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0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  *  Copyright (C) 2017 Codeplay Software Limited
0003  *  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
0004  *  Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
0005  *  with this file, You can obtain one at
0006  *
0007  *
0008  *  SyclMemoryModel.h
0009  *
0010  *  Description:
0011  *    Interface for SYCL buffers to behave as a non-dereferenceable pointer
0012  *    Interface for Placeholder accessor to behave as a pointer on both host
0013  *    and device
0014  *
0015  * Authors:
0016  *
0017  *    Ruyman Reyes   Codeplay Software Ltd.
0018  *    Mehdi Goli     Codeplay Software Ltd.
0019  *    Vanya Yaneva   Codeplay Software Ltd.
0020  *
0021  **************************************************************************/
0023 #if defined(EIGEN_USE_SYCL) && \
0027 #include <CL/sycl.hpp>
0029 #include <stdexcept>
0030 #endif
0031 #include <cstddef>
0032 #include <queue>
0033 #include <set>
0034 #include <unordered_map>
0036 namespace Eigen {
0037 namespace TensorSycl {
0038 namespace internal {
0040 using sycl_acc_target = cl::sycl::access::target;
0041 using sycl_acc_mode = cl::sycl::access::mode;
0043 /**
0044  * Default values for template arguments
0045  */
0046 using buffer_data_type_t = uint8_t;
0047 const sycl_acc_target default_acc_target = sycl_acc_target::global_buffer;
0048 const sycl_acc_mode default_acc_mode = sycl_acc_mode::read_write;
0050 /**
0051  * PointerMapper
0052  *  Associates fake pointers with buffers.
0053  *
0054  */
0055 class PointerMapper {
0056  public:
0057   using base_ptr_t = std::intptr_t;
0059   /* Structure of a virtual pointer
0060    *
0061    * |================================================|
0062    * |               POINTER ADDRESS                  |
0063    * |================================================|
0064    */
0065   struct virtual_pointer_t {
0066     /* Type for the pointers
0067      */
0068     base_ptr_t m_contents;
0070     /** Conversions from virtual_pointer_t to
0071      * void * should just reinterpret_cast the integer number
0072      */
0073     operator void *() const { return reinterpret_cast<void *>(m_contents); }
0075     /**
0076      * Convert back to the integer number.
0077      */
0078     operator base_ptr_t() const { return m_contents; }
0080     /**
0081      * Add a certain value to the pointer to create a
0082      * new pointer to that offset
0083      */
0084     virtual_pointer_t operator+(size_t off) { return m_contents + off; }
0086     /* Numerical order for sorting pointers in containers. */
0087     bool operator<(virtual_pointer_t rhs) const {
0088       return (static_cast<base_ptr_t>(m_contents) <
0089               static_cast<base_ptr_t>(rhs.m_contents));
0090     }
0092     bool operator>(virtual_pointer_t rhs) const {
0093       return (static_cast<base_ptr_t>(m_contents) >
0094               static_cast<base_ptr_t>(rhs.m_contents));
0095     }
0097     /**
0098      * Numerical order for sorting pointers in containers
0099      */
0100     bool operator==(virtual_pointer_t rhs) const {
0101       return (static_cast<base_ptr_t>(m_contents) ==
0102               static_cast<base_ptr_t>(rhs.m_contents));
0103     }
0105     /**
0106      * Simple forward to the equality overload.
0107      */
0108     bool operator!=(virtual_pointer_t rhs) const {
0109       return !(this->operator==(rhs));
0110     }
0112     /**
0113      * Converts a void * into a virtual pointer structure.
0114      * Note that this will only work if the void * was
0115      * already a virtual_pointer_t, but we have no way of
0116      * checking
0117      */
0118     virtual_pointer_t(const void *ptr)
0119         : m_contents(reinterpret_cast<base_ptr_t>(ptr)){};
0121     /**
0122      * Creates a virtual_pointer_t from the given integer
0123      * number
0124      */
0125     virtual_pointer_t(base_ptr_t u) : m_contents(u){};
0126   };
0128   /* Definition of a null pointer
0129    */
0130   const virtual_pointer_t null_virtual_ptr = nullptr;
0132   /**
0133    * Whether if a pointer is null or not.
