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0001 // Created on: 1993-03-24
0002 // Created by: JCV
0003 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _Geom2d_BSplineCurve_HeaderFile
0018 #define _Geom2d_BSplineCurve_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0023 #include <Precision.hxx>
0024 #include <GeomAbs_BSplKnotDistribution.hxx>
0025 #include <GeomAbs_Shape.hxx>
0026 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0027 #include <TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d.hxx>
0028 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
0029 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfInteger.hxx>
0030 #include <Geom2d_BoundedCurve.hxx>
0031 #include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx>
0032 #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
0033 #include <TColStd_Array1OfInteger.hxx>
0034 class gp_Pnt2d;
0035 class gp_Vec2d;
0036 class gp_Trsf2d;
0037 class Geom2d_Geometry;
0040 class Geom2d_BSplineCurve;
0041 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(Geom2d_BSplineCurve, Geom2d_BoundedCurve)
0043 //! Describes a BSpline curve.
0044 //! A BSpline curve can be:
0045 //! - uniform or non-uniform,
0046 //! - rational or non-rational,
0047 //! - periodic or non-periodic.
0048 //! A BSpline curve is defined by:
0049 //! - its degree; the degree for a
0050 //! Geom2d_BSplineCurve is limited to a value (25)
0051 //! which is defined and controlled by the system. This
0052 //! value is returned by the function MaxDegree;
0053 //! - its periodic or non-periodic nature;
0054 //! - a table of poles (also called control points), with
0055 //! their associated weights if the BSpline curve is
0056 //! rational. The poles of the curve are "control points"
0057 //! used to deform the curve. If the curve is
0058 //! non-periodic, the first pole is the start point of the
0059 //! curve, and the last pole is the end point of the
0060 //! curve. The segment, which joins the first pole to the
0061 //! second pole, is the tangent to the curve at its start
0062 //! point, and the segment, which joins the last pole to
0063 //! the second-from-last pole, is the tangent to the
0064 //! curve at its end point. If the curve is periodic, these
0065 //! geometric properties are not verified. It is more
0066 //! difficult to give a geometric signification to the
0067 //! weights but they are useful for providing exact
0068 //! representations of the arcs of a circle or ellipse.
0069 //! Moreover, if the weights of all the poles are equal,
0070 //! the curve has a polynomial equation; it is
0071 //! therefore a non-rational curve.
0072 //! - a table of knots with their multiplicities. For a
0073 //! Geom2d_BSplineCurve, the table of knots is an
0074 //! increasing sequence of reals without repetition; the
0075 //! multiplicities define the repetition of the knots. A
0076 //! BSpline curve is a piecewise polynomial or rational
0077 //! curve. The knots are the parameters of junction
0078 //! points between two pieces. The multiplicity
0079 //! Mult(i) of the knot Knot(i) of the BSpline
0080 //! curve is related to the degree of continuity of the
0081 //! curve at the knot Knot(i), which is equal to
0082 //! Degree - Mult(i) where Degree is the
0083 //! degree of the BSpline curve.
0084 //! If the knots are regularly spaced (i.e. the difference
0085 //! between two consecutive knots is a constant), three
0086 //! specific and frequently used cases of knot distribution
0087 //! can be identified:
0088 //! - "uniform" if all multiplicities are equal to 1,
0089 //! - "quasi-uniform" if all multiplicities are equal to 1,
0090 //! except the first and the last knot which have a
0091 //! multiplicity of Degree + 1, where Degree is
0092 //! the degree of the BSpline curve,
0093 //! - "Piecewise Bezier" if all multiplicities are equal to
0094 //! Degree except the first and last knot which have
0095 //! a multiplicity of Degree + 1, where Degree is
0096 //! the degree of the BSpline curve. A curve of this
0097 //! type is a concatenation of arcs of Bezier curves.
0098 //! If the BSpline curve is not periodic:
0099 //! - the bounds of the Poles and Weights tables are 1
0100 //! and NbPoles, where NbPoles is the number of
0101 //! poles of the BSpline curve,
0102 //! - the bounds of the Knots and Multiplicities tables are
0103 //! 1 and NbKnots, where NbKnots is the number
0104 //! of knots of the BSpline curve.
0105 //! If the BSpline curve is periodic, and if there are k
0106 //! periodic knots and p periodic poles, the period is:
0107 //! period = Knot(k + 1) - Knot(1)
0108 //! and the poles and knots tables can be considered as
0109 //! infinite tables, such that:
0110 //! - Knot(i+k) = Knot(i) + period
0111 //! - Pole(i+p) = Pole(i)
0112 //! Note: data structures of a periodic BSpline curve are
0113 //! more complex than those of a non-periodic one.
0114 //! Warnings :
0115 //! In this class we consider that a weight value is zero if
0116 //! Weight <= Resolution from package gp.
