File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:39:47
0009 #include <algorithm>
0010 #include <stdexcept>
0011 #include <sstream>
0012 #include <limits>
0013 #include <cmath>
0015 namespace boost {
0016 namespace math {
0017 namespace interpolators {
0018 namespace detail {
0020 template<class RandomAccessContainer>
0021 class septic_hermite_detail {
0022 public:
0023 using Real = typename RandomAccessContainer::value_type;
0024 septic_hermite_detail(RandomAccessContainer && x, RandomAccessContainer && y, RandomAccessContainer && dydx, RandomAccessContainer && d2ydx2, RandomAccessContainer && d3ydx3)
0025 : x_{std::move(x)}, y_{std::move(y)}, dydx_{std::move(dydx)}, d2ydx2_{std::move(d2ydx2)}, d3ydx3_{std::move(d3ydx3)}
0026 {
0027 if (x_.size() != y_.size())
0028 {
0029 throw std::domain_error("Number of abscissas must = number of ordinates.");
0030 }
0031 if (x_.size() != dydx_.size())
0032 {
0033 throw std::domain_error("Numbers of derivatives must = number of abscissas.");
0034 }
0035 if (x_.size() != d2ydx2_.size())
0036 {
0037 throw std::domain_error("Number of second derivatives must equal number of abscissas.");
0038 }
0039 if (x_.size() != d3ydx3_.size())
0040 {
0041 throw std::domain_error("Number of third derivatives must equal number of abscissas.");
0042 }
0044 if (x_.size() < 2)
0045 {
0046 throw std::domain_error("At least 2 abscissas are required.");
0047 }
0048 Real x0 = x_[0];
0049 for (decltype(x_.size()) i = 1; i < x_.size(); ++i)
0050 {
0051 Real x1 = x_[i];
0052 if (x1 <= x0)
0053 {
0054 throw std::domain_error("Abscissas must be sorted in strictly increasing order x0 < x1 < ... < x_{n-1}");
0055 }
0056 x0 = x1;
0057 }
0058 }
0060 void push_back(Real x, Real y, Real dydx, Real d2ydx2, Real d3ydx3)
0061 {
0062 using std::abs;
0063 using std::isnan;
0064 if (x <= x_.back()) {
0065 throw std::domain_error("Calling push_back must preserve the monotonicity of the x's");
0066 }
0067 x_.push_back(x);
0068 y_.push_back(y);
0069 dydx_.push_back(dydx);
0070 d2ydx2_.push_back(d2ydx2);
0071 d3ydx3_.push_back(d3ydx3);
0072 }
0074 Real operator()(Real x) const
0075 {
0076 if (x < x_[0] || x > x_.back())
0077 {
0078 std::ostringstream oss;
0079 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0080 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0081 << x_[0] << ", " << x_.back() << "]";
0082 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0083 }
0085 if (x == x_.back())
0086 {
0087 return y_.back();
0088 }
0090 auto it = std::upper_bound(x_.begin(), x_.end(), x);
0091 auto i = std::distance(x_.begin(), it) -1;
0092 Real x0 = *(it-1);
0093 Real x1 = *it;
0094 Real dx = (x1-x0);
0095 Real t = (x-x0)/dx;
0099 Real t2 = t*t;
0100 Real t3 = t2*t;
0101 Real t4 = t3*t;
0102 Real dx2 = dx*dx/2;
0103 Real dx3 = dx2*dx/3;
0105 Real s = t4*(-35 + t*(84 + t*(-70 + 20*t)));
0106 Real z4 = -s;
0107 Real z0 = s + 1;
0108 Real z1 = t*(1 + t3*(-20 + t*(45 + t*(-36 + 10*t))));
0109 Real z2 = t2*(1 + t2*(-10 + t*(20 + t*(-15 + 4*t))));
0110 Real z3 = t3*(1 + t*(-4 + t*(6 + t*(-4 + t))));
