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0001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0002 //  Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost
0003 //  Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
0004 //  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
0009 #include <boost/multiprecision/detail/standalone_config.hpp>
0010 #include <boost/multiprecision/traits/extract_exponent_type.hpp>
0011 #include <boost/multiprecision/detail/integer_ops.hpp>
0013 namespace boost {
0014 namespace multiprecision {
0015 namespace backends {
0017 template <class Backend>
0018 struct debug_adaptor
0019 {
0020    using signed_types = typename Backend::signed_types  ;
0021    using unsigned_types = typename Backend::unsigned_types;
0022    using float_types = typename Backend::float_types   ;
0023    using exponent_type = typename extract_exponent_type<Backend, number_category<Backend>::value>::type;
0025  private:
0026    std::string debug_value;
0027    Backend     m_value;
0029  public:
0030    void update_view()
0031    {
0033       try
0034       {
0035 #endif
0036          debug_value = m_value.str(0, static_cast<std::ios_base::fmtflags>(0));
0038       }
0039       catch (const std::exception& e)
0040       {
0041          debug_value = "String conversion failed with message: \"";
0042          debug_value += e.what();
0043          debug_value += "\"";
0044       }
0045 #endif
0046    }
0047    debug_adaptor()
0048    {
0049       update_view();
0050    }
0051    debug_adaptor(const debug_adaptor& o) : debug_value(o.debug_value), m_value(o.m_value)
0052    {
0053    }
0054    debug_adaptor& operator=(const debug_adaptor& o)
0055    {
0056       debug_value = o.debug_value;
0057       m_value     = o.m_value;
0058       return *this;
0059    }
0060    template <class T>
0061    debug_adaptor(const T& i, const typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, Backend>::value>::type* = nullptr)
0062        : m_value(i)
0063    {
0064       update_view();
0065    }
0066    template <class T>
0067    debug_adaptor(const debug_adaptor<T>& i, const typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<T, Backend>::value>::type* = nullptr)
0068        : m_value(i.value())
0069    {
0070       update_view();
0071    }
0072    template <class T, class U>
0073    debug_adaptor(const T& i, const U& j, typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<Backend, const T&, const U&>::value>::type* = nullptr)
0074        : m_value(i, j)
0075    {
0076       update_view();
0077    }
0078    template <class B2>
0079    debug_adaptor(const B2& i, unsigned digits10, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<B2, Backend>::value && std::is_constructible<Backend, const Backend&, unsigned>::value>::type* = nullptr)
0080        : m_value(i, digits10)
0081    {
0082       update_view();
0083    }
0084    template <class T>
0085    typename std::enable_if<boost::multiprecision::detail::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_assignable<Backend, T>::value, debug_adaptor&>::type operator=(const T& i)
0086    {
0087       m_value = i;
0088       update_view();
0089       return *this;
0090    }
0091    debug_adaptor& operator=(const char* s)
0092    {
0093       m_value = s;
0094       update_view();
0095       return *this;
0096    }
0097    void swap(debug_adaptor& o)
0098    {
0099       std::swap(m_value, o.value());
0100       std::swap(debug_value, o.debug_value);
0101    }
0102    std::string str(std::streamsize digits, std::ios_base::fmtflags f) const
0103    {
0104       return m_value.str(digits, f);
0105    }
0106    void negate()
0107    {
0108       m_value.negate();
0109       update_view();
0110    }
0111    int compare(const debug_adaptor& o) const
0112    {
0113       return;
0114    }
0115    template <class T>
0116    int compare(const T& i) const
0117    {
0118       return;
0119    }
0120    Backend& value()
0121    {
0122       return m_value;
0123    }
0124    const Backend& value() const
0125    {
0126       return m_value;
0127    }
0129    #ifndef BOOST_MP_STANDALONE
0130    template <class Archive>
0131    void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /*version*/)
0132    {
0133       ar & boost::make_nvp("value", m_value);
0134       using tag = typename Archive::is_loading;
0135       if (tag::value)
0136          update_view();
0137    }
0138    #endif 
0140    static unsigned default_precision() noexcept
0141    {
0142       return Backend::default_precision();
0143    }
0144    static void default_precision(unsigned v) noexcept
0145    {
0146       Backend::default_precision(v);
0147    }
0148    static unsigned thread_default_precision() noexcept
0149    {
0150       return Backend::thread_default_precision();
0151    }
0152    static void thread_default_precision(unsigned v) noexcept
0153    {
0154       Backend::thread_default_precision(v);
0155    }
0156    unsigned precision() const noexcept
0157    {
0158       return value().precision();
0159    }
0160    void precision(unsigned digits10) noexcept
0161    {
0162       value().precision(digits10);
0163    }
0164    //
0165    // Variable precision options:
0166    // 
0167    static constexpr variable_precision_options default_variable_precision_options()noexcept
0168    {
0169       return Backend::default_variable_precision_options();
0170    }
0171    static constexpr variable_precision_options thread_default_variable_precision_options()noexcept
0172    {
0173       return Backend::thread_default_variable_precision_options();
0174    }
0175    static BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void default_variable_precision_options(variable_precision_options opts)
0176    {
0177       Backend::default_variable_precision_options(opts);
0178    }
0179    static BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void thread_default_variable_precision_options(variable_precision_options opts)
0180    {
0181       Backend::thread_default_variable_precision_options(opts);
0182    }
0183 };
0185 template <class Backend>
0186 inline Backend const& unwrap_debug_type(debug_adaptor<Backend> const& val)
0187 {
0188    return val.value();
0189 }
0190 template <class T>
0191 inline const T& unwrap_debug_type(const T& val)
0192 {
0193    return val;
0194 }
0196 template <class Backend, class V, class U>
