some can have
0289   //! been removed
0290   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer MaxIdent() const;
0292   //! Returns an Item, given its Ident. Returns a Null Handle if
0293   //! no Item corresponds to this Ident.
0294   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) Item (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0296   //! Returns the Ident attached to an Item in the WorkSession, or
0297   //! Zero if it is unknown
0298   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer ItemIdent (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item) const;
0300   //! Returns the Item which corresponds to a Variable, given its
0301   //! Name (whatever the type of this Item).
0302   //! Returns a Null Handle if this Name is not recorded
0303   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) NamedItem (const Standard_CString name) const;
0305   //! Same as above, but <name> is given through a Handle
0306   //! Especially useful with methods SelectionNames, etc...
0307   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) NamedItem (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& name) const;
0309   //! Returns the Ident attached to a Name, 0 if name not recorded
0310   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NameIdent (const Standard_CString name) const;
0312   //! Returns True if an Item of the WorkSession has an attached Name
0313   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasName (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item) const;
0315   //! Returns the Name attached to an Item as a Variable of this
0316   //! WorkSession. If <item> is Null or not recorded, returns an
0317   //! empty string.
0318   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) Name (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item) const;
0320   //! Adds an Item and returns its attached Ident. Does nothing
0321   //! if <item> is already recorded (and returns its attached Ident)
0322   //! <active> if True commands call to SetActive (see below)
0323   //! Remark : the determined Ident is used if <item> is a Dispatch,
0324   //! to fill the ShareOut
0325   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer AddItem (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item, const Standard_Boolean active = Standard_True);
0327   //! Adds an Item with an attached Name. If the Name is already
0328   //! known in the WorkSession, the older item losts it
0329   //! Returns Ident if Done, 0 else, i.e. if <item> is null
0330   //! If <name> is empty, works as AddItem (i.e. with no name)
0331   //! If <item> is already known but with no attached Name, this
0332   //! method tries to attached a Name to it
0333   //! <active> if True commands call to SetActive (see below)
0334   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer AddNamedItem (const Standard_CString name, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item, const Standard_Boolean active = Standard_True);
0336   //! Following the type of <item> :
0337   //! - Dispatch : Adds or Removes it in the ShareOut & FileNaming
0338   //! - GeneralModifier : Adds or Removes it for final sending
0339   //! (i.e. in the ModelCopier)
0340   //! Returns True if it did something, False else (state unchanged)
0341   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetActive (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item, const Standard_Boolean mode);
0343   //! Removes an Item from the Session, given its Name
0344   //! Returns True if Done, False else (Name not recorded)
0345   //! (Applies only on Item which are Named)
0346   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveNamedItem (const Standard_CString name);
0348   //! Removes a Name without removing the Item
0349   //! Returns True if Done, False else (Name not recorded)
0350   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveName (const Standard_CString name);
0352   //! Removes an Item given its Ident. Returns False if <id> is
0353   //! attached to no Item in the WorkSession. For a Named Item,
0354   //! also removes its Name.
0355   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveItem (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item);
0357   //! Clears all the recorded Items : Selections, Dispatches,
0358   //! Modifiers, and Strings & IntParams, with their Idents & Names.
0359   //! Remark that if a Model has been loaded, it is not cleared.
0360   Standard_EXPORT void ClearItems();
0362   //! Returns a Label which illustrates the content of an Item,
0363   //! given its Ident. This Label is :
0364   //! - for a Text Parameter, "Text:<text value>"
0365   //! - for an Integer Parameter, "Integer:<integer value>"
0366   //! - for a Selection, a Dispatch or a Modifier, its Label
0367   //! (see these classes)
0368   //! - for any other kind of Variable, its cdl type
0369   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) ItemLabel (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0371   //! Fills a Sequence with the List of Idents attached to the Items
0372   //! of which Type complies with (IsKind) <type> (alphabetic order)
0373   //! Remark : <type> = TYPE(Standard_Transient) gives all the
0374   //! Idents which are suitable in the WorkSession
0375   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) ItemIdents (const Handle(Standard_Type)& type) const;
0377   //! Fills a Sequence with the list of the Names attached to Items
0378   //! of which Type complies with (IsKind) <type> (alphabetic order)
0379   //! Remark : <type> = TYPE(Standard_Transient) gives all the Names
0380   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString) ItemNames (const Handle(Standard_Type)& type) const;
0382   //! Fills a Sequence with the NAMES of the control items, of which
0383   //! the label matches <label> (contain it) : see NextIdentForLabel
0384   //! Search mode is fixed to "contained"
0385   //! If <label> is empty, returns all Names
0386   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString) ItemNamesForLabel (const Standard_CString label) const;
0388   //! For query by Label with possible iterations
0389   //! Searches the Ident of which Item has a Label which matches a
0390   //! given one, the search starts from an initial Ident.
0391   //! Returns the first found Ident which follows <id>, or ZERO
0392   //!
0393   //! The search must start with <id> = 0, it returns the next Ident
0394   //! which matches. To iterate, call again this method which this
0395   //! returned value as <id>. Once an Ident has been returned, the
0396   //! Item can be obtained by the method Item
0397   //!
