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0001 //
0002 // Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
0003 //
0004 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
0005 // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
0006 //
0007 // Official repository:
0008 //
0013 #include <boost/beast/core/detail/config.hpp>
0014 #include <boost/beast/core/bind_handler.hpp>
0015 #include <boost/beast/core/detail/allocator.hpp>
0016 #include <boost/beast/core/detail/async_base.hpp>
0017 #include <boost/beast/core/detail/filtering_cancellation_slot.hpp>
0018 #include <boost/beast/core/detail/work_guard.hpp>
0019 #include <boost/asio/associated_allocator.hpp>
0020 #include <boost/asio/associated_executor.hpp>
0021 #include <boost/asio/associated_immediate_executor.hpp>
0022 #include <boost/asio/bind_executor.hpp>
0023 #include <boost/asio/handler_continuation_hook.hpp>
0024 #include <boost/asio/dispatch.hpp>
0025 #include <boost/asio/post.hpp>
0026 #include <boost/core/exchange.hpp>
0027 #include <boost/core/empty_value.hpp>
0028 #include <utility>
0030 namespace boost {
0031 namespace beast {
0034 /** Base class to assist writing composed operations.
0036     A function object submitted to intermediate initiating functions during
0037     a composed operation may derive from this type to inherit all of the
0038     boilerplate to forward the executor, allocator, and legacy customization
0039     points associated with the completion handler invoked at the end of the
0040     composed operation.
0042     The composed operation must be typical; that is, associated with one
0043     executor of an I/O object, and invoking a caller-provided completion
0044     handler when the operation is finished. Classes derived from
0045     @ref async_base will acquire these properties:
0047     @li Ownership of the final completion handler provided upon construction.
0049     @li If the final handler has an associated allocator, this allocator will
0050         be propagated to the composed operation subclass. Otherwise, the
0051         associated allocator will be the type specified in the allocator
0052         template parameter, or the default of `std::allocator<void>` if the
0053         parameter is omitted.
0055     @li If the final handler has an associated executor, then it will be used
0056         as the executor associated with the composed operation. Otherwise,
0057         the specified `Executor1` will be the type of executor associated
0058         with the composed operation.
0060     @li An instance of `net::executor_work_guard` for the instance of `Executor1`
0061         shall be maintained until either the final handler is invoked, or the
0062         operation base is destroyed, whichever comes first.
0064     @li Calls to the legacy customization point `asio_handler_is_continuation`
0065         which use argument-dependent lookup, will be forwarded to the
0066         legacy customization points associated with the handler.
0068     @par Example
0070     The following code demonstrates how @ref async_base may be be used to
0071     assist authoring an asynchronous initiating function, by providing all of
0072     the boilerplate to manage the final completion handler in a way that
0073     maintains the allocator and executor associations:
0075     @code
0077     // Asynchronously read into a buffer until the buffer is full, or an error occurs
0078     template<class AsyncReadStream, class ReadHandler>
0079     typename net::async_result<ReadHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)>::return_type
0080     async_read(AsyncReadStream& stream, net::mutable_buffer buffer, ReadHandler&& handler)
0081     {
0082         using handler_type = BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(ReadHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t));
0083         using base_type = async_base<handler_type, typename AsyncReadStream::executor_type>;
0085         struct op : base_type
0086         {
0087             AsyncReadStream& stream_;
0088             net::mutable_buffer buffer_;
0089             std::size_t total_bytes_transferred_;
0091             op(
0092                 AsyncReadStream& stream,
0093                 net::mutable_buffer buffer,
0094                 handler_type& handler)
0095                 : base_type(std::move(handler), stream.get_executor())
0096                 , stream_(stream)
0097                 , buffer_(buffer)
0098                 , total_bytes_transferred_(0)
0099             {
0100                 (*this)({}, 0, false); // start the operation
0101             }
0103             void operator()(error_code ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred, bool is_continuation = true)
0104             {
0105                 // Adjust the count of bytes and advance our buffer
0106                 total_bytes_transferred_ += bytes_transferred;
0107                 buffer_ = buffer_ + bytes_transferred;
0109                 // Keep reading until buffer is full or an error occurs
0110                 if(! ec && buffer_.size() > 0)
0111                     return stream_.async_read_some(buffer_, std::move(*this));
0113                 // Call the completion handler with the result. If `is_continuation` is
0114                 // false, which happens on the first time through this function, then
0115                 // `net::post` will be used to call the completion handler, otherwise
0116                 // the completion handler will be invoked directly.
