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0001 // Created on: 1992-11-17
0002 // Created by: Christian CAILLET
0003 // Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _IFSelect_ShareOut_HeaderFile
0018 #define _IFSelect_ShareOut_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0023 #include <IFSelect_TSeqOfDispatch.hxx>
0024 #include <IFSelect_SequenceOfGeneralModifier.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0026 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
0027 class TCollection_HAsciiString;
0028 class IFSelect_Dispatch;
0029 class IFSelect_GeneralModifier;
0030 class IFSelect_Modifier;
0031 class TCollection_AsciiString;
0033 class IFSelect_ShareOut;
0034 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(IFSelect_ShareOut, Standard_Transient)
0036 //! This class gathers the information required to produce one or
0037 //! several file(s) from the content of an InterfaceModel (passing
0038 //! through the creation of intermediate Models).
0039 //!
0040 //! It can correspond to a complete Divide up of a set of Entities
0041 //! intended to be exhaustive and to limit duplications. Or to a
0042 //! simple Extraction of some Entities, in order to work on them.
0043 //!
0044 //! A ShareOut is composed of a list of Dispatches.
0045 //! To Each Dispatch in the ShareOut, is bound an Id. Number
0046 //! This Id. Number allows to identify a Display inside the
0047 //! ShareOut in a stable way (for instance, to attach file names)
0048 //!
0049 //! ShareOut can be seen as a "passive" description, activated
0050 //! through a ShareOutResult, which gives the InterfaceModel on
0051 //! which to work, as a unique source. Thus it is easy to change
0052 //! it without coherence problems
0053 //!
0054 //! Services about it are provided by the class ShareOutResult
0055 //! which is a service class : simulation (list of files and of
0056 //! entities per file; "forgotten" entities; duplicated entities),
0057 //! exploitation (generation of derivated Models, each of them
0058 //! generating an output file)
0059 class IFSelect_ShareOut : public Standard_Transient
0060 {
0062 public:
0064   //! Creates an empty ShareOut
0065   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_ShareOut();
0067   //! Removes in one operation all the Dispatches with their Idents
0068   //! Also clears all information about Names, and all Results but
0069   //! naming information which are :
0070   //! - kept if <onlydisp> is True.
0071   //! - cleared if <onlydisp> is False (complete clearing)
0072   //! If <onlydisp> is True, that's all. Else, clears also Modifiers
0073   Standard_EXPORT void Clear (const Standard_Boolean onlydisp);
0075   //! Clears all data produced (apart from Dispatches, etc...)
0076   //! if <alsoname> is True, all is cleared. Else, information
0077   //! about produced Names are kept (to maintain unicity of naming
0078   //! across clearings)
0079   Standard_EXPORT void ClearResult (const Standard_Boolean alsoname);
0081   //! Removes an item, which can be, either a Dispatch (removed from
0082   //! the list of Dispatches), or a GeneralModifier (removed from
0083   //! the list of Model Modifiers or from the list of File Modifiers
0084   //! according to its type).
0085   //! Returns True if done, False if has not been found or if it is
0086   //! neither a Dispatch, nor a Modifier.
0087   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveItem (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item);
0089   //! Returns the rank of last run item (ClearResult resets it to 0)
0090   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer LastRun() const;
0092   //! Records a new value for the rank of last run item
0093   Standard_EXPORT void SetLastRun (const Standard_Integer last);
0095   //! Returns the count of Dispatches
0096   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbDispatches() const;
0098   //! Returns the Rank of a Dispatch, given its Value (Handle).
0099   //! Returns 0 if the Dispatch is unknown in the ShareOut
0100   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer DispatchRank (const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& disp) const;
0102   //! Returns a Dispatch, given its rank in the list
0103   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& Dispatch (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0105   //! Adds a Dispatch to the list
0106   Standard_EXPORT void AddDispatch (const Handle(IFSelect_Dispatch)& disp);
0108   //! Removes a Dispatch, given its rank in the list
0109   //! Returns True if done, False if rank is not between
0110   //! (LastRun + 1) and (NbDispatches)
0111   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveDispatch (const Standard_Integer rank);
0113   //! Sets a Modifier to be applied on all Dispatches to be run
0114   //! If <modifier> is a ModelModifier, adds it to the list of
0115   //! Model Modifiers; else to the list of File Modifiers
0116   //! By default (atnum = 0) at the end of the list, else at <atnum>
0117   //! Each Modifier is used, after each copy of a packet of Entities
0118   //! into a Model : its criteria are checked and if they are OK,
0119   //! the method Perform of this Modifier is run.
0120   Standard_EXPORT void AddModifier (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modifier, const Standard_Integer atnum);
0122   //! Sets a Modifier to be applied on the Dispatch <dispnum>
0123   //! If <modifier> is a ModelModifier, adds it to the list of
0124   //! Model Modifiers; else to the list of File Modifiers
0125   //! This is the same list as for all Dispatches, but the
0126   //! Modifier is qualified to be applied to one Dispatch only
0127   //! Then, <atnum> refers to the entire list
0128   //! By default (atnum = 0) at the end of the list, else at <atnum>
0129   //! Remark : if the Modifier was already in the list and if
0130   //! <atnum> = 0, the Modifier is not moved, but only qualified
0131   //! for a Dispatch
0132   Standard_EXPORT void AddModifier (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modifier, const Standard_Integer dispnum, const Standard_Integer atnum);
0134   //! Adds a Modifier to the list of Modifiers : Model Modifiers if
0135   //! <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else (internal).
