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0001 // Copyright 2018 The Abseil Authors.
0002 //
0003 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
0004 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
0005 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
0006 //
0007 //
0008 //
0009 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0010 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0011 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0012 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0013 // limitations under the License.
0015 // A btree implementation of the STL set and map interfaces. A btree is smaller
0016 // and generally also faster than STL set/map (refer to the benchmarks below).
0017 // The red-black tree implementation of STL set/map has an overhead of 3
0018 // pointers (left, right and parent) plus the node color information for each
0019 // stored value. So a set<int32_t> consumes 40 bytes for each value stored in
0020 // 64-bit mode. This btree implementation stores multiple values on fixed
0021 // size nodes (usually 256 bytes) and doesn't store child pointers for leaf
0022 // nodes. The result is that a btree_set<int32_t> may use much less memory per
0023 // stored value. For the random insertion benchmark in, a
0024 // btree_set<int32_t> with node-size of 256 uses 5.1 bytes per stored value.
0025 //
0026 // The packing of multiple values on to each node of a btree has another effect
0027 // besides better space utilization: better cache locality due to fewer cache
0028 // lines being accessed. Better cache locality translates into faster
0029 // operations.
0030 //
0031 // CAVEATS
0032 //
0033 // Insertions and deletions on a btree can cause splitting, merging or
0034 // rebalancing of btree nodes. And even without these operations, insertions
0035 // and deletions on a btree will move values around within a node. In both
0036 // cases, the result is that insertions and deletions can invalidate iterators
0037 // pointing to values other than the one being inserted/deleted. Therefore, this
0038 // container does not provide pointer stability. This is notably different from
0039 // STL set/map which takes care to not invalidate iterators on insert/erase
0040 // except, of course, for iterators pointing to the value being erased.  A
0041 // partial workaround when erasing is available: erase() returns an iterator
0042 // pointing to the item just after the one that was erased (or end() if none
0043 // exists).
0048 #include <algorithm>
0049 #include <cassert>
0050 #include <cstddef>
0051 #include <cstdint>
0052 #include <cstring>
0053 #include <functional>
0054 #include <iterator>
0055 #include <limits>
0056 #include <string>
0057 #include <type_traits>
0058 #include <utility>
0060 #include "absl/base/config.h"
0061 #include "absl/base/internal/raw_logging.h"
0062 #include "absl/base/macros.h"
0063 #include "absl/container/internal/common.h"
0064 #include "absl/container/internal/common_policy_traits.h"
0065 #include "absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h"
0066 #include "absl/container/internal/container_memory.h"
0067 #include "absl/container/internal/layout.h"
0068 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
0069 #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
0070 #include "absl/strings/cord.h"
0071 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
0072 #include "absl/types/compare.h"
0074 namespace absl {
0076 namespace container_internal {
0079 #error ABSL_BTREE_ENABLE_GENERATIONS cannot be directly set
0080 #elif (defined(ABSL_HAVE_ADDRESS_SANITIZER) ||   \
0081        defined(ABSL_HAVE_HWADDRESS_SANITIZER) || \
0082        defined(ABSL_HAVE_MEMORY_SANITIZER)) &&   \
0083     !defined(NDEBUG_SANITIZER)  // If defined, performance is important.
0084 // When compiled in sanitizer mode, we add generation integers to the nodes and
0085 // iterators. When iterators are used, we validate that the container has not
0086 // been mutated since the iterator was constructed.
0088 #endif
0091 constexpr bool BtreeGenerationsEnabled() { return true; }
0092 #else
0093 constexpr bool BtreeGenerationsEnabled() { return false; }
0094 #endif
0096 template <typename Compare, typename T, typename U>
0097 using compare_result_t = absl::result_of_t<const Compare(const T &, const U &)>;
0099 // A helper class that indicates if the Compare parameter is a key-compare-to
0100 // comparator.
0101 template <typename Compare, typename T>
0102 using btree_is_key_compare_to =
0103     std::is_convertible<compare_result_t<Compare, T, T>, absl::weak_ordering>;
0105 struct StringBtreeDefaultLess {
0106   using is_transparent = void;
0108   StringBtreeDefaultLess() = default;
0110   // Compatibility constructor.
