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0001 //----------------------------------*-C++-*----------------------------------//
0002 // Copyright 2022-2024 UT-Battelle, LLC, and other Celeritas developers.
0003 // See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
0004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
0005 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0006 //! \file celeritas/random/XorwowRngEngine.hh
0007 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0008 #pragma once
0010 #include "corecel/Assert.hh"
0011 #include "corecel/OpaqueId.hh"
0012 #include "corecel/Types.hh"
0013 #include "corecel/sys/ThreadId.hh"
0015 #include "XorwowRngData.hh"
0016 #include "distribution/GenerateCanonical.hh"
0018 #include "detail/GenerateCanonical32.hh"
0020 namespace celeritas
0021 {
0022 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0023 /*!
0024  * Generate random data using the XORWOW algorithm.
0025  *
0026  * The XorwowRngEngine uses a C++11-like interface to generate random data. The
0027  * sampling of uniform floating point data is done with specializations to the
0028  * GenerateCanonical class.
0029  *
0030  * The \c resize function for \c XorwowRngStateData will fully randomize the
0031  * state at initialization. Alternatively, the state can be initialized with a
0032  * seed, subsequence, and offset.
0033  *
0034  * See Marsaglia (2003) for the theory underlying the algorithm and the the
0035  * "example" \c xorwow that combines an \em xorshift output with a Weyl
0036  * sequence (
0037  *
0038  * For a description of the jump ahead method using the polynomial
0039  * representation of the recurrence, see: Haramoto, H., Matsumoto, M.,
0040  * Nishimura, T., Panneton, F., L’Ecuyer, P.  2008. "Efficient jump ahead for
0041  * F2-linear random number generators". INFORMS Journal on Computing.
0042  *
0043  *
0044  * The jump polynomials were precomputed using
0045  *
0046  * For a more detailed description of how to calculate the jump polynomials
0047  * using Knuth's square-and-multiply algorithm in \f$ O(k^2 log d) \f$ time
0048  * (where \em k is the number of bits in the state and \em d is the number of
0049  * steps to skip ahead),
0050  * see: Collins, J. 2008. "Testing, Selection, and Implementation of Random
0051  * Number Generators". ARL-TR-4498.
0052  *
0053  */
0054 class XorwowRngEngine
0055 {
0056   public:
0057     //!@{
0058     //! \name Type aliases
0059     using uint_t = XorwowUInt;
0060     using result_type = uint_t;
0061     using Initializer_t = XorwowRngInitializer;
0062     using ParamsRef = NativeCRef<XorwowRngParamsData>;
0063     using StateRef = NativeRef<XorwowRngStateData>;
0064     //!@}
0066   public:
0067     //! Lowest value potentially generated
0068     static CELER_CONSTEXPR_FUNCTION result_type min() { return 0u; }
0069     //! Highest value potentially generated
0070     static CELER_CONSTEXPR_FUNCTION result_type max() { return 0xffffffffu; }
0072     // Construct from state and persistent data
0073     inline CELER_FUNCTION XorwowRngEngine(ParamsRef const& params,
0074                                           StateRef const& state,
0075                                           TrackSlotId tid);
0077     // Initialize state
0078     inline CELER_FUNCTION XorwowRngEngine& operator=(Initializer_t const&);
0080     // Generate a 32-bit pseudorandom number
0081     inline CELER_FUNCTION result_type operator()();
0083     // Advance the state \c count times
0084     inline CELER_FUNCTION void discard(ull_int count);
0086   private:
0087     /// TYPES ///
0089     using JumpPoly = Array<uint_t, 5>;
0090     using ArrayJumpPoly = Array<JumpPoly, 32>;
0092     /// DATA ///
0094     ParamsRef const& params_;
0095     XorwowState* state_;
0097     //// HELPER FUNCTIONS ////
0099     inline CELER_FUNCTION void discard_subsequence(ull_int);
0100     inline CELER_FUNCTION void next();
0101     inline CELER_FUNCTION void jump(ull_int, ArrayJumpPoly const&);
0102     inline CELER_FUNCTION void jump(JumpPoly const&);
0104     // Helper RNG for initializing the state
0105     struct SplitMix64
0106     {
0107         std::uint64_t state;
0108         inline CELER_FUNCTION std::uint64_t operator()();
0109     };
0110 };
0112 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0113 /*!
