Warning, /include/opencascade/Blend_Walking_2.gxx is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Matra Datavision
0002 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0003 //
0004 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0005 //
0006 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0007 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0008 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0009 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0010 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0011 //
0012 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0013 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0015 Blend_Status Blend_Walking::TestArret(Blend_Function& Function,
0016 const Blend_Status State,
0017 const Standard_Boolean TestDefl,
0018 const Standard_Boolean TestSolu,
0019 const Standard_Boolean TestLengthStep)
0021 // On regarde si le point donne est solution.
0022 // Si c est le cas,
0023 // On verifie le critere de fleche sur surf1 et surf2
0024 // Si OK, on classifie les points sur surf1 et sur surf2.
0025 // Si les deux sont dedans : on retourne Blend_OK
0026 // sinon si un seul est dedans
0027 // on resout le pb inverse sur la restriction concernee
0028 // sinon on resout le pb inverse sur la surface pour laquelle
0029 // le point est le plus loin.
0030 // sinon (fleche non OK)
0031 // on renvoie Blend_StepTooLarge.
0032 // sinon on renvoie Blend_StepTooLarge.
0033 //
0035 {
0036 gp_Pnt pt1,pt2;
0037 gp_Vec V1,V2;
0038 gp_Vec Tgp1,Tgp2,Nor1,Nor2;
0039 gp_Vec2d V12d,V22d;
0040 Blend_Status State1,State2;
0041 IntSurf_TypeTrans tras1,tras2;
0042 Blend_Point curpoint;
0043 Standard_Boolean loctwist1 = Standard_False, loctwist2 = Standard_False;
0044 Standard_Real tolsolu = tolpoint3d;
0046 if ( !TestSolu) tolsolu *= 1000; //Ca doit toujours etre bon
0047 if (Function.IsSolution(sol,tolsolu)) {
0049 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
0050 sectioncalculee = 1;
0051 #endif
0052 Standard_Boolean curpointistangent = Function.IsTangencyPoint();
0053 pt1 = Function.PointOnS1();
0054 pt2 = Function.PointOnS2();
0055 if(curpointistangent){
0056 curpoint.SetValue(pt1,pt2,param,
0057 sol(1),sol(2),sol(3),sol(4));
0058 }
0059 else{
0060 V1 = Function.TangentOnS1();
0061 V2 = Function.TangentOnS2();
0062 V12d = Function.Tangent2dOnS1();
0063 V22d = Function.Tangent2dOnS2();
0064 curpoint.SetValue(pt1,pt2,param,
0065 sol(1),sol(2),sol(3),sol(4),
0066 V1,V2,V12d,V22d);
0067 if(Function.TwistOnS1()) loctwist1 = Standard_True;
0068 if(Function.TwistOnS2()) loctwist2 = Standard_True;
0069 }
0071 if (TestDefl && check) {
0073 // Verification du critere de fleche sur chaque surface
0074 //et sur la ligne guide
0076 State1 = CheckDeflection(Standard_True,curpoint);
0077 State2 = CheckDeflection(Standard_False,curpoint);
0078 }
0079 else {
0080 State1 = Blend_OK;
0081 State2 = Blend_OK;
0082 if (TestLengthStep) {
0083 // On verifie juste que le pas n'est pas trop grand
0084 // (Cas des prolongements foireux)
0085 Standard_Real curparamu,curparamv, prevparamu,prevparamv;
0086 math_Vector inf(1,4), sup(1,4);
0087 Function.GetBounds(inf, sup);
0088 sup -= inf;
0089 sup *= 0.05; // Pas max : 5% du domaine
0091 curpoint.ParametersOnS1(curparamu,curparamv);
0092 previousP.ParametersOnS1(prevparamu,prevparamv);