0117 //! For two parametric values (or two knot values) U1, U2 we
0118 //! consider that U1 = U2 if Abs (U2 - U1) <= Epsilon (U1).
0119 //! For two weights values W1, W2 we consider that W1 = W2 if
0120 //! Abs (W2 - W1) <= Epsilon (W1).  The method Epsilon is
0121 //! defined in the class Real from package Standard.
0122 //!
0123 //! References :
0124 //! . A survey of curve and surface methods in CADG Wolfgang BOHM
0125 //! CAGD 1 (1984)
0126 //! . On de Boor-like algorithms and blossoming Wolfgang BOEHM
0127 //! cagd 5 (1988)
0128 //! . Blossoming and knot insertion algorithms for B-spline curves
0129 //! Ronald N. GOLDMAN
0130 //! . Modelisation des surfaces en CAO, Henri GIAUME Peugeot SA
0131 //! . Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design,
0132 //! a practical guide Gerald Farin
0133 class Geom2d_BSplineCurve : public Geom2d_BoundedCurve
0134 {
0136 public:
0139   //! Creates a  non-rational B_spline curve   on  the
0140   //! basis <Knots, Multiplicities> of degree <Degree>.
0141   //! The following conditions must be verified.
0142   //! 0 < Degree <= MaxDegree.
0143   //!
0144   //! Knots.Length() == Mults.Length() >= 2
0145   //!
0146   //! Knots(i) < Knots(i+1) (Knots are increasing)
0147   //!
0148   //! 1 <= Mults(i) <= Degree
0149   //!
0150   //! On a non periodic curve the first and last multiplicities
0151   //! may be Degree+1 (this is even recommended if you want the
0152   //! curve to start and finish on the first and last pole).
0153   //!
0154   //! On a periodic  curve the first  and  the last multicities
0155   //! must be the same.
0156   //!
0157   //! on non-periodic curves
0158   //!
0159   //! Poles.Length() == Sum(Mults(i)) - Degree - 1 >= 2
0160   //!
0161   //! on periodic curves
0162   //!
0163   //! Poles.Length() == Sum(Mults(i)) except the first or last
0164   Standard_EXPORT Geom2d_BSplineCurve(const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d& Poles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Multiplicities, const Standard_Integer Degree, const Standard_Boolean Periodic = Standard_False);
0166   //! Creates  a rational B_spline  curve  on the basis
0167   //! <Knots, Multiplicities> of degree <Degree>.
0168   //! The following conditions must be verified.
0169   //! 0 < Degree <= MaxDegree.
0170   //!
0171   //! Knots.Length() == Mults.Length() >= 2
0172   //!
0173   //! Knots(i) < Knots(i+1) (Knots are increasing)
0174   //!
0175   //! 1 <= Mults(i) <= Degree
0176   //!
0177   //! On a non periodic curve the first and last multiplicities
0178   //! may be Degree+1 (this is even recommended if you want the
0179   //! curve to start and finish on the first and last pole).
0180   //!
0181   //! On a periodic  curve the first  and  the last multicities
0182   //! must be the same.
0183   //!
0184   //! on non-periodic curves
0185   //!
0186   //! Poles.Length() == Sum(Mults(i)) - Degree - 1 >= 2
0187   //!
0188   //! on periodic curves
0189   //!
0190   //! Poles.Length() == Sum(Mults(i)) except the first or last
0191   Standard_EXPORT Geom2d_BSplineCurve(const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d& Poles, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Weights, const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Multiplicities, const Standard_Integer Degree, const Standard_Boolean Periodic = Standard_False);
0193   //! Increases the degree of this BSpline curve to
0194   //! Degree. As a result, the poles, weights and
0195   //! multiplicities tables are modified; the knots table is
0196   //! not changed. Nothing is done if Degree is less than
0197   //! or equal to the current degree.
0198   //! Exceptions
0199   //! Standard_ConstructionError if Degree is greater than
0200   //! Geom2d_BSplineCurve::MaxDegree().
0201   Standard_EXPORT void IncreaseDegree (const Standard_Integer Degree);
0203   //! Increases the multiplicity  of the knot <Index> to
0204   //! <M>.
0205   //!
0206   //! If   <M>   is   lower   or  equal   to  the current
0207   //! multiplicity nothing is done. If <M> is higher than
0208   //! the degree the degree is used.
0209   //! If <Index> is not in [FirstUKnotIndex, LastUKnotIndex]
0210   Standard_EXPORT void IncreaseMultiplicity (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Integer M);
0212   //! Increases  the  multiplicities   of  the knots  in
0213   //! [I1,I2] to <M>.
0214   //!
0215   //! For each knot if  <M>  is  lower  or equal  to  the
0216   //! current multiplicity  nothing  is  done. If <M>  is
0217   //! higher than the degree the degree is used.
0218   //! As a result, the poles and weights tables of this curve are modified.