0111   StringBtreeDefaultLess(std::less<std::string>) {}        // NOLINT
0112   StringBtreeDefaultLess(std::less<absl::string_view>) {}  // NOLINT
0114   // Allow converting to std::less for use in key_comp()/value_comp().
0115   explicit operator std::less<std::string>() const { return {}; }
0116   explicit operator std::less<absl::string_view>() const { return {}; }
0117   explicit operator std::less<absl::Cord>() const { return {}; }
0119   absl::weak_ordering operator()(absl::string_view lhs,
0120                                  absl::string_view rhs) const {
0121     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(;
0122   }
0123   StringBtreeDefaultLess(std::less<absl::Cord>) {}  // NOLINT
0124   absl::weak_ordering operator()(const absl::Cord &lhs,
0125                                  const absl::Cord &rhs) const {
0126     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(lhs.Compare(rhs));
0127   }
0128   absl::weak_ordering operator()(const absl::Cord &lhs,
0129                                  absl::string_view rhs) const {
0130     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(lhs.Compare(rhs));
0131   }
0132   absl::weak_ordering operator()(absl::string_view lhs,
0133                                  const absl::Cord &rhs) const {
0134     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(-rhs.Compare(lhs));
0135   }
0136 };
0138 struct StringBtreeDefaultGreater {
0139   using is_transparent = void;
0141   StringBtreeDefaultGreater() = default;
0143   StringBtreeDefaultGreater(std::greater<std::string>) {}        // NOLINT
0144   StringBtreeDefaultGreater(std::greater<absl::string_view>) {}  // NOLINT
0146   // Allow converting to std::greater for use in key_comp()/value_comp().
0147   explicit operator std::greater<std::string>() const { return {}; }
0148   explicit operator std::greater<absl::string_view>() const { return {}; }
0149   explicit operator std::greater<absl::Cord>() const { return {}; }
0151   absl::weak_ordering operator()(absl::string_view lhs,
0152                                  absl::string_view rhs) const {
0153     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(;
0154   }
0155   StringBtreeDefaultGreater(std::greater<absl::Cord>) {}  // NOLINT
0156   absl::weak_ordering operator()(const absl::Cord &lhs,
0157                                  const absl::Cord &rhs) const {
0158     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(rhs.Compare(lhs));
0159   }
0160   absl::weak_ordering operator()(const absl::Cord &lhs,
0161                                  absl::string_view rhs) const {
0162     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(-lhs.Compare(rhs));
0163   }
0164   absl::weak_ordering operator()(absl::string_view lhs,
0165                                  const absl::Cord &rhs) const {
0166     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_ordering(rhs.Compare(lhs));
0167   }
0168 };
0170 // See below comments for checked_compare.
0171 template <typename Compare, bool is_class = std::is_class<Compare>::value>
0172 struct checked_compare_base : Compare {
0173   using Compare::Compare;
0174   explicit checked_compare_base(Compare c) : Compare(std::move(c)) {}
0175   const Compare &comp() const { return *this; }
0176 };
0177 template <typename Compare>
0178 struct checked_compare_base<Compare, false> {
0179   explicit checked_compare_base(Compare c) : compare(std::move(c)) {}
0180   const Compare &comp() const { return compare; }
0181   Compare compare;
0182 };
0184 // A mechanism for opting out of checked_compare for use only in
0185 struct BtreeTestOnlyCheckedCompareOptOutBase {};
0187 // A helper class to adapt the specified comparator for two use cases:
0188 // (1) When using common Abseil string types with common comparison functors,
0189 // convert a boolean comparison into a three-way comparison that returns an
0190 // `absl::weak_ordering`. This helper class is specialized for
0191 // less<std::string>, greater<std::string>, less<string_view>,
0192 // greater<string_view>, less<absl::Cord>, and greater<absl::Cord>.
0193 // (2) Adapt the comparator to diagnose cases of non-strict-weak-ordering (see
0194 // in debug mode. Whenever
0195 // a comparison is made, we will make assertions to verify that the comparator
0196 // is valid.
0197 template <typename Compare, typename Key>
0198 struct key_compare_adapter {
0199   // Inherit from checked_compare_base to support function pointers and also
0200   // keep empty-base-optimization (EBO) support for classes.
