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0001 // $Id: GenericSubtractor.hh 861 2015-09-21 10:35:22Z gsoyez $
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (c) 2012-, Matteo Cacciari, Jihun Kim, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
0004 //
0005 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
0006 // This file is part of the GenericSubtractor package of FastJet Contrib.
0007 //
0008 // It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
0009 // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
0010 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
0011 // your option) any later version.
0012 //
0013 // It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
0014 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
0015 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
0016 // License for more details.
0017 //
0018 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0019 // along with this code. If not, see <>.
0020 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
0025 #include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
0026 #include "fastjet/FunctionOfPseudoJet.hh"
0027 #include "fastjet/LimitedWarning.hh"
0028 #include "fastjet/tools/BackgroundEstimatorBase.hh"
0030 #include "ShapeWithComponents.hh"
0032 FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE      // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
0034 namespace contrib{
0036 // forward declaration of assistional class(es) defined below.
0037 class GenericSubtractorInfo;
0040 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0041 /// \class GenericSubtractor
0042 ///
0043 /// A class to perform subtraction of background (eg pileup or
0044 /// underlying event) from a jet shape.
0045 ///
0046 /// This class is a tool that allows one to subtract pileup from jet shapes
0047 /// (i.e. a FunctionOfPseudoJet<double>). It implements the method
0048 /// described in:
0049 /// Gregory Soyez, Gavin P. Salam, Jihun Kim, Souvik Dutta and Matteo Cacciari,
0050 /// Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 162001 (2013) [arXiv:1211.2811]
0051 ///
0052 /// The basic usage of this class is as follows:
0053 ///
0054 ///   GenericSubtractor gensub(& some_background_estimator);
0055 ///   FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> shape;
0056 ///   double subtracted_shape_value = gensub(shape, jet);
0057 ///
0058 /// By default, this only subtracts the transverse momentum density
0059 /// rho (obtained from the background estimator provided to the
0060 /// class).
0061 ///
0062 /// Two options allow also for the inclusion of the "particle mass"
0063 /// contribution to the background density (the "rho_m" term): one can
0064 /// either instruct the GenericSubtractor class to compute rho_m from
0065 /// the same background estimator using
0066 /// 
0067 ///   gensub.set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom();                   (1)
0068 /// 
0069 /// or explicitly construct gensub with two background estimators
0070 /// 
0071 ///   GenericSubtractor gensub(& background_estimator_for_rho,
0072 ///                            & background_estimator_for_rhom);  (2)
0073 ///
0074 /// Note that since FastJet 3.1, the option (1) will work with any
0075 /// background estimator that internally computes rho_m (and has that
0076 /// computation enabled). For FastJet 3.0, the first option is only
0077 /// available for JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.
0078 ///
0079 /// For the option (2), 'gensub' will obtain rho_m using
0080 ///
0081 ///   background_estimator_for_rhom->rho()   [NOT rho_m()!]  
0082 ///
0083 /// unless one calls gensub.set_use_bge_rhom_rhom() (it requires
0084 /// FJ>=3.1) in which case it will be obtained using
0085 ///
0086 ///   background_estimator_for_rhom->rhom()
0087 ///
0088 /// The right choice between these two procedures for option (2)
0089 /// depends on the details of 'background_estimator_for_rhom'.
0090 ///
0091 ///
0092 /// If the background transverse momentum density rho (and optionally the 
0093 /// density of sqrt(pt^2+m^2) - pt, denoted by rhom) are known, the
0094 /// subtractor can be constructed directly as
0095 ///
0096 ///   GenericSubtractor gensub(rho,rhom);
0097 ///
0098 /// Extra information can be retrieved using
0099 ///
0100 ///   GenericSubtractorInfo info;
0101 ///   double subtracted_shape_value = gensub(shape, jet, info);
0102 ///
0103 class GenericSubtractor{
0104 public:
0105   /// default constructor
0106   /// leaves the object unusable
0107   GenericSubtractor() : 
0108     _bge_rho(0), _bge_rhom(0), _jet_pt_fraction(0.01),
0109     _common_bge(false), _rhom_from_bge_rhom(false), 
0110     _rho(_invalid_rho), _externally_supplied_rho_rhom(false) {}
0112   /// Constructor that takes a pointer to a background estimator for
0113   /// rho and optionally a pointer to a background estimator for
0114   /// rho_m.  If the latter is not supplied, rho_m is assumed to
0115   /// always be zero (this behaviour can be changed by calling
0116   /// set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom).
