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0001 // Created on: 1998-06-03
0002 // Created by: data exchange team
0003 // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #ifndef _BRepTools_ReShape_HeaderFile
0018 #define _BRepTools_ReShape_HeaderFile
0020 #include <BRepTools_History.hxx>
0022 #include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape.hxx>
0023 #include <TopTools_MapOfShape.hxx>
0024 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
0025 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
0026 #include <TopAbs_ShapeEnum.hxx>
0028 class TopoDS_Vertex;
0030 // resolve name collisions with X11 headers
0031 #ifdef Status
0032   #undef Status
0033 #endif
0035 class BRepTools_ReShape;
0036 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(BRepTools_ReShape, Standard_Transient)
0038 //! Rebuilds a Shape by making pre-defined substitutions on some
0039 //! of its components
0040 //!
0041 //! In a first phase, it records requests to replace or remove
0042 //! some individual shapes
0043 //! For each shape, the last given request is recorded
0044 //! Requests may be applied "Oriented" (i.e. only to an item with
0045 //! the SAME orientation) or not (the orientation of replacing
0046 //! shape is respectful of that of the original one)
0047 //!
0048 //! Then, these requests may be applied to any shape which may
0049 //! contain one or more of these individual shapes
0050 //!
0051 //! Supports the 'BRepTools_History' history by method 'History'.
0052 class BRepTools_ReShape : public Standard_Transient
0053 {
0054 public:
0055   //! Returns an empty Reshape
0056   Standard_EXPORT BRepTools_ReShape();
0058   //! Clears all substitutions requests
0059   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Clear();
0061   //! Sets a request to Remove a Shape whatever the orientation
0062   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Remove (const TopoDS_Shape& shape);
0064   //! Sets a request to Replace a Shape by a new one.
0065   virtual void Replace (const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const TopoDS_Shape& newshape)
0066   {
0067     replace (shape, newshape, TReplacementKind_Modify);
0068   }
0070   //! Merges the parts to the single product.
0071   //! The first part is replaced by the product.
0072   //! The other parts are removed.
0073   //! The history of the merged shapes is presented by equal ways.
0074   template<typename TCollection> void Merge(
0075     const TCollection& theParts, const TopoDS_Shape& theProduct)
0076   {
0077     typename TCollection::Iterator aPIt(theParts);
0079     if (aPIt.More())
0080     {
0081       replace(aPIt.Value(), theProduct, TReplacementKind_Merge_Main);
0083       aPIt.Next();
0084     }
0086     const TReplacementKind aKind = TReplacementKind_Merge_Ordinary;
0087     for (; aPIt.More(); aPIt.Next())
0088     {
0089       replace(aPIt.Value(), theProduct, aKind);
0090     }
0091   }
0093   //! Tells if a shape is recorded for Replace/Remove
0094   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean IsRecorded (const TopoDS_Shape& shape) const;
0096   //! Returns the new value for an individual shape
0097   //! If not recorded, returns the original shape itself
0098   //! If to be Removed, returns a Null Shape
0099   //! Else, returns the replacing item
0100   Standard_EXPORT virtual TopoDS_Shape Value (const TopoDS_Shape& shape) const;
0102   //! Returns a complete substitution status for a shape
0103   //! 0  : not recorded,   <newsh> = original <shape>
0104   //! < 0: to be removed,  <newsh> is NULL
0105   //! > 0: to be replaced, <newsh> is a new item
0106   //! If <last> is False, returns status and new shape recorded in
0107   //! the map directly for the shape, if True and status > 0 then
0108   //! recursively searches for the last status and new shape.
0109   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Integer Status (const TopoDS_Shape& shape, TopoDS_Shape& newsh, const Standard_Boolean last = Standard_False);
0111   //! Applies the substitutions requests to a shape.
0112   //!
0113   //! theUntil gives the level of type until which requests are taken into account.
0114   //! For subshapes of the type <until> no rebuild and further exploring are done.
0115   //!
0116   //! NOTE: each subshape can be replaced by shape of the same type
0117   //! or by shape containing only shapes of that type
0118   //! (for example, TopoDS_Edge can be replaced by TopoDS_Edge,
0119   //! TopoDS_Wire or TopoDS_Compound containing TopoDS_Edges).
0120   //! If incompatible shape type is encountered, it is ignored and flag FAIL1 is set in Status.
0121   Standard_EXPORT virtual TopoDS_Shape Apply (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
0122                                               const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theUntil = TopAbs_SHAPE);
0124   //! Returns (modifiable) the flag which defines whether Location of shape take into account
0125   //! during replacing shapes.