0201   // Note: we can't use CompressedTuple here because that would interfere
0202   // with the EBO for `btree::rightmost_`. `btree::rightmost_` is itself a
0203   // CompressedTuple and nested `CompressedTuple`s don't support EBO.
0204   // TODO(b/214288561): use CompressedTuple instead once it supports EBO for
0205   // nested `CompressedTuple`s.
0206   struct checked_compare : checked_compare_base<Compare> {
0207    private:
0208     using Base = typename checked_compare::checked_compare_base;
0209     using Base::comp;
0211     // If possible, returns whether `t` is equivalent to itself. We can only do
0212     // this for `Key`s because we can't be sure that it's safe to call
0213     // `comp()(k, k)` otherwise. Even if SFINAE allows it, there could be a
0214     // compilation failure inside the implementation of the comparison operator.
0215     bool is_self_equivalent(const Key &k) const {
0216       // Note: this works for both boolean and three-way comparators.
0217       return comp()(k, k) == 0;
0218     }
0219     // If we can't compare `t` with itself, returns true unconditionally.
0220     template <typename T>
0221     bool is_self_equivalent(const T &) const {
0222       return true;
0223     }
0225    public:
0226     using Base::Base;
0227     checked_compare(Compare comp) : Base(std::move(comp)) {}  // NOLINT
0229     // Allow converting to Compare for use in key_comp()/value_comp().
0230     explicit operator Compare() const { return comp(); }
0232     template <typename T, typename U,
0233               absl::enable_if_t<
0234                   std::is_same<bool, compare_result_t<Compare, T, U>>::value,
0235                   int> = 0>
0236     bool operator()(const T &lhs, const U &rhs) const {
0237       // NOTE: if any of these assertions fail, then the comparator does not
0238       // establish a strict-weak-ordering (see
0239       //
0240       assert(is_self_equivalent(lhs));
0241       assert(is_self_equivalent(rhs));
0242       const bool lhs_comp_rhs = comp()(lhs, rhs);
0243       assert(!lhs_comp_rhs || !comp()(rhs, lhs));
0244       return lhs_comp_rhs;
0245     }
0247     template <
0248         typename T, typename U,
0249         absl::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<compare_result_t<Compare, T, U>,
0250                                               absl::weak_ordering>::value,
0251                           int> = 0>
0252     absl::weak_ordering operator()(const T &lhs, const U &rhs) const {
0253       // NOTE: if any of these assertions fail, then the comparator does not
0254       // establish a strict-weak-ordering (see
0255       //
0256       assert(is_self_equivalent(lhs));
0257       assert(is_self_equivalent(rhs));
0258       const absl::weak_ordering lhs_comp_rhs = comp()(lhs, rhs);
0259 #ifndef NDEBUG
0260       const absl::weak_ordering rhs_comp_lhs = comp()(rhs, lhs);
0261       if (lhs_comp_rhs > 0) {
0262         assert(rhs_comp_lhs < 0 && "lhs_comp_rhs > 0 -> rhs_comp_lhs < 0");
0263       } else if (lhs_comp_rhs == 0) {
0264         assert(rhs_comp_lhs == 0 && "lhs_comp_rhs == 0 -> rhs_comp_lhs == 0");
0265       } else {
0266         assert(rhs_comp_lhs > 0 && "lhs_comp_rhs < 0 -> rhs_comp_lhs > 0");
0267       }
0268 #endif
0269       return lhs_comp_rhs;
0270     }
0271   };
0272   using type = absl::conditional_t<
0273       std::is_base_of<BtreeTestOnlyCheckedCompareOptOutBase, Compare>::value,
0274       Compare, checked_compare>;
0275 };
0277 template <>
0278 struct key_compare_adapter<std::less<std::string>, std::string> {
0279   using type = StringBtreeDefaultLess;
0280 };
0282 template <>
0283 struct key_compare_adapter<std::greater<std::string>, std::string> {
0284   using type = StringBtreeDefaultGreater;
0285 };
0287 template <>
0288 struct key_compare_adapter<std::less<absl::string_view>, absl::string_view> {
0289   using type = StringBtreeDefaultLess;
0290 };
0292 template <>
0293 struct key_compare_adapter<std::greater<absl::string_view>, absl::string_view> {
0294   using type = StringBtreeDefaultGreater;
0295 };
0297 template <>
0298 struct key_compare_adapter<std::less<absl::Cord>, absl::Cord> {
0299   using type = StringBtreeDefaultLess;
0300 };
0302 template <>
0303 struct key_compare_adapter<std::greater<absl::Cord>, absl::Cord> {
0304   using type = StringBtreeDefaultGreater;
0305 };
0307 // Detects an 'absl_btree_prefer_linear_node_search' member. This is
0308 // a protocol used as an opt-in or opt-out of linear search.