0117   /// See also the discussion above (in particular for the use of
0118   /// bge_rhom)
0119   GenericSubtractor(BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rho,
0120             BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rhom=0) :
0121     _bge_rho(bge_rho), _bge_rhom(bge_rhom), _jet_pt_fraction(0.01),
0122     _common_bge(false), _rhom_from_bge_rhom(false), 
0123      _rho(_invalid_rho), _externally_supplied_rho_rhom(false)  {}
0125   /// Constructor that takes an externally supplied value for rho and,
0126   /// optionally, for rho_m. The latter defaults to zero.
0127   GenericSubtractor(double rho, double rhom=0);
0130   /// destructor
0131   ~GenericSubtractor(){}
0133   /// a description of what this class does
0134   std::string description() const;
0136   /// returns the estimate of the supplied shape, for the given jet,
0137   /// after background subtraction.
0138   double operator()(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> &shape,
0139             const PseudoJet &) const;
0141   /// returns the estimate of the supplied shape, for the given jet,
0142   /// after background subtraction. It also sets the "info" variable
0143   /// with information about the details of the subtraction (e.g. the
0144   /// shape's derivatives wrt to the amount of pileup, and the background
0145   /// densities used).
0146   double operator()(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> & shape,
0147             const PseudoJet & jet, GenericSubtractorInfo & info) const;
0149   /// when only one background estimator ('bge_rho') is specified,
0150   /// calling this routine with argument "true", causes rho_m to be be
0151   /// calculated from the same background estimator as rho, instead of
0152   /// being set to zero. 
0153   ///
0154   /// Since FastJet 3.1, this will use the rho_m calculation from the
0155   /// background estimator if it is available [the default for both
0156   /// GridMedianBackgroundEstimator and JetMedianBackgroundEstimator].
0157   /// In all other cases, the use of a common background estimator for
0158   /// rho and rho_m only works if the estimator is a
0159   /// JetMedianBackgroundEstimator (or derived from it), [since it
0160   /// makes use of that class's set_jet_density_class(...) facility].
0161   /// 
0162   void set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value=true);
0164   /// equivalent to 'set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom'
0165   ///
0166   /// NOTE: this is DEPRECATED and kept only for backwards
0167   /// compatibility reasons. Use 'set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom'
0168   /// instead.
0169   void use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value=true);
0171   /// returns true if it uses a common background estimator for both
0172   /// rho and rho_m (see set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom for
0173   /// details)
0174   bool common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() const { return _common_bge; }
0176   /// when the GenericSubtractor has been created with two background
0177   /// estimators (one for rho, the second for rho_m), setting this to
0178   /// true will result in rho_m being estimated using
0179   /// bge_rhom->rho_m() instead of bge_rhom->rho()
0180   /// See also the discussion at the top of the class.
0181   void set_use_bge_rhom_rhom(bool value=true);
0183   /// returns true if rho_m is being estimated using
0184   /// bge_rhom->rho_m(). (s
0185   bool use_bge_rhom_rhom() const { return _rhom_from_bge_rhom; }
0187   /// sets the fraction of the jet pt that will be used in the
0188   /// stability condition when computing the derivatives
0189   void set_jet_pt_fraction_for_stability(double jet_pt_fraction){
0190     _jet_pt_fraction=jet_pt_fraction;
0191   }
0195 protected:
0196   // tools to help compute the derivatives
0197   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
0198   /// do the computation of the various derivatives
0199   /// 
0200   /// rhoA_pt_fraction is rho_p/(rho_p + rho_m) used to know along
0201   /// which trajectory in the (rho_p, rho_m) plane one must estimate
0202   /// the derivative.