0136   Standard_EXPORT void AddModif (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modifier, const Standard_Boolean formodel, const Standard_Integer atnum = 0);
0138   //! Returns count of Modifiers (which apply to complete Models) :
0139   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0140   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbModifiers (const Standard_Boolean formodel) const;
0142   //! Returns a Modifier of the list, given its rank :
0143   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0144   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier) GeneralModifier (const Standard_Boolean formodel, const Standard_Integer num) const;
0146   //! Returns a Modifier of the list of Model Modifiers, duely casted
0147   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_Modifier) ModelModifier (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0149   //! Gives the rank of a Modifier in the list, 0 if not in the list
0150   //! Model Modifiers if <modifier> is kind of ModelModifer,
0151   //! File Modifiers else
0152   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer ModifierRank (const Handle(IFSelect_GeneralModifier)& modifier) const;
0154   //! Removes a Modifier, given it rank in the list :
0155   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0156   //! Returns True if done, False if <num> is out of range
0157   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveModifier (const Standard_Boolean formodel, const Standard_Integer num);
0159   //! Changes the rank of a modifier in the list :
0160   //! Model Modifiers if <formodel> is True, File Modifiers else
0161   //! from <before> to <after>
0162   //! Returns True if done, False else (before or after out of range)
0163   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ChangeModifierRank (const Standard_Boolean formodel, const Standard_Integer befor, const Standard_Integer after);
0165   //! Attaches a Root Name to a Dispatch given its rank, as an
0166   //! HAsciiString (standard form). A Null Handle resets this name.
0167   //! Returns True if OK, False if this Name is already attached,
0168   //! for a Dispatch or for Default, or <num> out of range
0169   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetRootName (const Standard_Integer num, const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& name);
0171   //! Returns True if the Dispatch of rank <num> has an attached
0172   //! Root Name. False else, or if num is out of range
0173   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasRootName (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0175   //! Returns the Root bound to a Dispatch, given its rank
0176   //! Returns a Null Handle if not defined
0177   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) RootName (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0179   //! Returns an integer value about a given root name :
0180   //! - positive : it's the rank of the Dispatch which has this name
0181   //! - null : this root name is unknown
0182   //! - negative (-1) : this root name is the default root name
0183   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer RootNumber (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& name) const;
0185   //! Defines or Changes the general Prefix (which is prepended to
0186   //! complete file name generated). If this method is not call,
0187   //! Prefix remains empty
0188   Standard_EXPORT void SetPrefix (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& pref);
0190   //! Defines or Changes the Default Root Name to a new value (which
0191   //! is used for dispatches which have no attached root name).
0192   //! If this method is not called, DefaultRootName remains empty
0193   //! Returns True if OK, False if this Name is already attached,
0194   //! for a Dispatch or for Default
0195   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetDefaultRootName (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& defrt);
0197   //! Defines or Changes the general Extension (which is appended to
0198   //! complete file name generated). If this method is not call,
0199   //! Extension remains empty
0200   Standard_EXPORT void SetExtension (const Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& ext);
0202   //! Returns the general Prefix. Can be empty.
0203   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) Prefix() const;
0205   //! Returns the Default Root Name. Can be empty.
0206   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) DefaultRootName() const;
0208   //! Returns the general Extension. Can be empty (not recommended)
0209   Standard_EXPORT Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) Extension() const;
0211   //! Computes the complete file name for a Packet of a Dispatch,
0212   //! given Dispatch Number (Rank), Packet Number, and Count of
0213   //! Packets generated by this Dispatch (0 if unknown)
0214   //!
0215   //! File Name is made of following strings, concatenated :
0216   //! General Prefix, Root Name for Dispatch, Packet Suffix, and
0217   //! General Extension. If no Root Name is specified for a
0218   //! Dispatch, DefaultRootName is considered (and pnum is not used,
0219   //! but <thenbdefs> is incremented and used
0220   //! Error if no Root is defined for this <idnum>
0221   Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString FileName (const Standard_Integer dnum, const Standard_Integer pnum, const Standard_Integer nbpack = 0);
0223   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(IFSelect_ShareOut,Standard_Transient)
0226 private:
0228   IFSelect_TSeqOfDispatch thedisps;
0229   IFSelect_SequenceOfGeneralModifier themodelmodifiers;
0230   IFSelect_SequenceOfGeneralModifier thefilemodifiers;
0231   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) thepref;
0232   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) thedefrt;
0233   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) theext;
0234   Standard_Integer thenbdefs;
0235   Standard_Integer thelastrun;
0237 };
0239 #endif // _IFSelect_ShareOut_HeaderFile