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Warning, /include/opencascade/ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces.gxx is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Created on: 1993-03-17
0002 // Created by: Laurent BUCHARD
0003 // Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Matra Datavision
0004 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0005 //
0006 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0007 //
0008 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0010 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0011 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0012 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0013 //
0014 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0015 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0017 #define TOLTANGENCY 0.0000000001
0020 #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
0021 #include <math_FunctionSetRoot.hxx>
0022 #include <Precision.hxx>
0024 #define Debug(expr)  std::cout<<" expr :"<<expr;
0025 #define MySurf1 MyIntersectionOn2S.Function().AuxillarSurface1()
0026 #define MySurf2 MyIntersectionOn2S.Function().AuxillarSurface2()
0029 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0030 ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces( const ThePSurface& Surf1
0031                                                        ,const ThePSurface& Surf2):
0032        MyIsTangent(Standard_False),
0033        MyHasBeenComputed(Standard_False),
0034        MyIsTangentbis(Standard_False),
0035        MyHasBeenComputedbis(Standard_False),
0036        MyIntersectionOn2S(Surf1,Surf2,TOLTANGENCY)
0037 { 
0038 }
0040 //=======================================================================
0041 //function : Compute
0042 //purpose  :    Computes point on curve, 3D and 2D-tangents of a curve and
0043 //            parameters on the surfaces.
0044 //=======================================================================
0045 Standard_Boolean ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::Compute( Standard_Real& u1
0046                                                      ,Standard_Real& v1
0047                                                      ,Standard_Real& u2
0048                                                      ,Standard_Real& v2
0049                                                      ,gp_Pnt& P
0050                                                      ,gp_Vec& Tg
0051                                                      ,gp_Vec2d& Tguv1
0052                                                      ,gp_Vec2d& Tguv2) { 
0054   Standard_Real tu1=u1;
0055   Standard_Real tu2=u2;
0056   Standard_Real tv1=v1;
0057   Standard_Real tv2=v2;
0059   if(MyHasBeenComputed) { 
0060     if(  (MyParOnS1.X()==u1)&&(MyParOnS1.Y()==v1)
0061        &&(MyParOnS2.X()==u2)&&(MyParOnS2.Y()==v2)) {
0062       return(MyIsTangent);
0063     }
0064     else if(MyHasBeenComputedbis == Standard_False) { 
0065       MyTgbis         = MyTg;
0066       MyTguv1bis      = MyTguv1;
0067       MyTguv2bis      = MyTguv2;
0068       MyPntbis        = MyPnt;
0069       MyParOnS1bis    = MyParOnS1;
0070       MyParOnS2bis    = MyParOnS2;
0071       MyIsTangentbis  = MyIsTangent;
0072       MyHasBeenComputedbis = MyHasBeenComputed; 
0073     }
0074   }
0075   if(MyHasBeenComputedbis) { 
0076     if(  (MyParOnS1bis.X()==u1)&&(MyParOnS1bis.Y()==v1)
0077        &&(MyParOnS2bis.X()==u2)&&(MyParOnS2bis.Y()==v2)) {
0079       gp_Vec            TV(MyTg);
0080       gp_Vec2d          TV1(MyTguv1);
0081       gp_Vec2d          TV2(MyTguv2);
0082       gp_Pnt            TP(MyPnt);
0083       gp_Pnt2d          TP1(MyParOnS1);
0084       gp_Pnt2d          TP2(MyParOnS2);
0085       Standard_Boolean  TB=MyIsTangent;
0087       MyTg        = MyTgbis;
0088       MyTguv1     = MyTguv1bis;
0089       MyTguv2     = MyTguv2bis;
0090       MyPnt       = MyPntbis;
0091       MyParOnS1   = MyParOnS1bis;
0092       MyParOnS2   = MyParOnS2bis;
0093       MyIsTangent = MyIsTangentbis;
0095       MyTgbis         = TV;
0096       MyTguv1bis      = TV1;
0097       MyTguv2bis      = TV2;
0098       MyPntbis        = TP;
0099       MyParOnS1bis    = TP1;
0100       MyParOnS2bis    = TP2;
0101       MyIsTangentbis  = TB;
0103       return(MyIsTangent);
0104     }
0105   }
0108   MyIsTangent = Standard_True;
0110   Standard_Real aParam[4];//stack vs heap allocation
0111   TColStd_Array1OfReal Param (aParam[0],1,4);