0219   //! Warning
0220   //! It is forbidden to modify the multiplicity of the first or
0221   //! last knot of a non-periodic curve. Be careful as
0222   //! Geom2d does not protect against this.
0223   //! Exceptions
0224   //! Standard_OutOfRange if either Index, I1 or I2 is
0225   //! outside the bounds of the knots table.
0226   Standard_EXPORT void IncreaseMultiplicity (const Standard_Integer I1, const Standard_Integer I2, const Standard_Integer M);
0228   //! Increases by M the multiplicity of the knots of indexes
0229   //! I1 to I2 in the knots table of this BSpline curve. For
0230   //! each knot, the resulting multiplicity is limited to the
0231   //! degree of this curve. If M is negative, nothing is done.
0232   //! As a result, the poles and weights tables of this
0233   //! BSpline curve are modified.
0234   //! Warning
0235   //! It is forbidden to modify the multiplicity of the first or
0236   //! last knot of a non-periodic curve. Be careful as
0237   //! Geom2d does not protect against this.
0238   //! Exceptions
0239   //! Standard_OutOfRange if I1 or I2 is outside the
0240   //! bounds of the knots table.
0241   Standard_EXPORT void IncrementMultiplicity (const Standard_Integer I1, const Standard_Integer I2, const Standard_Integer M);
0243   //! Inserts a knot value in the sequence of knots.  If
0244   //! <U>  is an  existing knot     the multiplicity  is
0245   //! increased by <M>.
0246   //!
0247   //! If U  is  not  on the parameter  range  nothing is
0248   //! done.
0249   //!
0250   //! If the multiplicity is negative or null nothing is
0251   //! done. The  new   multiplicity  is limited  to  the
0252   //! degree.
0253   //!
0254   //! The  tolerance criterion  for  knots  equality  is
0255   //! the max of Epsilon(U) and ParametricTolerance.
0256   //! Warning
0257   //! - If U is less than the first parameter or greater than
0258   //! the last parameter of this BSpline curve, nothing is done.
0259   //! - If M is negative or null, nothing is done.
0260   //! - The multiplicity of a knot is limited to the degree of
0261   //! this BSpline curve.
0262   Standard_EXPORT void InsertKnot (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer M = 1, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance = 0.0);
0264   //! Inserts the values of the array Knots, with the
0265   //! respective multiplicities given by the array Mults, into
0266   //! the knots table of this BSpline curve.
0267   //! If a value of the array Knots is an existing knot, its multiplicity is:
0268   //! - increased by M, if Add is true, or
0269   //! - increased to M, if Add is false (default value).
0270   //! The tolerance criterion used for knot equality is the
0271   //! larger of the values ParametricTolerance (defaulted
0272   //! to 0.) and Standard_Real::Epsilon(U),
0273   //! where U is the current knot value.
0274   //! Warning
0275   //! - For a value of the array Knots which is less than
0276   //! the first parameter or greater than the last
0277   //! parameter of this BSpline curve, nothing is done.
0278   //! - For a value of the array Mults which is negative or
0279   //! null, nothing is done.
0280   //! - The multiplicity of a knot is limited to the degree of
0281   //! this BSpline curve.
0282   Standard_EXPORT void InsertKnots (const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Knots, const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Mults, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance = 0.0, const Standard_Boolean Add = Standard_False);
0284   //! Reduces the multiplicity of the knot of index Index
0285   //! to M. If M is equal to 0, the knot is removed.
0286   //! With a modification of this type, the array of poles is also modified.
0287   //! Two different algorithms are systematically used to
0288   //! compute the new poles of the curve. If, for each
0289   //! pole, the distance between the pole calculated
0290   //! using the first algorithm and the same pole
0291   //! calculated using the second algorithm, is less than
0292   //! Tolerance, this ensures that the curve is not
0293   //! modified by more than Tolerance. Under these
0294   //! conditions, true is returned; otherwise, false is returned.
0295   //! A low tolerance is used to prevent modification of
0296   //! the curve. A high tolerance is used to "smooth" the curve.
0297   //! Exceptions
0298   //! Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the
0299   //! bounds of the knots table.
0300   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean RemoveKnot (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Integer M, const Standard_Real Tolerance);
0303   //! The new pole is inserted after the pole of range Index.
0304   //! If the curve was non rational it can become rational.
0305   //!
0306   //! Raised if the B-spline is NonUniform or PiecewiseBezier or if
0307   //! Weight <= 0.0
0308   //! Raised if Index is not in the range [1, Number of Poles]
0309   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleAfter (const Standard_Integer Index, const gp_Pnt2d& P, const Standard_Real Weight = 1.0);
0312   //! The new pole is inserted before the pole of range Index.
0313   //! If the curve was non rational it can become rational.
0314   //!
