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0001 /*=============================================================================
0002     Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
0003     Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
0005     Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
0006     file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
0007 =============================================================================*/
0011 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
0012 #pragma once
0013 #endif
0015 #include <boost/spirit/home/qi/domain.hpp>
0016 #include <boost/spirit/home/qi/detail/pass_container.hpp>
0017 #include <boost/spirit/home/qi/detail/attributes.hpp>
0018 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/algorithm/any_if.hpp>
0019 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/detail/what_function.hpp>
0020 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/unused.hpp>
0021 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/info.hpp>
0022 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/sequence_base_id.hpp>
0023 #include <boost/spirit/home/support/has_semantic_action.hpp>
0024 #include <boost/spirit/home/qi/parser.hpp>
0025 #include <boost/fusion/include/as_vector.hpp>
0026 #include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
0027 #include <boost/fusion/include/for_each.hpp>
0028 #include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
0030 namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace qi
0031 {
0032     template <typename Derived, typename Elements>
0033     struct sequence_base // this class is shared by sequence and expect
0034       : nary_parser<Derived>
0035     {
0036         typedef Elements elements_type;
0037         struct sequence_base_id;
0039         template <typename Context, typename Iterator>
0040         struct attribute
0041         {
0042             // Put all the element attributes in a tuple
0043             typedef typename traits::build_attribute_sequence<
0044                 Elements, Context, traits::sequence_attribute_transform
0045               , Iterator, qi::domain
0046             >::type all_attributes;
0048             // Now, build a fusion vector over the attributes. Note
0049             // that build_fusion_vector 1) removes all unused attributes
0050             // and 2) may return unused_type if all elements have
0051             // unused_type(s).
0052             typedef typename
0053                 traits::build_fusion_vector<all_attributes>::type
0054             type_;
0056             // Finally, strip single element vectors into its
0057             // naked form: vector1<T> --> T
0058             typedef typename
0059                 traits::strip_single_element_vector<type_>::type
0060             type;
0061         };
0063         sequence_base(Elements const& elements_)
0064           : elements(elements_) {}
0066         // standard case. Attribute is a fusion tuple
0067         template <typename Iterator, typename Context
0068           , typename Skipper, typename Attribute>
0069         bool parse_impl(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
0070           , Context& context, Skipper const& skipper
0071           , Attribute& attr_, mpl::false_) const
0072         {
0073             Iterator iter = first;
0074             typedef traits::attribute_not_unused<Context, Iterator> predicate;
0076             // wrap the attribute in a tuple if it is not a tuple or if the 
0077             // attribute of this sequence is a single element tuple
0078             typedef typename attribute<Context, Iterator>::type_ attr_type_;
0079             typename traits::wrap_if_not_tuple<Attribute
0080               , typename mpl::and_<
0081                     traits::one_element_sequence<attr_type_>
0082                   , mpl::not_<traits::one_element_sequence<Attribute> >
0083                 >::type
0084             >::type attr_local(attr_);
0086             // return false if *any* of the parsers fail
0087             if (spirit::any_if(elements, attr_local
0088               , Derived::fail_function(iter, last, context, skipper), predicate()))
0089                 return false;
0090             first = iter;
0091             return true;
0092         }
0094         // Special case when Attribute is an stl container
0095         template <typename Iterator, typename Context
0096           , typename Skipper, typename Attribute>
0097         bool parse_impl(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
0098           , Context& context, Skipper const& skipper
0099           , Attribute& attr_, mpl::true_) const
0100         {
0101             // ensure the attribute is actually a container type
0102             traits::make_container(attr_);
0104             Iterator iter = first;
0105             // return false if *any* of the parsers fail
0106             if (fusion::any(elements
0107               , detail::make_sequence_pass_container(
0108                     Derived::fail_function(iter, last, context, skipper), attr_))
0109                 )
0110                 return false;
0111             first = iter;
0112             return true;
0113         }
0115         // main parse function. Dispatches to parse_impl depending
0116         // on the Attribute type.
0117         template <typename Iterator, typename Context
0118           , typename Skipper, typename Attribute>
0119         bool parse(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
0120           , Context& context, Skipper const& skipper
0121           , Attribute& attr_) const
0122         {
0123             return parse_impl(first, last, context, skipper, attr_
0124               , traits::is_container<Attribute>());
0125         }
0127         template <typename Context>
0128         info what(Context& context) const
0129         {
0130             info result(this->derived().id());
0131             fusion::for_each(elements,
0132                 spirit::detail::what_function<Context>(result, context));
0133             return result;
0134         }
0136         Elements elements;
0137     };
0138 }}}
0140 #endif