0197 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void assign_components(debug_adaptor<Backend>& result, const V& v1, const U& v2)
0198 {
0199    using default_ops::assign_components;
0200    assign_components(result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(v1), unwrap_debug_type(v2));
0201    result.update_view();
0202 }
0204 #define NON_MEMBER_OP1(name, str)                                       \
0205    template <class Backend>                                             \
0206    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result) \
0207    {                                                                    \
0208       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                       \
0209       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                           \
0210       (result.value());                                                 \
0211       result.update_view();                                             \
0212    }
0214 #define NON_MEMBER_OP2(name, str)                                                                        \
0215    template <class Backend, class T>                                                                     \
0216    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const T& a)                      \
0217    {                                                                                                     \
0218       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                        \
0219       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                            \
0220       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a));                                                            \
0221       result.update_view();                                                                              \
0222    }                                                                                                     \
0223    template <class Backend>                                                                              \
0224    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a) \
0225    {                                                                                                     \
0226       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                        \
0227       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                            \
0228       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a));                                                            \
0229       result.update_view();                                                                              \
0230    }
0232 #define NON_MEMBER_OP3(name, str)                                                                                                         \
0233    template <class Backend, class T, class U>                                                                                             \
0234    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const T& a, const U& b)                                           \
0235    {                                                                                                                                      \
0236       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                         \
0237       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                             \
0238       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b));                                                                       \
0239       result.update_view();                                                                                                               \
0240    }                                                                                                                                      \
0241    template <class Backend, class T>                                                                                                      \
0242    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, const T& b)                      \
0243    {                                                                                                                                      \
0244       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                         \
0245       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                             \
0246       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b));                                                                       \
0247       result.update_view();                                                                                                               \
0248    }                                                                                                                                      \
0249    template <class Backend, class T>                                                                                                      \
0250    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const T& a, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& b)                      \
0251    {                                                                                                                                      \
0252       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                         \
0253       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                             \
0254       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b));                                                                       \
0255       result.update_view();                                                                                                               \
0256    }                                                                                                                                      \
0257    template <class Backend>                                                                                                               \
0258    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& b) \
0259    {                                                                                                                                      \
0260       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                         \
