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0001 //----------------------------------*-C++-*----------------------------------//
0002 // Copyright 2024 UT-Battelle, LLC, and other Celeritas developers.
0003 // See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
0004 // SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
0005 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0006 //! \file celeritas/em/xs/MuBremsDiffXsCalculator.hh
0007 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0008 #pragma once
0010 #include <cmath>
0012 #include "corecel/Macros.hh"
0013 #include "corecel/Types.hh"
0014 #include "corecel/math/Algorithms.hh"
0015 #include "corecel/math/Quantity.hh"
0016 #include "celeritas/Constants.hh"
0017 #include "celeritas/Quantities.hh"
0018 #include "celeritas/Types.hh"
0019 #include "celeritas/mat/ElementView.hh"
0021 namespace celeritas
0022 {
0023 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0024 /*!
0025  * Calculate the differential cross section for muon bremsstrahlung.
0026  *
0027  * The differential cross section can be written as
0028  * \f[
0029    \difd{\sigma}{\epsilon} = \frac{16}{3} \alpha N_A (\frac{m}{\mu}
0030    r_e)^2 \frac{1}{\epsilon A} Z(Z \Phi_n + \Phi_e) (1 - v + \frac{3}{4} v^2),
0031  * \f]
0032  * where \f$ \epsilon \f$ is the photon energy, \f$ \alpha \f$ is the fine
0033  * structure constant, \f$ N_A \f$ is Avogadro's number, \f$ m \f$ is the
0034  * electron mass, \f$ \mu \f$ is the muon mass, \f$ r_e \f$ is the classical
0035  * electron radius, \f$ Z \f$ is the atomic number, and \f$ A \f$ is the atomic
0036  * mass. \f$ v = \epsilon / E \f$ is the relative energy transfer, where \f$ E
0037  * \f$ is the total energy of the incident muon.
0038  *
0039  * The contribution to the cross section from the nucleus is given by
0040  * \f[
0041    \Phi_n = \ln \frac{B Z^{-1/3} (\mu + \delta(D'_n \sqrt{e} - 2))}{D'_n (m +
0042    \delta \sqrt{e} B Z^{-1/3})} \f$,
0043  * \f]
0044  * where \f$ \delta = \frac{\mu^2 v}{2(E - \epsilon)}\f$ is the minimum
0045  * momentum transfer and \f$ D'_n \f$ is the correction to the nuclear form
0046  * factor.
0047  *
0048  * The contribution to the cross section from electrons is given by
0049  * \f[
0050    \Phi_e = \ln \frac{B' Z^{-2/3} \mu}{\left(1 + \frac{\delta \mu}{m^2
0051    \sqrt{e}}\right)(m + \delta \sqrt{e} B' Z^{-2/3})} \f$.
0052  * \f]
0053  *
0054  * The constants \f$ B \f$ and \f$ B' \f$ were calculated using the
0055  * Thomas-Fermi model. In the case of hydrogen, where the Thomas-Fermi model
0056  * does not serve as a good approximation, the exact values of the constants
0057  * were calculated analytically.
0058  *
0059  * This performs the same calculation as in Geant4's \c
0060  * G4MuBremsstrahlungModel::ComputeDMicroscopicCrossSection() and as described
0061  * in section 11.2.1 of the Physics Reference Manual. The formulae are taken
0062  * mainly from SR Kelner, RP Kokoulin, and AA Petrukhin. About cross section
0063  * for high-energy muon bremsstrahlung. Technical Report, MEphI, 1995. Preprint
0064  * MEPhI 024-95, Moscow, 1995, CERN SCAN-9510048.
0065  */
0066 class MuBremsDiffXsCalculator
0067 {
0068   public:
0069     //!@{
0070     //! \name Type aliases
0071     using Energy = units::MevEnergy;
0072     using Mass = units::MevMass;
0073     //!@}
0075   public:
0076     // Construct with incident particle data and current element
0077     inline CELER_FUNCTION MuBremsDiffXsCalculator(ElementView const& element,
0078                                                   Energy inc_energy,
0079                                                   Mass inc_mass,
0080                                                   Mass electron_mass);
0082     // Compute cross section of exiting gamma energy
0083     inline CELER_FUNCTION real_type operator()(Energy energy);
0085   private:
0086     //// DATA ////
0088     // Atomic number of the current element
0089     int atomic_number_;
0090     // Atomic mass of the current element
0091     real_type atomic_mass_;
0092     // \f$ Z^{-1/3} \f$
0093     real_type inv_cbrt_z_;
0094     // Energy of the incident particle
0095     real_type inc_energy_;
0096     // Mass of the incident particle
0097     real_type inc_mass_;
0098     // Square of the incident particle mass
0099     real_type inc_mass_sq_;
0100     // Total energy of the incident particle
0101     real_type total_energy_;
0102     // Mass of an electron
0103     real_type electron_mass_;
0104     // Correction to the nuclear form factor
0105     real_type d_n_;
0106     // Constant in the radiation logarithm
0107     real_type b_;
0108     // Constant in the inelastic radiation logarithm
0109     real_type b_prime_;
0110 };
0112 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0114 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0115 /*!