0111 Real z5 = t4*(-15 + t*(39 + t*(-34 + 10*t)));
0112 Real z6 = t4*(5 + t*(-14 + t*(13 - 4*t)));
0113 Real z7 = t4*(-1 + t*(3 + t*(-3+t)));
0115 Real y0 = y_[i];
0116 Real y1 = y_[i+1];
0118 Real v0 = dydx_[i];
0119 Real v1 = dydx_[i+1];
0121 Real a0 = d2ydx2_[i];
0122 Real a1 = d2ydx2_[i+1];
0124 Real j0 = d3ydx3_[i];
0125 Real j1 = d3ydx3_[i+1];
0127 return z0*y0 + z4*y1 + (z1*v0 + z5*v1)*dx + (z2*a0 + z6*a1)*dx2 + (z3*j0 + z7*j1)*dx3;
0128 }
0130 Real prime(Real x) const
0131 {
0132 if (x < x_[0] || x > x_.back())
0133 {
0134 std::ostringstream oss;
0135 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0136 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0137 << x_[0] << ", " << x_.back() << "]";
0138 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0139 }
0140 if (x == x_.back())
0141 {
0142 return dydx_.back();
0143 }
0145 auto it = std::upper_bound(x_.begin(), x_.end(), x);
0146 auto i = std::distance(x_.begin(), it) -1;
0147 Real x0 = *(it-1);
0148 Real x1 = *it;
0149 Real y0 = y_[i];
0150 Real y1 = y_[i+1];
0151 Real v0 = dydx_[i];
0152 Real v1 = dydx_[i+1];
0153 Real a0 = d2ydx2_[i];
0154 Real a1 = d2ydx2_[i+1];
0155 Real j0 = d3ydx3_[i];
0156 Real j1 = d3ydx3_[i+1];
0157 Real dx = x1 - x0;
0158 Real t = (x-x0)/dx;
0159 Real t2 = t*t;
0160 Real t3 = t2*t;
0161 Real z0 = 140*t3*(1 + t*(-3 + t*(3 - t)));
0162 Real z1 = 1 + t3*(-80 + t*(225 + t*(-216 + 70*t)));
0163 Real z2 = t3*(-60 + t*(195 + t*(-204 + 70*t)));
0164 Real z3 = 1 + t2*(-20 + t*(50 + t*(-45 + 14*t)));
0165 Real z4 = t2*(10 + t*(-35 + t*(39 - 14*t)));
0166 Real z5 = 3 + t*(-16 + t*(30 + t*(-24 + 7*t)));
0167 Real z6 = t*(-4 + t*(15 + t*(-18 + 7*t)));
0169 Real dydx = z0*(y1-y0)/dx;
0170 dydx += z1*v0 + z2*v1;
0171 dydx += (x-x0)*(z3*a0 + z4*a1);
0172 dydx += (x-x0)*(x-x0)*(z5*j0 + z6*j1)/6;
0173 return dydx;
0174 }
0176 inline Real double_prime(Real) const
0177 {
0178 return std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN();
0179 }
0181 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & os, const septic_hermite_detail & m)
0182 {
0183 os << "(x,y,y') = {";
0184 for (size_t i = 0; i < m.x_.size() - 1; ++i) {
0185 os << "(" << m.x_[i] << ", " << m.y_[i] << ", " << m.dydx_[i] << ", " << m.d2ydx2_[i] << ", " << m.d3ydx3_[i] << "), ";
0186 }
0187 auto n = m.x_.size()-1;
0188 os << "(" << m.x_[n] << ", " << m.y_[n] << ", " << m.dydx_[n] << ", " << m.d2ydx2_[n] << m.d3ydx3_[n] << ")}";
0189 return os;
0190 }
0192 int64_t bytes()
0193 {
0194 return 5*x_.size()*sizeof(Real) + 5*sizeof(x_);
0195 }
0197 std::pair<Real, Real> domain() const
0198 {
0199 return {x_.front(), x_.back()};
0200 }
0202 private:
0203 RandomAccessContainer x_;
0204 RandomAccessContainer y_;
0205 RandomAccessContainer dydx_;
0206 RandomAccessContainer d2ydx2_;
0207 RandomAccessContainer d3ydx3_;
0208 };
0210 template<class RandomAccessContainer>
0211 class cardinal_septic_hermite_detail {
0212 public:
0213 using Real = typename RandomAccessContainer::value_type;
