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0001 // Created by: Peter KURNEV
0002 // Copyright (c) 2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0003 //
0004 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0005 //
0006 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0007 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0008 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0009 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0010 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0011 //
0012 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0013 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0015 #ifndef _BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo_HeaderFile
0016 #define _BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo_HeaderFile
0018 #include <Standard.hxx>
0019 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0020 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0022 #include <BOPAlgo_GlueEnum.hxx>
0023 #include <BOPAlgo_PPaveFiller.hxx>
0024 #include <BOPAlgo_PBuilder.hxx>
0025 #include <BRepAlgoAPI_Algo.hxx>
0026 #include <BRepTools_History.hxx>
0027 #include <Precision.hxx>
0028 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
0029 #include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
0031 //! The class contains API level of the General Fuse algorithm.<br>
0032 //!
0033 //! Additionally to the options defined in the base class, the algorithm has
0034 //! the following options:<br>
0035 //! - *Safe processing mode* - allows to avoid modification of the input
0036 //!                            shapes during the operation (by default it is off);
0037 //! - *Gluing options* - allows to speed up the calculation of the intersections
0038 //!                      on the special cases, in which some sub-shapes are coinciding.
0039 //! - *Disabling the check for inverted solids* - Disables/Enables the check of the input solids
0040 //!                          for inverted status (holes in the space). The default value is TRUE,
0041 //!                          i.e. the check is performed. Setting this flag to FALSE for inverted solids,
0042 //!                          most likely will lead to incorrect results.
0043 //! - *Disabling history collection* - allows disabling the collection of the history
0044 //!                                    of shapes modifications during the operation.
0045 //!
0046 //! It returns the following Error statuses:<br>
0047 //! - 0 - in case of success;<br>
0048 //! - *BOPAlgo_AlertTooFewArguments* - in case there are no enough arguments to perform the operation;<br>
0049 //! - *BOPAlgo_AlertIntersectionFailed* - in case the intersection of the arguments has failed;<br>
0050 //! - *BOPAlgo_AlertBuilderFailed* - in case building of the result shape has failed.<br>
0051 //!
0052 //! Warnings statuses from underlying DS Filler and Builder algorithms
0053 //! are collected in the report.
0054 //!
0055 //! The class provides possibility to simplify the resulting shape by unification
0056 //! of the tangential edges and faces. It is performed by the method *SimplifyResult*.
0057 //! See description of this method for more details.
0058 //!
0059 class BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo  : public BRepAlgoAPI_Algo
0060 {
0061 public:
0066 public: //! @name Constructors
0068   //! Empty constructor
0069   Standard_EXPORT BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo();
0070   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo();
0072   //! Constructor with prepared Filler object
0073   Standard_EXPORT BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo(const BOPAlgo_PaveFiller& thePF);
0076 public: //! @name Setting/Getting data for the algorithm
0078   //! Sets the arguments
0079   void SetArguments (const TopTools_ListOfShape& theLS)
0080   {
0081     myArguments = theLS;
0082   }
0084   //! Gets the arguments
0085   const TopTools_ListOfShape& Arguments() const
0086   {
0087     return myArguments;
0088   }
0091 public: //! @name Setting options
0093   //! Sets the flag that defines the mode of treatment.
0094   //! In non-destructive mode the argument shapes are not modified. Instead
0095   //! a copy of a sub-shape is created in the result if it is needed to be updated.
0096   void SetNonDestructive(const Standard_Boolean theFlag)
0097   {
0098     myNonDestructive = theFlag;
0099   }
0101   //! Returns the flag that defines the mode of treatment.
0102   //! In non-destructive mode the argument shapes are not modified. Instead
0103   //! a copy of a sub-shape is created in the result if it is needed to be updated.
0104   Standard_Boolean NonDestructive() const
0105   {
0106     return myNonDestructive;
0107   }
0109   //! Sets the glue option for the algorithm,
0110   //! which allows increasing performance of the intersection
0111   //! of the input shapes.
0112   void SetGlue(const BOPAlgo_GlueEnum theGlue)
0113   {
0114     myGlue = theGlue;
0115   }
0117   //! Returns the glue option of the algorithm
0118   BOPAlgo_GlueEnum Glue() const
0119   {
0120     return myGlue;
0121   }
0123   //! Enables/Disables the check of the input solids for inverted status
0124   void SetCheckInverted(const Standard_Boolean theCheck)
0125   {
0126     myCheckInverted = theCheck;
0127   }
0129   //! Returns the flag defining whether the check for input solids on inverted status
0130   //! should be performed or not.
0131   Standard_Boolean CheckInverted() const
0132   {
0133     return myCheckInverted;
0134   }
0137 public: //! @name Performing the operation
0139   //! Performs the algorithm
0140   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Build(const Message_ProgressRange& theRange = Message_ProgressRange()) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0143 public: //! @name Result simplification
0145   //! Simplification of the result shape is performed by the means of
0146   //! *ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain* algorithm. The result of the operation will
0147   //! be overwritten with the simplified result.
0148   //!
0149   //! The simplification is performed without creation of the Internal shapes,
0150   //! i.e. shapes connections will never be broken.
0151   //!
0152   //! Simplification is performed on the whole result shape. Thus, if the input
0153   //! shapes contained connected tangent edges or faces unmodified during the operation
0154   //! they will also be unified.
0155   //!