0261       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                             \
0262       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b));                                                                       \
0263       result.update_view();                                                                                                               \
0264    }
0266 #define NON_MEMBER_OP4(name, str)                                                                                                                                          \
0267    template <class Backend, class T, class U, class V>                                                                                                                     \
0268    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const T& a, const U& b, const V& c)                                                                \
0269    {                                                                                                                                                                       \
0270       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                                                          \
0271       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                                                              \
0272       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b), unwrap_debug_type(c));                                                                                  \
0273       result.update_view();                                                                                                                                                \
0274    }                                                                                                                                                                       \
0275    template <class Backend, class T>                                                                                                                                       \
0276    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& b, const T& c)                      \
0277    {                                                                                                                                                                       \
0278       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                                                          \
0279       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                                                              \
0280       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b), unwrap_debug_type(c));                                                                                  \
0281       result.update_view();                                                                                                                                                \
0282    }                                                                                                                                                                       \
0283    template <class Backend, class T>                                                                                                                                       \
0284    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, const T& b, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& c)                      \
0285    {                                                                                                                                                                       \
0286       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                                                          \
0287       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                                                              \
0288       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b), unwrap_debug_type(c));                                                                                  \
0289       result.update_view();                                                                                                                                                \
0290    }                                                                                                                                                                       \
0291    template <class Backend, class T>                                                                                                                                       \
0292    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const T& a, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& b, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& c)                      \
0293    {                                                                                                                                                                       \
0294       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                                                          \
0295       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                                                              \
0296       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b), unwrap_debug_type(c));                                                                                  \
0297       result.update_view();                                                                                                                                                \
0298    }                                                                                                                                                                       \
0299    template <class Backend>                                                                                                                                                \
0300    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& b, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& c) \
0301    {                                                                                                                                                                       \
0302       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                                                          \
0303       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                                                              \