0214 cardinal_septic_hermite_detail(RandomAccessContainer && y, RandomAccessContainer && dydx, RandomAccessContainer && d2ydx2, RandomAccessContainer && d3ydx3, Real x0, Real dx)
0215 : y_{std::move(y)}, dy_{std::move(dydx)}, d2y_{std::move(d2ydx2)}, d3y_{std::move(d3ydx3)}, x0_{x0}, inv_dx_{1/dx}
0216 {
0217 if (y_.size() != dy_.size())
0218 {
0219 throw std::domain_error("Numbers of derivatives must = number of ordinates.");
0220 }
0221 if (y_.size() != d2y_.size())
0222 {
0223 throw std::domain_error("Number of second derivatives must equal number of ordinates.");
0224 }
0225 if (y_.size() != d3y_.size())
0226 {
0227 throw std::domain_error("Number of third derivatives must equal number of ordinates.");
0228 }
0229 if (y_.size() < 2)
0230 {
0231 throw std::domain_error("At least 2 abscissas are required.");
0232 }
0234 if (dx <= 0)
0235 {
0236 throw std::domain_error("dx > 0 is required.");
0237 }
0239 for (auto & dy : dy_)
0240 {
0241 dy *= dx;
0242 }
0243 for (auto & d2y : d2y_)
0244 {
0245 d2y *= (dx*dx/2);
0246 }
0247 for (auto & d3y : d3y_)
0248 {
0249 d3y *= (dx*dx*dx/6);
0250 }
0252 }
0254 inline Real operator()(Real x) const
0255 {
0256 Real xf = x0_ + (y_.size()-1)/inv_dx_;
0257 if (x < x0_ || x > xf)
0258 {
0259 std::ostringstream oss;
0260 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0261 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0262 << x0_ << ", " << xf << "]";
0263 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0264 }
0265 if (x == xf)
0266 {
0267 return y_.back();
0268 }
0269 return this->unchecked_evaluation(x);
0270 }
0272 inline Real unchecked_evaluation(Real x) const {
0273 using std::floor;
0274 Real s3 = (x-x0_)*inv_dx_;
0275 Real ii = floor(s3);
0276 auto i = static_cast<decltype(y_.size())>(ii);
0277 Real t = s3 - ii;
0278 if (t == 0) {
0279 return y_[i];
0280 }
0283 Real t2 = t*t;
0284 Real t3 = t2*t;
0285 Real t4 = t3*t;
0287 Real s = t4*(-35 + t*(84 + t*(-70 + 20*t)));
0288 Real z4 = -s;
0289 Real z0 = s + 1;
0290 Real z1 = t*(1 + t3*(-20 + t*(45 + t*(-36+10*t))));
0291 Real z2 = t2*(1 + t2*(-10 + t*(20 + t*(-15+4*t))));
0292 Real z3 = t3*(1 + t*(-4+t*(6+t*(-4+t))));
0293 Real z5 = t4*(-15 + t*(39 + t*(-34 + 10*t)));
0294 Real z6 = t4*(5 + t*(-14 + t*(13-4*t)));
0295 Real z7 = t4*(-1 + t*(3+t*(-3+t)));
0297 Real y0 = y_[i];
0298 Real y1 = y_[i+1];
0299 Real dy0 = dy_[i];
0300 Real dy1 = dy_[i+1];
0301 Real a0 = d2y_[i];
0302 Real a1 = d2y_[i+1];
0303 Real j0 = d3y_[i];
0304 Real j1 = d3y_[i+1];
0306 return z0*y0 + z1*dy0 + z2*a0 + z3*j0 + z4*y1 + z5*dy1 + z6*a1 + z7*j1;
0307 }
0309 inline Real prime(Real x) const
0310 {
0311 Real xf = x0_ + (y_.size()-1)/inv_dx_;
0312 if (x < x0_ || x > xf)
0313 {
0314 std::ostringstream oss;
0315 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0316 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0317 << x0_ << ", " << xf << "]";
0318 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0319 }
0320 if (x == xf)
0321 {
0322 return dy_.back()/inv_dx_;
0323 }
0325 return this->unchecked_prime(x);
0326 }
0328 inline Real unchecked_prime(Real x) const
0329 {