0398   //! <mode> precises the required matching mode :
0399   //! - 0 (Default) : <label> must match exactly with the Item Label
0400   //! - 1 : <label> must match the exact beginning (the end is free)
0401   //! - 2 : <label> must be at least once wherever in the Item Label
0402   //! - other values are ignored
0403   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NextIdentForLabel (const Standard_CString label, const Standard_Integer id, const Standard_Integer mode = 0) const;
0405   //! Creates a parameter as being bound to a Static
0406   //! If the Static is Integer, this creates an IntParam bound to
0407   //! it by its name. Else this creates a String which is the value
0408   //! of the Static.
0409   //! Returns a null handle if <statname> is unknown as a Static
0410   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) NewParamFromStatic (const Standard_CString statname, const Standard_CString name = "");
0412   //! Returns an IntParam, given its Ident in the Session
0413   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for an IntParam
0414   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0415   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_IntParam) IntParam (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0417   //! Returns Integer Value of an IntParam
0418   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer IntValue (const Handle(IFSelect_IntParam)& it) const;
0420   //! Creates a new IntParam. A Name can be set (Optional)
0421   //! Returns the created IntParam, or a Null Handle in case of
0422   //! Failure (see AddItem/AddNamedItem)
0423   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_IntParam) NewIntParam (const Standard_CString name = "");
0425   //! Changes the Integer Value of an IntParam
0426   //! Returns True if Done, False if <it> is not in the WorkSession
0427   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetIntValue (const Handle(IFSelect_IntParam)& it, const Standard_Integer val);
0429   //! Returns a TextParam, given its Ident in the Session
0430   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a TextParam
0431   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0432   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) TextParam (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0434   //! Returns Text Value of a TextParam (a String)
0435   //! or an empty string if <it> is not in the WorkSession
0436   Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString TextValue (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& par) const;
0438   //! Creates a new (empty) TextParam. A Name can be set (Optional)
0439   //! Returns the created TextParam (as an HAsciiString), or a Null
0440   //! Handle in case of Failure (see AddItem/AddNamedItem)
0441   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) NewTextParam (const Standard_CString name = "");
0443   //! Changes the Text Value of a TextParam (an HAsciiString)
0444   //! Returns True if Done, False if <it> is not in the WorkSession
0445   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetTextValue (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& par, const Standard_CString val);
0447   //! Returns a Signature, given its Ident in the Session
0448   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a Signature
0449   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0450   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Signature) Signature (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0452   //! Returns the Value computed by a Signature for an Entity
0453   //! Returns an empty string if the entity does not belong to the
0454   //! loaded model
0455   Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString SignValue (const Handle(IFSelect_Signature)& sign, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0457   //! Returns a Selection, given its Ident in the Session
0458   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a Selection
0459   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0460   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Selection) Selection (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0462   //! Evaluates the effect of a Selection applied on the input Model
0463   //! Returned Result remains empty if no input Model has been set
0464   Standard_EXPORT Interface_EntityIterator EvalSelection (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
0466   //! Returns the Selections which are source of Selection, given
0467   //! its rank in the List of Selections (see SelectionIterator)
0468   //! Returned value is empty if <num> is out of range or if
0469   //! <sel> is not in the WorkSession
0470   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_SelectionIterator Sources (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
0472   //! Returns the result of a Selection, computed by EvalSelection
0473   //! (see above) under the form of a HSequence (hence, it can be
0474   //! used by a frontal-engine logic). It can be empty
0475   //! Returns a Null Handle if <sel> is not in the WorkSession
0476   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) SelectionResult (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
0478   //! Returns the result of a Selection, by forcing its input with
0479   //! a given list <list> (unless <list> is Null).
0480   //! RULES :
0481   //! <list> applies only for a SelectDeduct kind Selection :
0482   //! its Input is considered : if it is a SelectDeduct kind
0483   //! Selection, its Input is considered, etc... until an Input
0484   //! is not a Deduct/Extract : its result is replaced by <list>
0485   //! and all the chain of deductions is applied
0486   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) SelectionResultFromList (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& list) const;
0488   //! Sets a Selection as input for an item, according its type :
0489   //! if <item> is a Dispatch : as Final Selection
0490   //! if <item> is a GeneralModifier (i.e. any kind of Modifier) :
0491   //! as Selection used to filter entities to modify
0492   //! <sel>  Null  causes this Selection to be nullified
0493   //! Returns False if <item> is not of a suitable type, or
0494   //! <item> or <sel> is not in the WorkSession
0495   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetItemSelection (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel);
0497   //! Resets input Selection which was set by SetItemSelection
0498   //! Same conditions as for SetItemSelection
0499   //! Returns True if done, False if <item> is not in the WorkSession
0500   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ResetItemSelection (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item);
0502   //! Returns the Selection of a Dispatch or a GeneralModifier.