0114  * Specialization of GenerateCanonical for XorwowRngEngine.
0115  */
0116 template<class RealType>
0117 class GenerateCanonical<XorwowRngEngine, RealType>
0118 {
0119   public:
0120     //!@{
0121     //! \name Type aliases
0122     using real_type = RealType;
0123     using result_type = RealType;
0124     //!@}
0126   public:
0127     //! Sample a random number on [0, 1)
0128     CELER_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION result_type operator()(XorwowRngEngine& rng)
0129     {
0130         return detail::GenerateCanonical32<RealType>()(rng);
0131     }
0132 };
0134 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0136 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0137 /*!
0138  * Construct from state and persistent data.
0139  */
0141 XorwowRngEngine::XorwowRngEngine(ParamsRef const& params,
0142                                  StateRef const& state,
0143                                  TrackSlotId tid)
0144     : params_(params)
0145 {
0146     CELER_EXPECT(tid < state.state.size());
0147     state_ = &state.state[tid];
0148 }
0150 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0151 /*!
0152  * Initialize the RNG engine.
0153  *
0154  * This moves the state ahead to the given subsequence (a subsequence has size
0155  * 2^67) and skips \c offset random numbers.
0156  *
0157  * It is recommended to initialize the state using a very different generator
0158  * from the one being initialized to avoid correlations. Here the 64-bit
0159  * SplitMix64 generator is used for initialization (See Matsumoto, Wada,
0160  * Kuramoto, and Ashihara, "Common defects in initialization of pseudorandom
0161  * number generators".
0162  */
0163 CELER_FUNCTION XorwowRngEngine&
0164 XorwowRngEngine::operator=(Initializer_t const& init)
0165 {
0166     auto& s = state_->xorstate;
0168     // Initialize the state from the seed
0169     SplitMix64 rng{init.seed[0]};
0170     std::uint64_t seed = rng();
0171     s[0] = static_cast<uint_t>(seed);
0172     s[1] = static_cast<uint_t>(seed >> 32);
0173     seed = rng();
0174     s[2] = static_cast<uint_t>(seed);
0175     s[3] = static_cast<uint_t>(seed >> 32);
0176     seed = rng();
0177     s[4] = static_cast<uint_t>(seed);
0178     state_->weylstate = static_cast<uint_t>(seed >> 32);
0180     // Skip ahead
0181     this->discard_subsequence(init.subsequence);
0182     this->discard(init.offset);
0184     return *this;
0185 }
0187 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0188 /*!
0189  * Generate a 32-bit pseudorandom number using the 'xorwow' engine.
0190  */
0191 CELER_FUNCTION auto XorwowRngEngine::operator()() -> result_type
0192 {
0193     this->next();
0194     state_->weylstate += 362437u;
0195     return state_->weylstate + state_->xorstate[4];
0196 }
0198 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0199 /*!
0200  * Advance the state \c count times.
0201  */
0202 CELER_FUNCTION void XorwowRngEngine::discard(ull_int count)
0203 {
0204     this->jump(count, params_.jump);
0205     state_->weylstate += static_cast<unsigned int>(count) * 362437u;
0206 }
0208 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0209 /*!
0210  * Advance the state \c count subsequences (\c count * 2^67 times).
0211  *
0212  * Note that the Weyl sequence value remains the same since it has period 2^32
0213  * which divides evenly into 2^67.
0214  */
0215 CELER_FUNCTION void XorwowRngEngine::discard_subsequence(ull_int count)
0216 {
0217     this->jump(count, params_.jump_subsequence);
0218 }
0220 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0221 /*!
0222  * Apply the transformation to the state.
0223  *
0224  * This does not update the Weyl sequence value.