0315   //! Raised if the B-spline is NonUniform or PiecewiseBezier or if
0316   //! Weight <= 0.0
0317   //! Raised if Index is not in the range [1, Number of Poles]
0318   Standard_EXPORT void InsertPoleBefore (const Standard_Integer Index, const gp_Pnt2d& P, const Standard_Real Weight = 1.0);
0321   //! Removes the pole of range Index
0322   //! If the curve was rational it can become non rational.
0323   //!
0324   //! Raised if the B-spline is NonUniform or PiecewiseBezier.
0325   //! Raised if the number of poles of the B-spline curve is lower or
0326   //! equal to 2 before removing.
0327   //! Raised if Index is not in the range [1, Number of Poles]
0328   Standard_EXPORT void RemovePole (const Standard_Integer Index);
0330   //! Reverses the orientation of this BSpline curve. As a result
0331   //! - the knots and poles tables are modified;
0332   //! - the start point of the initial curve becomes the end
0333   //! point of the reversed curve;
0334   //! - the end point of the initial curve becomes the start
0335   //! point of the reversed curve.
0336   Standard_EXPORT void Reverse() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0338   //! Computes the parameter on the reversed curve for
0339   //! the point of parameter U on this BSpline curve.
0340   //! The returned value is: UFirst + ULast - U,
0341   //! where UFirst and ULast are the values of the
0342   //! first and last parameters of this BSpline curve.
0343   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real ReversedParameter (const Standard_Real U) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0345   //! Modifies this BSpline curve by segmenting it
0346   //! between U1 and U2. Either of these values can be
0347   //! outside the bounds of the curve, but U2 must be greater than U1.
0348   //! All data structure tables of this BSpline curve are
0349   //! modified, but the knots located between U1 and U2
0350   //! are retained. The degree of the curve is not modified.
0351   //!
0352   //! Parameter theTolerance defines the possible proximity of the segment
0353   //! boundaries and B-spline knots to treat them as equal.
0354   //!
0355   //! Warnings :
0356   //! Even if <me> is not closed it can become closed after the
0357   //! segmentation for example if U1 or U2 are out of the bounds
0358   //! of the curve <me> or if the curve makes loop.
0359   //! After the segmentation the length of a curve can be null.
0360   //! - The segmentation of a periodic curve over an
0361   //! interval corresponding to its period generates a
0362   //! non-periodic curve with equivalent geometry.
0363   //! Exceptions
0364   //! Standard_DomainError if U2 is less than U1.
0365   //! raises if U2 < U1.
0366   //! Standard_DomainError if U2 - U1 exceeds the period for periodic curves.
0367   //! i.e. ((U2 - U1) - Period) > Precision::PConfusion().
0368   Standard_EXPORT void Segment (const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2,
0369                                 const Standard_Real theTolerance = Precision::PConfusion());
0371   //! Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the value K
0372   //! to the knot of index Index in the knots table. This is a
0373   //! relatively local modification because K must be such that:
0374   //! Knots(Index - 1) < K < Knots(Index + 1)
0375   //! Exceptions
0376   //! Standard_ConstructionError if:
0377   //! - K is not such that:
0378   //! Knots(Index - 1) < K < Knots(Index + 1)
0379   //! - M is greater than the degree of this BSpline curve
0380   //! or lower than the previous multiplicity of knot of
0381   //! index Index in the knots table.
0382   //! Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the knots table.
0383   Standard_EXPORT void SetKnot (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Real K);
0385   //! Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the array
0386   //! K to its knots table. The multiplicity of the knots is not modified.
0387   //! Exceptions
0388   //! Standard_ConstructionError if the values in the
0389   //! array K are not in ascending order.
0390   //! Standard_OutOfRange if the bounds of the array
0391   //! K are not respectively 1 and the number of knots of this BSpline curve.
0392   Standard_EXPORT void SetKnots (const TColStd_Array1OfReal& K);
0394   //! Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning the value K
0395   //! to the knot of index Index in the knots table. This is a
0396   //! relatively local modification because K must be such that:
0397   //! Knots(Index - 1) < K < Knots(Index + 1)
0398   //! The second syntax allows you also to increase the
0399   //! multiplicity of the knot to M (but it is not possible to
0400   //! decrease the multiplicity of the knot with this function).
0401   //! Exceptions
0402   //! Standard_ConstructionError if:
0403   //! - K is not such that:
0404   //! Knots(Index - 1) < K < Knots(Index + 1)
0405   //! - M is greater than the degree of this BSpline curve
0406   //! or lower than the previous multiplicity of knot of
0407   //! index Index in the knots table.
0408   //! Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the bounds of the knots table.
0409   Standard_EXPORT void SetKnot (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Real K, const Standard_Integer M);
0411   //! Computes the parameter normalized within the
0412   //! "first" period of this BSpline curve, if it is periodic:
0413   //! the returned value is in the range Param1 and
0414   //! Param1 + Period, where:
0415   //! - Param1 is the "first parameter", and
0416   //! - Period the period of this BSpline curve.
