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0001 *CMZ :          02/11/94  15.23.33  by  John Apostolakis CERN GP-MIMD 2
0002 *-- Author :    John Apostolakis CERN GP-MIMD 2   20/10/94
0003 C   Variables to store information on the parallel configuration
0004       integer            nprank, npsize, nevtot, nfirstworker, npleader
0005       common /multiprox/ nprank, npsize, nevtot, nfirstworker, npleader
0006 C     Descriptions:
0007 C         npsize= number of processors being used
0008 C         nprank= the rank of this processor ( 0 to npsize - 1 )
0009 C         nevtot= total number of events requested (for all procs)
0010 C         the last two are only used in the case that one node reads an event
0011 C         input file, while the rest do the real simulation work
0012 C         nfirstworker= rank of first process to simulate
0013 C         npleader= rank of the process that reads the input