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0001 // Created by: Peter KURNEV
0002 // Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0003 // Copyright (c) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
0004 // Copyright (c) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, CEDRAT,
0005 //                         EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS
0006 //
0007 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0008 //
0009 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0010 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0011 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0012 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0013 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0014 //
0015 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0016 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0018 #ifndef _BOPAlgo_Algo_HeaderFile
0019 #define _BOPAlgo_Algo_HeaderFile
0021 #include <Standard.hxx>
0022 #include <Standard_DefineAlloc.hxx>
0023 #include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
0024 #include <Message_ProgressRange.hxx>
0025 #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
0027 #include <BOPAlgo_Options.hxx>
0029 class BOPAlgo_PISteps;
0031 //! The class provides the root interface for the algorithms in Boolean Component.<br>
0032 class BOPAlgo_Algo : public BOPAlgo_Options
0033 {
0034 public:
0038   //! The main method to implement the operation
0039   //! Providing the range allows to enable Progress indicator User break functionalities.
0040   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Perform(const Message_ProgressRange& theRange = Message_ProgressRange()) = 0;
0042 protected:
0044   //! Default constructor
0045   Standard_EXPORT BOPAlgo_Algo();
0046   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~BOPAlgo_Algo();
0048   Standard_EXPORT BOPAlgo_Algo(const Handle(NCollection_BaseAllocator)& theAllocator);
0050   //! Checks input data
0051   Standard_EXPORT virtual void CheckData();
0053   //! Checks the obtained result
0054   Standard_EXPORT virtual void CheckResult();
0056 protected: //! @name Analyzing operations to fill progress indicator
0058   //! Analyze progress steps of the whole operation.
0059   //! @param theWhole - sum of progress of all operations.
0060   //! @oaram theSteps - steps of the operations supported by PI
0061   //!
0062   //! To use this method, one has to override the following methods:
0063   //! * fillPIConstants - method filling values for constant operations.
0064   //! * fillPISteps - method filling steps for the rest of operations.
0065   Standard_EXPORT void analyzeProgress(const Standard_Real theWhole,
0066                                        BOPAlgo_PISteps& theSteps) const;
0068   //! Fills the values for constant operations - the operations having constant relative running time.
0069   //! @param theWhole - sum of all operations supported by PI, i.e. the value to normalize the steps to, if necessary.
0070   //! @param theSteps - steps of the operations supported by PI
0071   Standard_EXPORT virtual void fillPIConstants(const Standard_Real theWhole,
0072                                                BOPAlgo_PISteps& theSteps) const;
0074   //! Fills the values for the operations dependent on the inputs.
0075   //! Filled values may not be normalized to represent percentage of total running time.
0076   //! The values should just correlate to each other.
0077   //! E.g. if progress depends on the number of input shapes, the values may look like this:
0078   //! step1 = number_of_input_vertices;
0079   //! step2 = 2 * number_of_input_edges;
0080   //! step3 = 10 * number_of_input_faces.
0081   //! Normalization of these values will be done automatically in analyzeProgress() method.
0082   Standard_EXPORT virtual void fillPISteps(BOPAlgo_PISteps& theSteps) const;
0083 };
0085 //! Additional root class to provide interface to be launched from parallel vector.
0086 //! It already has the range as a field, and has to be used with caution to create
0087 //! scope from the range only once.
0088 class BOPAlgo_ParallelAlgo : public BOPAlgo_Algo
0089 {
0090 public:
0093   //! The main method to implement the operation
0094   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Perform() = 0;
0096 public:
0097   //! Sets the range for a single run
0098   void SetProgressRange(const Message_ProgressRange& theRange)
0099   {
0100     myProgressRange = theRange;
0101   }
0103 private:
0104   //! Disable the range enabled method
0105   virtual void Perform(const Message_ProgressRange& /*theRange*/ = Message_ProgressRange()) {};
0107 protected:
0108   Message_ProgressRange myProgressRange;
0109 };
0111 //! Class for representing the relative contribution of each step of
0112 //! the operation to the whole progress
0113 class BOPAlgo_PISteps
0114 {
0115 public:
0116   //! Constructor
0117   BOPAlgo_PISteps(const Standard_Integer theNbOp)
0118     : mySteps(0, theNbOp - 1)
0119   {
0120     mySteps.Init(0);
0121   }
0123   //! Returns the steps
0124   const TColStd_Array1OfReal& Steps() const { return mySteps; }
0125   //! Returns modifiable steps
0126   TColStd_Array1OfReal& ChangeSteps() { return mySteps; }
0128   //! Assign the value theStep to theOperation
0129   void SetStep(const Standard_Integer theOperation, const Standard_Real theStep)
0130   {
0131     if (theOperation >= mySteps.Lower() && theOperation <= mySteps.Upper())
0132     {
0133       mySteps(theOperation) = theStep;
0134     }
0135   }
0137   //! Returns the step assigned to the operation
0138   Standard_Real GetStep(const Standard_Integer theOperation)
0139   {
0140     if (theOperation < mySteps.Lower() || theOperation > mySteps.Upper())
0141     {
0142       return 0.;
0143     }
0144     return mySteps(theOperation);
0145   }
0147 protected:
0148   TColStd_Array1OfReal mySteps;
0149 };
0151 #endif // _BOPAlgo_Algo_HeaderFile