0503   //! Returns a Null Handle if none is defined or <item> not good type
0504   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Selection) ItemSelection (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item) const;
0506   //! Returns a SignCounter from its ident in the Session
0507   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a SignCounter
0508   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0509   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_SignCounter) SignCounter (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0511   //! Computes the content of a SignCounter when it is defined with
0512   //! a Selection, then returns True
0513   //! Returns False if the SignCounter is not defined with a
0514   //! Selection, or if its Selection Mode is inhibited
0515   //! <forced> to work around optimisations
0516   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ComputeCounter (const Handle(IFSelect_SignCounter)& counter, const Standard_Boolean forced = Standard_False);
0518   //! Computes the content of a SignCounter from an input list
0519   //! If <list> is Null, uses internal definition of the Counter :
0520   //! a Selection, else the whole Model (recomputation forced)
0521   //! If <clear> is True (D), starts from scratch
0522   //! Else, cumulates computations
0523   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ComputeCounterFromList (const Handle(IFSelect_SignCounter)& counter, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& list, const Standard_Boolean clear = Standard_True);
0525   //! Returns the ordered list of dispatches stored by the ShareOut
0526   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) AppliedDispatches() const;
0528   //! Clears the list of Dispatches recorded by the ShareOut
0529   //! if <only> disp is True, tha's all. Else, clears also the lists
0530   //! of Modifiers recorded by the ShareOut
0531   Standard_EXPORT void ClearShareOut (const Standard_Boolean onlydisp);
0533   //! Returns a Dispatch, given its Ident in the Session
0534   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a Dispatch
0535   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0536   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch) Dispatch (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0538   //! Returns the rank of a Dispatch in the ShareOut, or 0 if <disp>
0539   //! is not in the ShareOut or not in the WorkSession
0540   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer DispatchRank (const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& disp) const;
0542   //! Gives access to the complete ModelCopier
0543   const Handle(IFSelect_ModelCopier) & ModelCopier() const
0544   { return thecopier; }
0546   //! Sets a new ModelCopier. Fills Items which its content
0547   Standard_EXPORT void SetModelCopier (const Handle(IFSelect_ModelCopier)& copier);
0549   //! Returns the count of Modifiers applied to final sending
0550   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0551   //! (i.e. Modifiers which apply once the Models have been filled)
0552   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbFinalModifiers (const Standard_Boolean formodel) const;
0554   //! Fills a Sequence with a list of Idents, those attached to
0555   //! the Modifiers applied to final sending.
0556   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0557   //! This list is given in the order in which they will be applied
0558   //! (which takes into account the Changes to Modifier Ranks)
0559   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) FinalModifierIdents (const Standard_Boolean formodel) const;
0561   //! Returns a Modifier, given its Ident in the Session
0562   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a Modifier
0563   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0564   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier) GeneralModifier (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0566   //! Returns a Model Modifier, given its Ident in the Session,
0567   //! i.e. typed as a Modifier (not simply a GeneralModifier)
0568   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a Modifier
0569   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0570   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Modifier) ModelModifier (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0572   //! Returns the Rank of a Modifier given its Ident. Model or File
0573   //! Modifier according its type (ModelModifier or not)
0574   //! Remember that Modifiers are applied sequentially following
0575   //! their Rank : first Model Modifiers then File Modifiers
0576   //! Rank is given by rank of call to AddItem and can be
0577   //! changed by ChangeModifierRank
0578   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer ModifierRank (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& item) const;
0580   //! Changes the Rank of a Modifier in the Session :
0581   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0582   //! the Modifier n0 <before> is put to n0 <after>
0583   //! Return True if Done, False if <before> or <after> out of range
0584   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ChangeModifierRank (const Standard_Boolean formodel, const Standard_Integer before, const Standard_Integer after);
0586   //! Removes all the Modifiers active in the ModelCopier : they
0587   //! become inactive and they are removed from the Session
0588   Standard_EXPORT void ClearFinalModifiers();
0590   //! Sets a GeneralModifier to be applied to an item :
0591   //! - item = ShareOut : applies for final sending (all dispatches)
0592   //! - item is a Dispatch : applies for this dispatch only
0593   //! Returns True if done, False if <modif> or <item> not in <me>
0594   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetAppliedModifier (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modif, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item);
0596   //! Resets a GeneralModifier to be applied
0597   //! Returns True if done, False if <modif> was not applied
0598   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ResetAppliedModifier (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modif);
0600   //! Returns the item on which a GeneralModifier is applied :
0601   //! the ShareOut, or a given Dispatch
0602   //! Returns a Null Handle if <modif> is not applied
0603   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) UsesAppliedModifier (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modif) const;
0605   //! Returns a Transformer, given its Ident in the Session
0606   //! Null result if <id> is not suitable for a Transformer
0607   //! (undefined, or defined for another kind of variable)
0608   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Transformer) Transformer (const Standard_Integer id) const;
0610   //! Runs a Transformer on starting Model, which can then be edited
0611   //! or replaced by a new one. The Protocol can also be changed.
0612   //! Fills LastRunCheckList
0613   //!