0134    * A pointer is nullptr if the value is of null_virtual_ptr
0135    */
0136   static inline bool is_nullptr(virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0137     return (static_cast<void *>(ptr) == nullptr);
0138   }
0140   /* basic type for all buffers
0141    */
0142   using buffer_t = cl::sycl::buffer_mem;
0144   /**
0145    * Node that stores information about a device allocation.
0146    * Nodes are sorted by size to organise a free list of nodes
0147    * that can be recovered.
0148    */
0149   struct pMapNode_t {
0150     buffer_t m_buffer;
0151     size_t m_size;
0152     bool m_free;
0154     pMapNode_t(buffer_t b, size_t size, bool f)
0155         : m_buffer{b}, m_size{size}, m_free{f} {
0156       m_buffer.set_final_data(nullptr);
0157     }
0159     bool operator<=(const pMapNode_t &rhs) { return (m_size <= rhs.m_size); }
0160   };
0162   /** Storage of the pointer / buffer tree
0163    */
0164   using pointerMap_t = std::map<virtual_pointer_t, pMapNode_t>;
0166   /**
0167    * Obtain the insertion point in the pointer map for
0168    * a pointer of the given size.
0169    * \param requiredSize Size attemted to reclaim
0170    */
0171   typename pointerMap_t::iterator get_insertion_point(size_t requiredSize) {
0172     typename pointerMap_t::iterator retVal;
0173     bool reuse = false;
0174     if (!m_freeList.empty()) {
0175       // try to re-use an existing block
0176       for (auto freeElem : m_freeList) {
0177         if (freeElem->second.m_size >= requiredSize) {
0178           retVal = freeElem;
0179           reuse = true;
0180           // Element is not going to be free anymore
0181           m_freeList.erase(freeElem);
0182           break;
0183         }
0184       }
0185     }
0186     if (!reuse) {
0187       retVal = std::prev(m_pointerMap.end());
0188     }
0189     return retVal;
0190   }
0192   /**
0193    * Returns an iterator to the node that stores the information
0194    * of the given virtual pointer from the given pointer map structure.
0195    * If pointer is not found, throws std::out_of_range.
0196    * If the pointer map structure is empty, throws std::out_of_range
0197    *
0198    * \param pMap the pointerMap_t structure storing all the pointers
0199    * \param virtual_pointer_ptr The virtual pointer to obtain the node of
0200    * \throws std::out:of_range if the pointer is not found or pMap is empty
0201    */
0202   typename pointerMap_t::iterator get_node(const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0203     if (this->count() == 0) {
0204       m_pointerMap.clear();
0205       EIGEN_THROW_X(std::out_of_range("There are no pointers allocated\n"));
0207     }
0208     if (is_nullptr(ptr)) {
0209       m_pointerMap.clear();
0210       EIGEN_THROW_X(std::out_of_range("Cannot access null pointer\n"));
0211     }
0212     // The previous element to the lower bound is the node that
0213     // holds this memory address
0214     auto node = m_pointerMap.lower_bound(ptr);
0215     // If the value of the pointer is not the one of the node
0216     // then we return the previous one
0217     if (node == std::end(m_pointerMap)) {
0218       --node;
0219     } else if (node->first != ptr) {
0220       if (node == std::begin(m_pointerMap)) {
0221         m_pointerMap.clear();
0222         EIGEN_THROW_X(
0223             std::out_of_range("The pointer is not registered in the map\n"));
0225       }
0226       --node;
0227     }
0229     return node;
0230   }
0232   /* get_buffer.
0233    * Returns a buffer from the map using the pointer address
0234    */
0235   template <typename buffer_data_type = buffer_data_type_t>
0236   cl::sycl::buffer<buffer_data_type, 1> get_buffer(
0237       const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0238     using sycl_buffer_t = cl::sycl::buffer<buffer_data_type, 1>;
0240     // get_node() returns a `buffer_mem`, so we need to cast it to a `buffer<>`.
