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0001 // Created on: 1993-03-09
0002 // Created by: JCV
0003 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _Geom_BezierSurface_HeaderFile
0018 #define _Geom_BezierSurface_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0023 #include <TColgp_HArray2OfPnt.hxx>
0024 #include <TColStd_HArray2OfReal.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0026 #include <Geom_BoundedSurface.hxx>
0027 #include <TColgp_Array2OfPnt.hxx>
0028 #include <TColStd_Array2OfReal.hxx>
0029 #include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt.hxx>
0030 #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
0031 #include <GeomAbs_Shape.hxx>
0032 #include <BSplSLib.hxx>
0034 class gp_Pnt;
0035 class gp_Vec;
0036 class Geom_Curve;
0037 class gp_Trsf;
0038 class Geom_Geometry;
0041 class Geom_BezierSurface;
0042 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(Geom_BezierSurface, Geom_BoundedSurface)
0044 //! Describes a rational or non-rational Bezier surface.
0045 //! - A non-rational Bezier surface is defined by a table
0046 //! of poles (also known as control points).
0047 //! - A rational Bezier surface is defined by a table of
0048 //! poles with varying associated weights.
0049 //! This data is manipulated using two associative 2D arrays:
0050 //! - the poles table, which is a 2D array of gp_Pnt, and
0051 //! - the weights table, which is a 2D array of reals.
0052 //! The bounds of these arrays are:
0053 //! - 1 and NbUPoles for the row bounds, where
0054 //! NbUPoles is the number of poles of the surface
0055 //! in the u parametric direction, and
0056 //! - 1 and NbVPoles for the column bounds, where
0057 //! NbVPoles is the number of poles of the surface
0058 //! in the v parametric direction.
0059 //! The poles of the surface, the "control points", are the
0060 //! points used to shape and reshape the surface. They
0061 //! comprise a rectangular network of points:
0062 //! - The points (1, 1), (NbUPoles, 1), (1,
0063 //! NbVPoles) and (NbUPoles, NbVPoles)
0064 //! are the four parametric "corners" of the surface.
0065 //! - The first column of poles and the last column of
0066 //! poles define two Bezier curves which delimit the
0067 //! surface in the v parametric direction. These are
0068 //! the v isoparametric curves corresponding to
0069 //! values 0 and 1 of the v parameter.
0070 //! - The first row of poles and the last row of poles
0071 //! define two Bezier curves which delimit the surface
0072 //! in the u parametric direction. These are the u
0073 //! isoparametric curves corresponding to values 0
0074 //! and 1 of the u parameter.
0075 //! It is more difficult to define a geometrical significance
0076 //! for the weights. However they are useful for
0077 //! representing a quadric surface precisely. Moreover, if
0078 //! the weights of all the poles are equal, the surface has
0079 //! a polynomial equation, and hence is a "non-rational surface".
0080 //! The non-rational surface is a special, but frequently
0081 //! used, case, where all poles have identical weights.
0082 //! The weights are defined and used only in the case of
0083 //! a rational surface. This rational characteristic is
0084 //! defined in each parametric direction. Hence, a
0085 //! surface can be rational in the u parametric direction,
0086 //! and non-rational in the v parametric direction.
0087 //! Likewise, the degree of a surface is defined in each
0088 //! parametric direction. The degree of a Bezier surface
0089 //! in a given parametric direction is equal to the number
0090 //! of poles of the surface in that parametric direction,
0091 //! minus 1. This must be greater than or equal to 1.
0092 //! However, the degree for a Geom_BezierSurface is
0093 //! limited to a value of (25) which is defined and
0094 //! controlled by the system. This value is returned by the
0095 //! function MaxDegree.
0096 //! The parameter range for a Bezier surface is [ 0, 1 ]
0097 //! in the two parametric directions.
0098 //! A Bezier surface can also be closed, or open, in each
0099 //! parametric direction. If the first row of poles is
0100 //! identical to the last row of poles, the surface is closed
0101 //! in the u parametric direction. If the first column of
0102 //! poles is identical to the last column of poles, the
0103 //! surface is closed in the v parametric direction.
0104 //! The continuity of a Bezier surface is infinite in the u
0105 //! parametric direction and the in v parametric direction.
