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0001 // Copyright (c) 2022 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef _DE_Wrapper_HeaderFile
0015 #define _DE_Wrapper_HeaderFile
0017 #include <DE_ConfigurationNode.hxx>
0018 #include <Message_ProgressRange.hxx>
0019 #include <NCollection_DataMap.hxx>
0020 #include <NCollection_IndexedDataMap.hxx>
0021 #include <Standard_Mutex.hxx>
0022 #include <TColStd_ListOfAsciiString.hxx>
0024 class TopoDS_Shape;
0025 class XSControl_WorkSession;
0026 class TDocStd_Document;
0028 typedef NCollection_IndexedDataMap<TCollection_AsciiString, Handle(DE_ConfigurationNode)> DE_ConfigurationVendorMap;
0029 typedef NCollection_DataMap<TCollection_AsciiString, DE_ConfigurationVendorMap> DE_ConfigurationFormatMap;
0031 //! The main class for working with CAD file exchange.
0032 //! Loads and Saves special CAD transfer property.
0033 //! Consolidates all supported Formats and Vendors.
0034 //! Automatically recognizes CAD format and uses the preferred existed Vendor.
0035 //! Note:
0036 //!   If Vendor's format is not binded, the configuration loading doesn't affect on its property.
0037 //!
0038 //! Nodes are grouped by Vendor's name and Format's type.
0039 //! The Vendors may have the same supported CAD formats.
0040 //! Use a Vendor's priority for transfer operations.
0041 //!
0042 //! The algorithm for standalone transfer operation:
0043 //! 1) Work with global wrapper directly or make deep copy and work with it
0044 //! 2) Update the supported vendors and formats
0045 //!   2.1) Create and initialize specialized configuration node of the required format and Vendor.
0046 //!   2.2) Bind the created node to the internal map(::Bind)
0047 //! 3) Configure the transfer property by resource string or file (::Load)
0048 //!   3.1) Configuration can disable or enable some Vendors and formats
0049 //!   3.2) Configuration can change the priority of Vendors
0050 //! 4) Initiate the transfer process by calling "::Write" or "::Read" methods
0051 //! 5) Validate the transfer process output
0052 class DE_Wrapper : public Standard_Transient
0053 {
0054   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(DE_Wrapper, Standard_Transient)
0056 public:
0058   //! Initializes all field by default
0059   Standard_EXPORT DE_Wrapper();
0061   //! Copies values of all fields
0062   //! @param[in] theWrapper object to copy
0063   Standard_EXPORT DE_Wrapper(const Handle(DE_Wrapper)& theWrapper);
0065   //! Gets global configuration singleton.
0066   //! If wrapper is not set, create it by default as base class object.
0067   //! @return point to global configuration
0068   Standard_EXPORT static const Handle(DE_Wrapper)& GlobalWrapper();
0070   //! Sets global configuration singleton
0071   //! @param[in] theWrapper object to set as global configuration
0072   Standard_EXPORT static void SetGlobalWrapper(const Handle(DE_Wrapper)& theWrapper);
0074   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Mutex& GlobalLoadMutex();
0076 public:
0078   //! Reads a CAD file, according internal configuration
0079   //! @param[in] thePath path to the import CAD file
0080   //! @param[out] theDocument document to save result
0081   //! @param[in] theWS current work session
0082   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0083   //! @return true if Read operation has ended correctly
0084   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Read(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0085                                         const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDocument,
0086                                         Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS,
0087                                         const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0089   //! Writes a CAD file, according internal configuration
0090   //! @param[in] thePath path to the export CAD file
0091   //! @param[out] theDocument document to export
0092   //! @param[in] theWS current work session
0093   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0094   //! @return true if Write operation has ended correctly
0095   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Write(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0096                                          const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDocument,
0097                                          Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS,
0098                                          const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0100   //! Reads a CAD file, according internal configuration
0101   //! @param[in] thePath path to the import CAD file
0102   //! @param[out] theDocument document to save result
0103   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0104   //! @return true if Read operation has ended correctly
0105   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Read(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0106                                         const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDocument,
0107                                         const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0109   //! Writes a CAD file, according internal configuration