0241     // We can do this without the `buffer_mem` being a pointer, as we
0242     // only declare member variables in the base class (`buffer_mem`) and not in
0243     // the child class (`buffer<>).
0244     auto node = get_node(ptr);
0245     eigen_assert(node->first == ptr || node->first < ptr);
0246     eigen_assert(ptr < static_cast<virtual_pointer_t>(node->second.m_size +
0247                                                       node->first));
0248     return *(static_cast<sycl_buffer_t *>(&node->second.m_buffer));
0249   }
0251   /**
0252    * @brief Returns an accessor to the buffer of the given virtual pointer
0253    * @param accessMode
0254    * @param accessTarget
0255    * @param ptr The virtual pointer
0256    */
0257   template <sycl_acc_mode access_mode = default_acc_mode,
0258             sycl_acc_target access_target = default_acc_target,
0259             typename buffer_data_type = buffer_data_type_t>
0260   cl::sycl::accessor<buffer_data_type, 1, access_mode, access_target>
0261   get_access(const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0262     auto buf = get_buffer<buffer_data_type>(ptr);
0263     return buf.template get_access<access_mode, access_target>();
0264   }
0266   /**
0267    * @brief Returns an accessor to the buffer of the given virtual pointer
0268    *        in the given command group scope
0269    * @param accessMode
0270    * @param accessTarget
0271    * @param ptr The virtual pointer
0272    * @param cgh Reference to the command group scope
0273    */
0274   template <sycl_acc_mode access_mode = default_acc_mode,
0275             sycl_acc_target access_target = default_acc_target,
0276             typename buffer_data_type = buffer_data_type_t>
0277   cl::sycl::accessor<buffer_data_type, 1, access_mode, access_target>
0278   get_access(const virtual_pointer_t ptr, cl::sycl::handler &cgh) {
0279     auto buf = get_buffer<buffer_data_type>(ptr);
0280     return buf.template get_access<access_mode, access_target>(cgh);
0281   }
0283   /*
0284    * Returns the offset from the base address of this pointer.
0285    */
0286   inline std::ptrdiff_t get_offset(const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0287     // The previous element to the lower bound is the node that
0288     // holds this memory address
0289     auto node = get_node(ptr);
0290     auto start = node->first;
0291     eigen_assert(start == ptr || start < ptr);
0292     eigen_assert(ptr < start + node->second.m_size);
0293     return (ptr - start);
0294   }
0296   /*
0297    * Returns the number of elements by which the given pointer is offset from
0298    * the base address.
0299    */
0300   template <typename buffer_data_type>
0301   inline size_t get_element_offset(const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0302     return get_offset(ptr) / sizeof(buffer_data_type);
0303   }
0305   /**
0306    * Constructs the PointerMapper structure.
0307    */
0308   PointerMapper(base_ptr_t baseAddress = 4096)
0309       : m_pointerMap{}, m_freeList{}, m_baseAddress{baseAddress} {
0310     if (m_baseAddress == 0) {
0311       EIGEN_THROW_X(std::invalid_argument("Base address cannot be zero\n"));
0312     }
0313   };
0315   /**
0316    * PointerMapper cannot be copied or moved
0317    */
0318   PointerMapper(const PointerMapper &) = delete;
0320   /**
0321    * Empty the pointer list
0322    */
0323   inline void clear() {
0324     m_freeList.clear();
0325     m_pointerMap.clear();
0326   }
0328   /* add_pointer.
0329    * Adds an existing pointer to the map and returns the virtual pointer id.
0330    */
0331   inline virtual_pointer_t add_pointer(const buffer_t &b) {
0332     return add_pointer_impl(b);
0333   }
0335   /* add_pointer.
0336    * Adds a pointer to the map and returns the virtual pointer id.