0106 //! Note: It is not possible to build a Bezier surface with
0107 //! negative weights. Any weight value that is less than,
0108 //! or equal to, gp::Resolution() is considered
0109 //! to be zero. Two weight values, W1 and W2, are
0110 //! considered equal if: |W2-W1| <= gp::Resolution()
0111 class Geom_BezierSurface : public Geom_BoundedSurface
0112 {
0114 public:
0118   //! Creates a non-rational Bezier surface with a set of poles.
0119   //! Control points representation :
0120   //! SPoles(Uorigin,Vorigin) ...................SPoles(Uorigin,Vend)
0121   //! .                                     .
0122   //! .                                     .
0123   //! SPoles(Uend, Vorigin) .....................SPoles(Uend, Vend)
0124   //! For the double array the row indice corresponds to the parametric
0125   //! U direction and the columns indice corresponds to the parametric
0126   //! V direction.
0127   //! The weights are defaulted to all being 1.
0128   //!
0129   //! Raised if the number of poles of the surface is lower than 2
0130   //! or greater than MaxDegree + 1 in one of the two directions
0131   //! U or V.
0132   Standard_EXPORT Geom_BezierSurface(const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& SurfacePoles);
0134   //! ---Purpose
0135   //! Creates a rational Bezier surface with a set of poles and a
0136   //! set of weights.
0137   //! For the double array the row indice corresponds to the parametric
0138   //! U direction and the columns indice corresponds to the parametric
0139   //! V direction.
0140   //! If all the weights are identical the surface is considered as
0141   //! non-rational (the tolerance criterion is Resolution from package
0142   //! gp).
0143   //!
0144   //! Raised if SurfacePoles and PoleWeights have not the same
0145   //! Rowlength or have not the same ColLength.
0146   //! Raised if PoleWeights (i, j) <= Resolution from gp;
0147   //! Raised if the number of poles of the surface is lower than 2
0148   //! or greater than MaxDegree + 1 in one of the two directions U or V.
0149   Standard_EXPORT Geom_BezierSurface(const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& SurfacePoles, const TColStd_Array2OfReal& PoleWeights);
0151   //! Exchanges the direction U and V on a Bezier surface
0152   //! As a consequence:
0153   //! - the poles and weights tables are transposed,
0154   //! - degrees, rational characteristics and so on are
0155   //! exchanged between the two parametric directions, and
0156   //! - the orientation of the surface is reversed.
0157   Standard_EXPORT void ExchangeUV();
0159   //! Increases the degree of this Bezier surface in the two parametric directions.
0160   //!
0161   //! Raised if UDegree < UDegree <me>  or VDegree < VDegree <me>
0162   //! Raised if the degree of the surface is greater than MaxDegree
0163   //! in one of the two directions U or V.
0164   Standard_EXPORT void Increase (const Standard_Integer UDeg, const Standard_Integer VDeg);
0167   //! Inserts a column of poles. If the surface is rational the weights
0168   //! values associated with CPoles are equal defaulted to 1.
0169   //!
0170   //! Raised if Vindex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0171   //!
0172   //! raises if VDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0173   //! raises if the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbUPoles
0174   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleColAfter (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles);
0177   //! Inserts a column of poles and weights.
0178   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0179   //!
0180   //! Raised if Vindex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0181   //! Raised if
0182   //! . VDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0183   //! . the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbUPoles
0184   //! . a weight value is lower or equal to Resolution from
0185   //! package gp
0186   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleColAfter (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0189   //! Inserts a column of poles. If the surface is rational the weights
0190   //! values associated with CPoles are equal defaulted to 1.
0191   //!
0192   //! Raised if Vindex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0193   //!
0194   //! Raised if VDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0195   //! Raised if the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbUPoles
0196   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleColBefore (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles);
0199   //! Inserts a column of poles and weights.
0200   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0201   //!
0202   //! Raised if Vindex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0203   //! Raised if :
0204   //! . VDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0205   //! . the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbUPoles
0206   //! . a weight value is lower or equal to Resolution from
0207   //! package gp
0208   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleColBefore (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0211   //! Inserts a row of poles. If the surface is rational the weights
0212   //! values associated with CPoles are equal defaulted to 1.
0213   //!
0214   //! Raised if Uindex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles.
0215   //!
0216   //! Raised if UDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0217   //! Raised if the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbVPoles
0218   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleRowAfter (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles);
0221   //! Inserts a row of poles and weights.