0203   void _compute_derivatives(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> &shape,
0204                             const PseudoJet &jet,
0205                             const double original_ghost_scale,
0206                             const double ghost_area,
0207                             const double f0, 
0208                 const double rho_pt_fraction,
0209                 GenericSubtractorInfo &info) const;
0211   /// make a sweep in stepsize to determine which step is the most precise
0212   ///
0213   /// Note that this returns the values of the function at the points
0214   /// needed to compute the derivatives
0215   double _optimize_step(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> &shape,
0216                         const PseudoJet &jet,
0217                         const double original_ghost_scale,
0218                         const double ghost_area,
0219                         const double x_fraction,
0220                         const double f0, 
0221             double cached_functions[4],
0222                         const double max_step) const;
0224   /// the function that does the rescaling
0225   double _shape_with_rescaled_ghosts(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> &shape,
0226                      const PseudoJet &jet,
0227                      const double original_ghost_scale,
0228                      const double new_ghost_scale, 
0229                      const double new_dmass_scale) const;
0231   /// if the shape is a ShapeWithComponents, apply the subtraction on
0232   /// each of the components
0233   double _component_subtraction(const ShapeWithComponents * shape_ptr, 
0234                 const PseudoJet & jet,
0235                 GenericSubtractorInfo &info) const;
0237   BackgroundEstimatorBase *_bge_rho, *_bge_rhom;
0238   double _jet_pt_fraction;
0239   bool _common_bge, _rhom_from_bge_rhom;
0240   double _rho, _rhom;
0241   bool _externally_supplied_rho_rhom;
0242   /// a value of rho that is used as a default to label that the stored
0243   /// rho is not valid for subtraction. 
0244   //
0245   // NB: there are two reasons for not having the value written here:
0246   // 1) that it caused problems on karnak with g++ 4.0.1 and 2) that
0247   // we anyway like -infinity as a default, and since that's a function,
0248   // that's not allowed in an include file.
0249   static const double _invalid_rho;
0251   /// deprecated "use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom"
0252   static LimitedWarning _warning_depracated_use_common_bge;
0253   static LimitedWarning _warning_unused_rhom;
0254 };
0256 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0257 /// \class GenericSubtractorInfo
0258 ///
0259 /// Helper class that allows to get extra information about the shape
0260 /// subtraction
0261 class GenericSubtractorInfo{
0262 public:
0263   /// returns the unsubtracted shape
0264   double unsubtracted() const{ return _unsubtracted;}
0266   /// returns the result of applying the subtraction including only the
0267   /// first-order correction
0268   double first_order_subtracted() const{ return _first_order_subtracted;}
0270   /// returns the result of applying the subtraction including the
0271   /// first and second-order corrections (this is the default returned
0272   /// by the subtractions).
0273   double second_order_subtracted() const{ return _second_order_subtracted;}
0275   /// returns an estimate of the 3rd order correction. Note that the
0276   /// third derivative is quite likely to be poorly evaluated in some
0277   /// cases. For this reason, it is not used by default.
0278   double third_order_subtracted() const{ return _third_order_subtracted;}
0280   /// returns the first derivative (wrt to rho+rhom). Derivatives
0281   /// are taken assuming a constant value for the ratio of rhom/rho, as
0282   /// determined from the background estimates for the jet.
0283   ///
0284   /// Note: derivatives are not evaluated for shapes with components,
0285   /// and therefore set to zero.
0286   double first_derivative() const{ return _first_derivative;}
0288   /// returns the second derivative (wrt to rho+rhom). It is not evaluated
0289   /// for shapes with components, and therefore set to zero.
0290   double second_derivative() const{ return _second_derivative;}
0292   /// returns an estimate of the 3rd derivative (wrt to rho+rhom);
0293   /// note that the third derivative is quite likely to be poorly
0294   /// evaluated in some cases. It is not used by default. It is not
0295   /// evaluated for shapes with components, and therefore set to zero.
0296   double third_derivative() const{ return _third_derivative;}
0298   /// returns the ghost scale actually used for the computation
0299   double ghost_scale_used() const{ return _ghost_scale_used;}
0301   /// return the value of rho and rhom used in the subtraction
0302   double rho() const  { return _rho;  }
0303   double rhom() const { return _rhom; }
0305 protected:
0306   double _unsubtracted;
0307   double _first_order_subtracted;
0308   double _second_order_subtracted;
0309   double _third_order_subtracted;
0310   double _first_derivative, _second_derivative, _third_derivative;
0311   double _ghost_scale_used;
0312   double _rho, _rhom;
0314   friend class GenericSubtractor;
0315 };
0318 }