0304       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b), unwrap_debug_type(c));                                                                                  \
0305       result.update_view();                                                                                                                                                \
0306    }                                                                                                                                                                       \
0307    template <class Backend, class T, class U>                                                                                                                              \
0308    inline void BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)(debug_adaptor<Backend> & result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, const T& b, const U& c)                                           \
0309    {                                                                                                                                                                       \
0310       using default_ops::BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name);                                                                                                                          \
0311       BOOST_JOIN(eval_, name)                                                                                                                                              \
0312       (result.value(), unwrap_debug_type(a), unwrap_debug_type(b), unwrap_debug_type(c));                                                                                  \
0313       result.update_view();                                                                                                                                                \
0314    }
0316 NON_MEMBER_OP2(add, "+=")
0317 NON_MEMBER_OP2(subtract, "-=")
0318 NON_MEMBER_OP2(multiply, "*=")
0319 NON_MEMBER_OP2(divide, "/=")
0321 template <class Backend, class R>
0322 inline void eval_convert_to(R* result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0323 {
0324    using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
0325    eval_convert_to(result, val.value());
0326 }
0327 template <class Backend, class R>
0328 inline void eval_convert_to(debug_adaptor<R>* result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0329 {
0330    using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
0331    eval_convert_to(&result->value(), val.value());
0332 }
0333 template <class Backend, class R>
0334 inline void eval_convert_to(debug_adaptor<R>* result, const Backend& val)
0335 {
0336    using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
0337    eval_convert_to(&result->value(), val);
0338 }
0340 template <class Backend>
0341 inline void eval_convert_to(std::complex<float>* result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0342 {
0343    using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
0344    eval_convert_to(result, val.value());
0345 }
0346 template <class Backend>
0347 inline void eval_convert_to(std::complex<double>* result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0348 {
0349    using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
0350    eval_convert_to(result, val.value());
0351 }
0352 template <class Backend>
0353 inline void eval_convert_to(std::complex<long double>* result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0354 {
0355    using default_ops::eval_convert_to;
0356    eval_convert_to(result, val.value());
0357 }
0361 template <class Backend, class Exp>
0362 inline void eval_frexp(debug_adaptor<Backend>& result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, Exp* exp)
0363 {
0364    eval_frexp(result.value(), arg.value(), exp);
0365    result.update_view();
0366 }
0368 template <class Backend, class Exp>
0369 inline void eval_ldexp(debug_adaptor<Backend>& result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, Exp exp)
0370 {
0371    eval_ldexp(result.value(), arg.value(), exp);
0372    result.update_view();
0373 }
0375 template <class Backend, class Exp>
0376 inline void eval_scalbn(debug_adaptor<Backend>& result, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, Exp exp)
0377 {
0378    using default_ops::eval_scalbn;
0379    eval_scalbn(result.value(), arg.value(), exp);
0380    result.update_view();
0381 }
0383 template <class Backend>
0384 inline typename Backend::exponent_type eval_ilogb(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg)
0385 {
0386    using default_ops::eval_ilogb;
0387    return eval_ilogb(arg.value());
0388 }
0390 NON_MEMBER_OP2(floor, "floor")
0391 NON_MEMBER_OP2(ceil, "ceil")
0392 NON_MEMBER_OP2(sqrt, "sqrt")
0393 NON_MEMBER_OP2(logb, "logb")
0395 template <class Backend>
0396 inline int eval_fpclassify(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg)
0397 {
0398    using default_ops::eval_fpclassify;
0399    return eval_fpclassify(arg.value());
0400 }
0402 /*********************************************************************
0403 *
0404 * Optional arithmetic operations come next:
0405 *
0406 *********************************************************************/
0408 NON_MEMBER_OP3(add, "+")
0409 NON_MEMBER_OP3(subtract, "-")
0410 NON_MEMBER_OP3(multiply, "*")
0411 NON_MEMBER_OP3(divide, "/")
0412 NON_MEMBER_OP3(multiply_add, "fused-multiply-add")
0413 NON_MEMBER_OP3(multiply_subtract, "fused-multiply-subtract")
0414 NON_MEMBER_OP4(multiply_add, "fused-multiply-add")
0415 NON_MEMBER_OP4(multiply_subtract, "fused-multiply-subtract")
0417 NON_MEMBER_OP1(increment, "increment")
0418 NON_MEMBER_OP1(decrement, "decrement")
0420 /*********************************************************************
0421 *
0422 * Optional integer operations come next:
0423 *
0424 *********************************************************************/
0426 NON_MEMBER_OP2(modulus, "%=")
0427 NON_MEMBER_OP3(modulus, "%")
0428 NON_MEMBER_OP2(bitwise_or, "|=")
0429 NON_MEMBER_OP3(bitwise_or, "|")
0430 NON_MEMBER_OP2(bitwise_and, "&=")
0431 NON_MEMBER_OP3(bitwise_and, "&")
0432 NON_MEMBER_OP2(bitwise_xor, "^=")
0433 NON_MEMBER_OP3(bitwise_xor, "^")
0434 NON_MEMBER_OP4(qr, "quotient-and-remainder")
0435 NON_MEMBER_OP2(complement, "~")
0437 template <class Backend>