0614   //! Returned status is 0 if nothing done (<transf> or model
0615   //! undefined), positive if OK, negative else :
0616   //! 0  : Nothing done
0617   //! 1  : OK, edition on the spot with no change to the graph
0618   //! of dependances (purely local)
0619   //! 2  : OK, model edited on the spot (graph recomputed, may
0620   //! have changed), protocol unchanged
0621   //! 3  : OK, new model produced, same protocol
0622   //! 4  : OK, model edited on the spot (graph recomputed),
0623   //! but protocol has changed
0624   //! 5  : OK, new model produced, protocol has changed
0625   //! -1 : Error on the spot (slight changes), data may be corrupted
0626   //! (remark : corruption should not be profound)
0627   //! -2 : Error on edition the spot, data may be corrupted
0628   //! (checking them is recommended)
0629   //! -3 : Error with a new data set, transformation ignored
0630   //! -4 : OK as 4, but graph of dependances count not be recomputed
0631   //! (the former one is kept) : check the protocol
0632   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer RunTransformer (const Handle(IFSelect_Transformer)& transf);
0634   //! Runs a Modifier on Starting Model. It can modify entities, or
0635   //! add new ones. But the Model or the Protocol is unchanged.
0636   //! The Modifier is applied on each entity of the Model. See also
0637   //! RunModifierSelected
0638   //! Fills LastRunCheckList
0639   //!
0640   //! <copy> : if True, a new data set is produced which brings
0641   //! the modifications (Model + its Entities)
0642   //! if False, data are modified on the spot
0643   //!
0644   //! It works through a TransformStandard defined with <modif>
0645   //! Returned status as RunTransformer : 0 nothing done, >0 OK,
0646   //! <0 problem, but only between -3 and 3 (protocol unchanged)
0647   //! Remark : <copy> True will give <effect> = 3 or -3
0648   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer RunModifier (const Handle(IFSelect_Modifier)& modif, const Standard_Boolean copy);
0650   //! Acts as RunModifier, but the Modifier is applied on the list
0651   //! determined by a Selection, rather than on the whole Model
0652   //! If the selection is a null handle, the whole model is taken
0653   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer RunModifierSelected (const Handle(IFSelect_Modifier)& modif, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Standard_Boolean copy);
0655   //! Creates and returns a TransformStandard, empty, with its
0656   //! Copy Option (True = Copy, False = On the Spot) and an
0657   //! optional name.
0658   //! To a TransformStandard, the method SetAppliedModifier applies
0659   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Transformer) NewTransformStandard (const Standard_Boolean copy, const Standard_CString name = "");
0661   //! Defines a new content from the former one
0662   //! If <keep> is True, it is given by entities selected by
0663   //! Selection <sel>  (and all shared entities)
0664   //! Else, it is given by all the former content but entities
0665   //! selected by the Selection <sel> (and properly shared ones)
0666   //! Returns True if done. Returns False if the selected list
0667   //! (from <sel>) is empty, hence nothing is done
0668   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetModelContent (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Standard_Boolean keep);
0670   //! Returns the defined File Prefix. Null Handle if not defined
0671   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) FilePrefix() const;
0673   //! Returns the defined Default File Root. It is used for
0674   //! Dispatches which have no specific root attached.
0675   //! Null Handle if not defined
0676   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) DefaultFileRoot() const;
0678   //! Returns the defined File Extension. Null Handle if not defined
0679   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) FileExtension() const;
0681   //! Returns the File Root defined for a Dispatch. Null if no
0682   //! Root Name is defined for it (hence, no File will be produced)
0683   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) FileRoot (const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& disp) const;
0685   //! Defines a File Prefix
0686   Standard_EXPORT void SetFilePrefix (const Standard_CString name);
0688   //! Defines a Default File Root Name. Clears it is <name> = ""
0689   //! Returns True if OK, False if <name> already set for a Dispatch
0690   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetDefaultFileRoot (const Standard_CString name);
0692   //! Defines a File Extension
0693   Standard_EXPORT void SetFileExtension (const Standard_CString name);
0695   //! Defines a Root for a Dispatch
0696   //! If <name> is empty, clears Root Name
0697   //! This has as effect to inhibit the production of File by <disp>
0698   //! Returns False if <disp> is not in the WorkSession or if a
0699   //! root name is already defined for it
0700   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetFileRoot (const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& disp, const Standard_CString name);
0702   //! Extracts File Root Name from a given complete file name
0703   //! (uses OSD_Path)
0704   Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString GiveFileRoot (const Standard_CString file) const;
0706   //! Completes a file name as required, with Prefix and Extension
0707   //! (if defined; for a non-defined item, completes nothing)
0708   Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString GiveFileComplete (const Standard_CString file) const;
0710   //! Erases all stored data from the File Evaluation
0711   //! (i.e. ALL former naming information are lost)
0712   Standard_EXPORT void ClearFile();
0714   //! Performs and stores a File Evaluation. The Results are a List
0715   //! of produced Models and a List of names (Strings), in parallel
0716   //! Fills LastRunCheckList
0717   Standard_EXPORT void EvaluateFile();
0719   //! Returns the count of produced Models
0720   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbFiles() const;
0722   //! Returns a Model, given its rank in the Evaluation List
0723   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) FileModel (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0725   //! Returns the name of a file corresponding to a produced Model,
0726   //! given its rank in the Evaluation List
0727   Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString FileName (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0729   //! Commands file sending to clear the list of already sent files,
0730   //! commands to record a new one if <record> is True
0731   //! This list is managed by the ModelCopier when SendSplit is called
0732   //! It allows a global exploitation of the set of sent files
0733   Standard_EXPORT void BeginSentFiles (const Standard_Boolean record);
0735   //! Returns the list of recorded sent files, or a Null Handle is
0736   //! recording has not been enabled
0737   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfHAsciiString) SentFiles() const;
0739   //! Performs creation of derived files from the input Model
0740   //! Takes its data (sub-models and names), from result EvaluateFile
0741   //! if active, else by dynamic Evaluation (not stored)
0742   //! After SendSplit, result of EvaluateFile is Cleared
0743   //! Fills LastRunCheckList
0744   //!