0417   //! Note: If this curve is not periodic, U is not modified.
0418   Standard_EXPORT void PeriodicNormalization (Standard_Real& U) const;
0420   //! Changes this BSpline curve into a periodic curve.
0421   //! To become periodic, the curve must first be closed.
0422   //! Next, the knot sequence must be periodic. For this,
0423   //! FirstUKnotIndex and LastUKnotIndex are used to
0424   //! compute I1 and I2, the indexes in the knots array
0425   //! of the knots corresponding to the first and last
0426   //! parameters of this BSpline curve.
0427   //! The period is therefore Knot(I2) - Knot(I1).
0428   //! Consequently, the knots and poles tables are modified.
0429   //! Exceptions
0430   //! Standard_ConstructionError if this BSpline curve is not closed.
0431   Standard_EXPORT void SetPeriodic();
0433   //! Assigns the knot of index Index in the knots table as
0434   //! the origin of this periodic BSpline curve. As a
0435   //! consequence, the knots and poles tables are modified.
0436   //! Exceptions
0437   //! Standard_NoSuchObject if this curve is not periodic.
0438   //! Standard_DomainError if Index is outside the
0439   //! bounds of the knots table.
0440   Standard_EXPORT void SetOrigin (const Standard_Integer Index);
0442   //! Changes this BSpline curve into a non-periodic
0443   //! curve. If this curve is already non-periodic, it is not modified.
0444   //! Note that the poles and knots tables are modified.
0445   //! Warning
0446   //! If this curve is periodic, as the multiplicity of the first
0447   //! and last knots is not modified, and is not equal to
0448   //! Degree + 1, where Degree is the degree of
0449   //! this BSpline curve, the start and end points of the
0450   //! curve are not its first and last poles.
0451   Standard_EXPORT void SetNotPeriodic();
0453   //! Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning P to the
0454   //! pole of index Index in the poles table.
0455   //! Exceptions
0456   //! Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the
0457   //! bounds of the poles table.
0458   //! Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null.
0459   Standard_EXPORT void SetPole (const Standard_Integer Index, const gp_Pnt2d& P);
0461   //! Modifies this BSpline curve by assigning P to the
0462   //! pole of index Index in the poles table.
0463   //! The second syntax also allows you to modify the
0464   //! weight of the modified pole, which becomes Weight.
0465   //! In this case, if this BSpline curve is non-rational, it
0466   //! can become rational and vice versa.
0467   //! Exceptions
0468   //! Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the
0469   //! bounds of the poles table.
0470   //! Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null.
0471   Standard_EXPORT void SetPole (const Standard_Integer Index, const gp_Pnt2d& P, const Standard_Real Weight);
0473   //! Assigns the weight Weight to the pole of index Index of the poles table.
0474   //! If the curve was non rational it can become rational.
0475   //! If the curve was rational it can become non rational.
0476   //! Exceptions
0477   //! Standard_OutOfRange if Index is outside the
0478   //! bounds of the poles table.
0479   //! Standard_ConstructionError if Weight is negative or null.
0480   Standard_EXPORT void SetWeight (const Standard_Integer Index, const Standard_Real Weight);
0482   //! Moves the point of parameter U of this BSpline
0483   //! curve to P. Index1 and Index2 are the indexes in the
0484   //! table of poles of this BSpline curve of the first and
0485   //! last poles designated to be moved.
0486   //! FirstModifiedPole and LastModifiedPole are the
0487   //! indexes of the first and last poles, which are
0488   //! effectively modified.
0489   //! In the event of incompatibility between Index1,
0490   //! Index2 and the value U:
0491   //! - no change is made to this BSpline curve, and
0492   //! - the FirstModifiedPole and LastModifiedPole are returned null.
0493   //! Exceptions
0494   //! Standard_OutOfRange if:
0495   //! - Index1 is greater than or equal to Index2, or
0496   //! - Index1 or Index2 is less than 1 or greater than the
0497   //! number of poles of this BSpline curve.
0498   Standard_EXPORT void MovePoint (const Standard_Real U, const gp_Pnt2d& P, const Standard_Integer Index1, const Standard_Integer Index2, Standard_Integer& FirstModifiedPole, Standard_Integer& LastModifiedPole);
0500   //! Move a point with parameter U to P.
0501   //! and makes it tangent at U be Tangent.
