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0001 // Created on: 1993-11-03
0002 // Created by: Christian CAILLET
0003 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _IFSelect_SessionFile_HeaderFile
0018 #define _IFSelect_SessionFile_HeaderFile
0020 #include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard.hxx>
0022 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0023 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0025 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
0026 #include <TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString.hxx>
0027 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0028 #include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
0029 #include <Standard_CString.hxx>
0031 class IFSelect_WorkSession;
0032 class Standard_Transient;
0034 //! A SessionFile is intended to manage access between a
0035 //! WorkSession and an Ascii Form, to be considered as a Dump.
0036 //! It allows to write the File from the WorkSession, and later
0037 //! read the File to the WorkSession, by keeping required
0038 //! descriptions (such as dependances).
0039 //!
0040 //! The produced File is under an Ascii Form, then it may be
0041 //! easily consulted.
0042 //! It is possible to cumulate reading of several Files. But in
0043 //! case of Names conflict, the newer Names are forgottens.
0044 //!
0045 //! The Dump supports the description of XSTEP functionalities
0046 //! (Sharing an Interface File, with Selections, Dispatches,
0047 //! Modifiers ...) but does not refer to the Interface File
0048 //! which is currently loaded.
0049 //!
0050 //! SessionFile works with a library of SessionDumper type objects
0051 //!
0052 //! The File is Produced as follows :
0053 //! SessionFile produces all general Information (such as Int and
0054 //! Text Parameters, Types and Inputs of Selections, Dispatches,
0055 //! Modifiers ...) and calls the SessionDumpers to produce all
0056 //! the particular Data : creation arguments, parameters to be set
0057 //! It is Read in the same terms :
0058 //! SessionFile reads and interprets all general Information,
0059 //! and calls the SessionDumpers to recognize Types and for a
0060 //! recognized Type create the corresponding Object with its
0061 //! particular parameters as they were written.
0062 //! The best way to work is to have one SessionDumper for each
0063 //! consistent set of classes (e.g. a package).
0064 class IFSelect_SessionFile 
0065 {
0066 public:
0070   //! Creates a SessionFile, ready to read Files in order to load
0071   //! them into a given WorkSession.
0072   //! The following Read Operations must then be called.
0073   //! It is also possible to perform a Write, which produces a
0074   //! complete File of all the content of the WorkSession.
0075   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_SessionFile(const Handle(IFSelect_WorkSession)& WS);
0077   //! Creates a SessionFile which Writes the content of a WorkSession
0078   //! to a File (directly calls Write)
0079   //! Then, IsDone aknowledges on the result of the Operation.
0080   //! But such a SessionFile may not Read a File to a WorkSession.
0081   Standard_EXPORT IFSelect_SessionFile(const Handle(IFSelect_WorkSession)& WS, const Standard_CString filename);
0083   //! Clears the lines recorded whatever for writing or for reading
0084   Standard_EXPORT void ClearLines();
0086   //! Returns the count of recorded lines
0087   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbLines() const;
0089   //! Returns a line given its rank in the list of recorded lines
0090   Standard_EXPORT const TCollection_AsciiString& Line (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0092   //! Adds a line to the list of recorded lines
0093   Standard_EXPORT void AddLine (const Standard_CString line);
0095   //! Removes the last line. Can be called recursively.
0096   //! Does nothing if the list is empty
0097   Standard_EXPORT void RemoveLastLine();
0099   //! Writes the recorded lines to a file named <name> then clears
0100   //! the list of lines.
