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0001 //----------------------------------*-C++-*----------------------------------//
0002 // Copyright 2020-2024 UT-Battelle, LLC, and other Celeritas developers.
0003 // See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
0004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
0005 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0006 //! \file corecel/math/ArrayUtils.hh
0007 //! \brief Math functions using celeritas::Array
0008 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include <cmath>
0013 #include "corecel/Assert.hh"
0014 #include "corecel/Types.hh"
0015 #include "corecel/cont/Array.hh"
0017 #include "Algorithms.hh"
0018 #include "ArraySoftUnit.hh"
0019 #include "SoftEqual.hh"
0021 #include "detail/ArrayUtilsImpl.hh"
0023 namespace celeritas
0024 {
0025 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0026 // Perform y <- ax + y
0027 template<class T, size_type N>
0028 inline CELER_FUNCTION void axpy(T a, Array<T, N> const& x, Array<T, N>* y);
0030 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0031 // Calculate product of two vectors
0032 template<class T, size_type N>
0033 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION T dot_product(Array<T, N> const& x,
0034                                                   Array<T, N> const& y);
0036 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0037 // Calculate product of two vectors
0038 template<class T>
0039 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, 3>
0040 cross_product(Array<T, 3> const& x, Array<T, 3> const& y);
0042 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0043 // Calculate the Euclidian (2) norm of a vector
0044 template<class T, size_type N>
0045 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION T norm(Array<T, N> const& vec);
0047 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0048 // Construct a vector with unit magnitude
0049 template<class T, size_type N>
0050 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, N>
0051 make_unit_vector(Array<T, N> const& v);
0053 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0054 // Calculate the Euclidian (2) distance between two points
0055 template<class T, size_type N>
0056 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION T distance(Array<T, N> const& x,
0057                                                Array<T, N> const& y);
0059 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0060 // Calculate a cartesian unit vector from spherical coordinates
0061 template<class T>
0062 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, 3>
0063 from_spherical(T costheta, T phi);
0065 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0066 // Rotate the direction 'dir' according to the reference rotation axis 'rot'
0067 template<class T>
0068 [[nodiscard]] inline CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, 3>
0069 rotate(Array<T, 3> const& dir, Array<T, 3> const& rot);
0071 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0073 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0074 /*!
0075  * Increment a vector by another vector multiplied by a scalar.
0076  */
0077 template<class T, size_type N>
0078 CELER_FUNCTION void axpy(T a, Array<T, N> const& x, Array<T, N>* y)
0079 {
0080     CELER_EXPECT(y);
0081     for (size_type i = 0; i != N; ++i)
0082     {
0083         (*y)[i] = fma(a, x[i], (*y)[i]);
0084     }
0085 }
0087 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0088 /*!
0089  * Dot product of two vectors.
0090  */
0091 template<class T, size_type N>
0092 CELER_FUNCTION T dot_product(Array<T, N> const& x, Array<T, N> const& y)
0093 {
0094     T result{};
0095     for (size_type i = 0; i != N; ++i)
0096     {
0097         result = fma(x[i], y[i], result);
0098     }
0099     return result;
0100 }
0102 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0103 /*!
0104  * Cross product of two space vectors.
0105  */
0106 template<class T>
0107 CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, 3>
0108 cross_product(Array<T, 3> const& x, Array<T, 3> const& y)
0109 {
0110     return {x[1] * y[2] - x[2] * y[1],
0111             x[2] * y[0] - x[0] * y[2],
0112             x[0] * y[1] - x[1] * y[0]};
0113 }
0115 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0116 /*!
0117  * Calculate the Euclidian (2) norm of a vector.
0118  */
0119 template<class T, size_type N>
0120 CELER_FUNCTION T norm(Array<T, N> const& v)
0121 {
0122     return std::sqrt(dot_product(v, v));
0123 }
0125 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0126 /*!
0127  * Construct a unit vector.
0128  *
0129  * Unit vectors have an Euclidian norm magnitude of 1.
0130  */
0131 template<class T, size_type N>
0132 CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, N> make_unit_vector(Array<T, N> const& v)
0133 {
0134     Array<T, N> result{v};
0135     T const scale_factor = 1 / norm(result);
0136     for (auto& el : result)
0137     {
0138         el *= scale_factor;
0139     }
0140     return result;
0141 }
0143 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0144 /*!
0145  * Calculate the Euclidian (2) distance between two points.
