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0001 /*!
0002 @file
0003 Forward declares `boost::hana::Group`.
0005 Copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2022
0006 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
0007 (See accompanying file or copy at
0008  */
0013 #include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
0016 namespace boost { namespace hana {
0017     //! @ingroup group-concepts
0018     //! @defgroup group-Group Group
0019     //! The `Group` concept represents `Monoid`s where all objects have
0020     //! an inverse w.r.t. the `Monoid`'s binary operation.
0021     //!
0022     //! A [Group][1] is an algebraic structure built on top of a `Monoid`
0023     //! which adds the ability to invert the action of the `Monoid`'s binary
0024     //! operation on any element of the set. Specifically, a `Group` is a
0025     //! `Monoid` `(S, +)` such that every element `s` in `S` has an inverse
0026     //! (say `s'`) which is such that
0027     //! @code
0028     //!     s + s' == s' + s == identity of the Monoid
0029     //! @endcode
0030     //!
0031     //! There are many examples of `Group`s, one of which would be the
0032     //! additive `Monoid` on integers, where the inverse of any integer
0033     //! `n` is the integer `-n`. The method names used here refer to
0034     //! exactly this model.
0035     //!
0036     //!
0037     //! Minimal complete definitions
0038     //! ----------------------------
0039     //! 1. `minus`\n
0040     //! When `minus` is specified, the `negate` method is defaulted by setting
0041     //! @code
0042     //!     negate(x) = minus(zero<G>(), x)
0043     //! @endcode
0044     //!
0045     //! 2. `negate`\n
0046     //! When `negate` is specified, the `minus` method is defaulted by setting
0047     //! @code
0048     //!     minus(x, y) = plus(x, negate(y))
0049     //! @endcode
0050     //!
0051     //!
0052     //! Laws
0053     //! ----
0054     //! For all objects `x` of a `Group` `G`, the following laws must be
0055     //! satisfied:
0056     //! @code
0057     //!     plus(x, negate(x)) == zero<G>() // right inverse
0058     //!     plus(negate(x), x) == zero<G>() // left inverse
0059     //! @endcode
0060     //!
0061     //!
0062     //! Refined concept
0063     //! ---------------
0064     //! `Monoid`
0065     //!
0066     //!
0067     //! Concrete models
0068     //! ---------------
0069     //! `hana::integral_constant`
0070     //!
0071     //!
0072     //! Free model for non-boolean arithmetic data types
0073     //! ------------------------------------------------
0074     //! A data type `T` is arithmetic if `std::is_arithmetic<T>::%value` is
0075     //! true. For a non-boolean arithmetic data type `T`, a model of `Group`
0076     //! is automatically defined by setting
0077     //! @code
0078     //!     minus(x, y) = (x - y)
0079     //!     negate(x) = -x
0080     //! @endcode
0081     //!
0082     //! @note
0083     //! The rationale for not providing a Group model for `bool` is the same
0084     //! as for not providing a `Monoid` model.
0085     //!
0086     //!
0087     //! Structure-preserving functions
0088     //! ------------------------------
0089     //! Let `A` and `B` be two `Group`s. A function `f : A -> B` is said to
0090     //! be a [Group morphism][2] if it preserves the group structure between
0091     //! `A` and `B`. Rigorously, for all objects `x, y` of data type `A`,
0092     //! @code
0093     //!     f(plus(x, y)) == plus(f(x), f(y))
0094     //! @endcode
0095     //! Because of the `Group` structure, it is easy to prove that the
0096     //! following will then also be satisfied:
0097     //! @code
0098     //!     f(negate(x)) == negate(f(x))
0099     //!     f(zero<A>()) == zero<B>()
0100     //! @endcode
0101     //! Functions with these properties interact nicely with `Group`s, which
0102     //! is why they are given such a special treatment.
0103     //!
0104     //!
0105     //! [1]:
0106     //! [2]:
0107     template <typename G>
0108     struct Group;
0109 }} // end namespace boost::hana