0502   //! StartingCondition = -1 means first can move
0503   //! EndingCondition   = -1 means last point can move
0504   //! StartingCondition = 0 means the first point cannot move
0505   //! EndingCondition   = 0 means the last point cannot move
0506   //! StartingCondition = 1 means the first point and tangent cannot move
0507   //! EndingCondition   = 1 means the last point and tangent cannot move
0508   //! and so forth
0509   //! ErrorStatus != 0 means that there are not enough degree of freedom
0510   //! with the constrain to deform the curve accordingly
0511   Standard_EXPORT void MovePointAndTangent (const Standard_Real U, const gp_Pnt2d& P, const gp_Vec2d& Tangent, const Standard_Real Tolerance, const Standard_Integer StartingCondition, const Standard_Integer EndingCondition, Standard_Integer& ErrorStatus);
0513   //! Returns true if the degree of continuity of this
0514   //! BSpline curve is at least N. A BSpline curve is at least GeomAbs_C0.
0515   //! Exceptions Standard_RangeError if N is negative.
0516   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsCN (const Standard_Integer N) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0519   //! Check if curve has at least G1 continuity in interval [theTf, theTl]
0520   //! Returns true if IsCN(1)
0521   //! or
0522   //! angle between "left" and "right" first derivatives at
0523   //! knots with C0 continuity is less then theAngTol
0524   //! only knots in interval [theTf, theTl] is checked
0525   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsG1 (const Standard_Real theTf, const Standard_Real theTl, const Standard_Real theAngTol) const;
0528   //! Returns true if the distance between the first point and the
0529   //! last point of the curve is lower or equal to Resolution
0530   //! from package gp.
0531   //! Warnings :
0532   //! The first and the last point can be different from the first
0533   //! pole and the last pole of the curve.
0534   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsClosed() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0536   //! Returns True if the curve is periodic.
0537   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsPeriodic() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0540   //! Returns True if the weights are not identical.
0541   //! The tolerance criterion is Epsilon of the class Real.
0542   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsRational() const;
0545   //! Returns the global continuity of the curve :
0546   //! C0 : only geometric continuity,
0547   //! C1 : continuity of the first derivative all along the Curve,
0548   //! C2 : continuity of the second derivative all along the Curve,
0549   //! C3 : continuity of the third derivative all along the Curve,
0550   //! CN : the order of continuity is infinite.
0551   //! For a B-spline curve of degree d if a knot Ui has a
0552   //! multiplicity p the B-spline curve is only Cd-p continuous
0553   //! at Ui. So the global continuity of the curve can't be greater
0554   //! than Cd-p where p is the maximum multiplicity of the interior
0555   //! Knots. In the interior of a knot span the curve is infinitely
0556   //! continuously differentiable.
0557   Standard_EXPORT GeomAbs_Shape Continuity() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0559   //! Returns the degree of this BSpline curve.
0560   //! In this class the degree of the basis normalized B-spline
0561   //! functions cannot be greater than "MaxDegree"
0562   //! Computation of value and derivatives
0563   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Degree() const;
0565   Standard_EXPORT void D0 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& P) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0567   //! Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C1.
0568   Standard_EXPORT void D1 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& P, gp_Vec2d& V1) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0570   //! Raised if the continuity of the curve is not C2.
0571   Standard_EXPORT void D2 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& P, gp_Vec2d& V1, gp_Vec2d& V2) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0573   //! For this BSpline curve, computes
0574   //! - the point P of parameter U, or
0575   //! - the point P and one or more of the following values:
0576   //! - V1, the first derivative vector,
0577   //! - V2, the second derivative vector,
0578   //! - V3, the third derivative vector.
0579   //! Warning
0580   //! On a point where the continuity of the curve is not the
0581   //! one requested, these functions impact the part
0582   //! defined by the parameter with a value greater than U,
0583   //! i.e. the part of the curve to the "right" of the singularity.
0584   //! Raises UndefinedDerivative if the continuity of the curve is not C3.
0585   Standard_EXPORT void D3 (const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d& P, gp_Vec2d& V1, gp_Vec2d& V2, gp_Vec2d& V3) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0587   //! For the point of parameter U of this BSpline curve,
0588   //! computes the vector corresponding to the Nth derivative.
0589   //! Warning
0590   //! On a point where the continuity of the curve is not the
0591   //! one requested, this function impacts the part defined
0592   //! by the parameter with a value greater than U, i.e. the
0593   //! part of the curve to the "right" of the singularity.
0594   //! Raises  UndefinedDerivative if the continuity of the curve is not CN.
0595   //! RangeError if N < 1.
0596   //! The following functions computes the point of parameter U
0597   //! and the derivatives at this point on the B-spline curve
0598   //! arc defined between the knot FromK1 and the knot ToK2.
0599   //! U can be out of bounds [Knot (FromK1),  Knot (ToK2)] but
0600   //! for the computation we only use the definition of the curve
0601   //! between these two knots. This method is useful to compute
0602   //! local derivative, if the order of continuity of the whole
0603   //! curve is not greater enough.    Inside the parametric
0604   //! domain Knot (FromK1), Knot (ToK2) the evaluations are
0605   //! the same as if we consider the whole definition of the
0606   //! curve. Of course the evaluations are different outside
0607   //! this parametric domain.