0745   //! Works with the WorkLibrary which acts on specific type of Model
0746   //! and can work with File Modifiers (managed by the Model Copier)
0747   //! and a ModelCopier, which can work with Model Modifiers
0748   //! Returns False if, either WorkLibrary has failed on at least
0749   //! one sub-file, or the Work Session is badly conditioned
0750   //! (no Model defined, or FileNaming not in phase with ShareOut)
0751   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SendSplit();
0753   //! Returns an Evaluation of the whole ShareOut definition : i.e.
0754   //! how the entities of the starting model are forecast to be sent
0755   //! to various files :  list of packets according the dispatches,
0756   //! effective lists of roots for each packet (which determine the
0757   //! content of the corresponding file); plus evaluation of which
0758   //! entities are : forgotten (sent into no file), duplicated (sent
0759   //! into more than one file), sent into a given file.
0760   //! See the class PacketList for more details.
0761   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_PacketList) EvalSplit() const;
0763   //! Returns the list of Entities sent in files, accourding the
0764   //! count of files each one has been sent (these counts are reset
0765   //! by SetModel or SetRemaining(Forget) ) stored in Graph Status
0766   //! <count> = -1 (default) is for ENtities sent at least once
0767   //! <count> = 0 is for the Remaining List (entities not yet sent)
0768   //! <count> = 1 is for entities sent in one and only one file
0769   //! (the ideal case)
0770   //! Remaining Data are computed on each Sending/Copying output
0771   //! files (see methods EvaluateFile and SendSplit)
0772   //! Graph Status is 0 for Remaining Entity, <count> for Sent into
0773   //! <count> files
0774   //! This status is set to 0 (not yet sent) for all by SetModel
0775   //! and by SetRemaining(mode=Forget,Display)
0776   Standard_EXPORT Interface_EntityIterator SentList (const Standard_Integer count = -1) const;
0778   //! Returns the greater count of different files in which any of
0779   //! the starting entities could be sent.
0780   //! Before any file output, this count is 0.
0781   //! Ideal count is 1. More than 1 means that duplications occur.
0782   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer MaxSendingCount() const;
0784   //! Processes Remaining data (after having sent files), mode :
0785   //! Forget  : forget remaining info (i.e. clear all "Sent" status)
0786   //! Compute : compute and keep remaining (does nothing if :
0787   //! remaining is empty or if no files has been sent)
0788   //! Display : display entities recorded as remaining
0789   //! Undo    : restore former state of data (after Remaining(1) )
0790   //! Returns True if OK, False else (i.e. mode = 2 and Remaining
0791   //! List is either empty or takes all the entities, or mode = 3
0792   //! and no former computation of remaining data was done)
0793   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetRemaining (const IFSelect_RemainMode mode);
0795   //! Sends the starting Model into one file, without splitting,
0796   //! managing remaining data or anything else.
0797   //! <computegraph> true commands the Graph to be recomputed before
0798   //! sending : required when a Model is filled in several steps
0799   //!
0800   //! The Model and File Modifiers recorded to be applied on sending
0801   //! files are.
0802   //! Returns a status of execution :
0803   //! Done if OK,
0804   //! Void if no data available,
0805   //! Error if errors occurred (work library is not defined), errors during translation
0806   //! Fail if exception during translation is raised
0807   //! Stop if no disk space or disk, file is write protected
0808   //! Fills LastRunCheckList
0809   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus SendAll (const Standard_CString filename, const Standard_Boolean computegraph = Standard_False);
0811   //! Sends a part of the starting Model into one file, without
0812   //! splitting. But remaining data are managed.
0813   //! <computegraph> true commands the Graph to be recomputed before
0814   //! sending : required when a Model is filled in several steps
0815   //!
0816   //! The Model and File Modifiers recorded to be applied on sending
0817   //! files are.
