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0001 /*
0002  *
0003  * Copyright (c) 2003
0004  * John Maddock
0005  *
0006  * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the 
0007  * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file 
0008  * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
0009  *
0010  */
0012  /*
0013   *   LOCATION:    see for most recent version.
0014   *   FILE         u32regex_iterator.hpp
0015   *   VERSION      see <boost/version.hpp>
0016   *   DESCRIPTION: Provides u32regex_iterator implementation.
0017   */
0022 namespace boost{
0025 #  include BOOST_ABI_PREFIX
0026 #endif
0028 template <class BidirectionalIterator>
0029 class u32regex_iterator_implementation 
0030 {
0031    typedef u32regex regex_type;
0033    match_results<BidirectionalIterator> what;  // current match
0034    BidirectionalIterator                base;  // start of sequence
0035    BidirectionalIterator                end;   // end of sequence
0036    const regex_type                     re;   // the expression
0037    match_flag_type                      flags; // flags for matching
0039 public:
0040    u32regex_iterator_implementation(const regex_type* p, BidirectionalIterator last, match_flag_type f)
0041       : base(), end(last), re(*p), flags(f){}
0042    bool init(BidirectionalIterator first)
0043    {
0044       base = first;
0045       return u32regex_search(first, end, what, re, flags, base);
0046    }
0047    bool compare(const u32regex_iterator_implementation& that)
0048    {
0049       if(this == &that) return true;
0050       return (&re.get_data() == & && (end == that.end) && (flags == that.flags) && (what[0].first == that.what[0].first) && (what[0].second == that.what[0].second);
0051    }
0052    const match_results<BidirectionalIterator>& get()
0053    { return what; }
0054    bool next()
0055    {
0056       //if(what.prefix().first != what[0].second)
0057       //   flags |= match_prev_avail;
0058       BidirectionalIterator next_start = what[0].second;
0059       match_flag_type f(flags);
0060       if(!what.length())
0061          f |= regex_constants::match_not_initial_null;
0062       //if(base != next_start)
0063       //   f |= regex_constants::match_not_bob;
0064       bool result = u32regex_search(next_start, end, what, re, f, base);
0065       if(result)
0066          what.set_base(base);
0067       return result;
0068    }
0069 private:
0070    u32regex_iterator_implementation& operator=(const u32regex_iterator_implementation&);
0071 };
0073 template <class BidirectionalIterator>
0074 class u32regex_iterator 
0075 {
0076 private:
0077    typedef u32regex_iterator_implementation<BidirectionalIterator> impl;
0078    typedef shared_ptr<impl> pimpl;
0079 public:
0080    typedef          u32regex                                                regex_type;
0081    typedef          match_results<BidirectionalIterator>                    value_type;
0082    typedef typename BOOST_REGEX_DETAIL_NS::regex_iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type 
0083                                                                             difference_type;
0084    typedef          const value_type*                                       pointer;
0085    typedef          const value_type&                                       reference; 
0086    typedef          std::forward_iterator_tag                               iterator_category;
0088    u32regex_iterator(){}
0089    u32regex_iterator(BidirectionalIterator a, BidirectionalIterator b, 
0090                   const regex_type& re, 
0091                   match_flag_type m = match_default)
0092                   : pdata(new impl(&re, b, m))
0093    {
0094       if(!pdata->init(a))
0095       {
0096          pdata.reset();
0097       }
0098    }
0099    u32regex_iterator(const u32regex_iterator& that)
0100       : pdata(that.pdata) {}
0101    u32regex_iterator& operator=(const u32regex_iterator& that)
0102    {
0103       pdata = that.pdata;
0104       return *this;
0105    }
0106    bool operator==(const u32regex_iterator& that)const
0107    { 
0108       if((pdata.get() == 0) || (that.pdata.get() == 0))
0109          return pdata.get() == that.pdata.get();
0110       return pdata->compare(*(that.pdata.get())); 
0111    }
0112    bool operator!=(const u32regex_iterator& that)const
0113    { return !(*this == that); }
0114    const value_type& operator*()const
0115    { return pdata->get(); }
0116    const value_type* operator->()const
0117    { return &(pdata->get()); }
0118    u32regex_iterator& operator++()
0119    {
0120       cow();
0121       if(0 == pdata->next())
0122       {
0123          pdata.reset();
0124       }
0125       return *this;
0126    }
0127    u32regex_iterator operator++(int)
0128    {
0129       u32regex_iterator result(*this);
0130       ++(*this);
0131       return result;
0132    }
0133 private:
0135    pimpl pdata;
0137    void cow()
0138    {
0139       // copy-on-write
0140       if(pdata.get() && !pdata.unique())
0141       {
0142          pdata.reset(new impl(*(pdata.get())));
0143       }
0144    }
0145 };
0147 typedef u32regex_iterator<const char*> utf8regex_iterator;
0148 typedef u32regex_iterator<const UChar*> utf16regex_iterator;
0149 typedef u32regex_iterator<const UChar32*> utf32regex_iterator;
0151 inline u32regex_iterator<const char*> make_u32regex_iterator(const char* p, const u32regex& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
0152 {
0153    return u32regex_iterator<const char*>(p, p+std::strlen(p), e, m);
0154 }
0155 #ifndef BOOST_NO_WREGEX
0156 inline u32regex_iterator<const wchar_t*> make_u32regex_iterator(const wchar_t* p, const u32regex& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
0157 {
0158    return u32regex_iterator<const wchar_t*>(p, p+std::wcslen(p), e, m);
0159 }
0160 #endif
0161 #if !defined(BOOST_REGEX_UCHAR_IS_WCHAR_T)
0162 inline u32regex_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_iterator(const UChar* p, const u32regex& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
0163 {
0164    return u32regex_iterator<const UChar*>(p, p+u_strlen(p), e, m);
0165 }
0166 #endif
0167 template <class charT, class Traits, class Alloc>
0168 inline u32regex_iterator<typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator> make_u32regex_iterator(const std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>& p, const u32regex& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
0169 {
0170    typedef typename std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Alloc>::const_iterator iter_type;
0171    return u32regex_iterator<iter_type>(p.begin(), p.end(), e, m);
0172 }
0173 inline u32regex_iterator<const UChar*> make_u32regex_iterator(const U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER UnicodeString& s, const u32regex& e, regex_constants::match_flag_type m = regex_constants::match_default)
0174 {
0175    return u32regex_iterator<const UChar*>(s.getBuffer(), s.getBuffer() + s.length(), e, m);
0176 }
0179 #  include BOOST_ABI_SUFFIX
0180 #endif
0182 } // namespace boost