0608   Standard_EXPORT gp_Vec2d DN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer N) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0610   //! Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
0611   Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt2d LocalValue (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2) const;
0613   //! Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
0614   Standard_EXPORT void LocalD0 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt2d& P) const;
0617   //! Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C1
0618   //! between the knot K1 and the knot K2.
0619   //! Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
0620   Standard_EXPORT void LocalD1 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt2d& P, gp_Vec2d& V1) const;
0623   //! Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C2
0624   //! between the knot K1 and the knot K2.
0625   //! Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
0626   Standard_EXPORT void LocalD2 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt2d& P, gp_Vec2d& V1, gp_Vec2d& V2) const;
0629   //! Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not C3
0630   //! between the knot K1 and the knot K2.
0631   //! Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
0632   Standard_EXPORT void LocalD3 (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, gp_Pnt2d& P, gp_Vec2d& V1, gp_Vec2d& V2, gp_Vec2d& V3) const;
0635   //! Raised if the local continuity of the curve is not CN
0636   //! between the knot K1 and the knot K2.
0637   //! Raised if FromK1 = ToK2.
0638   //! Raised if N < 1.
0639   Standard_EXPORT gp_Vec2d LocalDN (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer FromK1, const Standard_Integer ToK2, const Standard_Integer N) const;
0642   //! Returns the last point of the curve.
0643   //! Warnings :
0644   //! The last point of the curve is different from the last
0645   //! pole of the curve if the multiplicity of the last knot
0646   //! is lower than Degree.
0647   Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt2d EndPoint() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0650   //! For a B-spline curve the first parameter (which gives the start
0651   //! point of the curve) is a knot value but if the multiplicity of
0652   //! the first knot index is lower than Degree + 1 it is not the
0653   //! first knot of the curve. This method computes the index of the
0654   //! knot corresponding to the first parameter.
0655   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer FirstUKnotIndex() const;
0658   //! Computes the parametric value of the start point of the curve.
0659   //! It is a knot value.
0660   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real FirstParameter() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0663   //! Returns the knot of range Index. When there is a knot
0664   //! with a multiplicity greater than 1 the knot is not repeated.
0665   //! The method Multiplicity can be used to get the multiplicity
0666   //! of the Knot.
0667   //! Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbKnots
0668   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Knot (const Standard_Integer Index) const;
0670   //! returns the knot values of the B-spline curve;
0671   //!
0672   //! Raised K.Lower() is less than number of first knot or
0673   //! K.Upper() is more than number of last knot.
0674   Standard_EXPORT void Knots (TColStd_Array1OfReal& K) const;
0676   //! returns the knot values of the B-spline curve;
0677   Standard_EXPORT const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Knots() const;
0679   //! Returns the knots sequence.
0680   //! In this sequence the knots with a multiplicity greater than 1
0681   //! are repeated.
0682   //! Example :
0683   //! K = {k1, k1, k1, k2, k3, k3, k4, k4, k4}
0684   //!
0685   //! Raised if K.Lower() is less than number of first knot
0686   //! in knot sequence with repetitions or K.Upper() is more
0687   //! than number of last knot in knot sequence with repetitions.
0688   Standard_EXPORT void KnotSequence (TColStd_Array1OfReal& K) const;
0690   //! Returns the knots sequence.
0691   //! In this sequence the knots with a multiplicity greater than 1
0692   //! are repeated.
0693   //! Example :
0694   //! K = {k1, k1, k1, k2, k3, k3, k4, k4, k4}
0695   Standard_EXPORT const TColStd_Array1OfReal& KnotSequence() const;
0698   //! Returns NonUniform or Uniform or QuasiUniform or PiecewiseBezier.
0699   //! If all the knots differ by a positive constant from the
0700   //! preceding knot the BSpline Curve can be :
0701   //! - Uniform if all the knots are of multiplicity 1,
0702   //! - QuasiUniform if all the knots are of multiplicity 1 except for
0703   //! the first and last knot which are of multiplicity Degree + 1,
0704   //! - PiecewiseBezier if the first and last knots have multiplicity
0705   //! Degree + 1 and if interior knots have multiplicity Degree
0706   //! A piecewise Bezier with only two knots is a BezierCurve.
0707   //! else the curve is non uniform.
0708   //! The tolerance criterion is Epsilon from class Real.
0709   Standard_EXPORT GeomAbs_BSplKnotDistribution KnotDistribution() const;
0712   //! For a BSpline curve the last parameter (which gives the
0713   //! end point of the curve) is a knot value but if the
0714   //! multiplicity of the last knot index is lower than
0715   //! Degree + 1 it is not the last knot of the curve. This
0716   //! method computes the index of the knot corresponding to
0717   //! the last parameter.