0093 if (Abs(curparamu-prevparamu) > sup(1)) State1 = Blend_StepTooLarge;
0094 if (Abs(curparamv-prevparamv) > sup(2)) State1 = Blend_StepTooLarge;
0095 curpoint.ParametersOnS2(curparamu,curparamv);
0096 previousP.ParametersOnS2(prevparamu,prevparamv);
0097 if (Abs(curparamu-prevparamu) > sup(3)) State2 = Blend_StepTooLarge;
0098 if (Abs(curparamv-prevparamv) > sup(4)) State2 = Blend_StepTooLarge;
0099 }
0100 }
0102 if (State1 == Blend_Backward) {
0103 State1 = Blend_StepTooLarge;
0104 rebrou= Standard_True;
0105 }
0107 if (State2 == Blend_Backward) {
0108 State2 = Blend_StepTooLarge;
0109 rebrou = Standard_True;
0110 }
0112 if (State1 == Blend_StepTooLarge ||
0113 State2 == Blend_StepTooLarge) {
0115 return Blend_StepTooLarge;
0116 }
0119 // Ici seulement on peut statuer sur le twist
0120 // Car les rejet ont ete effectue (BUC60322)
0121 if (loctwist1) twistflag1 = Standard_True;
0122 if (loctwist2) twistflag2 = Standard_True;
0124 if (!comptra && !curpointistangent) {
0125 Function.Tangent(sol(1),sol(2),sol(3),sol(4),Tgp1,Tgp2,Nor1,Nor2);
0126 Nor1.Normalize();
0127 Nor2.Normalize();
0128 Standard_Real testra = Tgp1.Dot(Nor1.Crossed(V1));
0129 if (Abs(testra) > Precision::Confusion()) {
0130 tras1 = IntSurf_In;
0131 if ((testra > 0. && !loctwist1) || (testra < 0. && loctwist1)) {
0132 tras1 = IntSurf_Out;
0133 }
0135 testra = Tgp2.Dot(Nor2.Crossed(V2));
0136 if (Abs(testra) > Precision::Confusion()) {
0137 tras2 = IntSurf_Out;
0138 if ((testra > 0. && !loctwist2) || (testra < 0. && loctwist2)) {
0139 tras2 = IntSurf_In;
0140 }
0141 comptra = Standard_True;
0142 line->Set(tras1,tras2);
0143 }
0144 }
0145 }
0147 if (State1 == Blend_OK ||
0148 State2 == Blend_OK ) {
0149 previousP = curpoint;
0150 return State;
0151 }
0153 if (State1 == Blend_StepTooSmall &&
0154 State2 == Blend_StepTooSmall) {
0155 previousP = curpoint;
0156 if (State == Blend_OK) {
0157 return Blend_StepTooSmall;
0158 }
0159 else {
0160 return State;
0161 }
0162 }
0164 if (State == Blend_OK) {
0165 return Blend_SamePoints;
0166 }
0167 else {
0168 return State;
0169 }
0171 }
0172 else {
0173 return Blend_StepTooLarge;
0174 }
0175 }
0178 Blend_Status Blend_Walking::CheckDeflection
0179 (const Standard_Boolean OnFirst,
0180 const Blend_Point& CurPoint)
0181 {
0182 // regle par tests dans U4 correspond a 11.478 d
0183 const Standard_Real CosRef3D = 0.98;
0185 const Standard_Real CosRef2D = 0.88; // correspond a 25 d
0187 Standard_Real Norme, Cosi, Cosi2;
0188 Standard_Real prevNorme = 0.;
0189 Standard_Real FlecheCourante;
0190 Standard_Real Du,Dv,Duv;
0191 Standard_Real tolu,tolv;
0193 gp_Pnt Psurf;
0194 gp_Vec Tgsurf;
0195 gp_Vec2d Tgonsurf;
0196 Standard_Real curparamu, curparamv;
0197 Standard_Boolean curpointistangent = CurPoint.IsTangencyPoint();
0199 gp_Pnt prevP;
0200 gp_Vec prevTg;
0201 gp_Vec2d previousd2d;
0202 Standard_Real prevparamu, prevparamv;
0203 Standard_Boolean prevpointistangent = previousP.IsTangencyPoint();
0205 if (OnFirst) {
0206 Psurf = CurPoint.PointOnS1();
0207 if(!curpointistangent){
0208 Tgsurf = CurPoint.TangentOnS1();
0209 }
0210 prevP = previousP.PointOnS1();
0211 if(!prevpointistangent){
0212 prevTg = previousP.TangentOnS1();
0213 }
0214 tolu = TheSurfaceTool::UResolution(surf1,tolpoint3d);