0118                 this->complete(is_continuation, ec, total_bytes_transferred_);
0119             }
0120         };
0122         net::async_completion<ReadHandler, void(error_code, std::size_t)> init{handler};
0123         op(stream, buffer, init.completion_handler);
0124         return init.result.get();
0125     }
0127     @endcode
0129     Data members of composed operations implemented as completion handlers
0130     do not have stable addresses, as the composed operation object is move
0131     constructed upon each call to an initiating function. For most operations
0132     this is not a problem. For complex operations requiring stable temporary
0133     storage, the class @ref stable_async_base is provided which offers
0134     additional functionality:
0136     @li The free function @ref allocate_stable may be used to allocate
0137     one or more temporary objects associated with the composed operation.
0139     @li Memory for stable temporary objects is allocated using the allocator
0140     associated with the composed operation.
0142     @li Stable temporary objects are automatically destroyed, and the memory
0143     freed using the associated allocator, either before the final completion
0144     handler is invoked (a Networking requirement) or when the composed operation
0145     is destroyed, whichever occurs first.
0147     @par Temporary Storage Example
0149     The following example demonstrates how a composed operation may store a
0150     temporary object.
0152     @code
0154     @endcode
0156     @tparam Handler The type of the completion handler to store.
0157     This type must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
0159     @tparam Executor1 The type of the executor used when the handler has no
0160     associated executor. An instance of this type must be provided upon
0161     construction. The implementation will maintain an executor work guard
0162     and a copy of this instance.
0164     @tparam Allocator The allocator type to use if the handler does not
0165     have an associated allocator. If this parameter is omitted, then
0166     `std::allocator<void>` will be used. If the specified allocator is
0167     not default constructible, an instance of the type must be provided
0168     upon construction.
0170     @see stable_async_base
0171 */
0172 template<
0173     class Handler,
0174     class Executor1,
0175     class Allocator = std::allocator<void>
0176 >
0177 class async_base
0179     : private boost::empty_value<Allocator>
0180 #endif
0181 {
0182     static_assert(
0183         net::is_executor<Executor1>::value || net::execution::is_executor<Executor1>::value,
0184         "Executor type requirements not met");
0186     Handler h_;
0187     detail::select_work_guard_t<Executor1> wg1_;
0188     net::cancellation_type act_{net::cancellation_type::terminal};
0189 public:
0190     /** The type of executor associated with this object.
0192     If a class derived from @ref boost::beast::async_base is a completion
0193     handler, then the associated executor of the derived class will
0194     be this type.
0195 */
0196     using executor_type =
0198         __implementation_defined__;
0199 #else
0200         typename
0201         net::associated_executor<
0202             Handler,
0203             typename detail::select_work_guard_t<Executor1>::executor_type
0204                 >::type;
0205 #endif
0207     /** The type of the immediate executor associated with this object.
0209     If a class derived from @ref boost::beast::async_base is a completion
0210     handler, then the associated immediage executor of the derived class will
0211     be this type.
0212 */
0213     using immediate_executor_type =
0215         __implementation_defined__;
0216 #else
0217         typename
0218         net::associated_immediate_executor<
0219             Handler,
0220             typename detail::select_work_guard_t<Executor1>::executor_type
0221                 >::type;
0222 #endif
0225   private:
0227     virtual
0228     void
0229     before_invoke_hook()
0230     {
0231     }
0233 public:
0234     /** Constructor
0236         @param handler The final completion handler.
0237         The type of this object must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
0238         The implementation takes ownership of the handler by performing a decay-copy.
0240         @param ex1 The executor associated with the implied I/O object
0241         target of the operation. The implementation shall maintain an
0242         executor work guard for the lifetime of the operation, or until
0243         the final completion handler is invoked, whichever is shorter.
0245         @param alloc The allocator to be associated with objects
0246         derived from this class. If `Allocator` is default-constructible,
0247         this parameter is optional and may be omitted.