0818   //! Returns a status : Done if OK,  Fail if error during send,
0819   //! Error : WorkLibrary not defined, Void : selection list empty
0820   //! Fills LastRunCheckList
0821   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus SendSelected (const Standard_CString filename, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Standard_Boolean computegraph = Standard_False);
0823   //! Writes the current Interface Model globally to a File, and
0824   //! returns a write status which can be :
0825   //! Done OK, Fail file could not be written, Error no norm is selected
0826   //! Remark  : It is a simple, one-file writing, other operations are
0827   //! available (such as splitting ...) which calls SendAll
0828   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus WriteFile (const Standard_CString filename);
0830   //! Writes a sub-part of the current Interface Model to a File,
0831   //! as defined by a Selection <sel>, recomputes the Graph, and
0832   //! returns a write status which can be :
0833   //! Done OK, Fail file could not be written, Error no norm is selected
0834   //! Remark  : It is a simple, one-file writing, other operations are
0835   //! available (such as splitting ...) which calls SendSelected
0836   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ReturnStatus WriteFile (const Standard_CString filename, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel);
0838   //! Returns the count of Input Selections known for a Selection,
0839   //! or 0 if <sel> not in the WorkSession. This count is one for a
0840   //! SelectDeduct / SelectExtract kind, two for SelectControl kind,
0841   //! variable for a SelectCombine (Union/Intersection), zero else
0842   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbSources (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
0844   //! Returns the <num>th Input Selection of a Selection
0845   //! (see NbSources).
0846   //! Returns a Null Handle if <sel> is not in the WorkSession or if
0847   //! <num> is out of the range <1-NbSources>
0848   //! To obtain more details, see the method Sources
0849   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Selection) Source (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Standard_Integer num = 1) const;
0851   //! Returns True if <sel> a Reversed SelectExtract, False else
0852   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsReversedSelectExtract (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
0854   //! Toggles the Sense (Direct <-> Reversed) of a SelectExtract
0855   //! Returns True if Done, False if <sel> is not a SelectExtract or
0856   //! is not in the WorkSession
0857   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ToggleSelectExtract (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel);
0859   //! Sets an Input Selection (as <input>) to a SelectExtract or
0860   //! a SelectDeduct (as <sel>).
0861   //! Returns True if Done, False if <sel> is neither a
0862   //! SelectExtract nor a SelectDeduct, or not in the WorkSession
0863   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetInputSelection (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& input);
0865   //! Sets an Input Selection, Main if <formain> is True, Second else
0866   //! (as <sc>) to a SelectControl (as <sel>). Returns True if Done,
0867   //! False if <sel> is not a SelectControl, or <sc> or <sel> is not
0868   //! in the WorkSession
0869   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetControl (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sc, const Standard_Boolean formain = Standard_True);
0871   //! Adds an input selection to a SelectCombine (Union or Inters.).
0872   //! Returns new count of inputs for this SelectCombine if Done or
0873   //! 0 if <sel> is not kind of SelectCombine, or if <seladd> or
0874   //! <sel> is not in the WorkSession
0875   //! By default, adding is done at the end of the list
0876   //! Else, it is an insertion to rank <atnum> (useful for Un-ReDo)
0877   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer CombineAdd (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& selcomb, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& seladd, const Standard_Integer atnum = 0);
0879   //! Removes an input selection from a SelectCombine (Union or
0880   //! Intersection). Returns True if done, False if <selcomb> is not
0881   //! kind of SelectCombine or <selrem> is not source of <selcomb>
0882   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CombineRemove (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& selcomb, const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& selrem);
0884   //! Creates a new Selection, of type SelectPointed, its content
0885   //! starts with <list>. A name must be given (can be empty)
0886   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Selection) NewSelectPointed (const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& list, const Standard_CString name);
0888   //! Changes the content of a Selection of type SelectPointed
0889   //! According <mode> : 0  set <list> as new content (clear former)
0890   //! 1  : adds <list> to actual content
0891   //! -1  : removes <list> from actual content
0892   //! Returns True if done, False if <sel> is not a SelectPointed
0893   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetSelectPointed (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& list, const Standard_Integer mode) const;
0895   //! Returns a Selection from a Name :
0896   //! - the name of a Selection : this Selection
0897   //! - the name of a Signature + criteria between (..) : a new
0898   //! Selection from this Signature
0899   //! - an entity or a list of entities : a new SelectPointed
0900   //! Else, returns a Null Handle
0901   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Selection) GiveSelection (const Standard_CString selname) const;
0903   //! Determines a list of entities from an object :
0904   //! <obj> already HSequenceOfTransient : returned itself
0905   //! <obj> Selection : its Result of Evaluation is returned
0906   //! <obj> an entity of the Model : a HSequence which contains it
0907   //! else, an empty HSequence
0908   //! <obj> the Model it self : ALL its content (not only the roots)
0909   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) GiveList (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& obj) const;
0911   //! Computes a List of entities from two alphanums,
0912   //! first and second, as follows :
0913   //! if <first> is a Number or Label of an entity : this entity
0914   //! if <first> is a list of Numbers/Labels : the list of entities
0915   //! if <first> is the name of a Selection in <WS>, and <second>
0916   //! not defined, the standard result of this Selection
0917   //! else, let's consider "first second" : this whole phrase is
0918   //! split by blanks, as follows (RECURSIVE CALL) :
0919   //! - the leftest term is the final selection
0920   //! - the other terms define the result of the selection
0921   //! - and so on (the "leftest minus one" is a selection, of which
0922   //! the input is given by the remaining ...)