0112   Param(1) = u1; Param(2) = v1;
0113   Param(3) = u2; Param(4) = v2;
0114   math_FunctionSetRoot  Rsnld(MyIntersectionOn2S.Function());
0115   MyIntersectionOn2S.Perform(Param,Rsnld);
0116   if (!MyIntersectionOn2S.IsDone())  { 
0117     MyHasBeenComputed = MyHasBeenComputedbis = Standard_False;
0118     return(Standard_False);
0119   }
0120   if (MyIntersectionOn2S.IsEmpty()) {
0121     MyIsTangent=Standard_False;
0122     //cout<<"\n----- Parametree Parametree : IsEmpty ds Compute "<<endl;
0123     //Debug(u1); Debug(u2); Debug(v1); Debug(v2);   cout<<endl;
0124     MyHasBeenComputed = MyHasBeenComputedbis = Standard_False;
0125     return(Standard_False);
0126   }
0127   MyHasBeenComputed = Standard_True;
0128   MyPnt = P = MyIntersectionOn2S.Point().Value();
0130   MyIntersectionOn2S.Point().Parameters(u1,v1,u2,v2);
0131   MyParOnS1.SetCoord(tu1,tv1);
0132   MyParOnS2.SetCoord(tu2,tv2);
0134   if(MyIntersectionOn2S.IsTangent()) { 
0135     MyIsTangent=Standard_False;
0136     MyHasBeenComputed = MyHasBeenComputedbis = Standard_False;
0137     return(Standard_False); 
0138   }
0139   MyTg    = Tg    = MyIntersectionOn2S.Direction();
0140   MyTguv1 = Tguv1 = MyIntersectionOn2S.DirectionOnS1();
0141   MyTguv2 = Tguv2 = MyIntersectionOn2S.DirectionOnS2();
0143   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
0144   //-- Si ( Tg )    TU et TV sont normes 
0145   //-- 
0146   //-- On a    Tg   =  DeltaU  *  TU    +   DeltaV  *  TV
0147   //-- 
0148   //-- soit :  Tg.TU  =  DeltaU  TU.TU  +   DeltaV  TU.TV
0149   //--         Tg.TV  =  DeltaU  TV.TU  +   DeltaV  TV.TV 
0150   //-- 
0151   //-- Donc : 
0152   //--
0153   //--               Tg.TU TV.TV  - Tg.TV * TU.TV
0154   //--   DeltaU = -------------------------------
0155   //--               TU.TU TV.TV  - (TU.TV)**2
0156   //-- 
0157   //--               Tg.TV TU.TU  - Tg.TU * TU.TV
0158   //--   DeltaV = -------------------------------
0159   //--               TU.TU TV.TV  - (TU.TV)**2
0160   //--
0161   //--
0163   Tg.Normalize();    MyTg = Tg; 
0165   Standard_Real DeltaU,DeltaV;
0166   gp_Vec TU,TV;
0167   gp_Pnt Pbid;
0168   Standard_Real TUTV,TgTU,TgTV,TUTU,TVTV,DIS;
0169   //------------------------------------------------------------
0170   //-- Calcul de Tguv1
0171   //--
0172   ThePSurfaceTool::D1(MySurf1,u1,v1,Pbid,TU,TV);
0174   TUTU = TU.Dot(TU);
0175   TVTV = TV.Dot(TV);
0176   TUTV = TU.Dot(TV);
0177   TgTU = Tg.Dot(TU);
0178   TgTV = Tg.Dot(TV);
0179   DIS  = TUTU * TVTV - TUTV * TUTV;
0180   if(fabs(DIS)<Precision::Angular()) { 
0181     MyIsTangent=Standard_False;
0182     MyHasBeenComputed = MyHasBeenComputedbis = Standard_False;
0183     return(Standard_False); 
0184   }
0186   DeltaU = (TgTU * TVTV - TgTV * TUTV ) / DIS ; 
0187   DeltaV = (TgTV * TUTU - TgTU * TUTV ) / DIS ;
0189   Tguv1.SetCoord(DeltaU,DeltaV);  MyTguv1 = Tguv1;
0191   //------------------------------------------------------------
0192   //-- Calcul de Tguv2
0193   //--  
0194   ThePSurfaceTool::D1(MySurf2,u2,v2,Pbid,TU,TV);
0196   TUTU = TU.Dot(TU);
0197   TVTV = TV.Dot(TV);
0198   TUTV = TU.Dot(TV);
0199   TgTU = Tg.Dot(TU);
0200   TgTV = Tg.Dot(TV);
0201   DIS  = TUTU * TVTV - TUTV * TUTV;
0202   if(fabs(DIS)<Precision::Angular()) { 
0203     MyIsTangent=Standard_False;
0204     MyHasBeenComputed = MyHasBeenComputedbis = Standard_False;
0205     return(Standard_False); 
0206   }
0208   DeltaU = (TgTU * TVTV - TgTV * TUTV ) / DIS ; 
0209   DeltaV = (TgTV * TUTU - TgTU * TUTV ) / DIS ;
0211   Tguv2.SetCoord(DeltaU,DeltaV);  MyTguv2 = Tguv2;
0213   return(Standard_True);
0214 }
0215 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0216 void ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::Pnt(const Standard_Real u1,
0217                                      const Standard_Real v1,
0218                                      const Standard_Real u2,
0219                                      const Standard_Real v2,
0220                                      gp_Pnt& P) { 
0221   gp_Pnt aP;
0222   gp_Vec aT;
0223   gp_Vec2d aTS1,aTS2;
0224   Standard_Real tu1=u1;
0225   Standard_Real tu2=u2;
0226   Standard_Real tv1=v1;
0227   Standard_Real tv2=v2;
0228   this->Compute(tu1,tv1,tu2,tv2,aP,aT,aTS1,aTS2);
0229   P=MyPnt;
0230 }
0232 //=======================================================================
0233 //function : SeekPoint
0234 //purpose  :    Computes point on curve and
0235 //            parameters on the surfaces.
