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0001 // Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Douglas Gregor.
0003 // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
0004 // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
0005 //
0007 // Message Passing Interface 1.1 -- Section 4.6. Scatter
0011 #include <boost/mpi/exception.hpp>
0012 #include <boost/mpi/datatype.hpp>
0013 #include <vector>
0014 #include <boost/mpi/packed_oarchive.hpp>
0015 #include <boost/mpi/packed_iarchive.hpp>
0016 #include <boost/mpi/detail/point_to_point.hpp>
0017 #include <boost/mpi/communicator.hpp>
0018 #include <boost/mpi/environment.hpp>
0019 #include <boost/mpi/detail/offsets.hpp>
0020 #include <boost/mpi/detail/antiques.hpp>
0021 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
0023 namespace boost { namespace mpi {
0025 namespace detail {
0026 // We're scattering from the root for a type that has an associated MPI
0027 // datatype, so we'll use MPI_Scatter to do all of the work.
0028 template<typename T>
0029 void
0030 scatter_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, T* out_values, 
0031              int n, int root, mpl::true_)
0032 {
0033   MPI_Datatype type = get_mpi_datatype<T>(*in_values);
0035                          (const_cast<T*>(in_values), n, type,
0036                           out_values, n, type, root, comm));
0037 }
0039 // We're scattering from a non-root for a type that has an associated MPI
0040 // datatype, so we'll use MPI_Scatter to do all of the work.
0041 template<typename T>
0042 void
0043 scatter_impl(const communicator& comm, T* out_values, int n, int root, 
0044              mpl::true_)
0045 {
0046   MPI_Datatype type = get_mpi_datatype<T>(*out_values);
0048                          (0, n, type,
0049                           out_values, n, type,
0050                           root, comm));
0051 }
0053 // Fill the sendbuf while keeping trac of the slot's footprints
0054 // Used in the first steps of both scatter and scatterv
0055 // Nslots contains the number of slots being sent 
0056 // to each process (identical values for scatter).
0057 // skiped_slots, if present, is deduced from the 
0058 // displacement array authorised be the MPI API, 
0059 // for some yet to be determined reason.
0060 template<typename T>
0061 void
0062 fill_scatter_sendbuf(const communicator& comm, T const* values, 
0063                      int const* nslots, int const* skipped_slots,
0064                      packed_oarchive::buffer_type& sendbuf, std::vector<int>& archsizes) {
0065   int nproc = comm.size();
0066   archsizes.resize(nproc);
0068   for (int dest = 0; dest < nproc; ++dest) {
0069     if (skipped_slots) { // wee need to keep this for backward compatibility
0070       for(int k= 0; k < skipped_slots[dest]; ++k) ++values;
0071     }
0072     packed_oarchive procarchive(comm);
0073     for (int i = 0; i < nslots[dest]; ++i) {
0074       procarchive << *values++;
0075     }
0076     int archsize = procarchive.size();
0077     sendbuf.resize(sendbuf.size() + archsize);
0078     archsizes[dest] = archsize;
0079     char const* aptr = static_cast<char const*>(procarchive.address());
0080     std::copy(aptr, aptr+archsize, sendbuf.end()-archsize);
0081   }
0082 }
0084 template<typename T, class A>
0085 T*
0086 non_const_data(std::vector<T,A> const& v) {
0087   using detail::c_data;
0088   return const_cast<T*>(c_data(v));
0089 }
0091 // Dispatch the sendbuf among proc.
0092 // Used in the second steps of both scatter and scatterv
0093 // in_value is only provide in the non variadic case.
0094 template<typename T>
0095 void
0096 dispatch_scatter_sendbuf(const communicator& comm, 
0097                          packed_oarchive::buffer_type const& sendbuf, std::vector<int> const& archsizes,
0098                          T const* in_values,
0099                          T* out_values, int n, int root) {
0100   // Distribute the sizes
0101   int myarchsize;
0103                          (non_const_data(archsizes), 1, MPI_INT,
0104                           &myarchsize, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm));
0105   std::vector<int> offsets;
0106   if (root == comm.rank()) {
0107     sizes2offsets(archsizes, offsets);
0108   }
0109   // Get my proc archive
0110   packed_iarchive::buffer_type recvbuf;
0111   recvbuf.resize(myarchsize);
0113                          (non_const_data(sendbuf), non_const_data(archsizes), c_data(offsets), MPI_BYTE,
0114                           c_data(recvbuf), recvbuf.size(), MPI_BYTE,
0115                           root, MPI_Comm(comm)));
0116   // Unserialize
0117   if ( in_values != 0 && root == comm.rank()) {
0118     // Our own local values are already here: just copy them.
0119     std::copy(in_values + root * n, in_values + (root + 1) * n, out_values);
0120   } else {
0121     // Otherwise deserialize:
0122     packed_iarchive iarchv(comm, recvbuf);
0123     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
0124       iarchv >> out_values[i];
0125     }
0126   }
0127 }
0129 // We're scattering from the root for a type that does not have an
0130 // associated MPI datatype, so we'll need to serialize it.
0131 template<typename T>
0132 void
0133 scatter_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, T* out_values, 
0134              int n, int root, mpl::false_)
0135 {
0136   packed_oarchive::buffer_type sendbuf;
0137   std::vector<int> archsizes;
0139   if (root == comm.rank()) {
0140     std::vector<int> nslots(comm.size(), n);
0141     fill_scatter_sendbuf(comm, in_values, c_data(nslots), (int const*)0, sendbuf, archsizes);
0142   }
0143   dispatch_scatter_sendbuf(comm, sendbuf, archsizes, in_values, out_values, n, root);
0144 }
0146 template<typename T>
0147 void
0148 scatter_impl(const communicator& comm, T* out_values, int n, int root, 
0149              mpl::false_ is_mpi_type)
0150 { 
0151   scatter_impl(comm, (T const*)0, out_values, n, root, is_mpi_type);
0152 }
0153 } // end namespace detail
0155 template<typename T>
0156 void
0157 scatter(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, T& out_value, int root)
0158 {
0159   detail::scatter_impl(comm, in_values, &out_value, 1, root, is_mpi_datatype<T>());
0160 }
0162 template<typename T>
0163 void
0164 scatter(const communicator& comm, const std::vector<T>& in_values, T& out_value,
0165         int root)
0166 {
0167   using detail::c_data;
0168   ::boost::mpi::scatter<T>(comm, c_data(in_values), out_value, root);
0169 }
0171 template<typename T>
0172 void scatter(const communicator& comm, T& out_value, int root)
0173 {
0174   BOOST_ASSERT(comm.rank() != root);
0175   detail::scatter_impl(comm, &out_value, 1, root, is_mpi_datatype<T>());
0176 }
0178 template<typename T>
0179 void
0180 scatter(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, T* out_values, int n,
0181         int root)
0182 {
0183   detail::scatter_impl(comm, in_values, out_values, n, root, is_mpi_datatype<T>());
0184 }
0186 template<typename T>
0187 void
0188 scatter(const communicator& comm, const std::vector<T>& in_values, 
0189         T* out_values, int n, int root)
0190 {
0191   ::boost::mpi::scatter(comm, detail::c_data(in_values), out_values, n, root);
0192 }
0194 template<typename T>
0195 void scatter(const communicator& comm, T* out_values, int n, int root)
0196 {
0197   BOOST_ASSERT(comm.rank() != root);
0198   detail::scatter_impl(comm, out_values, n, root, is_mpi_datatype<T>());
0199 }
0201 } } // end namespace boost::mpi
0203 #endif // BOOST_MPI_SCATTER_HPP