0309 //
0310 //  For example, this would be useful for key types that wrap an integer
0311 //  and define their own cheap operator<(). For example:
0312 //
0313 //   class K {
0314 //    public:
0315 //     using absl_btree_prefer_linear_node_search = std::true_type;
0316 //     ...
0317 //    private:
0318 //     friend bool operator<(K a, K b) { return a.k_ < b.k_; }
0319 //     int k_;
0320 //   };
0321 //
0322 //   btree_map<K, V> m;  // Uses linear search
0323 //
0324 // If T has the preference tag, then it has a preference.
0325 // Btree will use the tag's truth value.
0326 template <typename T, typename = void>
0327 struct has_linear_node_search_preference : std::false_type {};
0328 template <typename T, typename = void>
0329 struct prefers_linear_node_search : std::false_type {};
0330 template <typename T>
0331 struct has_linear_node_search_preference<
0332     T, absl::void_t<typename T::absl_btree_prefer_linear_node_search>>
0333     : std::true_type {};
0334 template <typename T>
0335 struct prefers_linear_node_search<
0336     T, absl::void_t<typename T::absl_btree_prefer_linear_node_search>>
0337     : T::absl_btree_prefer_linear_node_search {};
0339 template <typename Compare, typename Key>
0340 constexpr bool compare_has_valid_result_type() {
0341   using compare_result_type = compare_result_t<Compare, Key, Key>;
0342   return std::is_same<compare_result_type, bool>::value ||
0343          std::is_convertible<compare_result_type, absl::weak_ordering>::value;
0344 }
0346 template <typename original_key_compare, typename value_type>
0347 class map_value_compare {
0348   template <typename Params>
0349   friend class btree;
0351   // Note: this `protected` is part of the API of std::map::value_compare. See
0352   //
0353  protected:
0354   explicit map_value_compare(original_key_compare c) : comp(std::move(c)) {}
0356   original_key_compare comp;  // NOLINT
0358  public:
0359   auto operator()(const value_type &lhs, const value_type &rhs) const
0360       -> decltype(comp(lhs.first, rhs.first)) {
0361     return comp(lhs.first, rhs.first);
0362   }
0363 };
0365 template <typename Key, typename Compare, typename Alloc, int TargetNodeSize,
0366           bool IsMulti, bool IsMap, typename SlotPolicy>
0367 struct common_params : common_policy_traits<SlotPolicy> {
0368   using original_key_compare = Compare;
0370   // If Compare is a common comparator for a string-like type, then we adapt it
0371   // to use heterogeneous lookup and to be a key-compare-to comparator.
0372   // We also adapt the comparator to diagnose invalid comparators in debug mode.
0373   // We disable this when `Compare` is invalid in a way that will cause
0374   // adaptation to fail (having invalid return type) so that we can give a
0375   // better compilation failure in static_assert_validation. If we don't do
0376   // this, then there will be cascading compilation failures that are confusing
0377   // for users.
0378   using key_compare =
0379       absl::conditional_t<!compare_has_valid_result_type<Compare, Key>(),
0380                           Compare,
0381                           typename key_compare_adapter<Compare, Key>::type>;
0383   static constexpr bool kIsKeyCompareStringAdapted =
0384       std::is_same<key_compare, StringBtreeDefaultLess>::value ||
0385       std::is_same<key_compare, StringBtreeDefaultGreater>::value;
0386   static constexpr bool kIsKeyCompareTransparent =
0387       IsTransparent<original_key_compare>::value || kIsKeyCompareStringAdapted;
0389   // A type which indicates if we have a key-compare-to functor or a plain old
0390   // key-compare functor.