0248     */
0250     template<class Handler_>
0251     async_base(
0252         Handler&& handler,
0253         Executor1 const& ex1,
0254         Allocator const& alloc = Allocator());
0255 #else
0256     template<
0257         class Handler_,
0258         class = typename std::enable_if<
0259             ! std::is_same<typename
0260                 std::decay<Handler_>::type,
0261                 async_base
0262             >::value>::type
0263     >
0264     async_base(
0265         Handler_&& handler,
0266         Executor1 const& ex1)
0267         : h_(std::forward<Handler_>(handler))
0268         , wg1_(detail::make_work_guard(ex1))
0269     {
0270     }
0272     template<class Handler_>
0273     async_base(
0274         Handler_&& handler,
0275         Executor1 const& ex1,
0276         Allocator const& alloc)
0277         : boost::empty_value<Allocator>(
0278             boost::empty_init_t{}, alloc)
0279         , h_(std::forward<Handler_>(handler))
0280         , wg1_(ex1)
0281     {
0282     }
0283 #endif
0285     /// Move Constructor
0286     async_base(async_base&& other) = default;
0288     virtual ~async_base() = default;
0289     async_base(async_base const&) = delete;
0290     async_base& operator=(async_base const&) = delete;
0292     /** The type of allocator associated with this object.
0294         If a class derived from @ref boost::beast::async_base is a completion
0295         handler, then the associated allocator of the derived class will
0296         be this type.
0297     */
0298     using allocator_type =
0299         net::associated_allocator_t<Handler, Allocator>;
0301     /** Returns the allocator associated with this object.
0303         If a class derived from @ref boost::beast::async_base is a completion
0304         handler, then the object returned from this function will be used
0305         as the associated allocator of the derived class.
0306     */
0307     allocator_type
0308     get_allocator() const noexcept
0309     {
0310         return net::get_associated_allocator(h_,
0311             boost::empty_value<Allocator>::get());
0312     }
0314     /** Returns the executor associated with this object.
0316         If a class derived from @ref boost::beast::async_base is a completion
0317         handler, then the object returned from this function will be used
0318         as the associated executor of the derived class.
0319     */
0320     executor_type
0321     get_executor() const noexcept
0322     {
0323         return net::get_associated_executor(
0324             h_, wg1_.get_executor());
0325     }
0327     /** Returns the immediate executor associated with this handler.
0328         If the handler has none it returns asios default immediate
0329         executor based on the executor of the object.
0331         If a class derived from @ref boost::beast::async_base is a completion
0332         handler, then the object returned from this function will be used
0333         as the associated immediate executor of the derived class.
0334     */
0335     immediate_executor_type
0336     get_immediate_executor() const noexcept
0337     {
0338         return net::get_associated_immediate_executor(
0339             h_, wg1_.get_executor());
0340     }
0343   /** The type of cancellation_slot associated with this object.
0345       If a class derived from @ref async_base is a completion
0346       handler, then the associated cancellation_slot of the
0347       derived class will be this type.
0349       The default type is a filtering cancellation slot,
0350       that only allows terminal cancellation.
0351   */
0352     using cancellation_slot_type =
0353             beast::detail::filtering_cancellation_slot<net::associated_cancellation_slot_t<Handler>>;
0355     /** Returns the cancellation_slot associated with this object.
0357         If a class derived from @ref async_base is a completion
0358         handler, then the object returned from this function will be used
0359         as the associated cancellation_slot of the derived class.
0360     */
0361     cancellation_slot_type
0362     get_cancellation_slot() const noexcept
0363     {
0364         return cancellation_slot_type(act_, net::get_associated_cancellation_slot(h_,
0365             net::cancellation_slot()));
0366     }
0368     /// Set the allowed cancellation types, default is `terminal`.
0369     void set_allowed_cancellation(
0370             net::cancellation_type allowed_cancellation_types = net::cancellation_type::terminal)
0371     {
0372         act_ = allowed_cancellation_types;
0373     }
0375     /// Returns the handler associated with this object
0376     Handler const&
0377     handler() const noexcept
0378     {
0379         return h_;
0380     }
0382     /** Returns ownership of the handler associated with this object
0384         This function is used to transfer ownership of the handler to
0385         the caller, by move-construction. After the move, the only
0386         valid operations on the base object are move construction and
0387         destruction.
0388     */
0389     Handler
0390     release_handler()
0391     {
0392         return std::move(h_);
0393     }
0395     /** Invoke the final completion handler, maybe using post.