0438 inline void eval_left_shift(debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, std::size_t a)
0439 {
0440    using default_ops::eval_left_shift;
0441    eval_left_shift(arg.value(), a);
0442    arg.update_view();
0443 }
0444 template <class Backend>
0445 inline void eval_left_shift(debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, std::size_t b)
0446 {
0447    using default_ops::eval_left_shift;
0448    eval_left_shift(arg.value(), a.value(), b);
0449    arg.update_view();
0450 }
0451 template <class Backend>
0452 inline void eval_right_shift(debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, std::size_t a)
0453 {
0454    using default_ops::eval_right_shift;
0455    eval_right_shift(arg.value(), a);
0456    arg.update_view();
0457 }
0458 template <class Backend>
0459 inline void eval_right_shift(debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, const debug_adaptor<Backend>& a, std::size_t b)
0460 {
0461    using default_ops::eval_right_shift;
0462    eval_right_shift(arg.value(), a.value(), b);
0463    arg.update_view();
0464 }
0466 template <class Backend, class T>
0467 inline T eval_integer_modulus(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, const T& a)
0468 {
0469    using default_ops::eval_integer_modulus;
0470    return eval_integer_modulus(arg.value(), a);
0471 }
0473 template <class Backend>
0474 inline std::size_t eval_lsb(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg)
0475 {
0476    using default_ops::eval_lsb;
0477    return eval_lsb(arg.value());
0478 }
0480 template <class Backend>
0481 inline std::size_t eval_msb(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg)
0482 {
0483    using default_ops::eval_msb;
0484    return eval_msb(arg.value());
0485 }
0487 template <class Backend>
0488 inline bool eval_bit_test(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, std::size_t a)
0489 {
0490    using default_ops::eval_bit_test;
0491    return eval_bit_test(arg.value(), a);
0492 }
0494 template <class Backend>
0495 inline void eval_bit_set(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, std::size_t a)
0496 {
0497    using default_ops::eval_bit_set;
0498    eval_bit_set(arg.value(), a);
0499    arg.update_view();
0500 }
0501 template <class Backend>
0502 inline void eval_bit_unset(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, std::size_t a)
0503 {
0504    using default_ops::eval_bit_unset;
0505    eval_bit_unset(arg.value(), a);
0506    arg.update_view();
0507 }
0508 template <class Backend>
0509 inline void eval_bit_flip(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& arg, std::size_t a)
0510 {
0511    using default_ops::eval_bit_flip;
0512    eval_bit_flip(arg.value(), a);
0513    arg.update_view();
0514 }
0516 NON_MEMBER_OP3(gcd, "gcd")
0517 NON_MEMBER_OP3(lcm, "lcm")
0518 NON_MEMBER_OP4(powm, "powm")
0520 /*********************************************************************
0521 *
0522 * abs/fabs:
0523 *
0524 *********************************************************************/
0526 NON_MEMBER_OP2(abs, "abs")
0527 NON_MEMBER_OP2(fabs, "fabs")
0529 /*********************************************************************
0530 *
0531 * Floating point functions:
0532 *
0533 *********************************************************************/
0535 NON_MEMBER_OP2(trunc, "trunc")
0536 NON_MEMBER_OP2(round, "round")
0537 NON_MEMBER_OP2(exp, "exp")
0538 NON_MEMBER_OP2(log, "log")
0539 NON_MEMBER_OP2(log10, "log10")
0540 NON_MEMBER_OP2(sin, "sin")
0541 NON_MEMBER_OP2(cos, "cos")
0542 NON_MEMBER_OP2(tan, "tan")
0543 NON_MEMBER_OP2(asin, "asin")
0544 NON_MEMBER_OP2(acos, "acos")
0545 NON_MEMBER_OP2(atan, "atan")
0546 NON_MEMBER_OP2(sinh, "sinh")
0547 NON_MEMBER_OP2(cosh, "cosh")
0548 NON_MEMBER_OP2(tanh, "tanh")
0549 NON_MEMBER_OP2(asinh, "asinh")
0550 NON_MEMBER_OP2(acosh, "acosh")
0551 NON_MEMBER_OP2(atanh, "atanh")
0552 NON_MEMBER_OP3(fmod, "fmod")
0553 NON_MEMBER_OP3(pow, "pow")
0554 NON_MEMBER_OP3(atan2, "atan2")
0555 NON_MEMBER_OP2(conj, "conj")
0557 template <class Backend>
0558 int eval_signbit(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0559 {
0560    using default_ops::eval_signbit;
0561    return eval_signbit(val.value());
0562 }
0564 template <class Backend>
0565 std::size_t hash_value(const debug_adaptor<Backend>& val)
0566 {
0567    return hash_value(val.value());
0568 }
0570 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
0571 inline typename std::enable_if<number_category<Backend>::value == number_kind_rational, typename number<debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>::value_type>::type
0572    numerator(const number<debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>& arg)
0573 {
0574    number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> t(arg.backend().value());
0575    return numerator(t).backend();
0576 }
0577 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
0578 inline typename std::enable_if<number_category<Backend>::value == number_kind_rational, typename number<debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>::value_type>::type
0579    denominator(const number<debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>& arg)
0580 {
0581    number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> t(arg.backend().value());
0582    return denominator(t).backend();
0583 }
0585 template <class To, class From>
0586 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_real(To& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0587 {
0588    using default_ops::eval_real;
0589    eval_real(to, from.value());
0590 }
0591 template <class To, class From>
0592 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_real(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0593 {
0594    using default_ops::eval_real;
0595    eval_real(to.value(), from.value());
0596    to.update_view();
0597 }
0598 template <class To, class From>
0599 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_real(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const From& from)
0600 {
0601    using default_ops::eval_real;
0602    eval_real(to.value(), from);
0603    to.update_view();
0604 }
0606 template <class To, class From>
0607 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_imag(To& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0608 {
0609    using default_ops::eval_imag;
0610    eval_imag(to, from.value());
0611 }
0612 template <class To, class From>