0330 using std::floor;
0331 Real s3 = (x-x0_)*inv_dx_;
0332 Real ii = floor(s3);
0333 auto i = static_cast<decltype(y_.size())>(ii);
0334 Real t = s3 - ii;
0335 if (t==0)
0336 {
0337 return dy_[i]/inv_dx_;
0338 }
0340 Real y0 = y_[i];
0341 Real y1 = y_[i+1];
0342 Real dy0 = dy_[i];
0343 Real dy1 = dy_[i+1];
0344 Real a0 = d2y_[i];
0345 Real a1 = d2y_[i+1];
0346 Real j0 = d3y_[i];
0347 Real j1 = d3y_[i+1];
0348 Real t2 = t*t;
0349 Real t3 = t2*t;
0350 Real z0 = 140*t3*(1 + t*(-3 + t*(3 - t)));
0351 Real z1 = 1 + t3*(-80 + t*(225 + t*(-216 + 70*t)));
0352 Real z2 = t3*(-60 + t*(195 + t*(-204 + 70*t)));
0353 Real z3 = 1 + t2*(-20 + t*(50 + t*(-45 + 14*t)));
0354 Real z4 = t2*(10 + t*(-35 + t*(39 - 14*t)));
0355 Real z5 = 3 + t*(-16 + t*(30 + t*(-24 + 7*t)));
0356 Real z6 = t*(-4 + t*(15 + t*(-18 + 7*t)));
0358 Real dydx = z0*(y1-y0)*inv_dx_;
0359 dydx += (z1*dy0 + z2*dy1)*inv_dx_;
0360 dydx += 2*t*(z3*a0 + z4*a1)*inv_dx_;
0361 dydx += t*t*(z5*j0 + z6*j1);
0362 return dydx;
0363 }
0365 inline Real double_prime(Real x) const
0366 {
0367 Real xf = x0_ + (y_.size()-1)/inv_dx_;
0368 if (x < x0_ || x > xf)
0369 {
0370 std::ostringstream oss;
0371 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0372 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0373 << x0_ << ", " << xf << "]";
0374 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0375 }
0376 if (x == xf)
0377 {
0378 return d2y_.back()*2*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0379 }
0381 return this->unchecked_double_prime(x);
0382 }
0384 inline Real unchecked_double_prime(Real x) const
0385 {
0386 using std::floor;
0387 Real s3 = (x-x0_)*inv_dx_;
0388 Real ii = floor(s3);
0389 auto i = static_cast<decltype(y_.size())>(ii);
0390 Real t = s3 - ii;
0391 if (t==0)
0392 {
0393 return d2y_[i]*2*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0394 }
0396 Real y0 = y_[i];
0397 Real y1 = y_[i+1];
0398 Real dy0 = dy_[i];
0399 Real dy1 = dy_[i+1];
0400 Real a0 = d2y_[i];
0401 Real a1 = d2y_[i+1];
0402 Real j0 = d3y_[i];
0403 Real j1 = d3y_[i+1];
0404 Real t2 = t*t;
0406 Real z0 = 420*t2*(1 + t*(-4 + t*(5 - 2*t)));
0407 Real z1 = 60*t2*(-4 + t*(15 + t*(-18 + 7*t)));
0408 Real z2 = 60*t2*(-3 + t*(13 + t*(-17 + 7*t)));
0409 Real z3 = (1 + t2*(-60 + t*(200 + t*(-225 + 84*t))));
0410 Real z4 = t2*(30 + t*(-140 + t*(195 - 84*t)));
0411 Real z5 = t*(1 + t*(-8 + t*(20 + t*(-20 + 7*t))));
0412 Real z6 = t2*(-2 + t*(10 + t*(-15 + 7*t)));
0414 Real d2ydx2 = z0*(y1-y0)*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0415 d2ydx2 += (z1*dy0 + z2*dy1)*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0416 d2ydx2 += (z3*a0 + z4*a1)*2*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0417 d2ydx2 += 6*(z5*j0 + z6*j1)/(inv_dx_*inv_dx_);
0419 return d2ydx2;
0420 }
0422 int64_t bytes() const
0423 {
0424 return 4*y_.size()*sizeof(Real) + 2*sizeof(Real) + 4*sizeof(y_);
0425 }
0427 std::pair<Real, Real> domain() const
0428 {
0429 return {x0_, x0_ + (y_.size()-1)/inv_dx_};
0430 }
0432 private:
0433 RandomAccessContainer y_;
0434 RandomAccessContainer dy_;