0397         This invokes the final completion handler with the specified
0398         arguments forwarded. It is undefined to call either of
0399         @ref boost::beast::async_base::complete or
0400         @ref boost::beast::async_base::complete_now more than once.
0402         Any temporary objects allocated with @ref boost::beast::allocate_stable will
0403         be automatically destroyed before the final completion handler
0404         is invoked.
0406         @param is_continuation If this value is `false`, then the
0407         handler will be submitted to the to the immediate executor using
0408         `net::dispatch`. If the handler has no immediate executor,
0409         this will submit to the executor via `net::post`.
0410         Otherwise the handler will be invoked as if by calling
0411         @ref boost::beast::async_base::complete_now.
0413         @param args A list of optional parameters to invoke the handler
0414         with. The completion handler must be invocable with the parameter
0415         list, or else a compilation error will result.
0416     */
0417     template<class... Args>
0418     void
0419     complete(bool is_continuation, Args&&... args)
0420     {
0421         this->before_invoke_hook();
0422         if(! is_continuation)
0423         {
0424             auto const ex = this->get_immediate_executor();
0425             net::dispatch(
0426                 ex,
0427                 beast::bind_front_handler(
0428                     std::move(h_),
0429                     std::forward<Args>(args)...));
0430             wg1_.reset();
0431         }
0432         else
0433         {
0434             wg1_.reset();
0435             h_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
0436         }
0437     }
0439     /** Invoke the final completion handler.
0441         This invokes the final completion handler with the specified
0442         arguments forwarded. It is undefined to call either of
0443         @ref boost::beast::async_base::complete or @ref boost::beast::async_base::complete_now more than once.
0445         Any temporary objects allocated with @ref boost::beast::allocate_stable will
0446         be automatically destroyed before the final completion handler
0447         is invoked.
0449         @param args A list of optional parameters to invoke the handler
0450         with. The completion handler must be invocable with the parameter
0451         list, or else a compilation error will result.
0452     */
0453     template<class... Args>
0454     void
0455     complete_now(Args&&... args)
0456     {
0457         this->before_invoke_hook();
0458         wg1_.reset();
0459         h_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
0460     }
0463     Handler*
0464     get_legacy_handler_pointer() noexcept
0465     {
0466         return std::addressof(h_);
0467     }
0468 #endif
0469 };
0471 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0473 /** Base class to provide completion handler boilerplate for composed operations.
0475     A function object submitted to intermediate initiating functions during
0476     a composed operation may derive from this type to inherit all of the
0477     boilerplate to forward the executor, allocator, and legacy customization
0478     points associated with the completion handler invoked at the end of the
0479     composed operation.
0481     The composed operation must be typical; that is, associated with one
0482     executor of an I/O object, and invoking a caller-provided completion
0483     handler when the operation is finished. Classes derived from
0484     @ref async_base will acquire these properties:
0486     @li Ownership of the final completion handler provided upon construction.
0488     @li If the final handler has an associated allocator, this allocator will
0489         be propagated to the composed operation subclass. Otherwise, the
0490         associated allocator will be the type specified in the allocator
0491         template parameter, or the default of `std::allocator<void>` if the
0492         parameter is omitted.
0494     @li If the final handler has an associated executor, then it will be used
0495         as the executor associated with the composed operation. Otherwise,
0496         the specified `Executor1` will be the type of executor associated
0497         with the composed operation.
0499     @li An instance of `net::executor_work_guard` for the instance of `Executor1`
0500         shall be maintained until either the final handler is invoked, or the
0501         operation base is destroyed, whichever comes first.
0504     Data members of composed operations implemented as completion handlers
0505     do not have stable addresses, as the composed operation object is move
0506     constructed upon each call to an initiating function. For most operations
0507     this is not a problem. For complex operations requiring stable temporary
0508     storage, the class @ref stable_async_base is provided which offers
0509     additional functionality:
0511     @li The free function @ref beast::allocate_stable may be used to allocate
0512     one or more temporary objects associated with the composed operation.
0514     @li Memory for stable temporary objects is allocated using the allocator
0515     associated with the composed operation.
0517     @li Stable temporary objects are automatically destroyed, and the memory
0518     freed using the associated allocator, either before the final completion
0519     handler is invoked (a Networking requirement) or when the composed operation
0520     is destroyed, whichever occurs first.
