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0001 // Created on: 2001-07-02
0002 // Created by: Mathias BOSSHARD
0003 // Copyright (c) 2001-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
0004 //
0005 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
0006 //
0007 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0008 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
0009 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
0010 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
0011 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
0012 //
0013 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
0014 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
0016 #ifndef _AIS_TexturedShape_HeaderFile
0017 #define _AIS_TexturedShape_HeaderFile
0019 #include <AIS_Shape.hxx>
0020 #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
0021 #include <Graphic3d_NameOfTexture2D.hxx>
0022 #include <Image_PixMap.hxx>
0023 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
0024 #include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
0025 #include <Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d.hxx>
0026 #include <Prs3d_Presentation.hxx>
0027 #include <PrsMgr_PresentationManager.hxx>
0029 class Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d;
0030 class Graphic3d_Texture2D;
0032 //! This class allows to map textures on shapes.
0033 //! Presentations modes AIS_WireFrame (0) and AIS_Shaded (1) behave in the same manner as in AIS_Shape,
0034 //! whilst new modes 2 (bounding box) and 3 (texture mapping) extends it functionality.
0035 //!
0036 //! The texture itself is parametrized in (0,1)x(0,1).
0037 //! Each face of a shape located in UV space is provided with these parameters:
0038 //! - Umin - starting position in U
0039 //! - Umax - ending   position in U
0040 //! - Vmin - starting position in V
0041 //! - Vmax - ending   position in V
0042 //! Each face is triangulated and a texel is assigned to each node.
0043 //! Facets are then filled using a linear interpolation of texture between each 'three texels'.
0044 //! User can act on:
0045 //! - the number of occurrences of the texture on the face
0046 //! - the position of the origin of the texture
0047 //! - the scale factor of the texture
0048 class AIS_TexturedShape : public AIS_Shape
0049 {
0051 public: //! @name main methods
0053   //! Initializes the textured shape.
0054   Standard_EXPORT AIS_TexturedShape (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape);
0056   //! Sets the texture source. <theTextureFileName> can specify path to texture image or one of the standard predefined textures.
0057   //! The accepted file types are those used in Image_AlienPixMap with extensions such as rgb, png, jpg and more.
0058   //! To specify the standard predefined texture, the <theTextureFileName> should contain integer - the Graphic3d_NameOfTexture2D enumeration index.
0059   //! Setting texture source using this method resets the source pixmap (if was set previously).
0060   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetTextureFileName (const TCollection_AsciiString& theTextureFileName);
0062   //! Sets the texture source. <theTexturePixMap> specifies image data.
0063   //! Please note that the data should be in Bottom-Up order, the flag of Image_PixMap::IsTopDown() will be ignored by graphic driver.
0064   //! Setting texture source using this method resets the source by filename (if was set previously).
0065   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetTexturePixMap (const Handle(Image_PixMap)& theTexturePixMap);
0067   //! @return flag to control texture mapping (for presentation mode 3)
0068   Standard_Boolean TextureMapState() const { return myToMapTexture; }
0070   //! Enables texture mapping
0071   Standard_EXPORT void SetTextureMapOn();
0073   //! Disables texture mapping
0074   Standard_EXPORT void SetTextureMapOff();
0076   //! @return path to the texture file
0077   Standard_CString TextureFile() const { return myTextureFile.ToCString(); }
0079   //! @return the source pixmap for texture map
0080   const Handle(Image_PixMap)& TexturePixMap() const { return myTexturePixMap; }
0082 public: //! @name methods to alter texture mapping properties
0084   //! Use this method to display the textured shape without recomputing the whole presentation.
0085   //! Use this method when ONLY the texture content has been changed.
0086   //! If other parameters (ie: scale factors, texture origin, texture repeat...) have changed, the whole presentation has to be recomputed:
0087   //! @code
0088   //! if (myShape->DisplayMode() == 3)
0089   //! {
0090   //!   myAISContext->RecomputePrsOnly (myShape);
0091   //! }
0092   //! else
0093   //! {
0094   //!   myAISContext->SetDisplayMode (myShape, 3, Standard_False);
0095   //!   myAISContext->Display        (myShape, Standard_True);
0096   //! }
0097   //! @endcode
0098   Standard_EXPORT void UpdateAttributes();
0100   //! Sets the color.
0101   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetColor (const Quantity_Color& theColor) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0103   //! Removes settings for the color.
0104   Standard_EXPORT virtual void UnsetColor() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0106   //! Sets the material aspect.
0107   Standard_EXPORT virtual void SetMaterial (const Graphic3d_MaterialAspect& theAspect) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0109   //! Removes settings for material aspect.