0222   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0223   //!
0224   //! Raised if Uindex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles.
0225   //! Raised if :
0226   //! . UDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0227   //! . the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbVPoles
0228   //! . a weight value is lower or equal to Resolution from
0229   //! package gp
0230   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleRowAfter (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0233   //! Inserts a row of poles. If the surface is rational the weights
0234   //! values associated with CPoles are equal defaulted to 1.
0235   //!
0236   //! Raised if Uindex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles.
0237   //!
0238   //! Raised if UDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0239   //! Raised if the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbVPoles
0240   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleRowBefore (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles);
0243   //! Inserts a row of poles and weights.
0244   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0245   //!
0246   //! Raised if Uindex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles.
0247   //! Raised if :
0248   //! . UDegree is greater than MaxDegree.
0249   //! . the Length of CPoles is not equal to NbVPoles
0250   //! . a weight value is lower or equal to Resolution from
0251   //! pacakage gp
0252   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleRowBefore (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0254   //! Removes a column of poles.
0255   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0256   //!
0257   //! Raised if NbVPoles <= 2 after removing, a Bezier surface
0258   //! must have at least two columns of poles.
0259   //! Raised if Vindex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles
0260   Standard_EXPORT void RemovePoleCol (const Standard_Integer VIndex);
0262   //! Removes a row of poles.
0263   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0264   //!
0265   //! Raised if NbUPoles <= 2 after removing, a Bezier surface
0266   //! must have at least two rows of poles.
0267   //! Raised if Uindex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles
0268   Standard_EXPORT void RemovePoleRow (const Standard_Integer UIndex);
0270   //! Modifies this Bezier surface by segmenting it
0271   //! between U1 and U2 in the u parametric direction,
0272   //! and between V1 and V2 in the v parametric
0273   //! direction. U1, U2, V1, and V2 can be outside the
0274   //! bounds of this surface.
0275   //! - U1 and U2 isoparametric Bezier curves,
0276   //! segmented between V1 and V2, become the two
0277   //! bounds of the surface in the v parametric
0278   //! direction (0. and 1. u isoparametric curves).
0279   //! - V1 and V2 isoparametric Bezier curves,
0280   //! segmented between U1 and U2, become the two
0281   //! bounds of the surface in the u parametric
0282   //! direction (0. and 1. v isoparametric curves).
0283   //! The poles and weights tables are modified, but the
0284   //! degree of this surface in the u and v parametric
0285   //! directions does not change.
0286   //! U1 can be greater than U2, and V1 can be greater
0287   //! than V2. In these cases, the corresponding
0288   //! parametric direction is inverted. The orientation of
0289   //! the surface is inverted if one (and only one)
0290   //! parametric direction is inverted.
0291   Standard_EXPORT void Segment (const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2, const Standard_Real V1, const Standard_Real V2);
0293   //! Modifies a pole value.
0294   //! If the surface is rational the weight of range (UIndex, VIndex)
0295   //! is not modified.
0296   //!
0297   //! Raised if  UIndex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles  or  VIndex < 1
0298   //! or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0299   Standard_EXPORT void SetPole (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const Standard_Integer VIndex, const gp_Pnt& P);
0302   //! Substitutes the pole and the weight of range UIndex, VIndex.
0303   //! If the surface <me> is not rational it can become rational.
0304   //! if the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0305   //!
0306   //! raises if  UIndex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles  or  VIndex < 1
0307   //! or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0308   //! Raised if Weight <= Resolution from package gp.
0309   Standard_EXPORT void SetPole (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const Standard_Integer VIndex, const gp_Pnt& P, const Standard_Real Weight);
0311   //! Modifies a column of poles.
0312   //! The length of CPoles can be lower but not greater than NbUPoles
0313   //! so you can modify just a part of the column.
0314   //! Raised if VIndex < 1 or  VIndex > NbVPoles
0315   //!
0316   //! Raised if CPoles.Lower() < 1 or CPoles.Upper() > NbUPoles
0317   Standard_EXPORT void SetPoleCol (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles);
0319   //! Modifies a column of poles.
0320   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational
0321   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0322   //! The length of CPoles can be lower but not greater than NbUPoles
0323   //! so you can modify just a part of the column.
0324   //! Raised if VIndex < 1 or  VIndex > NbVPoles
0325   //!
