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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /include/ffread/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 *
0002 * $Id$
0003 *
0004 * $Log$
0005 * Revision 1.1  1996/03/08 11:50:39  mclareni
0006 * Initial revision
0007 *
0008 *
0011 *
0012 *
0013 *
0014 *
0015       PARAMETER (NCHKYD =   4,
0016      *           NCHMAX =  32,
0017      *           LENMIN =  72,
0018      *           LENDEF =  80,
0019      *           LENMAX = 132,
0020      *           LSTACK =  20,
0021      *           NCSIZE = 500,
0022      *           NKYOVH =   3,
0023      *           NOVERH =  23 + LSTACK)
0024 C
0025 C     NCHKYD - default key size in characters
0026 C     NCHMAX - maximum key size in characters
0027 C     LENMIN - minimum significant length of data card
0028 C     LENDEF - default significant length of data card
0029 C     LENMAX - maximum significant length of data card
0030 C     LSTACK - size of input LUN stack
0031 C     NCSIZE - default size of IWORDS
0032 C     NKYOVH - overhead per key in words (in addition to NWDKEY)
0033 C     NOVERH - words in common CFREAD before IWORDS
0034 C
0035 C     NB: If NCHMAX or LSTACK are changed, also modify the length of
0036 C         the variable BLANK in FFGO to be MAX(LSTACK+2, NCHMAX-6).
0037 C
0039 #endif