0110   //! @param[in] thePath path to the export CAD file
0111   //! @param[out] theDocument document to export
0112   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0113   //! @return true if Write operation has ended correctly
0114   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Write(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0115                                          const Handle(TDocStd_Document)& theDocument,
0116                                          const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0118   //! Reads a CAD file, according internal configuration
0119   //! @param[in] thePath path to the import CAD file
0120   //! @param[out] theShape shape to save result
0121   //! @param[in] theWS current work session
0122   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0123   //! @return true if Read operation has ended correctly
0124   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Read(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0125                                         TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
0126                                         Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS,
0127                                         const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0129   //! Writes a CAD file, according internal configuration
0130   //! @param[in] thePath path to the export CAD file
0131   //! @param[out] theShape shape to export
0132   //! @param[in] theWS current work session
0133   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0134   //! @return true if Write operation has ended correctly
0135   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Write(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0136                                          const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
0137                                          Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& theWS,
0138                                          const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0140   //! Reads a CAD file, according internal configuration
0141   //! @param[in] thePath path to the import CAD file
0142   //! @param[out] theShape shape to save result
0143   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0144   //! @return true if Read operation has ended correctly
0145   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Read(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0146                                         TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
0147                                         const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0149   //! Writes a CAD file, according internal configuration
0150   //! @param[in] thePath path to the export CAD file
0151   //! @param[out] theShape shape to export
0152   //! @param theProgress[in] progress indicator
0153   //! @return true if Write operation has ended correctly
0154   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Write(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0155                                          const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
0156                                          const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress = Message_ProgressRange());
0158 public:
0160   //! Updates values according the resource file
0161   //! @param[in] theResource file path to resource or resource value
0162   //! @param[in] theIsRecursive flag to update all nodes
0163   //! @return true if theResource has loaded correctly
0164   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Load(const TCollection_AsciiString& theResource = "",
0165                                         const Standard_Boolean theIsRecursive = Standard_True);
0167   //! Updates values according the resource
0168   //! @param[in] theResource input resource to use
0169   //! @param[in] theIsRecursive flag to update all nodes
0170   //! @return true if theResource has loaded correctly
0171   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Load(const Handle(DE_ConfigurationContext)& theResource,
0172                                         const Standard_Boolean theIsRecursive = Standard_True);
0174   //! Writes configuration to the resource file
0175   //! @param[in] theResourcePath file path to resource
0176   //! @param[in] theIsRecursive flag to write values of all nodes
0177   //! @param[in] theFormats list of formats to save. If empty, saves all available
0178   //! @param[in] theVendors list of providers to save. If empty, saves all available
0179   //! @return true if the Configuration has saved correctly
0180   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Save(const TCollection_AsciiString& theResourcePath,
0181                                         const Standard_Boolean theIsRecursive = Standard_True,
0182                                         const TColStd_ListOfAsciiString& theFormats = TColStd_ListOfAsciiString(),
0183                                         const TColStd_ListOfAsciiString& theVendors = TColStd_ListOfAsciiString());