0326   //! Raised if CPoles.Lower() < 1 or CPoles.Upper() > NbUPoles
0327   //! Raised if CPoleWeights and CPoles have not the same bounds.
0328   //! Raised if one of the weight value CPoleWeights (i) is lower
0329   //! or equal to Resolution from package gp.
0330   Standard_EXPORT void SetPoleCol (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0332   //! Modifies a row of poles.
0333   //! The length of CPoles can be lower but not greater than NbVPoles
0334   //! so you can modify just a part of the row.
0335   //! Raised if UIndex < 1 or  UIndex > NbUPoles
0336   //!
0337   //! Raised if CPoles.Lower() < 1 or CPoles.Upper() > NbVPoles
0338   Standard_EXPORT void SetPoleRow (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles);
0340   //! Modifies a row of poles and weights.
0341   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0342   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0343   //! The length of CPoles can be lower but not greater than NbVPoles
0344   //! so you can modify just a part of the row.
0345   //! Raised if UIndex < 1 or  UIndex > NbUPoles
0346   //!
0347   //! Raised if CPoles.Lower() < 1 or CPoles.Upper() > NbVPoles
0348   //! Raised if CPoleWeights and CPoles have not the same bounds.
0349   //! Raised if one of the weight value CPoleWeights (i) is lower
0350   //! or equal to Resolution from gp.
0351   Standard_EXPORT void SetPoleRow (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& CPoles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0354   //! Modifies the weight of the pole of range UIndex, VIndex.
0355   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0356   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0357   //!
0358   //! Raised if UIndex < 1  or  UIndex > NbUPoles or VIndex < 1 or
0359   //! VIndex > NbVPoles.
0360   //! Raised if Weight <= Resolution from package gp.
0361   Standard_EXPORT void SetWeight (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const Standard_Integer VIndex, const Standard_Real Weight);
0363   //! Modifies a column of weights.
0364   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0365   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0366   //! The length of CPoleWeights can be lower but not greater than
0367   //! NbUPoles.
0368   //! Raised if VIndex < 1 or  VIndex > NbVPoles
0369   //!
0370   //! Raised if CPoleWeights.Lower() < 1 or CPoleWeights.Upper() >
0371   //! NbUPoles
0372   //! Raised if one of the weight value CPoleWeights (i) is lower
0373   //! or equal to Resolution from package gp.
0374   Standard_EXPORT void SetWeightCol (const Standard_Integer VIndex, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0376   //! Modifies a row of weights.
0377   //! If the surface was rational it can become non-rational.
0378   //! If the surface was non-rational it can become rational.
0379   //! The length of CPoleWeights can be lower but not greater than
0380   //! NbVPoles.
0381   //! Raised if UIndex < 1 or  UIndex > NbUPoles
0382   //!
0383   //! Raised if CPoleWeights.Lower() < 1 or CPoleWeights.Upper() >
0384   //! NbVPoles
0385   //! Raised if one of the weight value CPoleWeights (i) is lower
0386   //! or equal to Resolution from package gp.
0387   Standard_EXPORT void SetWeightRow (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& CPoleWeights);
0389   //! Changes the orientation of this Bezier surface in the
0390   //! u  parametric direction. The bounds of the
0391   //! surface are not changed, but the given parametric
0392   //! direction is reversed. Hence, the orientation of the surface is reversed.
0393   Standard_EXPORT void UReverse() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0395   //! Computes the u (or v) parameter on the modified
0396   //! surface, produced by reversing its u (or v) parametric
0397   //! direction, for any point of u parameter U (or of v
0398   //! parameter V) on this Bezier surface.
0399   //! In the case of a Bezier surface, these functions return respectively:
0400   //! - 1.-U, or 1.-V.
0401   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real UReversedParameter (const Standard_Real U) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0403   //! Changes the orientation of this Bezier surface in the
0404   //! v parametric direction. The bounds of the
0405   //! surface are not changed, but the given parametric
0406   //! direction is reversed. Hence, the orientation of the
0407   //! surface is reversed.
0408   Standard_EXPORT void VReverse() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0410   //! Computes the u (or v) parameter on the modified
0411   //! surface, produced by reversing its u (or v) parametric
0412   //! direction, for any point of u parameter U (or of v
0413   //! parameter V) on this Bezier surface.
