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0001 // Created on: 1992-02-17
0002 // Created by: Jean Claude VAUTHIER
0003 // Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _GProp_PrincipalProps_HeaderFile
0018 #define _GProp_PrincipalProps_HeaderFile
0020 #include <Standard.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0022 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0024 #include <gp_Vec.hxx>
0025 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
0026 #include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
0027 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
0031 //! A framework to present the principal properties of
0032 //! inertia of a system of which global properties are
0033 //! computed by a GProp_GProps object.
0034 //! There is always a set of axes for which the
0035 //! products of inertia of a geometric system are equal
0036 //! to 0; i.e. the matrix of inertia of the system is
0037 //! diagonal. These axes are the principal axes of
0038 //! inertia. Their origin is coincident with the center of
0039 //! mass of the system. The associated moments are
0040 //! called the principal moments of inertia.
0041 //! This sort of presentation object is created, filled and
0042 //! returned by the function PrincipalProperties for
0043 //! any GProp_GProps object, and can be queried to access the result.
0044 //! Note: The system whose principal properties of
0045 //! inertia are returned by this framework is referred to
0046 //! as the current system. The current system,
0047 //! however, is retained neither by this presentation
0048 //! framework nor by the GProp_GProps object which activates it.
0049 class GProp_PrincipalProps 
0050 {
0051 public:
0056   //! creates an undefined PrincipalProps.
0057   Standard_EXPORT GProp_PrincipalProps();
0060   //! returns true if the geometric system has an axis of symmetry.
0061   //! For  comparing  moments  relative  tolerance  1.e-10  is  used.
0062   //! Usually  it  is  enough  for  objects,  restricted  by  faces  with
0063   //! analitycal  geometry.
0064   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasSymmetryAxis() const;
0067   //! returns true if the geometric system has an axis of symmetry.
0068   //! aTol  is  relative  tolerance for  checking  equality  of  moments
0069   //! If  aTol  ==  0,  relative  tolerance  is  ~  1.e-16  (Epsilon(I))
0070   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasSymmetryAxis (const Standard_Real aTol) const;
0073   //! returns true if the geometric system has a point of symmetry.
0074   //! For  comparing  moments  relative  tolerance  1.e-10  is  used.
0075   //! Usually  it  is  enough  for  objects,  restricted  by  faces  with
0076   //! analitycal  geometry.
0077   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasSymmetryPoint() const;
0080   //! returns true if the geometric system has a point of symmetry.
0081   //! aTol  is  relative  tolerance for  checking  equality  of  moments
0082   //! If  aTol  ==  0,  relative  tolerance  is  ~  1.e-16  (Epsilon(I))
0083   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasSymmetryPoint (const Standard_Real aTol) const;
0085   //! Ixx, Iyy and Izz return the principal moments of inertia
0086   //! in the current system.
0087   //! Notes :
0088   //! - If the current system has an axis of symmetry, two
0089   //! of the three values Ixx, Iyy and Izz are equal. They
0090   //! indicate which eigen vectors define an infinity of
0091   //! axes of principal inertia.
0092   //! - If the current system has a center of symmetry, Ixx,
0093   //! Iyy and Izz are equal.
0094   Standard_EXPORT void Moments (Standard_Real& Ixx, Standard_Real& Iyy, Standard_Real& Izz) const;
0096   //! returns the first axis of inertia.
0097   //!
0098   //! if the system has a point of symmetry there is an infinity of
0099   //! solutions. It is not possible to defines the three axis of
0100   //! inertia.
0101   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Vec& FirstAxisOfInertia() const;
0103   //! returns the second axis of inertia.
0104   //!
0105   //! if the system has a point of symmetry or an axis of symmetry the
0106   //! second and the third axis of symmetry are undefined.
0107   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Vec& SecondAxisOfInertia() const;
0109   //! returns the third axis of inertia.
0110   //! This and the above functions return the first, second or third eigen vector of the
0111   //! matrix of inertia of the current system.
0112   //! The first, second and third principal axis of inertia
0113   //! pass through the center of mass of the current
0114   //! system. They are respectively parallel to these three eigen vectors.
0115   //! Note that:
0116   //! - If the current system has an axis of symmetry, any
0117   //! axis is an axis of principal inertia if it passes
0118   //! through the center of mass of the system, and runs
0119   //! parallel to a linear combination of the two eigen
0120   //! vectors of the matrix of inertia, corresponding to the
0121   //! two eigen values which are equal. If the current
0122   //! system has a center of symmetry, any axis passing
0123   //! through the center of mass of the system is an axis
0124   //! of principal inertia. Use the functions
0125   //! HasSymmetryAxis and HasSymmetryPoint to
0126   //! check these particular cases, where the returned
0127   //! eigen vectors define an infinity of principal axis of inertia.
0128   //! - The Moments function can be used to know which
0129   //! of the three eigen vectors corresponds to the two
0130   //! eigen values which are equal.
0131   //!
0132   //! if the system has a point of symmetry or an axis of symmetry the
0133   //! second and the third axis of symmetry are undefined.
0134   Standard_EXPORT const gp_Vec& ThirdAxisOfInertia() const;
0136   //! Returns the principal radii of gyration  Rxx, Ryy
0137   //! and Rzz are the radii of gyration of the current
0138   //! system about its three principal axes of inertia.
0139   //! Note that:
0140   //! - If the current system has an axis of symmetry,
0141   //! two of the three values Rxx, Ryy and Rzz are equal.
0142   //! - If the current system has a center of symmetry,
0143   //! Rxx, Ryy and Rzz are equal.
0144   Standard_EXPORT void RadiusOfGyration (Standard_Real& Rxx, Standard_Real& Ryy, Standard_Real& Rzz) const;
0147 friend   
0148   //! Computes the principal properties of inertia of the current system.
0149   //! There is always a set of axes for which the products
0150   //! of inertia of a geometric system are equal to 0; i.e. the
0151   //! matrix of inertia of the system is diagonal. These axes
0152   //! are the principal axes of inertia. Their origin is
0153   //! coincident with the center of mass of the system. The
0154   //! associated moments are called the principal moments of inertia.
0155   //! This function computes the eigen values and the
0156   //! eigen vectors of the matrix of inertia of the system.
0157   //! Results are stored by using a presentation framework
0158   //! of principal properties of inertia
0159   //! (GProp_PrincipalProps object) which may be
0160   //! queried to access the value sought.
0161   Standard_EXPORT GProp_PrincipalProps GProp_GProps::PrincipalProperties() const;
0164 protected:
0170 private:
0173   Standard_EXPORT GProp_PrincipalProps(const Standard_Real Ixx, const Standard_Real Iyy, const Standard_Real Izz, const Standard_Real Rxx, const Standard_Real Ryy, const Standard_Real Rzz, const gp_Vec& Vxx, const gp_Vec& Vyy, const gp_Vec& Vzz, const gp_Pnt& G);
0176   Standard_Real i1;
0177   Standard_Real i2;
0178   Standard_Real i3;
0179   Standard_Real r1;
0180   Standard_Real r2;
0181   Standard_Real r3;
0182   gp_Vec v1;
0183   gp_Vec v2;
0184   gp_Vec v3;
0185   gp_Pnt g;
0188 };
0196 #endif // _GProp_PrincipalProps_HeaderFile