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0001 //----------------------------------*-C++-*----------------------------------//
0002 // Copyright 2020-2024 UT-Battelle, LLC, and other Celeritas developers.
0003 // See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
0004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
0005 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0006 //! \file celeritas/field/FieldDriver.hh
0007 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0008 #pragma once
0010 #include <cmath>
0012 #include "corecel/Macros.hh"
0013 #include "corecel/Types.hh"
0014 #include "corecel/math/Algorithms.hh"
0015 #include "corecel/math/NumericLimits.hh"
0016 #include "corecel/math/SoftEqual.hh"
0018 #include "FieldDriverOptions.hh"
0019 #include "Types.hh"
0021 #include "detail/FieldUtils.hh"
0023 namespace celeritas
0024 {
0025 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0026 /*!
0027  * Advance the field state by a single substep based on user tolerances.
0028  *
0029  * The substep length is based on the radius of curvature for the step,
0030  * ensuring that the "miss distance" (sagitta, the distance between the
0031  * straight-line arc and the furthest point) is less than the \c delta_chord
0032  * option. This target length is reduced into sub-substeps if necessary to meet
0033  * a targeted relative error `epsilon_rel_max` based on the position and
0034  * momentum update.
0035  *
0036  * This iteratively reduces the given step length until the sagitta is no more
0037  * than \c delta_chord . The sagitta is calculated as the projection of the
0038  * mid-step point onto the line between the start and end-step points.
0039  *
0040  * Each iteration reduces the step length by a factor of no more than \c
0041  * min_chord_shrink , but is based on an approximate "exact" correction factor
0042  * if the chord length is very small and the curve is circular.
0043  * The sagitta \em h is related to the chord length \em s and radius of
0044  * curvature \em r with the trig expression: \f[
0045    r - h = r \cos \frac{s}{2r}
0046   \f]
0047  * For small chord lengths or a large radius, we expand
0048  * \f$ \cos \theta \sim 1 \frac{\theta^2}{2} \f$, giving a radius of curvature
0049  * \f[ r = \frac{s^2}{8h} \; . \f]
0050  * Given a trial step (chord length) \em s and resulting sagitta of \em h,
0051  * the exact step needed to give a chord length of \f$ \epsilon = {} \f$ \c
0052  * delta_chord is \f[
0053    s' = s \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon}{h}} \,.
0054  * \f]
0055  *
0056  * \note This class is based on G4ChordFinder and G4MagIntegratorDriver.
0057  */
0058 template<class StepperT>
0059 class FieldDriver
0060 {
0061   public:
0062     // Construct with options data and the stepper
0063     inline CELER_FUNCTION
0064     FieldDriver(FieldDriverOptions const& options, StepperT&& perform_step);
0066     // For a given trial step, advance by a sub_step within a tolerance error
0067     inline CELER_FUNCTION DriverResult advance(real_type step,
0068                                                OdeState const& state);
0070     // An adaptive step size control from G4MagIntegratorDriver
0071     // Move this to private after all tests with non-uniform field are done
0072     inline CELER_FUNCTION DriverResult accurate_advance(
0073         real_type step, OdeState const& state, real_type hinitial) const;
0075     //// ACCESSORS ////
0077     CELER_FUNCTION short int max_substeps() const
0078     {
0079         return options_.max_substeps;
0080     }
0082     CELER_FUNCTION real_type minimum_step() const
0083     {
0084         return options_.minimum_step;
0085     }
0087     // TODO: this should be field propagator data
0088     CELER_FUNCTION real_type delta_intersection() const
0089     {
0090         return options_.delta_intersection;
0091     }
0093   private:
0094     //// DATA ////
0096     // Driver configuration
0097     FieldDriverOptions const& options_;
0099     // Stepper for this field driver
0100     StepperT apply_step_;
0102     // Maximum chord length based on a previous estimate
0103     real_type max_chord_{numeric_limits<real_type>::infinity()};
0105     //// TYPES ////
0107     //! A helper output for private member functions
0108     struct ChordSearch
0109     {
0110         DriverResult end;  //!< Step taken and post-step state
0111         real_type err_sq;  //!< Square of the truncation error
0112     };
0114     struct Integration
0115     {
0116         DriverResult end;  //!< Step taken and post-step state
0117         real_type proposed_step;  //!< Proposed next step size
0118     };
0120     //// HEPER FUNCTIONS ////
0122     // Find the next acceptable chord whose sagitta is less than delta_chord
0123     inline CELER_FUNCTION ChordSearch
0124     find_next_chord(real_type step, OdeState const& state) const;
0126     // Advance for a given step and evaluate the next predicted step.