0414   //! In the case of a Bezier surface, these functions return respectively:
0415   //! - 1.-U, or 1.-V.
0416   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real VReversedParameter (const Standard_Real V) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0418   //! Returns the parametric bounds U1, U2, V1 and V2 of
0419   //! this Bezier surface.
0420   //! In the case of a Bezier surface, this function returns
0421   //! U1 = 0, V1 = 0, U2 = 1, V2 = 1.
0422   Standard_EXPORT void Bounds (Standard_Real& U1, Standard_Real& U2, Standard_Real& V1, Standard_Real& V2) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0425   //! Returns the continuity of the surface CN : the order of
0426   //! continuity is infinite.
0427   Standard_EXPORT GeomAbs_Shape Continuity() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0429   Standard_EXPORT void D0 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt& P) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0431   Standard_EXPORT void D1 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& D1U, gp_Vec& D1V) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0433   Standard_EXPORT void D2 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& D1U, gp_Vec& D1V, gp_Vec& D2U, gp_Vec& D2V, gp_Vec& D2UV) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0435   //! Computes P, the point of parameters (U, V) of this Bezier surface, and
0436   //! - one or more of the following sets of vectors:
0437   //! - D1U and D1V, the first derivative vectors at this point,
0438   //! - D2U, D2V and D2UV, the second derivative
0439   //! vectors at this point,
0440   //! - D3U, D3V, D3UUV and D3UVV, the third
0441   //! derivative vectors at this point.
0442   //! Note: The parameters U and V can be outside the bounds of the surface.
0443   Standard_EXPORT void D3 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, gp_Pnt& P, gp_Vec& D1U, gp_Vec& D1V, gp_Vec& D2U, gp_Vec& D2V, gp_Vec& D2UV, gp_Vec& D3U, gp_Vec& D3V, gp_Vec& D3UUV, gp_Vec& D3UVV) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0445   //! Computes the derivative of order Nu in the u
0446   //! parametric direction, and Nv in the v parametric
0447   //! direction, at the point of parameters (U, V) of this Bezier surface.
0448   //! Note: The parameters U and V can be outside the bounds of the surface.
0449   //! Exceptions
0450   //! Standard_RangeError if:
0451   //! - Nu + Nv is less than 1, or Nu or Nv is negative.
0452   Standard_EXPORT gp_Vec DN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real V, const Standard_Integer Nu, const Standard_Integer Nv) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0454   //! Returns the number of poles in the U direction.
0455   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbUPoles() const;
0457   //! Returns the number of poles in the V direction.
0458   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbVPoles() const;
0460   //! Returns the pole of range UIndex, VIndex
0461   //! Raised if UIndex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles, or
0462   //! VIndex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0463   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Pnt& Pole(const Standard_Integer UIndex, const Standard_Integer VIndex) const;
0465   //! Returns the poles of the Bezier surface.
0466   //!
0467   //! Raised if the length of P in the U an V direction is not equal to
0468   //! NbUPoles and NbVPoles.
0469   Standard_EXPORT void Poles (TColgp_Array2OfPnt& P) const;
0471   //! Returns the poles of the Bezier surface.
0472   const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Poles() const
0473   {
0474     return poles->Array2();
0475   }
0477   //! Returns the degree of the surface in the U direction it is
0478   //! NbUPoles - 1
0479   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer UDegree() const;
0482   //! Computes the U isoparametric curve. For a Bezier surface the
0483   //! UIso curve is a Bezier curve.
0484   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Geom_Curve) UIso (const Standard_Real U) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0487   //! Returns the degree of the surface in the V direction it is
0488   //! NbVPoles - 1
0489   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer VDegree() const;
0492   //! Computes the V isoparametric curve. For a Bezier surface the
0493   //! VIso  curve is a Bezier curve.
0494   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Geom_Curve) VIso (const Standard_Real V) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0496   //! Returns the weight of range UIndex, VIndex
0497   //!
0498   //! Raised if UIndex < 1 or UIndex > NbUPoles, or
0499   //! VIndex < 1 or VIndex > NbVPoles.
0500   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Weight (const Standard_Integer UIndex, const Standard_Integer VIndex) const;
0502   //! Returns the weights of the Bezier surface.
0503   //!
0504   //! Raised if the length of W in the U an V direction is not
0505   //! equal to NbUPoles and NbVPoles.