0718   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer LastUKnotIndex() const;
0721   //! Computes the parametric value of the end point of the curve.
0722   //! It is a knot value.
0723   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real LastParameter() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0726   //! Locates the parametric value U in the sequence of knots.
0727   //! If "WithKnotRepetition" is True we consider the knot's
0728   //! representation with repetition of multiple knot value,
0729   //! otherwise  we consider the knot's representation with
0730   //! no repetition of multiple knot values.
0731   //! Knots (I1) <= U <= Knots (I2)
0732   //! . if I1 = I2  U is a knot value (the tolerance criterion
0733   //! ParametricTolerance is used).
0734   //! . if I1 < 1  => U < Knots (1) - Abs(ParametricTolerance)
0735   //! . if I2 > NbKnots => U > Knots (NbKnots) + Abs(ParametricTolerance)
0736   Standard_EXPORT void LocateU (const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Real ParametricTolerance, Standard_Integer& I1, Standard_Integer& I2, const Standard_Boolean WithKnotRepetition = Standard_False) const;
0739   //! Returns the multiplicity of the knots of range Index.
0740   //! Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbKnots
0741   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Multiplicity (const Standard_Integer Index) const;
0744   //! Returns the multiplicity of the knots of the curve.
0745   //!
0746   //! Raised if the length of M is not equal to NbKnots.
0747   Standard_EXPORT void Multiplicities (TColStd_Array1OfInteger& M) const;
0749   //! returns the multiplicity of the knots of the curve.
0750   Standard_EXPORT const TColStd_Array1OfInteger& Multiplicities() const;
0753   //! Returns the number of knots. This method returns the number of
0754   //! knot without repetition of multiple knots.
0755   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbKnots() const;
0757   //! Returns the number of poles
0758   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbPoles() const;
0760   //! Returns the pole of range Index.
0761   //! Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbPoles.
0762   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Pnt2d& Pole (const Standard_Integer Index) const;
0764   //! Returns the poles of the B-spline curve;
0765   //!
0766   //! Raised if the length of P is not equal to the number of poles.
0767   Standard_EXPORT void Poles (TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d& P) const;
0769   //! Returns the poles of the B-spline curve;
0770   Standard_EXPORT const TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d& Poles() const;
0773   //! Returns the start point of the curve.
0774   //! Warnings :
0775   //! This point is different from the first pole of the curve if the
0776   //! multiplicity of the first knot is lower than Degree.
0777   Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt2d StartPoint() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0779   //! Returns the weight of the pole of range Index .
0780   //! Raised if Index < 1 or Index > NbPoles.
0781   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Weight (const Standard_Integer Index) const;
0783   //! Returns the weights of the B-spline curve;
0784   //!
0785   //! Raised if the length of W is not equal to NbPoles.
0786   Standard_EXPORT void Weights (TColStd_Array1OfReal& W) const;
0788   //! Returns the weights of the B-spline curve;
0789   Standard_EXPORT const TColStd_Array1OfReal* Weights() const;
0791   //! Applies the transformation T to this BSpline curve.
0792   Standard_EXPORT void Transform (const gp_Trsf2d& T) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0795   //! Returns the value of the maximum degree of the normalized
0796   //! B-spline basis functions in this package.
0797   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Integer MaxDegree();
0799   //! Computes for this BSpline curve the parametric
0800   //! tolerance UTolerance for a given tolerance
0801   //! Tolerance3D (relative to dimensions in the plane).
0802   //! If f(t) is the equation of this BSpline curve,
0803   //! UTolerance ensures that:
0804   //! | t1 - t0| < Utolerance ===>
0805   //! |f(t1) - f(t0)| < ToleranceUV
0806   Standard_EXPORT void Resolution (const Standard_Real ToleranceUV, Standard_Real& UTolerance);
0808   //! Creates a new object which is a copy of this BSpline curve.
0809   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Geom2d_Geometry) Copy() const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0811   //! Dumps the content of me into the stream
0812   Standard_EXPORT virtual void DumpJson (Standard_OStream& theOStream, Standard_Integer theDepth = -1) const Standard_OVERRIDE;
0817   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(Geom2d_BSplineCurve,Geom2d_BoundedCurve)
0819 protected:
0824 private:
0827   //! Recompute  the  flatknots,  the knotsdistribution, the continuity.
0828   Standard_EXPORT void UpdateKnots();
0830   Standard_Boolean rational;
0831   Standard_Boolean periodic;
0832   GeomAbs_BSplKnotDistribution knotSet;
0833   GeomAbs_Shape smooth;
0834   Standard_Integer deg;
0835   Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d) poles;
0836   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) weights;
0837   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) flatknots;
0838   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) knots;
0839   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) mults;
0840   Standard_Real maxderivinv;
0841   Standard_Boolean maxderivinvok;
0844 };
0852 #endif // _Geom2d_BSplineCurve_HeaderFile