0337    */
0338   inline virtual_pointer_t add_pointer(buffer_t &&b) {
0339     return add_pointer_impl(b);
0340   }
0342   /**
0343    * @brief Fuses the given node with the previous nodes in the
0344    *        pointer map if they are free
0345    *
0346    * @param node A reference to the free node to be fused
0347    */
0348   void fuse_forward(typename pointerMap_t::iterator &node) {
0349     while (node != std::prev(m_pointerMap.end())) {
0350       // if following node is free
0351       // remove it and extend the current node with its size
0352       auto fwd_node = std::next(node);
0353       if (!fwd_node->second.m_free) {
0354         break;
0355       }
0356       auto fwd_size = fwd_node->second.m_size;
0357       m_freeList.erase(fwd_node);
0358       m_pointerMap.erase(fwd_node);
0360       node->second.m_size += fwd_size;
0361     }
0362   }
0364   /**
0365    * @brief Fuses the given node with the following nodes in the
0366    *        pointer map if they are free
0367    *
0368    * @param node A reference to the free node to be fused
0369    */
0370   void fuse_backward(typename pointerMap_t::iterator &node) {
0371     while (node != m_pointerMap.begin()) {
0372       // if previous node is free, extend it
0373       // with the size of the current one
0374       auto prev_node = std::prev(node);
0375       if (!prev_node->second.m_free) {
0376         break;
0377       }
0378       prev_node->second.m_size += node->second.m_size;
0380       // remove the current node
0381       m_freeList.erase(node);
0382       m_pointerMap.erase(node);
0384       // point to the previous node
0385       node = prev_node;
0386     }
0387   }
0389   /* remove_pointer.
0390    * Removes the given pointer from the map.
0391    * The pointer is allowed to be reused only if ReUse if true.
0392    */
0393   template <bool ReUse = true>
0394   void remove_pointer(const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0395     if (is_nullptr(ptr)) {
0396       return;
0397     }
0398     auto node = this->get_node(ptr);
0400     node->second.m_free = true;
0401     m_freeList.emplace(node);
0403     // Fuse the node
0404     // with free nodes before and after it
0405     fuse_forward(node);
0406     fuse_backward(node);
0408     // If after fusing the node is the last one
0409     // simply remove it (since it is free)
0410     if (node == std::prev(m_pointerMap.end())) {
0411       m_freeList.erase(node);
0412       m_pointerMap.erase(node);
0413     }
0414   }
0416   /* count.
0417    * Return the number of active pointers (i.e, pointers that
0418    * have been malloc but not freed).
0419    */
0420   size_t count() const { return (m_pointerMap.size() - m_freeList.size()); }
0422  private:
0423   /* add_pointer_impl.
0424    * Adds a pointer to the map and returns the virtual pointer id.
0425    * BufferT is either a const buffer_t& or a buffer_t&&.
0426    */
0427   template <class BufferT>
0428   virtual_pointer_t add_pointer_impl(BufferT b) {
0429     virtual_pointer_t retVal = nullptr;
0430     size_t bufSize = b.get_count();
0431     pMapNode_t p{b, bufSize, false};
0432     // If this is the first pointer:
0433     if (m_pointerMap.empty()) {
0434       virtual_pointer_t initialVal{m_baseAddress};
0435       m_pointerMap.emplace(initialVal, p);
0436       return initialVal;
0437     }
0439     auto lastElemIter = get_insertion_point(bufSize);
0440     // We are recovering an existing free node
0441     if (lastElemIter->second.m_free) {
0442       lastElemIter->second.m_buffer = b;
0443       lastElemIter->second.m_free = false;
0445       // If the recovered node is bigger than the inserted one
0446       // add a new free node with the remaining space
0447       if (lastElemIter->second.m_size > bufSize) {
0448         // create a new node with the remaining space
0449         auto remainingSize = lastElemIter->second.m_size - bufSize;
0450         pMapNode_t p2{b, remainingSize, true};
0452         // update size of the current node
0453         lastElemIter->second.m_size = bufSize;
0455         // add the new free node
0456         auto newFreePtr = lastElemIter->first + bufSize;
0457         auto freeNode = m_pointerMap.emplace(newFreePtr, p2).first;
0458         m_freeList.emplace(freeNode);
0459       }
0461       retVal = lastElemIter->first;
0462     } else {
0463       size_t lastSize = lastElemIter->second.m_size;
0464       retVal = lastElemIter->first + lastSize;
0465       m_pointerMap.emplace(retVal, p);
0466     }
0467     return retVal;
0468   }
0470   /**
0471    * Compare two iterators to pointer map entries according to
0472    * the size of the allocation on the device.