0101   //! Returns False (with no clearing) if the file could not be
0102   //! created
0103   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean WriteFile (const Standard_CString name);
0105   //! Reads the recorded lines from a file named <name>, after
0106   //! having cleared the list (stops if RecognizeFile fails)
0107   //! Returns False (with no clearing) if the file could not be read
0108   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadFile (const Standard_CString name);
0110   //! Recognizes the header line. returns True if OK, False else
0111   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RecognizeFile (const Standard_CString headerline);
0113   //! Performs a Write Operation from a WorkSession to a File
0114   //! i.e. calls WriteSession then WriteEnd, and WriteFile
0115   //! Returned Value is : 0 for OK, -1 File could not be created,
0116   //! >0 Error during Write (see WriteSession)
0117   //! IsDone can be called too (will return True for OK)
0118   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Write (const Standard_CString filename);
0120   //! Performs a Read Operation from a file to a WorkSession
0121   //! i.e. calls ReadFile, then ReadSession and ReadEnd
0122   //! Returned Value is : 0 for OK, -1 File could not be opened,
0123   //! >0 Error during Read  (see WriteSession)
0124   //! IsDone can be called too (will return True for OK)
0125   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Read (const Standard_CString filename);
0127   //! Prepares the Write operation from a WorkSession (IFSelect) to
0128   //! a File, i.e. fills the list of lines (the file itself remains
0129   //! to be written; or NbLines/Line may be called)
0130   //! Important Remark : this excludes the reading of the last line,
0131   //! which is performed by WriteEnd
0132   //! Returns 0 if OK, status > 0 in case of error
0133   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer WriteSession();
0135   //! Writes the trailing line. It is separate from WriteSession,
0136   //! in order to allow to redefine WriteSession without touching
0137   //! WriteEnd (WriteSession defines the body of the file)
0138   //! WriteEnd fills the list of lines. Returns a status of error,
0139   //! 0 if OK, >0 else
0140   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer WriteEnd();
0142   //! Writes a line to the File. If <follow> is given, it is added
0143   //! at the following of the line. '\n' must be added for the end.
0144   Standard_EXPORT void WriteLine (const Standard_CString line, const Standard_Character follow = 0);
0146   //! Writes the Parameters own to each type of Item. Uses the
0147   //! Library of SessionDumpers
0148   //! Returns True if Done, False if <item> could not be treated
0149   //! (hence it remains written with no Own Parameter)
0150   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean WriteOwn (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item);
0152   //! Performs a Read Operation from a File to a WorkSession, i.e.
0153   //! reads the list of line (which must have already been loaded,
0154   //! by ReadFile or by calls to AddLine)
0155   //! Important Remark : this excludes the reading of the last line,
0156   //! which is performed by ReadEnd
0157   //! Returns 0 for OK, >0 status for Read Error (not a suitable
0158   //! File, or WorkSession given as Immutable at Creation Time)
0159   //! IsDone can be called too (will return True for OK)
0160   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer ReadSession();
0162   //! Reads the end of a file (its last line). Returns 0 if OK,
0163   //! status >0 in case of error (not a suitable end line).
0164   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer ReadEnd();
0166   //! Reads a Line and splits it into a set of alphanumeric items,
0167   //! which can then be queried by NbParams/ParamValue ...
0168   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadLine();
0170   //! Internal routine which processes a line into words
0171   //! and prepares its exploration
0172   Standard_EXPORT void SplitLine (const Standard_CString line);
0174   //! Tries to Read an Item, by calling the Library of Dumpers
0175   //! Sets the list of parameters of the line to be read from the
0176   //! first own one
0177   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadOwn (Handle(Standard_Transient)& item);
0179   //! Adds an Item to the WorkSession, taken as Name the first
0180   //! item of the read Line. If this Name is not a Name but a Number
0181   //! or if this Name is already recorded in the WorkSession, it
0182   //! adds the Item but with no Name. Then the Name is recorded
0183   //! in order to be used by the method ItemValue
0184   //! <active> commands to make <item> active or not in the session
0185   Standard_EXPORT void AddItem (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& item, const Standard_Boolean active = Standard_True);
0187   //! Returns True if the last Read or Write operation has been correctly performed.
0188   //! Else returns False.
0189   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDone() const;
0191   //! Returns the WorkSession on which a SessionFile works.
0192   //! Remark that it is returned as Immutable.