0923   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) GiveList (const Standard_CString first, const Standard_CString second = "") const;
0925   //! Computes a List of entities from the model as follows
0926   //! <first> being a Selection or a combination of Selections,
0927   //! <ent> being an entity or a list
0928   //! of entities (as a HSequenceOfTransient) :
0929   //! the standard result of this selection applied to this list
0930   //! if <ent> is Null, the standard definition of the selection is
0931   //! used (which contains a default input selection)
0932   //! if <selname> is erroneous, a null handle is returned
0933   //!
0934   //! REMARK : selname is processed as <first second> of preceding
0935   //! GiveList
0936   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) GiveListFromList (const Standard_CString selname, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0938   //! Combines two lists and returns the result, according to mode :
0939   //! <mode> < 0 : entities in <l1> AND NOT in <l2>
0940   //! <mode> = 0 : entities in <l1> AND in <l2>
0941   //! <mode> > 0 : entities in <l1> OR  in <l2>
0942   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) GiveListCombined (const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& l1, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& l2, const Standard_Integer mode) const;
0944   //! Loads data from a check iterator to query status on it
0945   Standard_EXPORT void QueryCheckList (const Interface_CheckIterator& chl);
0947   //! Determines check status for an entity regarding last call to
0948   //! QueryCheckList :
0949   //! -1 : <ent> unknown in the model, ignored
0950   //! 0 : no check at all, immediate or inherited thru Graph
0951   //! 1 : immediate warning (no fail), no inherited check
0952   //! 2 : immediate fail, no inherited check
0953   //! +10 : idem but some inherited warning (no fail)
0954   //! +20 : idem but some inherited fail
0955   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer QueryCheckStatus (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const;
0957   //! Determines if <entdad> is parent of <entson> (in the graph),
0958   //! returns : -1 if no; 0 if <entdad> = <entson>
0959   //! 1 if immediate parent, > 1 if parent, gives count of steps
0960   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer QueryParent (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& entdad, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& entson) const;
0962   //! Sets a list of Parameters, i.e. TypedValue, to be handled
0963   //! through an Editor
0964   //! The two lists are parallel, if <params> is longer than <uses>,
0965   //! surnumeral parameters are for general use
0966   //!
0967   //! EditForms are created to handle these parameters (list, edit)
0968   //! on the basis of a ParamEditor  xst-params-edit
0969   //!
0970   //! A use number dispatches the parameter to a given EditForm
0971   //! EditForms are defined as follows
0972   //! Name                Use   Means
0973   //! xst-params          all   All Parameters (complete list)
0974   //! xst-params-general  1     Generals
0975   //! xst-params-load     2     LoadFile (no Transfer)
0976   //! xst-params-send     3     SendFile (Write, no Transfer)
0977   //! xst-params-split    4     Split
0978   //! xst-param-read      5     Transfer on Reading
0979   //! xst-param-write     6     Transfer on Writing
0980   Standard_EXPORT void SetParams (const NCollection_Vector<Handle(Standard_Transient)>& params, const NCollection_Vector<Standard_Integer>& uselist);
0982   //! Traces the Statics attached to a given use number
0983   //! If <use> is given positive (normal), the trace is embedded
0984   //! with a header and a trailer
0985   //! If <use> is negative, just values are printed
0986   //! (this allows to make compositions)
0987   //! Remark : use number  5 commands use -2 to be traced
0988   //! Remark : use numbers 4 and 6 command use -3 to be traced
0989   Standard_EXPORT void TraceStatics (const Standard_Integer use, const Standard_Integer mode = 0) const;
0991   //! Dumps contents of the ShareOut (on "cout")
0992   Standard_EXPORT void DumpShare() const;
0994   //! Lists the Labels of all Items of the WorkSession
0995   //! If <label> is defined, lists labels which contain it
0996   Standard_EXPORT void ListItems (const Standard_CString label = "") const;
0998   //! Lists the Modifiers of the session (for each one, displays
0999   //! its Label). Listing is done following Ranks (Modifiers are
1000   //! invoked following their ranks)
1001   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
1002   Standard_EXPORT void ListFinalModifiers (const Standard_Boolean formodel) const;
1004   //! Lists a Selection and its Sources (see SelectionIterator),
1005   //! given its rank in the list
1006   Standard_EXPORT void DumpSelection (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
1008   //! Lists the content of the Input Model (if there is one)
1009   //! According level : 0 -> gives only count of Entities and Roots
1010   //! 1 -> Lists also Roots;  2 -> Lists all Entities (by TraceType)
1011   //! 3 -> Performs a call to CheckList (Fails) and lists the result
1012   //! 4 -> as 3 but all CheckList (Fails + Warnings)
1013   //! 5,6,7  : as 3 but resp. Count,List,Labels by Fail
1014   //! 8,9,10 : as 4 but resp. Count,List,Labels by message
1015   Standard_EXPORT void DumpModel (const Standard_Integer level, Standard_OStream& S);
1017   //! Dumps the current Model (as inherited DumpModel), on currently
1018   //! defined Default Trace File (default is standard output)
1019   Standard_EXPORT void TraceDumpModel (const Standard_Integer mode);
1021   //! Dumps a starting entity according to the current norm.