0435 RandomAccessContainer d2y_;
0436 RandomAccessContainer d3y_;
0437 Real x0_;
0438 Real inv_dx_;
0439 };
0442 template<class RandomAccessContainer>
0443 class cardinal_septic_hermite_detail_aos {
0444 public:
0445 using Point = typename RandomAccessContainer::value_type;
0446 using Real = typename Point::value_type;
0447 cardinal_septic_hermite_detail_aos(RandomAccessContainer && dat, Real x0, Real dx)
0448 : data_{std::move(dat)}, x0_{x0}, inv_dx_{1/dx}
0449 {
0450 if (data_.size() < 2) {
0451 throw std::domain_error("At least 2 abscissas are required.");
0452 }
0453 if (data_[0].size() != 4) {
0454 throw std::domain_error("There must be 4 data items per struct.");
0455 }
0457 for (auto & datum : data_)
0458 {
0459 datum[1] *= dx;
0460 datum[2] *= (dx*dx/2);
0461 datum[3] *= (dx*dx*dx/6);
0462 }
0463 }
0465 inline Real operator()(Real x) const
0466 {
0467 Real xf = x0_ + (data_.size()-1)/inv_dx_;
0468 if (x < x0_ || x > xf)
0469 {
0470 std::ostringstream oss;
0471 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0472 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0473 << x0_ << ", " << xf << "]";
0474 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0475 }
0476 if (x == xf)
0477 {
0478 return data_.back()[0];
0479 }
0480 return this->unchecked_evaluation(x);
0481 }
0483 inline Real unchecked_evaluation(Real x) const
0484 {
0485 using std::floor;
0486 Real s3 = (x-x0_)*inv_dx_;
0487 Real ii = floor(s3);
0488 auto i = static_cast<decltype(data_.size())>(ii);
0489 Real t = s3 - ii;
0490 if (t==0)
0491 {
0492 return data_[i][0];
0493 }
0494 Real t2 = t*t;
0495 Real t3 = t2*t;
0496 Real t4 = t3*t;
0498 Real s = t4*(-35 + t*(84 + t*(-70 + 20*t)));
0499 Real z4 = -s;
0500 Real z0 = s + 1;
0501 Real z1 = t*(1 + t3*(-20 + t*(45 + t*(-36+10*t))));
0502 Real z2 = t2*(1 + t2*(-10 + t*(20 + t*(-15+4*t))));
0503 Real z3 = t3*(1 + t*(-4+t*(6+t*(-4+t))));
0504 Real z5 = t4*(-15 + t*(39 + t*(-34 + 10*t)));
0505 Real z6 = t4*(5 + t*(-14 + t*(13-4*t)));
0506 Real z7 = t4*(-1 + t*(3+t*(-3+t)));
0508 Real y0 = data_[i][0];
0509 Real dy0 = data_[i][1];
0510 Real a0 = data_[i][2];
0511 Real j0 = data_[i][3];
0512 Real y1 = data_[i+1][0];
0513 Real dy1 = data_[i+1][1];
0514 Real a1 = data_[i+1][2];
0515 Real j1 = data_[i+1][3];
0517 return z0*y0 + z1*dy0 + z2*a0 + z3*j0 + z4*y1 + z5*dy1 + z6*a1 + z7*j1;
0518 }
0520 inline Real prime(Real x) const
0521 {
0522 Real xf = x0_ + (data_.size()-1)/inv_dx_;
0523 if (x < x0_ || x > xf)
0524 {
0525 std::ostringstream oss;
0526 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0527 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0528 << x0_ << ", " << xf << "]";
0529 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0530 }
0531 if (x == xf)
0532 {
0533 return data_.back()[1]*inv_dx_;
0534 }
0536 return this->unchecked_prime(x);
0537 }
0539 inline Real unchecked_prime(Real x) const
0540 {
0541 using std::floor;
0542 Real s3 = (x-x0_)*inv_dx_;
0543 Real ii = floor(s3);
0544 auto i = static_cast<decltype(data_.size())>(ii);
0545 Real t = s3 - ii;