0126   virtual Standard_Boolean& ModeConsiderLocation()
0127   {
0128     return myConsiderLocation;
0129   }
0131   //! Returns modified copy of vertex if original one is not recorded or returns modified original vertex otherwise.
0132   //@param theV - original vertex.
0133   //@param theTol - new tolerance of vertex, optional.
0134   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Vertex CopyVertex(const TopoDS_Vertex& theV,
0135                                            const Standard_Real theTol = -1.0);
0137   //! Returns modified copy of vertex if original one is not recorded or returns modified original vertex otherwise.
0138   //@param theV - original vertex.
0139   //@param theNewPos - new position for vertex copy.
0140   //@param theTol - new tolerance of vertex.
0141   Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Vertex CopyVertex(const TopoDS_Vertex& theV,
0142                                            const gp_Pnt& theNewPos,
0143                                            const Standard_Real aTol);
0145   //! Checks if shape has been recorded by reshaper as a value
0146   //@param theShape is the given shape
0147   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsNewShape(const TopoDS_Shape& theShape) const;
0149   //! Returns the history of the substituted shapes.
0150   Standard_EXPORT Handle(BRepTools_History) History() const;
0152   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(BRepTools_ReShape,Standard_Transient)
0154 protected:
0155   //! The kinds of the replacements.
0156   enum TReplacementKind
0157   {
0158     TReplacementKind_Remove = 1,
0159     TReplacementKind_Modify = 2,
0160     TReplacementKind_Merge_Main = 4,
0161     TReplacementKind_Merge_Ordinary = 8
0162   };
0164   //! Replaces the first shape by the second one
0165   //! after the following reorientation.
0166   //!
0167   //! If the first shape has the reversed orientation
0168   //! then the both shapes are reversed.
0169   //! If the first shape has the internal or external orientation then: <br>
0170   //! - the second shape is oriented forward (reversed) if it's orientation
0171   //!   is equal (not equal) to the orientation of the first shape; <br>
0172   //! - the first shape is oriented forward.
0173   Standard_EXPORT virtual void replace (
0174     const TopoDS_Shape& shape,
0175     const TopoDS_Shape& newshape,
0176     const TReplacementKind theKind);
0178 private:
0179   //! Returns 'true' if the kind of a replacement is an ordinary merging.
0180   static Standard_Boolean isOrdinaryMerged(const TReplacementKind theKind)
0181   {
0182     return (theKind == TReplacementKind_Merge_Ordinary);
0183   }
0185   //! A replacement of an initial shape.
0186   struct TReplacement
0187   {
0188   public:
0189     //! The default constructor.
0190     TReplacement() : myKind(TReplacementKind_Remove)
0191     {
0192     }
0194     //! The initializing constructor.
0195     TReplacement(
0196         const TopoDS_Shape& theResult, const TReplacementKind theKind) :
0197       myResult(theResult), myKind(theKind)
0198     {
0199     }
0201     //! Returns the result of the replacement.
0202     TopoDS_Shape Result() const
0203     {
0204       return (myKind != TReplacementKind_Merge_Ordinary) ?
0205         myResult : TopoDS_Shape();
0206     }
0208     //! Returns the result of the relation.
0209     const TopoDS_Shape& RelationResult() const
0210     {
0211       return myResult;
0212     }
0214     //! Returns the kind of the relation
0215     //! between an initial shape and the result of the replacement.
0216     BRepTools_History::TRelationType RelationKind() const
0217     {
0218       return (myKind == TReplacementKind_Remove) ?
0219         BRepTools_History::TRelationType_Removed :
0220         BRepTools_History::TRelationType_Modified;
0221     }
0223   private:
0224     TopoDS_Shape myResult; //!< The result of the replacement.
0225     TReplacementKind myKind; //!< The kind of the replacement.
0226   };
0228   typedef NCollection_DataMap<TopoDS_Shape, TReplacement,
0229     TopTools_ShapeMapHasher> TShapeToReplacement;
0231 private:
0232   //! Maps each shape to its replacement.
0233   //! If a shape is not bound to the map then the shape is replaced by itself.
0234   TShapeToReplacement myShapeToReplacement;
0236 protected:
0237   TopTools_MapOfShape myNewShapes;
0238   Standard_Integer myStatus;
0241 private:
0244   Standard_Boolean myConsiderLocation;
0247 };
0255 #endif // _BRepTools_ReShape_HeaderFile