0193   Standard_EXPORT Handle(IFSelect_WorkSession) WorkSession() const;
0195   //! At beginning of writing an Item, writes its basics :
0196   //! - either its name in the session if it has one
0197   //! - or its relative number of item in the file, else (preceded by a '_')
0198   //! - then, its Dynamic Type (in the sense of cdl : pk_class)
0199   //! This basic description can be followed by the parameters
0200   //! which are used in the definition of the item.
0201   Standard_EXPORT void NewItem (const Standard_Integer ident, const Handle(Standard_Transient)& par);
0203   //! Sets Parameters to be sent as Own if <mode> is True (their
0204   //! Name or Number or Void Mark or Text Value is preceded by a
0205   //! Column sign ':') else they are sent normally
0206   //! Hence, the Own Parameter are clearly identified in the File
0207   Standard_EXPORT void SetOwn (const Standard_Boolean mode);
0209   //! During a Write action, commands to send a Void Parameter
0210   //! i.e. a Parameter which is present but undefined
0211   //! Its form will be the dollar sign : $
0212   Standard_EXPORT void SendVoid();
0214   //! During a Write action, commands to send the identification of
0215   //! a Parameter : if it is Null (undefined) it is send as Void ($)
0216   //! if it is Named in the WorkSession, its Name is sent preceded
0217   //! by ':', else a relative Ident Number is sent preceded by '#'
0218   //! (relative to the present Write, i.e. starting at one, without
0219   //! skip, and counted part from Named Items)
0220   Standard_EXPORT void SendItem (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& par);
0222   //! During a Write action, commands to send a Text without
0223   //! interpretation. It will be sent as well
0224   Standard_EXPORT void SendText (const Standard_CString text);
0226   //! Sets the rank of Last General Parameter to a new value. It is
0227   //! followed by the Fist Own Parameter of the item.
0228   //! Used by SessionFile after reading general parameters.
0229   Standard_EXPORT void SetLastGeneral (const Standard_Integer lastgen);
0231   //! During a Read operation, SessionFile processes sequentially the Items to read.
0232   //! For each one, it gives access to the list
0233   //! of its Parameters : they were defined by calls to
0234   //! SendVoid/SendParam/SendText during Writing the File.
0235   //! NbParams returns the count of Parameters for the line
0236   //! currently read.
0237   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbParams() const;
0239   //! Returns True if a Parameter, given its rank in the Own List
0240   //! (see NbOwnParams), is Void. Returns also True if <num> is
0241   //! out of range (undefined parameters)
0242   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsVoid (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0244   //! Returns True if a Parameter, in the Own List (see NbOwnParams)
0245   //! is a Text (between "..."). Else it is an Item (Parameter,
0246   //! Selection, Dispatch ...), which can be Void.
0247   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsText (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0249   //! Returns a Parameter (alphanumeric item of a line) as it
0250   //! has been read
0251   Standard_EXPORT const TCollection_AsciiString& ParamValue (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0253   //! Returns the content of a Text Parameter (without the quotes).
0254   //! Returns an empty string if the Parameter is not a Text.
0255   Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString TextValue (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0257   //! Returns a Parameter as an Item. Returns a Null Handle if the
0258   //! Parameter is a Text, or if it is defined as Void
0259   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Standard_Transient) ItemValue (const Standard_Integer num) const;
0261   //! Specific Destructor (closes the File if not yet done)
0262   Standard_EXPORT void Destroy();
0263 ~IFSelect_SessionFile()
0264 {
0265   Destroy();
0266 }
0268 protected:
0270   Handle(IFSelect_WorkSession) thesess;
0271   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) thenums;
0272   NCollection_DataMap<TCollection_AsciiString, Standard_Integer> thenames;
0273   Standard_Integer thenl;
0274   TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString theline;
0276 private:
0278   Standard_Boolean themode;
0279   TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString thelist;
0280   TCollection_AsciiString thebuff;
0281   Standard_Integer thelastgen;
0282   Standard_Boolean thedone;
0283   Standard_Boolean theownflag;
0284   Standard_Integer thenewnum;
0286 };
0288 #endif // _IFSelect_SessionFile_HeaderFile