0236 //=======================================================================
0237 Standard_Boolean ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::SeekPoint(const Standard_Real u1,
0238                                                        const Standard_Real v1,
0239                                                        const Standard_Real u2,
0240                                                        const Standard_Real v2,
0241                                                        IntSurf_PntOn2S& Point)
0242 {
0243   gp_Pnt aP;
0244   gp_Vec aT;
0245   gp_Vec2d aTS1,aTS2;
0246   Standard_Real tu1=u1;
0247   Standard_Real tu2=u2;
0248   Standard_Real tv1=v1;
0249   Standard_Real tv2=v2;
0250   if (!Compute(tu1,tv1,tu2,tv2,aP,aT,aTS1,aTS2))
0251     return Standard_False;
0253   Point.SetValue(aP, tu1,tv1,tu2,tv2);
0254   return Standard_True;
0255 }
0256 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0257 Standard_Boolean ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::Tangency(const Standard_Real u1,
0258                                                       const Standard_Real v1,
0259                                                       const Standard_Real u2,
0260                                                       const Standard_Real v2,
0261                                                       gp_Vec& T) { 
0262   gp_Pnt aP;
0263   gp_Vec aT;
0264   gp_Vec2d aTS1,aTS2;
0265   Standard_Real tu1=u1;
0266   Standard_Real tu2=u2;
0267   Standard_Real tv1=v1;
0268   Standard_Real tv2=v2;
0269   Standard_Boolean t=this->Compute(tu1,tv1,tu2,tv2,aP,aT,aTS1,aTS2);
0270   T=MyTg;
0271   return(t);
0272 }
0273 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0274 Standard_Boolean ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::TangencyOnSurf1(const Standard_Real u1,
0275                                                              const Standard_Real v1,
0276                                                              const Standard_Real u2,
0277                                                              const Standard_Real v2,
0278                                                              gp_Vec2d& T) { 
0279   gp_Pnt aP;
0280   gp_Vec aT;
0281   gp_Vec2d aTS1,aTS2;
0282   Standard_Real tu1=u1;
0283   Standard_Real tu2=u2;
0284   Standard_Real tv1=v1;
0285   Standard_Real tv2=v2;
0286   Standard_Boolean t=this->Compute(tu1,tv1,tu2,tv2,aP,aT,aTS1,aTS2);
0287   T=MyTguv1;
0288   return(t);
0289 }
0290 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0291 Standard_Boolean ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces::TangencyOnSurf2(const Standard_Real u1,
0292                                                              const Standard_Real v1,
0293                                                              const Standard_Real u2,
0294                                                              const Standard_Real v2,
0295                                                              gp_Vec2d& T) { 
0296   gp_Pnt aP;
0297   gp_Vec aT;
0298   gp_Vec2d aTS1,aTS2;
0299   Standard_Real tu1=u1;
0300   Standard_Real tu2=u2;
0301   Standard_Real tv1=v1;
0302   Standard_Real tv2=v2;
0303   Standard_Boolean t=this->Compute(tu1,tv1,tu2,tv2,aP,aT,aTS1,aTS2);
0304   T=MyTguv2;
0305   return(t);
0306 }
0307 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0312 #if 0 
0313   //------------------------------------------------------------
0314   //-- Calcul de Tguv1
0315   //--
0316   ThePSurfaceTool::D1(MySurf1,u1,v1,P,TU,TV);
0318   TUTV = TU.Dot(TV);
0319   TgTU = Tg.Dot(TU);
0320   TgTV = Tg.Dot(TV);
0321   UmTUTV2 = 1.0 - TUTV * TUTV;
0323   DeltaU = (TgTU - TgTV * TUTV ) / UmTUTV2 ; 
0324   DeltaV = (TgTV - TgTU * TUTV ) / UmTUTV2 ;
0326   Delta = 1.0 / Sqrt(DeltaU * DeltaU + DeltaV * DeltaV);
0328   Tguv1.Multiplied(Delta);  MyTguv1 = Tguv1;
0330   //------------------------------------------------------------
0331   //-- Calcul de Tguv2
0332   //--  
0333   ThePSurfaceTool::D1(MySurf2,u2,v2,P,TU,TV);
0335   TUTV = TU.Dot(TV);
0336   TgTU = Tg.Dot(TU);
0337   TgTV = Tg.Dot(TV);
0338   UmTUTV2 = 1.0 - TUTV * TUTV;
0340   DeltaU = (TgTU - TgTV * TUTV ) / UmTUTV2 ; 
0341   DeltaV = (TgTV - TgTU * TUTV ) / UmTUTV2 ;
0343   Delta = 1.0 / Sqrt(DeltaU * DeltaU + DeltaV * DeltaV);
0345   Tguv2.Multiplied(Delta);  MyTguv2 = Tguv2;
0347   return(Standard_True);
0348 }
0349 #endif