0127     inline CELER_FUNCTION Integration
0128     integrate_step(real_type step, OdeState const& state) const;
0130     // Advance within the truncated error and estimate a good next step size
0131     inline CELER_FUNCTION Integration one_good_step(real_type step,
0132                                                     OdeState const& state) const;
0134     // Propose a next step size from a given step size and associated error
0135     inline CELER_FUNCTION real_type new_step_scale(real_type error_sq) const;
0137     //// COMMON PROPERTIES ////
0139     static CELER_CONSTEXPR_FUNCTION real_type half() { return 0.5; }
0140 };
0142 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0144 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0145 template<class StepperT>
0147 FieldDriver(FieldDriverOptions const&, StepperT&&) -> FieldDriver<StepperT>;
0149 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0151 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0152 /*!
0153  * Construct with options and the step advancement functor.
0154  */
0155 template<class StepperT>
0157 FieldDriver<StepperT>::FieldDriver(FieldDriverOptions const& options,
0158                                    StepperT&& stepper)
0159     : options_(options), apply_step_(::celeritas::forward<StepperT>(stepper))
0160 {
0161     CELER_EXPECT(options_);
0162 }
0164 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0165 /*!
0166  * Adaptive step control based on G4ChordFinder and G4MagIntegratorDriver.
0167  *
0168  * \param step maximum step length
0169  * \param state starting state
0170  * \return substep and updated state
0171  *
0172  * For a given trial step, advance by a sub-step within a required tolerance
0173  * and update the current state (position and momentum).  For an efficient
0174  * adaptive integration, the proposed chord of which the sagitta (the
0175  * closest distance from the curved trajectory to the chord) is smaller than
0176  * a reference distance (dist_chord) will be accepted if its stepping error is
0177  * within a reference accuracy. Otherwise, the more accurate step integration
0178  * (advance_accurate) will be performed.
0179  */
0180 template<class StepperT>
0181 CELER_FUNCTION DriverResult
0182 FieldDriver<StepperT>::advance(real_type step, OdeState const& state)
0183 {
0184     if (step <= options_.minimum_step)
0185     {
0186         // If the input is a very tiny step, do a "quick advance".
0187         DriverResult result;
0188         result.state = apply_step_(step, state).end_state;
0189         result.step = step;
0190         return result;
0191     }
0193     // Calculate the next chord length (and get an end state "for free") based
0194     // on delta_chord, reusing previous estimates
0195     ChordSearch output
0196         = this->find_next_chord(celeritas::min(step, max_chord_), state);
0197     CELER_ASSERT(output.end.step <= step);
0198     if (output.end.step < step)
0199     {
0200         // Chord length was reduced due to constraints: save the estimate for
0201         // the next potential field advance inside the propagation loop
0202         max_chord_ = output.end.step * (1 / options_.min_chord_shrink);
0203     }
0205     if (output.err_sq > 1)
0206     {
0207         // Discard the original end state and advance more accurately with the
0208         // newly proposed (reduced) step
0209         real_type next_step = step * this->new_step_scale(output.err_sq);
0210         output.end = this->accurate_advance(output.end.step, state, next_step);
0211     }
0213     CELER_ENSURE(output.end.step > 0 && output.end.step <= step);
0214     return output.end;
0215 }
0217 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0218 /*!
0219  * Find the maximum step length that satisfies a maximum "miss distance".
0220  */
0221 template<class StepperT>
0222 CELER_FUNCTION auto FieldDriver<StepperT>::find_next_chord(
0223     real_type step, OdeState const& state) const -> ChordSearch
0224 {
0225     // Output with a step control error
0226     ChordSearch output;
0228     bool succeeded = false;
0229     auto remaining_steps = options_.max_nsteps;
0230     FieldStepperResult result;
0232     do
0233     {
0234         // Try with the proposed step
0235         result = apply_step_(step, state);
0237         // Check whether the distance to the chord is smaller than the
0238         // reference
0239         real_type dchord = detail::distance_chord(
0240             state.pos, result.mid_state.pos, result.end_state.pos);
0242         if (dchord > options_.delta_chord + options_.dchord_tol)
0243         {
0244             // Estimate a new trial chord with a relative scale
0245             real_type scale_step = max(std::sqrt(options_.delta_chord / dchord),
0246                                        options_.min_chord_shrink);
0247             step *= scale_step;
0248         }
0249         else
0250         {
0251             succeeded = true;
0252         }
0253     } while (!succeeded && --remaining_steps > 0);
0255     // Update step, position and momentum
0256     output.end.step = step;
0257     output.end.state = result.end_state;
0258     output.err_sq = detail::rel_err_sq(result.err_state, step,
0259                     / ipow<2>(options_.epsilon_rel_max);
0261     return output;
0262 }
0264 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0265 /*!
0266  * Accurate advance for an adaptive step control.
0267  *
0268  * Perform an adaptive step integration for a proposed step or a series of
0269  * sub-steps within a required tolerance until the the accumulated curved path
0270  * is equal to the input step length.