1022   //! To do this, it calls DumpEntity from WorkLibrary.
1023   //! <level> is to be interpreted for each norm : see specific
1024   //! classes of WorkLibrary for it. Generally, 0 if for very basic
1025   //! (only type ...), greater values give more and more details.
1026   Standard_EXPORT void DumpEntity (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Standard_Integer level, Standard_OStream& S) const;
1028   //! Prints main information about an entity : its number, type,
1029   //! validity (and checks if any), category, shareds and sharings..
1030   //! mutable because it can recompute checks as necessary
1031   Standard_EXPORT void PrintEntityStatus (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, Standard_OStream& S);
1033   //! Dumps an entity from the current Model as inherited DumpEntity
1034   //! on currently defined Default Trace File
1035   //! (<level> interpreted according to the Norm, see WorkLibrary)
1036   Standard_EXPORT void TraceDumpEntity (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent, const Standard_Integer level) const;
1038   //! Prints a CheckIterator to the current Trace File, controlled
1039   //! with the current Model
1040   //! complete or fails only, according to <failsonly>
1041   //! <mode> defines the mode of printing
1042   //! 0 : sequential, according entities; else with a CheckCounter
1043   //! 1 : according messages, count of entities
1044   //! 2 : id but with list of entities, designated by their numbers
1045   //! 3 : as 2 but with labels of entities
1046   Standard_EXPORT void PrintCheckList (Standard_OStream& S,
1047                                        const Interface_CheckIterator& checklist,
1048                                        const Standard_Boolean failsonly,
1049                                        const IFSelect_PrintCount mode) const;
1051   //! Prints a SignatureList to the current Trace File, controlled
1052   //! with the current Model
1053   //! <mode> defines the mode of printing (see SignatureList)
1054   Standard_EXPORT void PrintSignatureList (Standard_OStream& S,
1055                                            const Handle(IFSelect_SignatureList)& signlist,
1056                                            const IFSelect_PrintCount mode) const;
1058   //! Displays the list of Entities selected by a Selection (i.e.
1059   //! the result of EvalSelection).
1060   Standard_EXPORT void EvaluateSelection (const Handle(IFSelect_Selection)& sel) const;
1062   //! Displays the result of applying a Dispatch on the input Model
1063   //! (also shows Remainder if there is)
1064   //! <mode> = 0 (default), displays nothing else
1065   //! <mode> = 1 : displays also duplicated entities (because of
1066   //! this dispatch)
1067   //! <mode> = 2 : displays the entities of the starting Model
1068   //! which are not taken by this dispatch (forgotten entities)
1069   //! <mode> = 3 : displays both duplicated and forgotten entities
1070   //! Remark : EvaluateComplete displays these data evaluated for
1071   //! for all the dispatches, if there are several
1072   Standard_EXPORT void EvaluateDispatch (const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& disp, const Standard_Integer mode = 0) const;
1074   //! Displays the effect of applying the ShareOut on the input
1075   //! Model.
1076   //! <mode> = 0 (default) : displays only roots for each packet,
1077   //! <mode> = 1 : displays all entities for each packet, plus
1078   //! duplicated entities
1079   //! <mode> = 2 : same as <mode> = 1, plus displays forgotten
1080   //! entities (which are in no packet at all)
1081   Standard_EXPORT void EvaluateComplete (const Standard_Integer mode = 0) const;
1083   //! Internal method which displays an EntityIterator
1084   //! <mode> 0 gives short display (only entity numbers)
1085   //! 1 gives a more complete trace (1 line per Entity)
1086   //! (can be used each time a trace has to be output from a list)
1087   //! 2 gives a form suitable for givelist : (n1,n2,n3...)
1088   Standard_EXPORT void ListEntities (const Interface_EntityIterator& iter, const Standard_Integer mode, Standard_OStream& S) const;
1090   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(IFSelect_WorkSession,Standard_Transient)
1092  protected:
1094   Handle(Interface_HGraph) thegraph;
1095   Interface_CheckIterator thecheckrun;
1096   TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfTransientTransient theitems;
1097   NCollection_DataMap<TCollection_AsciiString, Handle(Standard_Transient)> thenames;
1099  private:
1101   Standard_Boolean theerrhand;
1102   Handle(IFSelect_ShareOut) theshareout;
1103   Handle(IFSelect_WorkLibrary) thelibrary;
1104   Handle(Interface_Protocol) theprotocol;
1105   Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) myModel;
1106   TCollection_AsciiString theloaded;
1107   Handle(Interface_GTool) thegtool;
1108   Standard_Boolean thecheckdone;
1109   Interface_CheckIterator thechecklist;
1110   TCollection_AsciiString thecheckana;
1111   Handle(IFSelect_ModelCopier) thecopier;
1112   Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) theoldel;
1113   Standard_Boolean themodelstat;
1114 };
1116 #endif // _IFSelect_WorkSession_HeaderFile