0116  * Construct with incident particle data and current element.
0117  */
0119 MuBremsDiffXsCalculator::MuBremsDiffXsCalculator(ElementView const& element,
0120                                                  Energy inc_energy,
0121                                                  Mass inc_mass,
0122                                                  Mass electron_mass)
0123     : atomic_number_(element.atomic_number().unchecked_get())
0124     , atomic_mass_(value_as<units::AmuMass>(element.atomic_mass()))
0125     , inv_cbrt_z_(1 / element.cbrt_z())
0126     , inc_energy_(value_as<Energy>(inc_energy))
0127     , inc_mass_(value_as<Mass>(inc_mass))
0128     , inc_mass_sq_(ipow<2>(inc_mass_))
0129     , total_energy_(inc_energy_ + inc_mass_)
0130     , electron_mass_(value_as<Mass>(electron_mass))
0131 {
0132     CELER_EXPECT(inc_energy_ > 0);
0134     d_n_ = real_type(1.54) * std::pow(atomic_mass_, real_type(0.27));
0135     if (atomic_number_ == 1)
0136     {
0137         // Constants calculated calculated analytically
0138         b_ = real_type(202.4);
0139         b_prime_ = 446;
0140     }
0141     else
0142     {
0143         // Constants calculated using the Thomas-Fermi model
0144         b_ = 183;
0145         b_prime_ = 1429;
0146         d_n_ = std::pow(d_n_, 1 - real_type(1) / atomic_number_);
0147     }
0148 }
0150 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0151 /*!
0152  * Compute the differential cross section per atom at the given photon energy.
0153  */
0155 real_type MuBremsDiffXsCalculator::operator()(Energy energy)
0156 {
0157     CELER_EXPECT(energy > zero_quantity());
0159     if (value_as<Energy>(energy) >= inc_energy_)
0160     {
0161         return 0;
0162     }
0164     // Calculate the relative energy transfer
0165     real_type v = value_as<Energy>(energy) / total_energy_;
0167     // Calculate the minimum momentum transfer
0168     real_type delta = real_type(0.5) * inc_mass_sq_ * v
0169                       / (total_energy_ - value_as<Energy>(energy));
0171     // Calculate the contribution to the cross section from the nucleus
0172     real_type sqrt_euler = std::sqrt(constants::euler);
0173     real_type phi_n = clamp_to_nonneg(std::log(
0174         b_ * inv_cbrt_z_ * (inc_mass_ + delta * (d_n_ * sqrt_euler - 2))
0175         / (d_n_ * (electron_mass_ + delta * sqrt_euler * b_ * inv_cbrt_z_))));
0177     // Photon energy above which there is no contribution from electrons
0178     real_type energy_max_prime = total_energy_
0179                                  / (1
0180                                     + real_type(0.5) * inc_mass_sq_
0181                                           / (electron_mass_ * total_energy_));
0183     // Calculate the contribution to the cross section from electrons
0184     real_type phi_e = 0;
0185     if (value_as<Energy>(energy) < energy_max_prime)
0186     {
0187         real_type inv_cbrt_z_sq = ipow<2>(inv_cbrt_z_);
0188         phi_e = clamp_to_nonneg(std::log(
0189             b_prime_ * inv_cbrt_z_sq * inc_mass_
0190             / ((1 + delta * inc_mass_ / (ipow<2>(electron_mass_) * sqrt_euler))
0191                * (electron_mass_
0192                   + delta * sqrt_euler * b_prime_ * inv_cbrt_z_sq))));
0193     }
0195     // Calculate the differential cross section
0196     return 16 * constants::alpha_fine_structure * constants::na_avogadro
0197            * ipow<2>(electron_mass_ * constants::r_electron) * atomic_number_
0198            * (atomic_number_ * phi_n + phi_e)
0199            * (1 - v * (1 - real_type(0.75) * v))
0200            / (3 * inc_mass_sq_ * value_as<Energy>(energy) * atomic_mass_);
0201 }
0203 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
0204 }  // namespace celeritas