0473    */
0474   struct SortBySize {
0475     bool operator()(typename pointerMap_t::iterator a,
0476                     typename pointerMap_t::iterator b) const {
0477       return ((a->first < b->first) && (a->second <= b->second)) ||
0478              ((a->first < b->first) && (b->second <= a->second));
0479     }
0480   };
0482   /* Maps the pointer addresses to buffer and size pairs.
0483    */
0484   pointerMap_t m_pointerMap;
0486   /* List of free nodes available for re-using
0487    */
0488   std::set<typename pointerMap_t::iterator, SortBySize> m_freeList;
0490   /* Base address used when issuing the first virtual pointer, allows users
0491    * to specify alignment. Cannot be zero. */
0492   std::intptr_t m_baseAddress;
0493 };
0495 /* remove_pointer.
0496  * Removes the given pointer from the map.
0497  * The pointer is allowed to be reused only if ReUse if true.
0498  */
0499 template <>
0500 inline void PointerMapper::remove_pointer<false>(const virtual_pointer_t ptr) {
0501   if (is_nullptr(ptr)) {
0502     return;
0503   }
0504   m_pointerMap.erase(this->get_node(ptr));
0505 }
0507 /**
0508  * Malloc-like interface to the pointer-mapper.
0509  * Given a size, creates a byte-typed buffer and returns a
0510  * fake pointer to keep track of it.
0511  * \param size Size in bytes of the desired allocation
0512  * \throw cl::sycl::exception if error while creating the buffer
0513  */
0514 inline void *SYCLmalloc(size_t size, PointerMapper &pMap) {
0515   if (size == 0) {
0516     return nullptr;
0517   }
0518   // Create a generic buffer of the given size
0519   using buffer_t = cl::sycl::buffer<buffer_data_type_t, 1>;
0520   auto thePointer = pMap.add_pointer(buffer_t(cl::sycl::range<1>{size}));
0521   // Store the buffer on the global list
0522   return static_cast<void *>(thePointer);
0523 }
0525 /**
0526  * Free-like interface to the pointer mapper.
0527  * Given a fake-pointer created with the virtual-pointer malloc,
0528  * destroys the buffer and remove it from the list.
0529  * If ReUse is false, the pointer is not added to the freeList,
0530  * it should be false only for sub-buffers.
0531  */
0532 template <bool ReUse = true, typename PointerMapper>
0533 inline void SYCLfree(void *ptr, PointerMapper &pMap) {
0534   pMap.template remove_pointer<ReUse>(ptr);
0535 }
0537 /**
0538  * Clear all the memory allocated by SYCL.
0539  */
0540 template <typename PointerMapper>
0541 inline void SYCLfreeAll(PointerMapper &pMap) {
0542   pMap.clear();
0543 }
0545 template <cl::sycl::access::mode AcMd, typename T>
0546 struct RangeAccess {
0547   static const auto global_access = cl::sycl::access::target::global_buffer;
0548   static const auto is_place_holder = cl::sycl::access::placeholder::true_t;
0549   typedef T scalar_t;
0550   typedef scalar_t &ref_t;
0551   typedef typename cl::sycl::global_ptr<scalar_t>::pointer_t ptr_t;
0553   // the accessor type does not necessarily the same as T
0554   typedef cl::sycl::accessor<scalar_t, 1, AcMd, global_access, is_place_holder>
0555       accessor;
0557   typedef RangeAccess<AcMd, T> self_t;
0558   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE RangeAccess(accessor access,
0559                                                     size_t offset,
0560                                                     std::intptr_t virtual_ptr)
0561       : access_(access), offset_(offset), virtual_ptr_(virtual_ptr) {}
0563   RangeAccess(cl::sycl::buffer<scalar_t, 1> buff =
0564                   cl::sycl::buffer<scalar_t, 1>(cl::sycl::range<1>(1)))
0565       : access_{accessor{buff}}, offset_(0), virtual_ptr_(-1) {}
0567   // This should be only used for null constructor on the host side
0568   RangeAccess(std::nullptr_t) : RangeAccess() {}
0569   // This template parameter must be removed and scalar_t should be replaced
0570   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ptr_t get_pointer() const {
0571     return (access_.get_pointer().get() + offset_);
0572   }
0573   template <typename Index>
0574   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE self_t &operator+=(Index offset) {
0575     offset_ += (offset);
