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0001 //---------------------------------*-CUDA-*----------------------------------//
0002 // Copyright 2023-2024 UT-Battelle, LLC, and other Celeritas developers.
0003 // See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
0004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
0005 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0006 //! \file corecel/sys/KernelLauncher.device.hh
0007 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0008 #pragma once
0010 #include <string_view>
0011 #include <type_traits>
0013 #include "corecel/DeviceRuntimeApi.hh"
0015 #include "corecel/Assert.hh"
0016 #include "corecel/Macros.hh"
0017 #include "corecel/Types.hh"
0018 #include "corecel/cont/Range.hh"
0020 #include "Device.hh"
0021 #include "KernelParamCalculator.device.hh"
0022 #include "Stream.hh"
0023 #include "ThreadId.hh"
0025 #include "detail/KernelLauncherImpl.device.hh"
0027 namespace celeritas
0028 {
0029 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0030 /*!
0031  * Profile and launch Celeritas kernels.
0032  *
0033  * The template argument \c F may define a member type named \c Applier.
0034  * \c F::Applier should have up to two static constexpr int variables named
0035  * \c max_block_size and/or \c min_warps_per_eu.
0036  * If present, the kernel will use appropriate \c __launch_bounds__.
0037  * If \c F::Applier::min_warps_per_eu exists then \c F::Applier::max_block_size
0038  * must also be present or we get a compile error.
0039  *
0040  * The semantics of the second \c __launch_bounds__ argument differs between
0041  * CUDA and HIP.  \c KernelLauncher expects HIP semantics. If Celeritas is
0042  * built targeting CUDA, it will automatically convert that argument to match
0043  * CUDA semantics.
0044  *
0045  * The CUDA-specific 3rd argument \c maxBlocksPerCluster is not supported.
0046  *
0047  * Example:
0048  * \code
0049  void FooAction::launch_kernel(size_type count) const
0050  {
0051     auto execute_thread = make_blah_executor(blah);
0052     static KernelLauncher<decltype(execute_thread)> const
0053  launch_kernel("blah");
0054     launch_kernel(state, execute_thread);
0055  }
0056  * \endcode
0057  */
0058 template<class F>
0059 class KernelLauncher
0060 {
0061     static_assert(
0062         (std::is_trivially_copyable_v<F> || CELERITAS_USE_HIP
0064             && !std::is_pointer_v<F> && !std::is_reference_v<F>,
0065         R"(Launched action must be a trivially copyable function object)");
0067   public:
0068     // Create a launcher from a label
0069     explicit inline KernelLauncher(std::string_view name);
0071     // Launch a kernel for a thread range
0072     inline void operator()(Range<ThreadId> threads,
0073                            StreamId stream_id,
0074                            F const& call_thread) const;
0076     // Launch a kernel with a custom number of threads
0077     inline void operator()(size_type num_threads,
0078                            StreamId stream_id,
0079                            F const& call_thread) const;
0081   private:
0082     KernelParamCalculator calc_launch_params_;
0083 };
0085 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0087 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0088 /*!
0089  * Create a launcher from a label.
0090  */
0091 template<class F>
0092 KernelLauncher<F>::KernelLauncher(std::string_view name)
0093     : calc_launch_params_{name, &detail::launch_action_impl<F>}
0094 {
0095 }
0097 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0098 /*!
0099  * Launch a kernel for a thread range.
0100  */
0101 template<class F>
0102 void KernelLauncher<F>::operator()(Range<ThreadId> threads,
0103                                    StreamId stream_id,
0104                                    F const& call_thread) const
0105 {
0106     if (!threads.empty())
0107     {
0108         using StreamT = CELER_DEVICE_PREFIX(Stream_t);
0109         StreamT stream = celeritas::device().stream(stream_id).get();
0110         auto config = calc_launch_params_(threads.size());
0111         detail::launch_action_impl<F>
0112             <<<config.blocks_per_grid, config.threads_per_block, 0, stream>>>(
0113                 threads, call_thread);
0114     }
0115 }
0117 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0118 /*!
0119  * Launch a kernel with a custom number of threads.
0120  *
0121  * The launch arguments have the same ordering as CUDA/HIP kernel launch
0122  * arguments.
0123  *
0124  * \param num_threads Total number of active consecutive threads
0125  * \param stream_id Execute the kernel on this device stream
0126  * \param call_thread Call the given functor with the thread ID
0127  */
0128 template<class F>
0129 void KernelLauncher<F>::operator()(size_type num_threads,
0130                                    StreamId stream_id,
0131                                    F const& call_thread) const
0132 {
0133     CELER_EXPECT(num_threads > 0);
0134     CELER_EXPECT(stream_id);
0135     (*this)(range(ThreadId{num_threads}), stream_id, call_thread);
0136 }
0138 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0139 }  // namespace celeritas