0156   //! After simplification, the History of result simplification is merged into the main
0157   //! history of operation. So, it is taken into account when asking for Modified,
0158   //! Generated and Deleted shapes.
0159   //!
0160   //! Some options of the main operation are passed into the Unifier:
0161   //! - Fuzzy tolerance of the operation is given to the Unifier as the linear tolerance.
0162   //! - Non destructive mode here controls the safe input mode in Unifier.
0163   //!
0164   //! @param theUnifyEdges Controls the edges unification. TRUE by default.
0165   //! @param theUnifyFaces Controls the faces unification. TRUE by default.
0166   //! @param theAngularTol Angular criteria for tangency of edges and faces.
0167   //!                      Precision::Angular() by default.
0168   Standard_EXPORT void SimplifyResult(const Standard_Boolean theUnifyEdges = Standard_True,
0169                                       const Standard_Boolean theUnifyFaces = Standard_True,
0170                                       const Standard_Real    theAngularTol = Precision::Angular());
0173 public: //! @name History support
0175   //! Returns the shapes modified from the shape <theS>.
0176   //! If any, the list will contain only those splits of the
0177   //! given shape, contained in the result.
0178   Standard_EXPORT virtual const TopTools_ListOfShape& Modified(const TopoDS_Shape& theS) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0180   //! Returns the list  of shapes generated from the shape <theS>.
0181   //! In frames of Boolean Operations algorithms only Edges and Faces
0182   //! could have Generated elements, as only they produce new elements
0183   //! during intersection:
0184   //! - Edges can generate new vertices;
0185   //! - Faces can generate new edges and vertices.
0186   Standard_EXPORT virtual const TopTools_ListOfShape& Generated(const TopoDS_Shape& theS) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0188   //! Checks if the shape <theS> has been completely removed from the result,
0189   //! i.e. the result does not contain the shape itself and any of its splits.
0190   //! Returns TRUE if the shape has been deleted.
0191   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean IsDeleted(const TopoDS_Shape& aS) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0193   //! Returns true if any of the input shapes has been modified during operation.
0194   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean HasModified() const;
0196   //! Returns true if any of the input shapes has generated shapes during operation.
0197   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean HasGenerated() const;
0199   //! Returns true if any of the input shapes has been deleted during operation.
0200   //! Normally, General Fuse operation should not have Deleted elements,
0201   //! but all derived operation can have.
0202   Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean HasDeleted() const;
0205 public: //! @name Enabling/Disabling the history collection.
0207   //! Allows disabling the history collection
0208   void SetToFillHistory(const Standard_Boolean theHistFlag) { myFillHistory = theHistFlag; }
0210   //! Returns flag of history availability
0211   Standard_Boolean HasHistory() const { return myFillHistory; }
0214 public: //! @name Getting the section edges
0216   //! Returns a list of section edges.
0217   //! The edges represent the result of intersection between arguments of operation.
0218   Standard_EXPORT const TopTools_ListOfShape& SectionEdges();
0221 public: //! @name Getting tools performing the job
0223   //! Returns the Intersection tool
0224   const BOPAlgo_PPaveFiller& DSFiller() const
0225   {
0226     return myDSFiller;
0227   }
0229   //! Returns the Building tool
0230   const BOPAlgo_PBuilder& Builder() const
0231   {
0232     return myBuilder;
0233   }
0235   //! History tool
0236   Handle(BRepTools_History) History() const
0237   {
0238     return myFillHistory ? myHistory : NULL;
0239   }
0242 protected: //! @name Setting options to the Intersection tool
0244   //! Sets options (available in child classes) for the intersection tool.
0245   //! Here it does nothing.
0246   virtual void SetAttributes() {}
0249 protected: //! @name Protected methods for shapes intersection and building result
0251   //! Intersects the given shapes with the intersection tool
0252   Standard_EXPORT void IntersectShapes(const TopTools_ListOfShape& theArgs, const Message_ProgressRange& theRange);
0254   //! Builds the resulting shape
0255   Standard_EXPORT void BuildResult(const Message_ProgressRange& theRange = Message_ProgressRange());
0258 protected: //! @name Clearing the contents of the algorithm
0260   //! Clears the algorithm from previous runs
0261   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Clear() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0264 protected: //! @name Fields
0266   // Inputs
0267   TopTools_ListOfShape myArguments; //!< Arguments of the operation
0269   // Options
0270   Standard_Boolean myNonDestructive; //!< Non-destructive mode management
0271   BOPAlgo_GlueEnum myGlue;           //!< Gluing mode management
0272   Standard_Boolean myCheckInverted;  //!< Check for inverted solids management
0273   Standard_Boolean myFillHistory;    //!< Controls the history collection
0275   // Tools
0276   Standard_Boolean myIsIntersectionNeeded; //!< Flag to control whether the intersection
0277                                            //! of arguments should be performed or not
0278   BOPAlgo_PPaveFiller myDSFiller;          //!< Intersection tool performs intersection of the
0279                                            //! argument shapes.
0280   BOPAlgo_PBuilder  myBuilder;             //!< Building tool performs construction of the result
0281                                            //! basing on the results of intersection
0282   Handle(BRepTools_History) myHistory;     //!< General History tool, containing all History of
0283                                            //! shapes modifications during the operation
0284                                            //! (including result simplification)
0285   Handle(BRepTools_History) mySimplifierHistory; //!< History of result shape simplification
0286 };
0288 #endif // _BRepAlgoAPI_BuilderAlgo_HeaderFile