0146  */
0147 template<class T, size_type N>
0148 CELER_FUNCTION T distance(Array<T, N> const& x, Array<T, N> const& y)
0149 {
0150     T dist_sq = 0;
0151     for (size_type i = 0; i != N; ++i)
0152     {
0153         dist_sq += ipow<2>(y[i] - x[i]);
0154     }
0155     return std::sqrt(dist_sq);
0156 }
0158 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0159 /*!
0160  * Calculate a Cartesian vector from spherical coordinates.
0161  *
0162  * Theta is the angle between the Z axis and the outgoing vector, and phi is
0163  * the angle between the x axis and the projection of the vector onto the x-y
0164  * plane.
0165  */
0166 template<class T>
0167 inline CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, 3> from_spherical(T costheta, T phi)
0168 {
0169     CELER_EXPECT(costheta >= -1 && costheta <= 1);
0171     T const sintheta = std::sqrt(1 - costheta * costheta);
0172     return {sintheta * std::cos(phi), sintheta * std::sin(phi), costheta};
0173 }
0175 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0176 /*!
0177  * Rotate the direction about the given Z-based scatter direction.
0178  *
0179  * The equivalent to calling the Shift transport code's \code
0180     void cartesian_vector_transform(
0181         double      costheta,
0182         double      phi,
0183         Vector_View vector);
0184  * \endcode
0185  * is the call
0186  * \code
0187     vector = rotate(from_spherical(costheta, phi), vector);
0188  * \endcode
0189  *
0190  * This code effectively decomposes the given rotation vector \c rot into two
0191  * sequential transform matrices, one with an angle \em theta about the \em y
0192  * axis and one about \em phi rotating around the \em z axis. These two angles
0193  * are the spherical coordinate transform of the given \c rot cartesian
0194  * direction vector.
0195  *
0196  * There is some extra code in here to deal with loss of precision when the
0197  * incident direction is along the \em z axis. As \c rot approaches \em z, the
0198  * azimuthal angle \em phi must be calculated carefully from both the x and y
0199  * components of the vector, not independently. If \c rot actually equals \em z
0200  * then the azimuthal angle is completely indeterminate so we arbitrarily
0201  * choose \c phi = 0.
0202  *
0203  * This function is often used for calculating exiting scattering angles. In
0204  * that case, \c dir is the exiting angle from the scattering calculation, and
0205  * \c rot is the original direction of the particle. The direction vectors are
0206  * defined as
0207  * \f[
0208    \Omega =   \sin\theta\cos\phi\mathbf{i}
0209             + \sin\theta\sin\phi\mathbf{j}
0210             + \cos\theta\mathbf{k} \,.
0211  * \f]
0212  */
0213 template<class T>
0214 inline CELER_FUNCTION Array<T, 3>
0215 rotate(Array<T, 3> const& dir, Array<T, 3> const& rot)
0216 {
0217     CELER_EXPECT(is_soft_unit_vector(dir));
0218     CELER_EXPECT(is_soft_unit_vector(rot));
0220     // Direction enumeration
0221     enum
0222     {
0223         X = 0,
0224         Y = 1,
0225         Z = 2
0226     };
0228     // Transform direction vector into theta, phi so we can use it as a
0229     // rotation matrix
0230     T sintheta = std::sqrt(1 - ipow<2>(rot[Z]));
0231     T cosphi;
0232     T sinphi;
0234     if (sintheta >= detail::RealVecTraits<T>::min_accurate_sintheta())
0235     {
0236         // Typical case: far enough from z axis to assume the X and Y
0237         // components have a hypotenuse of 1 within epsilon tolerance
0238         T const inv_sintheta = 1 / (sintheta);
0239         cosphi = rot[X] * inv_sintheta;
0240         sinphi = rot[Y] * inv_sintheta;
0241     }
0242     else if (sintheta > 0)
0243     {
0244         // Avoid catastrophic roundoff error by normalizing x/y components
0245         cosphi = rot[X] / std::sqrt(ipow<2>(rot[X]) + ipow<2>(rot[Y]));
0246         sinphi = std::sqrt(1 - ipow<2>(cosphi));
0247     }
0248     else
0249     {
0250         // NaN or 0: choose an arbitrary azimuthal angle for the incident dir
0251         cosphi = 1;
0252         sinphi = 0;
0253     }
0255     Array<T, 3> result
0256         = {(rot[Z] * dir[X] + sintheta * dir[Z]) * cosphi - sinphi * dir[Y],
0257            (rot[Z] * dir[X] + sintheta * dir[Z]) * sinphi + cosphi * dir[Y],
0258            -sintheta * dir[X] + rot[Z] * dir[Z]};
0260     // Always normalize to prevent roundoff error from propagating
0261     return make_unit_vector(result);
0262 }
0264 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0265 }  // namespace celeritas