0225  */
0226 CELER_FUNCTION void XorwowRngEngine::next()
0227 {
0228     auto& s = state_->xorstate;
0229     auto const t = (s[0] ^ (s[0] >> 2u));
0231     s[0] = s[1];
0232     s[1] = s[2];
0233     s[2] = s[3];
0234     s[3] = s[4];
0235     s[4] = (s[4] ^ (s[4] << 4u)) ^ (t ^ (t << 1u));
0236 }
0238 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0239 /*!
0240  * Jump ahead \c count steps or subsequences.
0241  *
0242  * This applies the jump polynomials until the given number of steps or
0243  * subsequences have been skipped.
0244  */
0246 XorwowRngEngine::jump(ull_int count, ArrayJumpPoly const& jump_poly_arr)
0247 {
0248     // Maximum number of times to apply any jump polynomial. Since the jump
0249     // sizes are 4^i for i = [0, 32), the max is 3.
0250     constexpr size_type max_num_jump = 3;
0252     // Start with the smallest jump (either one step or one subsequence)
0253     size_type jump_idx = 0;
0254     while (count > 0)
0255     {
0256         // Number of times to apply this jump polynomial
0257         uint_t num_jump = static_cast<uint_t>(count) & max_num_jump;
0258         for (size_type i = 0; i < num_jump; ++i)
0259         {
0260             CELER_ASSERT(jump_idx < jump_poly_arr.size());
0261             this->jump(jump_poly_arr[jump_idx]);
0262         }
0263         ++jump_idx;
0264         count >>= 2;
0265     }
0266 }
0268 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0269 /*!
0270  * Jump ahead using the given jump polynomial.
0271  *
0272  * This uses the polynomial representation to apply the recurrence to the
0273  * state. The theory is described in
0274  * Let
0275  * \f[
0276    g(z) = z^d \mod p(z) = a_1 z^{k-1} + ... + a_{k-1} z + a_k,
0277  * \f]
0278  * where \f$ p(z) = det(zI + T) \f$ is the characteristic polynomial and \f$ T
0279  * \f$ is the transformation matrix. Observing that \f$ g(z) = z^d q(z)p(z) \f$
0280  * for some polynomial \f$ q(z) \f$ and that \f$ p(T) = 0 \f$ (a fundamental
0281  * property of the characteristic polynomial), it follows that
0282  * \f[
0283    g(T) = T^d = a_1 A^{k-1} + ... + a_{k-1} A + a_k I.
0284  * \f]
0285  * Therefore, using the precalculated coefficients of the jump polynomial \f$
0286  * g(z) \f$ and Horner's method for polynomial evaluation, the state after \f$
0287  * d \f$ steps can be computed as
0288  * \f[
0289    T^d x = T(...T(T(T a_1 x + a_2 x) + a_3 x) + ... + a_{k-1} x) + a_k x.
0290  * \f]
0291  * Note that applying \f$ T \f$ to \f$ x \f$ is equivalent to calling \c
0292  * next(), and that in \f$ F_2 \f$, the finite field with two elements,
0293  * addition is the same as subtraction and equivalent to bitwise exclusive or,
0294  * and multiplication is bitwise and.
0295  */
0296 CELER_FUNCTION void XorwowRngEngine::jump(JumpPoly const& jump_poly)
0297 {
0298     Array<uint_t, 5> s = {0};
0299     for (size_type i : range(params_.num_words()))
0300     {
0301         for (size_type j : range(params_.num_bits()))
0302         {
0303             if (jump_poly[i] & (1 << j))
0304             {
0305                 for (size_type k : range(params_.num_words()))
0306                 {
0307                     s[k] ^= state_->xorstate[k];
0308                 }
0309             }
0310             this->next();
0311         }
0312     }
0313     state_->xorstate = s;
0314 }
0316 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0317 /*!
0318  * Generate a 64-bit pseudorandom number using the SplitMix64 engine.
0319  *
0320  * This is used to initialize the XORWOW state. See
0321  */
0322 CELER_FUNCTION std::uint64_t XorwowRngEngine::SplitMix64::operator()()
0323 {
0324     std::uint64_t z = (state += 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15ull);
0325     z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9ull;
0326     z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * 0x94d049bb133111ebull;
0327     return z ^ (z >> 31);
0328 }
0330 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0331 }  // namespace celeritas