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0001 // Created on: 1995-01-16
0002 // Created by: Remi LEQUETTE
0003 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface_HeaderFile
0018 #define _GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0022 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0024 #include <TColgp_Array2OfPnt.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0026 #include <GeomAbs_Shape.hxx>
0027 #include <Approx_ParametrizationType.hxx>
0028 #include <TColStd_Array2OfReal.hxx>
0029 class Geom_BSplineSurface;
0032 //! This class is used to approximate or interpolate
0033 //! a BSplineSurface passing through an  Array2 of
0034 //! points, with a given continuity.
0035 //! Describes functions for building a BSpline
0036 //! surface which approximates or interpolates a set of points.
0037 //! A PointsToBSplineSurface object provides a framework for:
0038 //! -   defining the data of the BSpline surface to be built,
0039 //! -   implementing the approximation algorithm
0040 //! or the interpolation algorithm, and consulting the results.
0041 //! In fact, class contains 3 algorithms, 2 for approximation and 1
0042 //! for interpolation.
0043 //! First approximation algorithm is based on usual least square criterium:
0044 //! minimization of square distance between samplimg points and result surface.
0045 //! Second approximation algorithm uses least square criterium and additional 
0046 //! minimization of some local characteristic of surface (first, second and third
0047 //! partial derivative), which allows managing shape of surface. 
0048 //! Interpolation algorithm produces surface, which passes through sampling points.
0049 //!
0050 //! There is accordance between parametrization of result surface S(U, V) and
0051 //! indexes of array Points(i, j): first index corresponds U parameter of surface, 
0052 //! second - V parameter of surface.
0053 //! So, points of any j-th column Points(*, j) represent any V isoline of surface,
0054 //! points of any i-th row Point(i, *) represent any U isoline of surface.
0055 //! 
0056 //! For each sampling point parameters U, V are calculated according to 
0057 //! type of parametrization, which can be Approx_ChordLength, Approx_Centripetal 
0058 //! or Approx_IsoParametric. Default value is Approx_ChordLength.
0059 //! For ChordLength parametrisation U(i) = U(i-1) + P(i).Distance(P(i-1)),
0060 //! For Centripetal type  U(i) = U(i-1) + Sqrt(P(i).Distance(P(i-1))).
0061 //! Centripetal type can get better result for irregular distances between points.
0062 //!
0063 //! Approximation and interpolation algorithms can build periodical surface along U
0064 //! direction, which corresponds columns of array Points(i, j), 
0065 //! if corresponding parameter (thePeriodic, see comments below) of called 
0066 //! methods is set to True. Algorithm uses first row Points(1, *) as periodic boundary,
0067 //! so to avoid getting wrong surface it is necessary to keep distance between 
0068 //! corresponding points of first and last rows of Points:
0069 //! Points(1, *) != Points(Upper, *).
0071 class GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface
0072 {
0073 public:
0078   //! Constructs an empty algorithm for
0079   //! approximation or interpolation of a surface.
0080   //! Use:
0081   //! -   an Init function to define and build the
0082   //! BSpline surface by approximation, or
0083   //! -   an Interpolate function to define and build
0084   //! the BSpline surface by interpolation.
0085   Standard_EXPORT GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface();
0087   //! Approximates  a BSpline  Surface passing  through  an
0088   //! array of  Points.  The resulting BSpline will  have
0089   //! the following properties:
0090   //! 1- his degree will be in the range [Degmin,Degmax]
0091   //! 2- his  continuity will be  at  least <Continuity>
0092   //! 3- the distance from the point <Points> to the
0093   //! BSpline will be lower to Tol3D.
0095   Standard_EXPORT GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, 
0096     const Standard_Integer DegMin = 3, const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, 
0097     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0099   //! Approximates  a BSpline  Surface passing  through  an
0100   //! array of  Points.  The resulting BSpline will  have
0101   //! the following properties:
0102   //! 1- his degree will be in the range [Degmin,Degmax]
0103   //! 2- his  continuity will be  at  least <Continuity>
0104   //! 3- the distance from the point <Points> to the
0105   //! BSpline will be lower to Tol3D.
0107   Standard_EXPORT GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, 
0108     const Approx_ParametrizationType ParType, 
0109     const Standard_Integer DegMin = 3, const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, 
0110     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0112   //! Approximates  a BSpline  Surface passing  through  an
0113   //! array of  points using variational smoothing algorithm,
0114   //! which tries to minimize additional criterium:
0115   //! Weight1*CurveLength + Weight2*Curvature + Weight3*Torsion.
0117   Standard_EXPORT GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, 
0118     const Standard_Real Weight1, const Standard_Real Weight2, const Standard_Real Weight3, 
0119     const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, 
0120     const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0122   //! Approximates  a BSpline  Surface passing  through  an
0123   //! array of  Points.
0124   //!
0125   //! The points will be constructed as follow:
0126   //! P(i,j) = gp_Pnt( X0 + (i-1)*dX ,
0127   //! Y0 + (j-1)*dY ,
0128   //! ZPoints(i,j)   )
0129   //!
