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0001 /*
0002  *  qp_plot_opt.h  --
0003  *
0004  *  Original:  9-Nov-1995 16:42
0005  *
0006  *  Author:   Maarten Ballintijn <>
0007  *
0008  *  $Id$
0009  *
0010  *  $Log$
0011  *  Revision 1.3  1996/09/24 08:58:09  lecointe
0012  *  Add option 'N' in NTUPLE/PLOT : Fill the 1D or 2D histogram without drawing
0013  *  anything
0014  *
0015  *  Revision 1.2  1996/04/23 18:38:52  maartenb
0016  *  - Add RCS keywords
0017  *
0018  *
0019  */
0021 #ifndef CERN_QP_PLOT_OPT
0022 #define CERN_QP_PLOT_OPT
0025 typedef struct _plot_options_ {
0027 bool    star;   /* *      Draw a * at each channel. */
0028 bool    add;    /* +      Add contents of ID to last plotted histogram. */
0029 bool    diff;   /* +-     Draw the delta with the last plotted histogram. */
0030 bool    sub;    /* -      Substract contents of ID to last plotted histogram. */
0031 bool    A;  /* A      Axis labels and tick marks are not drawn. */
0032 bool    B;  /* B      Select Bar chart format. */
0033 bool    BB; /* BB     Suppress the Back Box on 3D plots. */
0034 bool    box;    /* BOX    Draw 2-Dim with proportional boxes. */
0035 bool    C;  /* C      Draw a smooth curve. */
0036 bool    chr;    /* CHAR   Draw 2-Dim with characters (a la HBOOK). */
0037 bool    col;    /* COL    Draw 2-Dim with a color table. */
0038 bool    cont;   /* CONT   Draw 2-Dim as a contour plot (15 levels). */
0039 bool    cyl;    /* CYL    Cylindrical coordinates for 3D plots. */
0040 bool    E;  /* E      Compute (HBARX) and draw error bars with current marker. */
0041 bool    e0; /* E0     Draw error bars without symbols clipping. */
0042 bool    e1; /* E1     Draw small lines at the end of the error bars. */
0043 bool    e2; /* E2     Draw error rectangles. */
0044 bool    e3; /* E3     Draw a filled area through the end points of the vertical error bars. */
0045 bool    e4; /* E4     Draw a smoothed filled area through the end points of the vertical error bars. */
0046 bool    FB; /* FB     Suppress the Front Box on 3D plots. */
0047 bool    func;   /* FUNC   Draw only the associated function (not the histogram). */
0048 bool    hist;   /* HIST   Draw only histogram (no errors or associated function). */
0049 bool    K;  /* K      Must be given if option 'U' is given later. */
0050 bool    line;   /* L      Connect channels contents by a line. */
0051 bool    lego;   /* LEGO   Draw as a lego plot (angles are set via the command angle). */
0052 bool    lego1;  /* LEGO1  Draw lego plot with light simulation. */
0053 bool    lego2;  /* LEGO2  Draw lego plot with color levels. */
0054 bool    P;  /* P      Draw the current polymarker at each channel or cell. */
0055 bool    pol;    /* POL    Polar coordinates for 3D plots. */
0056 bool    prof;   /* PROF   Fill a Profile histogram (mean option). */
0057 bool    profi;  /* PROFI  Fill a Profile histogram (integer spread option). */
0058 bool    profs;  /* PROFS  Fill a Profile histogram (spread option). */
0059 bool    psd;    /* PSD    Pseudo-rapidity/phi coordinates for 3D plots. */
0060 bool    S;  /* S      Superimpose plot on top of existing picture. */
0061 bool    sph;    /* SPH    Spherical coordinates for 3D plots. */
0062 bool    surf;   /* SURF   Draw as a surface plot (angles are set via the command angle). */
0063 bool    surf1;  /* SURF1  Draw as a surface with color levels */
0064 bool    surf2;  /* SURF2  Same as SURF1 but without cell lines. */
0065 bool    surf3;  /* SURF3  Same as SURF but with the contour plot (in color) on top. */
0066 bool    surf4;  /* SURF4  Draw as a surface with Gouraud shading. */
0067 bool    text;   /* TEXT   Draw 2-Dim as a table. */
0068 bool    U;  /* U      Update channels modified since last call. */
0069 bool    Z;  /* Z      Used with COL or SURF, it draws the color map. */
0070 bool    gouraud;/* G  Draw as a surface with Gouraud shading. */
0071 bool    N;      /* No plot, just fill the histogram IDH */
0073 /* not part of option strings but simmilar enough */
0075 bool    logx;   /* logaritmic x axis */
0076 bool    logy;   /* logaritmic y axis */
0077 bool    logz;   /* logaritmic z axis */
0079 } PlotOptions;
0082 #define PROFILE_OPTION( o ) ( ( || (o.profi) || (o.profs) )
0085 char *
0086 qp_plot_opt_gen( PlotOptions * opt, bool hplot_only );
0088 void
0089 qp_plot_opt_scan( PlotOptions * opt, char * option );
0091 #endif  /*  CERN_QP_PLOT_OPT    */