0271  */
0272 template<class StepperT>
0273 CELER_FUNCTION DriverResult FieldDriver<StepperT>::accurate_advance(
0274     real_type step, OdeState const& state, real_type hinitial) const
0275 {
0276     CELER_ASSERT(step > 0);
0278     // Set an initial proposed step and evaluate the minimum threshold
0279     real_type end_curve_length = step;
0281     // Use a pre-defined initial step size if it is smaller than the input
0282     // step length and larger than the permillion fraction of the step length.
0283     // Otherwise, use the input step length for the first trial.
0284     // TODO: review whether this approach is an efficient bootstrapping.
0285     real_type h
0286         = ((hinitial > options_.initial_step_tol * step) && (hinitial < step))
0287               ? hinitial
0288               : step;
0289     real_type h_threshold = options_.epsilon_step * step;
0291     // Output with the next good step
0292     Integration output;
0293     output.end.state = state;
0295     // Perform integration
0296     bool succeeded = false;
0297     real_type curve_length = 0;
0298     auto remaining_steps = options_.max_nsteps;
0300     do
0301     {
0302         CELER_ASSERT(h > 0);
0303         output = this->integrate_step(h, output.end.state);
0305         curve_length += output.end.step;
0307         if (h < h_threshold || curve_length >= end_curve_length)
0308         {
0309             succeeded = true;
0310         }
0311         else
0312         {
0313             h = celeritas::min(
0314                 celeritas::max(output.proposed_step, options_.minimum_step),
0315                 end_curve_length - curve_length);
0316         }
0317     } while (!succeeded && --remaining_steps > 0);
0319     // Curve length may be slightly longer than step due to roundoff in
0320     // accumulation
0321     CELER_ENSURE(curve_length > 0
0322                  && (curve_length <= step || soft_equal(curve_length, step)));
0323     output.end.step = min(curve_length, step);
0324     return output.end;
0325 }
0327 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0328 /*!
0329  * Advance for a given step and evaluate the next predicted step.
0330  *
0331  * Helper function for accurate_advance.
0332  */
0333 template<class StepperT>
0335 FieldDriver<StepperT>::integrate_step(real_type step,
0336                                       OdeState const& state) const -> Integration
0337 {
0338     CELER_EXPECT(step > 0);
0340     // Output with a next proposed step
0341     Integration output;
0343     if (step > options_.minimum_step)
0344     {
0345         output = this->one_good_step(step, state);
0346     }
0347     else
0348     {
0349         // Do an integration step for a small step (a.k.a quick advance)
0350         FieldStepperResult result = apply_step_(step, state);
0352         // Update position and momentum
0353         output.end.state = result.end_state;
0354         output.end.step = step;
0356         // Compute a proposed new step
0357         real_type err_sq = detail::rel_err_sq(result.err_state, step,
0358                            / ipow<2>(options_.epsilon_rel_max);
0359         output.proposed_step = step * this->new_step_scale(err_sq);
0360     }
0362     return output;
0363 }
0365 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0366 /*!
0367  * Advance within a relative truncation error and estimate a good step size
0368  * for the next integration.
0369  */
0370 template<class StepperT>
0372 FieldDriver<StepperT>::one_good_step(real_type step,
0373                                      OdeState const& state) const -> Integration
0374 {
0375     // Output with a proposed next step
0376     Integration output;
0378     // Perform integration for adaptive step control with the truncation error
0379     bool succeeded = false;
0380     size_type remaining_steps = options_.max_nsteps;
0381     real_type err_sq;
0382     FieldStepperResult result;
0384     do
0385     {
0386         result = apply_step_(step, state);
0388         err_sq = detail::rel_err_sq(result.err_state, step,
0389                  / ipow<2>(options_.epsilon_rel_max);
0391         if (err_sq > 1)
0392         {
0393             // Truncation error too large, reduce stepsize with a low bound
0394             step *= max(this->new_step_scale(err_sq),
0395                         options_.max_stepping_decrease);
0396         }
0397         else
0398         {
0399             // Success or possibly nan!
0400             succeeded = true;
0401         }
0402     } while (!succeeded && --remaining_steps > 0);
0404     // Update state, step taken by this trial and the next predicted step
0405     output.end.state = result.end_state;
0406     output.end.step = step;
0407     output.proposed_step
0408         = step
0409           * min(this->new_step_scale(err_sq), options_.max_stepping_increase);
0411     return output;
0412 }
0414 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0415 /*!
0416  * Estimate the new predicted step size based on the error estimate.
0417  */
0418 template<class StepperT>
0419 CELER_FUNCTION real_type
0420 FieldDriver<StepperT>::new_step_scale(real_type err_sq) const
0421 {
0422     CELER_ASSERT(err_sq >= 0);
0423     return
0424            * fastpow(err_sq,
0425                      half() * (err_sq > 1 ? options_.pshrink : options_.pgrow));
0426 }
0428 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0429 }  // namespace celeritas