0130   //! The resulting BSpline will  have the following
0131   //! properties:
0132   //! 1- his degree will be in the range [Degmin,Degmax]
0133   //! 2- his  continuity will be  at  least <Continuity>
0134   //! 3- the distance from the point <Points> to the
0135   //! BSpline will be lower to Tol3D
0136   //! 4- the parametrization of the surface will verify:
0137   //! S->Value( U, V) = gp_Pnt( U, V, Z(U,V) );
0139   Standard_EXPORT GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface(const TColStd_Array2OfReal& ZPoints, 
0140     const Standard_Real X0, const Standard_Real dX, 
0141     const Standard_Real Y0, const Standard_Real dY,
0142     const Standard_Integer DegMin = 3, const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, 
0143     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0145   //! Approximates  a BSpline Surface passing  through  an
0146   //! array of  Point.  The resulting BSpline will  have
0147   //! the following properties:
0148   //! 1- his degree will be in the range [Degmin,Degmax]
0149   //! 2- his  continuity will be  at  least <Continuity>
0150   //! 3- the distance from the point <Points> to the
0151   //! BSpline will be lower to Tol3D.
0153   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, 
0154     const Standard_Integer DegMin = 3, const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, 
0155     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0157   //! Interpolates  a BSpline Surface passing  through  an
0158   //! array of  Point.  The resulting BSpline will  have
0159   //! the following properties:
0160   //! 1- his degree will be 3.
0161   //! 2- his  continuity will be  C2.
0163   Standard_EXPORT void Interpolate (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points,  
0164                                     const Standard_Boolean thePeriodic = Standard_False);
0166   //! Interpolates  a BSpline Surface passing  through  an
0167   //! array of  Point.  The resulting BSpline will  have
0168   //! the following properties:
0169   //! 1- his degree will be 3.
0170   //! 2- his  continuity will be  C2.
0172   Standard_EXPORT void Interpolate (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, const Approx_ParametrizationType ParType,
0173                                     const Standard_Boolean thePeriodic = Standard_False);
0175   //! Approximates  a BSpline  Surface passing  through  an
0176   //! array of  Points.
0177   //!
0178   //! The points will be constructed as follow:
0179   //! P(i,j) = gp_Pnt( X0 + (i-1)*dX ,
0180   //! Y0 + (j-1)*dY ,
0181   //! ZPoints(i,j)   )
0182   //!
0183   //! The resulting BSpline will  have the following
0184   //! properties:
0185   //! 1- his degree will be in the range [Degmin,Degmax]
0186   //! 2- his  continuity will be  at  least <Continuity>
0187   //! 3- the distance from the point <Points> to the
0188   //! BSpline will be lower to Tol3D
0189   //! 4- the parametrization of the surface will verify:
0190   //! S->Value( U, V) = gp_Pnt( U, V, Z(U,V) );
0192   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const TColStd_Array2OfReal& ZPoints, 
0193     const Standard_Real X0, const Standard_Real dX, 
0194     const Standard_Real Y0, const Standard_Real dY, 
0195     const Standard_Integer DegMin = 3, const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, 
0196     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0198   //! Interpolates  a BSpline  Surface passing  through  an
0199   //! array of  Points.
0200   //!
0201   //! The points will be constructed as follow:
0202   //! P(i,j) = gp_Pnt( X0 + (i-1)*dX ,
0203   //! Y0 + (j-1)*dY ,
0204   //! ZPoints(i,j)   )
0205   //!
0206   //! The resulting BSpline will  have the following
0207   //! properties:
0208   //! 1- his degree will be 3
0209   //! 2- his  continuity will be  C2.
0210   //! 4- the parametrization of the surface will verify:
0211   //! S->Value( U, V) = gp_Pnt( U, V, Z(U,V) );
0213   Standard_EXPORT void Interpolate (const TColStd_Array2OfReal& ZPoints, 
0214     const Standard_Real X0, const Standard_Real dX, const Standard_Real Y0, const Standard_Real dY);
0216   //! Approximates  a BSpline Surface passing  through  an
0217   //! array of  Point.  The resulting BSpline will  have
0218   //! the following properties:
0219   //! 1- his degree will be in the range [Degmin,Degmax]
0220   //! 2- his  continuity will be  at  least <Continuity>
0221   //! 3- the distance from the point <Points> to the
0222   //! BSpline will be lower to Tol3D.
0224   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, 
0225     const Approx_ParametrizationType ParType, 
0226     const Standard_Integer DegMin = 3, const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8,
0227     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, 
0228     const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3, const Standard_Boolean thePeriodic = Standard_False);
0230   //! Approximates  a BSpline Surface passing  through  an
0231   //! array of  point using variational smoothing algorithm,
0232   //! which tries to minimize additional criterium:
0233   //! Weight1*CurveLength + Weight2*Curvature + Weight3*Torsion.
0235   Standard_EXPORT void Init (const TColgp_Array2OfPnt& Points, 
0236     const Standard_Real Weight1, const Standard_Real Weight2, const Standard_Real Weight3, 
0237     const Standard_Integer DegMax = 8, 
0238     const GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C2, const Standard_Real Tol3D = 1.0e-3);
0240   //! Returns the approximate BSpline Surface
0241   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface)& Surface() const;
0242   Standard_EXPORT operator Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface)() const;
0244   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDone() const;
0249 protected:
0255 private:
0259   Standard_Boolean myIsDone;
0260   Handle(Geom_BSplineSurface) mySurface;
0263 };
0271 #endif // _GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface_HeaderFile