0576     return *this;
0577   }
0578   template <typename Index>
0579   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE self_t operator+(Index offset) const {
0580     return self_t(access_, offset_ + offset, virtual_ptr_);
0581   }
0582   template <typename Index>
0583   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE self_t operator-(Index offset) const {
0584     return self_t(access_, offset_ - offset, virtual_ptr_);
0585   }
0586   template <typename Index>
0587   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE self_t &operator-=(Index offset) {
0588     offset_ -= offset;
0589     return *this;
0590   }
0593   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE friend bool operator==(
0594       const RangeAccess &lhs, std::nullptr_t) {
0595     return ((lhs.virtual_ptr_ == -1));
0596   }
0597   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE friend bool operator!=(
0598       const RangeAccess &lhs, std::nullptr_t i) {
0599     return !(lhs == i);
0600   }
0603   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE friend bool operator==(
0604       std::nullptr_t, const RangeAccess &rhs) {
0605     return ((rhs.virtual_ptr_ == -1));
0606   }
0607   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE friend bool operator!=(
0608       std::nullptr_t i, const RangeAccess &rhs) {
0609     return !(i == rhs);
0610   }
0611   // Prefix operator (Increment and return value)
0612   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE self_t &operator++() {
0613     offset_++;
0614     return (*this);
0615   }
0617   // Postfix operator (Return value and increment)
0618   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE self_t operator++(int i) {
0620     self_t temp_iterator(*this);
0621     offset_++;
0622     return temp_iterator;
0623   }
0625   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE std::ptrdiff_t get_size() const {
0626     return (access_.get_count() - offset_);
0627   }
0629   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE std::ptrdiff_t get_offset() const {
0630     return offset_;
0631   }
0633   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void set_offset(std::ptrdiff_t offset) {
0634     offset_ = offset;
0635   }
0637   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ref_t operator*() const {
0638     return *get_pointer();
0639   }
0641   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ref_t operator*() {
0642     return *get_pointer();
0643   }
0645   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ptr_t operator->() = delete;
0647   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ref_t operator[](int x) {
0648     return *(get_pointer() + x);
0649   }
0651   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ref_t operator[](int x) const {
0652     return *(get_pointer() + x);
0653   }
0655   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE scalar_t *get_virtual_pointer() const {
0656     return reinterpret_cast<scalar_t *>(virtual_ptr_ +
0657                                         (offset_ * sizeof(scalar_t)));
0658   }
0660   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE explicit operator bool() const {
0661     return (virtual_ptr_ != -1);
0662   }
0664   EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator RangeAccess<AcMd, const T>() {
0665     return RangeAccess<AcMd, const T>(access_, offset_, virtual_ptr_);
0666   }
0669   operator RangeAccess<AcMd, const T>() const {
0670     return RangeAccess<AcMd, const T>(access_, offset_, virtual_ptr_);
0671   }
0672   // binding placeholder accessors to a command group handler for SYCL
0674       cl::sycl::handler &cgh) const {
0675     cgh.require(access_);
0676   }
0678  private:
0679   accessor access_;
0680   size_t offset_;
0681   std::intptr_t virtual_ptr_;  // the location of the buffer in the map
0682 };
0684 template <cl::sycl::access::mode AcMd, typename T>
0685 struct RangeAccess<AcMd, const T> : RangeAccess<AcMd, T> {
0686   typedef RangeAccess<AcMd, T> Base;
0687   using Base::Base;
0688 };
0690 }  // namespace internal
0691 }  // namespace TensorSycl
0692 }  // namespace Eigen