0613 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_imag(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0614 {
0615    using default_ops::eval_imag;
0616    eval_imag(to.value(), from.value());
0617    to.update_view();
0618 }
0619 template <class To, class From>
0620 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_imag(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const From& from)
0621 {
0622    using default_ops::eval_imag;
0623    eval_imag(to.value(), from);
0624    to.update_view();
0625 }
0627 template <class To, class From>
0628 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_set_real(To& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0629 {
0630    using default_ops::eval_set_real;
0631    eval_set_real(to, from.value());
0632 }
0633 template <class To, class From>
0634 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_set_real(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0635 {
0636    using default_ops::eval_set_real;
0637    eval_set_real(to.value(), from.value());
0638    to.update_view();
0639 }
0640 template <class To, class From>
0641 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_set_real(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const From& from)
0642 {
0643    using default_ops::eval_set_real;
0644    eval_set_real(to.value(), from);
0645    to.update_view();
0646 }
0648 template <class To, class From>
0649 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_set_imag(To& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0650 {
0651    using default_ops::eval_set_imag;
0652    eval_set_imag(to, from.value());
0653 }
0654 template <class To, class From>
0655 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_set_imag(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const debug_adaptor<From>& from)
0656 {
0657    using default_ops::eval_set_imag;
0658    eval_set_imag(to.value(), from.value());
0659    to.update_view();
0660 }
0661 template <class To, class From>
0662 inline BOOST_MP_CXX14_CONSTEXPR void eval_set_imag(debug_adaptor<To>& to, const From& from)
0663 {
0664    using default_ops::eval_set_imag;
0665    eval_set_imag(to.value(), from);
0666    to.update_view();
0667 }
0670 } // namespace backends
0672 namespace detail {
0673    template <class Backend>
0674    struct is_variable_precision<debug_adaptor<Backend> > : public is_variable_precision<Backend>
0675    {};
0676 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_INT128
0677    template <class Backend>
0678    struct is_convertible_arithmetic<int128_type, debug_adaptor<Backend> > : public is_convertible_arithmetic<int128_type, Backend>
0679    {};
0680    template <class Backend>
0681    struct is_convertible_arithmetic<uint128_type, debug_adaptor<Backend> > : public is_convertible_arithmetic<uint128_type, Backend>
0682    {};
0683 #endif
0684 #ifdef BOOST_HAS_FLOAT128
0685    template <class Backend>
0686    struct is_convertible_arithmetic<float128_type, debug_adaptor<Backend> > : public is_convertible_arithmetic<float128_type, Backend>
0687    {};
0688 #endif
0689    } // namespace detail
0691 template <class Backend>
0692 struct number_category<backends::debug_adaptor<Backend> > : public number_category<Backend>
0693 {};
0695 template <class Backend, expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
0696 struct component_type<number<debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>>
0697 {
0698    //
0699    // We'll make the component_type also a debug_adaptor:
0700    //
0701    using base_component_type = typename component_type<number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>>::type;
0702    using base_component_backend = typename base_component_type::backend_type;
0703    using type = number<debug_adaptor<base_component_backend>, ExpressionTemplates>;
0704 };
0706 template <class Backend>
0707 struct is_interval_number<backends::debug_adaptor<Backend> > : public is_interval_number<Backend> {};
0709 }} // namespace boost::multiprecision
0711 namespace std {
0713 template <class Backend, boost::multiprecision::expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates>
0714 class numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::backends::debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates> >
0715     : public std::numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> >
0716 {
0717    using base_type = std::numeric_limits<boost::multiprecision::number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates> >                          ;
0718    using number_type = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::backends::debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>;
0720  public:
0721    static number_type(min)() noexcept { return (base_type::min)(); }
0722    static number_type(max)() noexcept { return (base_type::max)(); }
0723    static number_type lowest() noexcept { return -(max)(); }
0724    static number_type epsilon() noexcept { return base_type::epsilon(); }
0725    static number_type round_error() noexcept { return epsilon() / 2; }
0726    static number_type infinity() noexcept { return base_type::infinity(); }
0727    static number_type quiet_NaN() noexcept { return base_type::quiet_NaN(); }
0728    static number_type signaling_NaN() noexcept { return base_type::signaling_NaN(); }
0729    static number_type denorm_min() noexcept { return base_type::denorm_min(); }
0730 };
0732 } // namespace std
0735 namespace boost {
0736 namespace math {
0738 namespace policies {
0740 template <class Backend, boost::multiprecision::expression_template_option ExpressionTemplates, class Policy>
0741 struct precision<boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::debug_adaptor<Backend>, ExpressionTemplates>, Policy>
0742     : public precision<boost::multiprecision::number<Backend, ExpressionTemplates>, Policy>
0743 {};
0745 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP1
0746 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP2
0747 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP3
0748 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP4
0750 }
0752 }} // namespace boost::math::policies
0753 #else
0754 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP1
0755 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP2
0756 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP3
0757 #undef NON_MEMBER_OP4
0760 #endif