0110   Standard_EXPORT virtual void UnsetMaterial() Standard_OVERRIDE;
0112   //! Enables texture modulation
0113   Standard_EXPORT void EnableTextureModulate();
0115   //! Disables texture modulation
0116   Standard_EXPORT void DisableTextureModulate();
0118   //! @return texture repeat flag
0119   Standard_Boolean TextureRepeat() const { return myToRepeat; }
0121   //! @return texture repeat U value
0122   Standard_Real URepeat() const { return myUVRepeat.X(); }
0124   //! @return texture repeat V value
0125   Standard_Real VRepeat() const { return myUVRepeat.Y(); }
0127   //! Sets the number of occurrences of the texture on each face. The texture itself is parameterized in (0,1) by (0,1).
0128   //! Each face of the shape to be textured is parameterized in UV space (Umin,Umax) by (Vmin,Vmax).
0129   //! If RepeatYN is set to false, texture coordinates are clamped in the range (0,1)x(0,1) of the face.
0130   Standard_EXPORT void SetTextureRepeat (const Standard_Boolean theToRepeat,
0131                                          const Standard_Real    theURepeat = 1.0,
0132                                          const Standard_Real    theVRepeat = 1.0);
0134   //! @return true if texture UV origin has been modified
0135   Standard_Boolean TextureOrigin() const { return myIsCustomOrigin; }
0137   //! @return texture origin U position (0.0 by default)
0138   Standard_Real TextureUOrigin() const { return myUVOrigin.X(); }
0140   //! @return texture origin V position (0.0 by default)
0141   Standard_Real TextureVOrigin() const { return myUVOrigin.Y(); }
0143   //! Use this method to change the origin of the texture. The texel (0,0) will be mapped to the surface (UOrigin,VOrigin)
0144   Standard_EXPORT void SetTextureOrigin (const Standard_Boolean theToSetTextureOrigin,
0145                                          const Standard_Real    theUOrigin = 0.0,
0146                                          const Standard_Real    theVOrigin = 0.0);
0148   //! @return true if scale factor should be applied to texture mapping
0149   Standard_Boolean TextureScale() const { return myToScale; }
0151   //! @return scale factor for U coordinate (1.0 by default)
0152   Standard_Real TextureScaleU() const { return myUVScale.X(); }
0154   //! @return scale factor for V coordinate (1.0 by default)
0155   Standard_Real TextureScaleV() const { return myUVScale.Y(); }
0157   //! Use this method to scale the texture (percent of the face).
0158   //! You can specify a scale factor for both U and V.
0159   //! Example: if you set ScaleU and ScaleV to 0.5 and you enable texture repeat,
0160   //!          the texture will appear twice on the face in each direction.
0161   Standard_EXPORT void SetTextureScale (const Standard_Boolean theToSetTextureScale,
0162                                         const Standard_Real    theScaleU = 1.0,
0163                                         const Standard_Real    theScaleV = 1.0);
0165   //! @return true if displaying of triangles is requested
0166   Standard_Boolean ShowTriangles() const { return myToShowTriangles; }
0168   //! Use this method to show the triangulation of the shape (for debugging etc.).
0169   Standard_EXPORT void ShowTriangles (const Standard_Boolean theToShowTriangles);
0171   //! @return true if texture color modulation is turned on
0172   Standard_Boolean TextureModulate() const { return myModulate; }
0174   //! Return true if specified display mode is supported (extends AIS_Shape with Display Mode 3).
0175   virtual Standard_Boolean AcceptDisplayMode (const Standard_Integer theMode) const Standard_OVERRIDE { return theMode >= 0 && theMode <= 3; }
0177 protected: //! @name overridden methods
0179   //! Compute presentation with texture mapping support.
0180   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Compute (const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager)& thePrsMgr,
0181                                         const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePrs,
0182                                         const Standard_Integer theMode) Standard_OVERRIDE;
0184   Standard_EXPORT void updateAttributes (const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& thePrs);
0186 protected: //! @name presentation fields
0188   Handle(Graphic3d_Texture2D)        myTexture;
0189   Handle(Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d) myAspect;
0191 protected: //! @name texture source fields
0193   Handle(Image_PixMap)               myTexturePixMap;
0194   TCollection_AsciiString            myTextureFile;
0195   Graphic3d_NameOfTexture2D          myPredefTexture;
0197 protected: //! @name texture mapping properties
0199   Standard_Boolean                   myToMapTexture;
0200   Standard_Boolean                   myModulate;
0201   Standard_Boolean                   myIsCustomOrigin;
0202   Standard_Boolean                   myToRepeat;
0203   Standard_Boolean                   myToScale;
0204   Standard_Boolean                   myToShowTriangles;
0206 public:
0210 };
0212 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE (AIS_TexturedShape, AIS_Shape)
0214 #endif // _AIS_TexturedShape_HeaderFile