0522     @par Example
0524     The following code demonstrates how @ref stable_async_base may be be used to
0525     assist authoring an asynchronous initiating function, by providing all of
0526     the boilerplate to manage the final completion handler in a way that maintains
0527     the allocator and executor associations. Furthermore, the operation shown
0528     allocates temporary memory using @ref beast::allocate_stable for the timer and
0529     message, whose addresses must not change between intermediate operations:
0531     @code
0533     // Asynchronously send a message multiple times, once per second
0534     template <class AsyncWriteStream, class T, class WriteHandler>
0535     auto async_write_messages(
0536         AsyncWriteStream& stream,
0537         T const& message,
0538         std::size_t repeat_count,
0539         WriteHandler&& handler) ->
0540             typename net::async_result<
0541                 typename std::decay<WriteHandler>::type,
0542                 void(error_code)>::return_type
0543     {
0544         using handler_type = typename net::async_completion<WriteHandler, void(error_code)>::completion_handler_type;
0545         using base_type = stable_async_base<handler_type, typename AsyncWriteStream::executor_type>;
0547         struct op : base_type, boost::asio::coroutine
0548         {
0549             // This object must have a stable address
0550             struct temporary_data
0551             {
0552                 // Although std::string is in theory movable, most implementations
0553                 // use a "small buffer optimization" which means that we might
0554                 // be submitting a buffer to the write operation and then
0555                 // moving the string, invalidating the buffer. To prevent
0556                 // undefined behavior we store the string object itself at
0557                 // a stable location.
0558                 std::string const message;
0560                 net::steady_timer timer;
0562                 temporary_data(std::string message_, net::io_context& ctx)
0563                     : message(std::move(message_))
0564                     , timer(ctx)
0565                 {
0566                 }
0567             };
0569             AsyncWriteStream& stream_;
0570             std::size_t repeats_;
0571             temporary_data& data_;
0573             op(AsyncWriteStream& stream, std::size_t repeats, std::string message, handler_type& handler)
0574                 : base_type(std::move(handler), stream.get_executor())
0575                 , stream_(stream)
0576                 , repeats_(repeats)
0577                 , data_(allocate_stable<temporary_data>(*this, std::move(message), stream.get_executor().context()))
0578             {
0579                 (*this)(); // start the operation
0580             }
0582             // Including this file provides the keywords for macro-based coroutines
0583             #include <boost/asio/yield.hpp>
0585             void operator()(error_code ec = {}, std::size_t = 0)
0586             {
0587                 reenter(*this)
0588                 {
0589                     // If repeats starts at 0 then we must complete immediately. But
0590                     // we can't call the final handler from inside the initiating
0591                     // function, so we post our intermediate handler first. We use
0592                     // net::async_write with an empty buffer instead of calling
0593                     // net::post to avoid an extra function template instantiation, to
0594                     // keep compile times lower and make the resulting executable smaller.
0595                     yield net::async_write(stream_, net::const_buffer{}, std::move(*this));
0596                     while(! ec && repeats_-- > 0)
0597                     {
0598                         // Send the string. We construct a `const_buffer` here to guarantee
0599                         // that we do not create an additional function template instantation
0600                         // of net::async_write, since we already instantiated it above for
0601                         // net::const_buffer.
0603                         yield net::async_write(stream_,
0604                             net::const_buffer(net::buffer(data_.message)), std::move(*this));
0605                         if(ec)
0606                             break;
0608                         // Set the timer and wait
0609                         data_.timer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(1));
0610                         yield data_.timer.async_wait(std::move(*this));
0611                     }
0612                 }
0614                 // The base class destroys the temporary data automatically,
0615                 // before invoking the final completion handler
0616                 this->complete_now(ec);
0617             }
0619             // Including this file undefines the macros for the coroutines
0620             #include <boost/asio/unyield.hpp>
0621         };
0623         net::async_completion<WriteHandler, void(error_code)> completion(handler);
0624         std::ostringstream os;
0625         os << message;
0626         op(stream, repeat_count, os.str(), completion.completion_handler);
0627         return completion.result.get();
0628     }
0630     @endcode
0632     @tparam Handler The type of the completion handler to store.