0546 if (t == 0)
0547 {
0548 return data_[i][1]*inv_dx_;
0549 }
0551 Real y0 = data_[i][0];
0552 Real y1 = data_[i+1][0];
0553 Real dy0 = data_[i][1];
0554 Real dy1 = data_[i+1][1];
0555 Real a0 = data_[i][2];
0556 Real a1 = data_[i+1][2];
0557 Real j0 = data_[i][3];
0558 Real j1 = data_[i+1][3];
0559 Real t2 = t*t;
0560 Real t3 = t2*t;
0561 Real z0 = 140*t3*(1 + t*(-3 + t*(3 - t)));
0562 Real z1 = 1 + t3*(-80 + t*(225 + t*(-216 + 70*t)));
0563 Real z2 = t3*(-60 + t*(195 + t*(-204 + 70*t)));
0564 Real z3 = 1 + t2*(-20 + t*(50 + t*(-45 + 14*t)));
0565 Real z4 = t2*(10 + t*(-35 + t*(39 - 14*t)));
0566 Real z5 = 3 + t*(-16 + t*(30 + t*(-24 + 7*t)));
0567 Real z6 = t*(-4 + t*(15 + t*(-18 + 7*t)));
0569 Real dydx = z0*(y1-y0)*inv_dx_;
0570 dydx += (z1*dy0 + z2*dy1)*inv_dx_;
0571 dydx += 2*t*(z3*a0 + z4*a1)*inv_dx_;
0572 dydx += t*t*(z5*j0 + z6*j1);
0573 return dydx;
0574 }
0576 inline Real double_prime(Real x) const
0577 {
0578 Real xf = x0_ + (data_.size()-1)/inv_dx_;
0579 if (x < x0_ || x > xf)
0580 {
0581 std::ostringstream oss;
0582 oss.precision(std::numeric_limits<Real>::digits10+3);
0583 oss << "Requested abscissa x = " << x << ", which is outside of allowed range ["
0584 << x0_ << ", " << xf << "]";
0585 throw std::domain_error(oss.str());
0586 }
0587 if (x == xf)
0588 {
0589 return data_.back()[2]*2*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0590 }
0592 return this->unchecked_double_prime(x);
0593 }
0595 inline Real unchecked_double_prime(Real x) const
0596 {
0597 using std::floor;
0598 Real s3 = (x-x0_)*inv_dx_;
0599 Real ii = floor(s3);
0600 auto i = static_cast<decltype(data_.size())>(ii);
0601 Real t = s3 - ii;
0602 if (t == 0)
0603 {
0604 return data_[i][2]*2*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0605 }
0606 Real y0 = data_[i][0];
0607 Real y1 = data_[i+1][0];
0608 Real dy0 = data_[i][1];
0609 Real dy1 = data_[i+1][1];
0610 Real a0 = data_[i][2];
0611 Real a1 = data_[i+1][2];
0612 Real j0 = data_[i][3];
0613 Real j1 = data_[i+1][3];
0614 Real t2 = t*t;
0616 Real z0 = 420*t2*(1 + t*(-4 + t*(5 - 2*t)));
0617 Real z1 = 60*t2*(-4 + t*(15 + t*(-18 + 7*t)));
0618 Real z2 = 60*t2*(-3 + t*(13 + t*(-17 + 7*t)));
0619 Real z3 = (1 + t2*(-60 + t*(200 + t*(-225 + 84*t))));
0620 Real z4 = t2*(30 + t*(-140 + t*(195 - 84*t)));
0621 Real z5 = t*(1 + t*(-8 + t*(20 + t*(-20 + 7*t))));
0622 Real z6 = t2*(-2 + t*(10 + t*(-15 + 7*t)));
0624 Real d2ydx2 = z0*(y1-y0)*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0625 d2ydx2 += (z1*dy0 + z2*dy1)*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0626 d2ydx2 += (z3*a0 + z4*a1)*2*inv_dx_*inv_dx_;
0627 d2ydx2 += 6*(z5*j0 + z6*j1)/(inv_dx_*inv_dx_);
0629 return d2ydx2;
0630 }
0632 int64_t bytes() const
0633 {
0634 return data_.size()*data_[0].size()*sizeof(Real) + 2*sizeof(Real) + sizeof(data_);
0635 }
0637 std::pair<Real, Real> domain() const
0638 {
0639 return {x0_, x0_ + (data_.size() -1)/inv_dx_};
0640 }
0642 private:
0643 RandomAccessContainer data_;
0644 Real x0_;
0645 Real inv_dx_;
0646 };
0648 }
0649 }
0650 }
0651 }
0652 #endif