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0001 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0002 //
0003 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0004 //
0005 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0006 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0007 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0008 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0009 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0010 //
0011 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0012 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0014 #ifndef AdvApp2Var_Data_HeaderFile
0015 #define AdvApp2Var_Data_HeaderFile
0017 #include <Standard_Macro.hxx>
0018 #include <AdvApp2Var_Data_f2c.hxx>
0019 //
0020 struct mdnombr_1_ {
0021   doublereal pi, 
0022   deuxpi, 
0023   pisur2, 
0024   pis180, 
0025   c180pi, 
0026   zero, 
0027   one, 
0028   a180, 
0029   a360, 
0030   a90;
0031 };
0032 //
0033 struct minombr_1_ {
0034   integer nbr[1001];
0035 };
0036 //
0037 struct maovpar_1_ {
0038   doublereal r8und, r8ovr, x4und, x4ovr;
0039     real r4und, r4ovr;
0040   integer r4nbe, r8nbm, r8nbe, i4ovr, i4ovn, r4exp, r8exp, r4exn, r8exn, 
0041   r4ncs, r8ncs, r4nbm;
0042   shortint i2ovr, i2ovn;
0043 };
0044 //
0045 struct maovpch_1_ {
0046   char cnmmac[16], frmr4[8], frmr8[8], cdcode[8];
0047 };
0048 //
0049 struct mlgdrtl_1_ {
0050     doublereal rootab[930],// was [465][2]  
0051     hiltab[930],// was [465][2]  
0052     hi0tab[31];
0053   };
0054 //
0055 struct mmjcobi_1_ {
0056     doublereal plgcan[3968];// was [496][2][4]  
0057     doublereal canjac[3968];// was [496][2][4] 
0058 };
0059 //
0060 struct mmcmcnp_1_ {
0061   doublereal cnp[3721]; // was [61][61] ;
0062 };
0063 //
0064 struct mmapgss_1_ {
0065   doublereal gslxjs[5017], 
0066   gsl0js[52];
0067 };
0068 //
0069 struct mmapgs0_1_ {
0070   doublereal gslxj0[4761], gsl0j0[49];
0071 };
0072 //
0073 struct mmapgs1_1_ {
0074   doublereal gslxj1[4505], gsl0j1[46];
0075 };
0076 //
0077 struct mmapgs2_1_ {
0078   doublereal gslxj2[4249], gsl0j2[43];
0079 };
0080 ////
0081 class AdvApp2Var_Data {
0082  public: 
0084   Standard_EXPORT static mdnombr_1_& Getmdnombr();
0085   Standard_EXPORT static minombr_1_& Getminombr();
0086   Standard_EXPORT static maovpar_1_& Getmaovpar();
0087   Standard_EXPORT static maovpch_1_& Getmaovpch();
0088   Standard_EXPORT static mlgdrtl_1_& Getmlgdrtl();
0089   Standard_EXPORT static mmjcobi_1_& Getmmjcobi();
0090   Standard_EXPORT static mmcmcnp_1_& Getmmcmcnp();
0091   Standard_EXPORT static mmapgss_1_& Getmmapgss();
0092   Standard_EXPORT static mmapgs0_1_& Getmmapgs0();
0093   Standard_EXPORT static mmapgs1_1_& Getmmapgs1();
0094   Standard_EXPORT static mmapgs2_1_& Getmmapgs2();
0096 };
0097 //
0098 #define mdnombr_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmdnombr()
0099 #define minombr_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getminombr()
0100 #define maovpar_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmaovpar()
0101 #define maovpch_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmaovpch()
0102 #define mlgdrtl_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmlgdrtl()
0103 #define mmjcobi_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmmjcobi()
0104 #define mmcmcnp_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmmcmcnp()
0105 #define mmapgss_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmmapgss()
0106 #define mmapgs0_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmmapgs0()
0107 #define mmapgs1_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmmapgs1()
0108 #define mmapgs2_ AdvApp2Var_Data::Getmmapgs2()
0109 //
0110 #endif