0215 tolv = TheSurfaceTool::VResolution(surf1,tolpoint3d);
0216 }
0217 else {
0218 Psurf = CurPoint.PointOnS2();
0219 if(!curpointistangent){
0220 Tgsurf = CurPoint.TangentOnS2();
0221 }
0222 prevP = previousP.PointOnS2();
0223 if(!prevpointistangent){
0224 prevTg = previousP.TangentOnS2();
0225 }
0226 tolu = TheSurfaceTool::UResolution(surf2,tolpoint3d);
0227 tolv = TheSurfaceTool::VResolution(surf2,tolpoint3d);
0228 }
0230 gp_Vec Corde(prevP,Psurf);
0231 Norme = Corde.SquareMagnitude();
0232 // if(!curpointistangent) curNorme = Tgsurf.SquareMagnitude();
0233 if(!prevpointistangent) prevNorme = prevTg.SquareMagnitude();
0236 const Standard_Real toler3d = 0.01 * tolpoint3d;
0237 if (Norme <= toler3d * toler3d){
0238 // il faudra peut etre forcer meme point
0239 return Blend_SamePoints;
0240 }
0241 if(!prevpointistangent){
0242 if(prevNorme <= toler3d * toler3d) {
0243 return Blend_SamePoints;
0244 }
0245 Cosi = sens*Corde*prevTg;
0246 if (Cosi <0.) { // angle 3d>pi/2. --> retour arriere
0247 return Blend_Backward;
0248 }
0250 Cosi2 = Cosi * Cosi / prevNorme / Norme;
0251 if (Cosi2 < CosRef3D) {
0252 return Blend_StepTooLarge;
0253 }
0254 }
0256 if(!curpointistangent){
0257 // Voir s il faut faire le controle sur le signe de prevtg*Tgsurf
0258 Cosi = sens*Corde*Tgsurf;
0259 Cosi2 = Cosi * Cosi / Tgsurf.SquareMagnitude() / Norme;
0260 if (Cosi2 < CosRef3D || Cosi < 0.) {
0261 return Blend_StepTooLarge;
0262 }
0263 }
0265 if(check2d){
0266 if (OnFirst) {
0267 CurPoint.ParametersOnS1(curparamu,curparamv);
0268 if(!curpointistangent) Tgonsurf = CurPoint.Tangent2dOnS1();
0269 previousP.ParametersOnS1(prevparamu,prevparamv);
0270 if(!prevpointistangent) previousd2d = previousP.Tangent2dOnS1();
0271 }
0272 else {
0273 CurPoint.ParametersOnS2(curparamu,curparamv);
0274 if(!curpointistangent) Tgonsurf = CurPoint.Tangent2dOnS2();
0275 previousP.ParametersOnS2(prevparamu,prevparamv);
0276 if(!prevpointistangent) previousd2d = previousP.Tangent2dOnS2();
0277 }
0279 Du = curparamu - prevparamu;
0280 Dv = curparamv - prevparamv;
0281 Duv = Du * Du + Dv * Dv;
0282 // SqrtDuv = Sqrt(Duv);
0283 if (Abs(Du) < tolu && Abs(Dv) < tolv){
0284 // il faudra peut etre forcer meme point
0285 return Blend_SamePoints; //point confondu 2d
0286 }
0287 if(!prevpointistangent){
0288 if(Abs(previousd2d.X()) < tolu && Abs(previousd2d.Y()) < tolv){
0289 // il faudra peut etre forcer meme point
0290 return Blend_SamePoints; //point confondu 2d
0291 }
0292 Cosi = sens*(Du * previousd2d.X() + Dv * previousd2d.Y());
0293 if (Cosi < 0) {
0294 return Blend_Backward;
0295 }
0296 }
0297 if(!curpointistangent){
0298 // Voir s il faut faire le controle sur le signe de Cosi
0299 Cosi = sens*(Du * Tgonsurf.X() + Dv * Tgonsurf.Y())/Tgonsurf.Magnitude();
0300 Cosi2 = Cosi * Cosi / Duv;
0301 if (Cosi2 < CosRef2D || Cosi <0.) {
0302 return Blend_StepTooLarge;
0303 }
0304 }
0305 }
0306 if(!curpointistangent && !prevpointistangent){
0307 // Estimation de la fleche courante
0308 FlecheCourante = (prevTg.Normalized().XYZ()-Tgsurf.Normalized().XYZ()).SquareModulus()*Norme/64.;
0310 if (FlecheCourante <= 0.25*fleche*fleche) {
0311 return Blend_StepTooSmall;
0312 }
0313 if (FlecheCourante > fleche*fleche) {
0314 // pas trop grand : commentaire interessant
0315 return Blend_StepTooLarge;
0316 }
0317 }
0318 return Blend_OK;
0319 }