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0001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0002 /// @file insert.hpp
0003 /// @brief
0004 ///
0005 /// @author Copyright (c) 2016 Francisco José Tapia ( )\n
0006 ///         Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.\n
0007 ///         ( See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
0008 ///   )
0009 /// @version 0.1
0010 ///
0011 /// @remarks
0012 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0017 #include <ciso646>
0018 #include <cstdlib>
0019 #include <functional>
0020 #include <iterator>
0021 #include <memory>
0022 #include <type_traits>
0023 #include <vector>
0024 #include <cstddef>
0025 #include <boost/sort/common/util/traits.hpp>
0026 #include <boost/sort/common/util/algorithm.hpp>
0028 namespace boost
0029 {
0030 namespace sort
0031 {
0032 namespace common
0033 {
0034 namespace util
0035 {
0036 namespace here = boost::sort::common::util;
0037 //
0038 //############################################################################
0039 //
0040 //          D E F I N I T I O N S    O F    F U N C T I O N S
0041 //    
0042 // template < class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
0043 // void insert_sorted (Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
0044 //                     Compare comp, Iter2_t  it_aux)
0045 //
0046 //############################################################################
0047 //
0048 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0049 //  function : insert_sorted
0050 /// @brief : Insertion sort of elements sorted
0051 /// @param first: iterator to the first element of the range
0052 /// @param mid : last pointer of the sorted data, and first pointer to the
0053 ///               elements to insert
0054 /// @param last : iterator to the next element of the last in the range
0055 /// @param comp :
0056 /// @comments : the two ranges are sorted and in it_aux there is spave for 
0057 ///             to store temporally the elements to insert
0058 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0059 template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
0060 static void insert_sorted(Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
0061                           Compare comp, Iter2_t it_aux)
0062 {
0063     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0064     //                 metaprogram
0065     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0066     typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
0067     typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
0068     static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
0069                     "Incompatible iterators\n");
0071     //--------------------------------------------------------------------
0072     //                   program
0073     //--------------------------------------------------------------------
0074     if (mid == last) return;
0075     if (first == mid) return;
0077     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0078     // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
0079     // sorted part
0080     // the data are inserted in it_aux
0081     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0082     move_forward(it_aux, mid, last);
0084     // search of the iterators where insert the new elements
0085     size_t ndata = last - mid;
0086     Iter1_t mv_first = mid, mv_last = mid;
0088     for (size_t i = ndata; i > 0; --i)
0089     {
0090         mv_last = mv_first;
0091         mv_first = std::upper_bound(first, mv_last, it_aux[i - 1], comp);
0092         Iter1_t it1 = here::move_backward(mv_last + i, mv_first, mv_last);
0093         *(it1 - 1) = std::move(it_aux[i - 1]);
0094     };
0095 };
0097 template<class Iter1_t, class Iter2_t, typename Compare>
0098 static void insert_sorted_backward(Iter1_t first, Iter1_t mid, Iter1_t last,
0099                                    Compare comp, Iter2_t it_aux)
0100 {
0101     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0102     //                 metaprogram
0103     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0104     typedef value_iter<Iter1_t> value_t;
0105     typedef value_iter<Iter2_t> value2_t;
0106     static_assert (std::is_same< value_t, value2_t>::value,
0107                     "Incompatible iterators\n");
0109     //--------------------------------------------------------------------
0110     //                   program
0111     //--------------------------------------------------------------------
0112     if (mid == last) return;
0113     if (first == mid) return;
0114     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
0115     // creation of the vector of elements to insert and their position in the
0116     // sorted part
0117     // the data are inserted in it_aux
0118     //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0119     move_forward(it_aux, first, mid);
0121     // search of the iterators where insert the new elements
0122     size_t ndata = mid - first;
0123     Iter1_t mv_first = mid, mv_last = mid;
0125     for (size_t i = 0; i < ndata; ++i)
0126     {
0127         mv_first = mv_last;
0128         mv_last = std::lower_bound(mv_first, last, it_aux[i], comp);
0129         Iter1_t it1 = move_forward(mv_first - (ndata - i), mv_first, mv_last);
0130         *(it1) = std::move(it_aux[i]);
0131     };
0133 };
0134 //
0135 //****************************************************************************
0136 };//    End namespace util
0137 };//    End namepspace common
0138 };//    End namespace sort
0139 };//    End namepspace boost
0140 //****************************************************************************
0141 //
0142 #endif