0506   Standard_EXPORT void Weights (TColStd_Array2OfReal& W) const;
0508   //! Returns the weights of the Bezier surface.
0509   const TColStd_Array2OfReal* Weights() const
0510   {
0511     if (!weights.IsNull())
0512       return &weights->Array2();
0513     return BSplSLib::NoWeights();
0514   }
0516   //! Returns True if the first control points row and the
0517   //! last control points row are identical. The tolerance
0518   //! criterion is Resolution from package gp.
0519   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsUClosed() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0522   //! Returns True if the first control points column
0523   //! and the last control points column are identical.
0524   //! The tolerance criterion is Resolution from package gp.
0525   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsVClosed() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0527   //! Returns True, a Bezier surface is always  CN
0528   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsCNu (const Standard_Integer N) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0530   //! Returns True, a BezierSurface is always  CN
0531   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsCNv (const Standard_Integer N) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0533   //! Returns False.
0534   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsUPeriodic() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0536   //! Returns False.
0537   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsVPeriodic() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0540   //! Returns False if the weights are identical in the U direction,
0541   //! The tolerance criterion is Resolution from package gp.
0542   //! Example :
0543   //! |1.0, 1.0, 1.0|
0544   //! if Weights =  |0.5, 0.5, 0.5|   returns False
0545   //! |2.0, 2.0, 2.0|
0546   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsURational() const;
0549   //! Returns False if the weights are identical in the V direction,
0550   //! The tolerance criterion is Resolution from package gp.
0551   //! Example :
0552   //! |1.0, 2.0, 0.5|
0553   //! if Weights =  |1.0, 2.0, 0.5|   returns False
0554   //! |1.0, 2.0, 0.5|
0555   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsVRational() const;
0557   //! Applies the transformation T to this Bezier surface.
0558   Standard_EXPORT void Transform (const gp_Trsf& T) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0561   //! Returns the value of the maximum polynomial degree of a
0562   //! Bezier surface. This value is 25.
0563   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Integer MaxDegree();
0565   //! Computes two tolerance values for this Bezier
0566   //! surface, based on the given tolerance in 3D space
0567   //! Tolerance3D. The tolerances computed are:
0568   //! - UTolerance in the u parametric direction, and
0569   //! - VTolerance in the v parametric direction.
0570   //! If f(u,v) is the equation of this Bezier surface,
0571   //! UTolerance and VTolerance guarantee that:
0572   //! | u1 - u0 | < UTolerance and
0573   //! | v1 - v0 | < VTolerance
0574   //! ====> |f (u1,v1) - f (u0,v0)| < Tolerance3D
0575   Standard_EXPORT void Resolution (const Standard_Real Tolerance3D, Standard_Real& UTolerance, Standard_Real& VTolerance);
0577   //! Creates a new object which is a copy of this Bezier surface.
0578   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Geom_Geometry) Copy() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0580   //! Dumps the content of me into the stream
0581   Standard_EXPORT virtual void DumpJson (Standard_OStream& theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth = -1) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0586   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(Geom_BezierSurface,Geom_BoundedSurface)
0588 protected:
0593 private:
0596   Geom_BezierSurface(const Handle(TColgp_HArray2OfPnt)& SurfacePoles, const Handle(TColStd_HArray2OfReal)& PoleWeights, const Standard_Boolean IsURational, const Standard_Boolean IsVRational);
0598   //! Set  poles  to  Poles,  weights to  Weights  (not
0599   //! copied).
0600   //! Create the arrays of coefficients.  Poles
0601   //! and    Weights  are   assumed   to  have the  first
0602   //! coefficient 1.
0603   //!
0604   //! if nbpoles < 2 or nbpoles > MaDegree
0605   void Init (const Handle(TColgp_HArray2OfPnt)& Poles, const Handle(TColStd_HArray2OfReal)& Weights);
0608   Standard_Boolean urational;
0609   Standard_Boolean vrational;
0610   Handle(TColgp_HArray2OfPnt) poles;
0611   Handle(TColStd_HArray2OfReal) weights;
0612   Standard_Real umaxderivinv;
0613   Standard_Real vmaxderivinv;
0614   Standard_Boolean maxderivinvok;
0617 };
0625 #endif // _Geom_BezierSurface_HeaderFile