0185   //! Writes configuration to the string
0186   //! @param[in] theIsRecursive flag to write values of all nodes
0187   //! @param[in] theFormats list of formats to save. If empty, saves all available
0188   //! @param[in] theVendors list of providers to save. If empty, saves all available
0189   //! @return result resource string
0190   Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString Save(const Standard_Boolean theIsRecursive = Standard_True,
0191                                                const TColStd_ListOfAsciiString& theFormats = TColStd_ListOfAsciiString(),
0192                                                const TColStd_ListOfAsciiString& theVendors = TColStd_ListOfAsciiString());
0194   //! Creates new node copy and adds to the map
0195   //! @param[in] theNode input node to copy
0196   //! @return Standard_True if binded
0197   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Bind(const Handle(DE_ConfigurationNode)& theNode);
0199   //! Removes node with the same type from the map
0200   //! @param[in] theNode input node to remove the same
0201   //! @return Standard_True if removed
0202   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean UnBind(const Handle(DE_ConfigurationNode)& theNode);
0204   //! Finds a node associated with input format and vendor
0205   //! @param[in] theFormat input node CAD format
0206   //! @param[in] theVendor input node vendor name
0207   //! @param[out] theNode output node
0208   //! @return Standard_True if the node is found
0209   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Find(const TCollection_AsciiString& theFormat,
0210                                         const TCollection_AsciiString& theVendor,
0211                                         Handle(DE_ConfigurationNode)& theNode) const;
0213   //! Changes provider priority to one format if it exists
0214   //! @param[in] theFormat input node CAD format
0215   //! @param[in] theVendorPriority priority of work with vendors
0216   //! @param[in] theToDisable flag for disabling nodes that are not included in the priority
0217   Standard_EXPORT void ChangePriority(const TCollection_AsciiString& theFormat,
0218                                       const TColStd_ListOfAsciiString& theVendorPriority,
0219                                       const Standard_Boolean theToDisable = Standard_False);
0221   //! Changes provider priority to all loaded nodes
0222   //! @param[in] theVendorPriority priority of work with vendors
0223   //! @param[in] theToDisable flag for disabling nodes that are not included in the priority
0224   Standard_EXPORT void ChangePriority(const TColStd_ListOfAsciiString& theVendorPriority,
0225                                       const Standard_Boolean theToDisable = Standard_False);
0227   //! Find available provider from the configuration.
0228   //! If there are several providers, choose the one with the highest priority.
0229   //! @param[in] thePath path to the CAD file
0230   //! @param[in] theToImport flag to finds for import. Standard_True-import, Standard_False-export
0231   //! @param[out] theProvider created new provider
0232   //! @return Standard_True if provider found and created
0233   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean FindProvider(const TCollection_AsciiString& thePath,
0234                                                         const Standard_Boolean theToImport,
0235                                                         Handle(DE_Provider)& theProvider) const;
0237   //! Updates all registered nodes, all changes will be saved in nodes
0238   //! @param[in] theToForceUpdate flag that turns on/of nodes, according to updated ability to import/export
0239   Standard_EXPORT void UpdateLoad(const Standard_Boolean theToForceUpdate = Standard_False) const;
0241   //! Gets flag that keeps changes on configuration nodes which are being updated, false by default
0242   Standard_Boolean KeepUpdates() const { return myKeepUpdates; }
0244   //! Sets flag that keeps changes on configuration nodes which are being updated, false by default
0245   void SetKeepUpdates(const Standard_Boolean theToKeepUpdates) { myKeepUpdates = theToKeepUpdates; }
0247   //! Gets format map, contains vendor map with nodes
0248   //! @return internal map of formats
0249   Standard_EXPORT const DE_ConfigurationFormatMap& Nodes() const;
0251   //! Copies values of all fields
0252   //! @return new object with the same field values
0253   Standard_EXPORT virtual Handle(DE_Wrapper) Copy() const;
0255 protected:
0257   //! Sorts the vendors according to the priority to work
0258   //! Formats omitted from the resource are not modified
0259   //! Vendors omitted from the format scope are disabled
0260   //! @param[in] theResource resource to get priority
0261   void sort(const Handle(DE_ConfigurationContext)& theResource);
0263 public:
0265   DE_ConfigurationNode::DE_SectionGlobal GlobalParameters; //!< Internal parameters for the all translators
0267 private:
0269   Standard_Boolean myKeepUpdates; //!< Flag that keeps changes on configuration nodes which are being updated
0270   DE_ConfigurationFormatMap myConfiguration; //!< Internal map of formats
0271 };
0273 #endif // _DE_Wrapper_HeaderFile