0633     This type must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
0635     @tparam Executor1 The type of the executor used when the handler has no
0636     associated executor. An instance of this type must be provided upon
0637     construction. The implementation will maintain an executor work guard
0638     and a copy of this instance.
0640     @tparam Allocator The allocator type to use if the handler does not
0641     have an associated allocator. If this parameter is omitted, then
0642     `std::allocator<void>` will be used. If the specified allocator is
0643     not default constructible, an instance of the type must be provided
0644     upon construction.
0646     @see allocate_stable, async_base
0647 */
0648 template<
0649     class Handler,
0650     class Executor1,
0651     class Allocator = std::allocator<void>
0652 >
0653 class stable_async_base
0654     : public async_base<
0655         Handler, Executor1, Allocator>
0656 {
0657     detail::stable_base* list_ = nullptr;
0659     void
0660     before_invoke_hook() override
0661     {
0662         detail::stable_base::destroy_list(list_);
0663     }
0665 public:
0666     /** Constructor
0668         @param handler The final completion handler.
0669         The type of this object must meet the requirements of <em>CompletionHandler</em>.
0670         The implementation takes ownership of the handler by performing a decay-copy.
0672         @param ex1 The executor associated with the implied I/O object
0673         target of the operation. The implementation shall maintain an
0674         executor work guard for the lifetime of the operation, or until
0675         the final completion handler is invoked, whichever is shorter.
0677         @param alloc The allocator to be associated with objects
0678         derived from this class. If `Allocator` is default-constructible,
0679         this parameter is optional and may be omitted.
0680     */
0682     template<class Handler>
0683     stable_async_base(
0684         Handler&& handler,
0685         Executor1 const& ex1,
0686         Allocator const& alloc = Allocator());
0687 #else
0688     template<
0689         class Handler_,
0690         class = typename std::enable_if<
0691             ! std::is_same<typename
0692                 std::decay<Handler_>::type,
0693                 stable_async_base
0694             >::value>::type
0695     >
0696     stable_async_base(
0697         Handler_&& handler,
0698         Executor1 const& ex1)
0699         : async_base<
0700             Handler, Executor1, Allocator>(
0701                 std::forward<Handler_>(handler), ex1)
0702     {
0703     }
0705     template<class Handler_>
0706     stable_async_base(
0707         Handler_&& handler,
0708         Executor1 const& ex1,
0709         Allocator const& alloc)
0710         : async_base<
0711             Handler, Executor1, Allocator>(
0712                 std::forward<Handler_>(handler), ex1, alloc)
0713     {
0714     }
0715 #endif
0717     /// Move Constructor
0718     stable_async_base(stable_async_base&& other)
0719         : async_base<Handler, Executor1, Allocator>(
0720             std::move(other))
0721         , list_(boost::exchange(other.list_, nullptr))
0722     {
0723     }
0725     /** Destructor
0727         If the completion handler was not invoked, then any
0728         state objects allocated with @ref allocate_stable will
0729         be destroyed here.
0730     */
0731     ~stable_async_base()
0732     {
0733         detail::stable_base::destroy_list(list_);
0734     }
0736     /** Allocate a temporary object to hold operation state.
0738         The object will be destroyed just before the completion
0739         handler is invoked, or when the operation base is destroyed.
0740     */
0741     template<
0742         class State,
0743         class Handler_,
0744         class Executor1_,
0745         class Allocator_,
0746         class... Args>
0747     friend
0748     State&
0749     allocate_stable(
0750         stable_async_base<
0751             Handler_, Executor1_, Allocator_>& base,
0752         Args&&... args);
0753 };
0755 /** Allocate a temporary object to hold stable asynchronous operation state.
0757     The object will be destroyed just before the completion
0758     handler is invoked, or when the base is destroyed.
0760     @tparam State The type of object to allocate.
0762     @param base The helper to allocate from.
0764     @param args An optional list of parameters to forward to the
0765     constructor of the object being allocated.
0767     @see stable_async_base
0768 */
0769 template<
0770     class State,
0771     class Handler,
0772     class Executor1,
0773     class Allocator,
0774     class... Args>
0775 State&
0776 allocate_stable(
0777     stable_async_base<
0778         Handler, Executor1, Allocator>& base,
0779     Args&&... args);
0781 } // beast
0782 } // boost
0784 #include <boost/beast/core/impl/async_base.hpp>
0786 #endif