0391   using is_key_compare_to = btree_is_key_compare_to<key_compare, Key>;
0393   using allocator_type = Alloc;
0394   using key_type = Key;
0395   using size_type = size_t;
0396   using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
0398   using slot_policy = SlotPolicy;
0399   using slot_type = typename slot_policy::slot_type;
0400   using value_type = typename slot_policy::value_type;
0401   using init_type = typename slot_policy::mutable_value_type;
0402   using pointer = value_type *;
0403   using const_pointer = const value_type *;
0404   using reference = value_type &;
0405   using const_reference = const value_type &;
0407   using value_compare =
0408       absl::conditional_t<IsMap,
0409                           map_value_compare<original_key_compare, value_type>,
0410                           original_key_compare>;
0411   using is_map_container = std::integral_constant<bool, IsMap>;
0413   // For the given lookup key type, returns whether we can have multiple
0414   // equivalent keys in the btree. If this is a multi-container, then we can.
0415   // Otherwise, we can have multiple equivalent keys only if all of the
0416   // following conditions are met:
0417   // - The comparator is transparent.
0418   // - The lookup key type is not the same as key_type.
0419   // - The comparator is not a StringBtreeDefault{Less,Greater} comparator
0420   //   that we know has the same equivalence classes for all lookup types.
0421   template <typename LookupKey>
0422   constexpr static bool can_have_multiple_equivalent_keys() {
0423     return IsMulti || (IsTransparent<key_compare>::value &&
0424                        !std::is_same<LookupKey, Key>::value &&
0425                        !kIsKeyCompareStringAdapted);
0426   }
0428   enum {
0429     kTargetNodeSize = TargetNodeSize,
0431     // Upper bound for the available space for slots. This is largest for leaf
0432     // nodes, which have overhead of at least a pointer + 4 bytes (for storing
0433     // 3 field_types and an enum).
0434     kNodeSlotSpace = TargetNodeSize - /*minimum overhead=*/(sizeof(void *) + 4),
0435   };
0437   // This is an integral type large enough to hold as many slots as will fit a
0438   // node of TargetNodeSize bytes.
0439   using node_count_type =
0440       absl::conditional_t<(kNodeSlotSpace / sizeof(slot_type) >
0441                            (std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max)()),
0442                           uint16_t, uint8_t>;  // NOLINT
0443 };
0445 // An adapter class that converts a lower-bound compare into an upper-bound
0446 // compare. Note: there is no need to make a version of this adapter specialized
0447 // for key-compare-to functors because the upper-bound (the first value greater
0448 // than the input) is never an exact match.
0449 template <typename Compare>
0450 struct upper_bound_adapter {
0451   explicit upper_bound_adapter(const Compare &c) : comp(c) {}
0452   template <typename K1, typename K2>
0453   bool operator()(const K1 &a, const K2 &b) const {
0454     // Returns true when a is not greater than b.
0455     return !compare_internal::compare_result_as_less_than(comp(b, a));
0456   }
0458  private:
0459   Compare comp;
0460 };
0462 enum class MatchKind : uint8_t { kEq, kNe };
0464 template <typename V, bool IsCompareTo>
0465 struct SearchResult {
0466   V value;
0467   MatchKind match;
0469   static constexpr bool HasMatch() { return true; }
0470   bool IsEq() const { return match == MatchKind::kEq; }
0471 };
0473 // When we don't use CompareTo, `match` is not present.
0474 // This ensures that callers can't use it accidentally when it provides no
0475 // useful information.
0476 template <typename V>
0477 struct SearchResult<V, false> {
0478   SearchResult() = default;
0479   explicit SearchResult(V v) : value(v) {}
0480   SearchResult(V v, MatchKind /*match*/) : value(v) {}
0482   V value;
0484   static constexpr bool HasMatch() { return false; }
0485   static constexpr bool IsEq() { return false; }
0486 };
0488 // A node in the btree holding. The same node type is used for both internal
0489 // and leaf nodes in the btree, though the nodes are allocated in such a way
0490 // that the children array is only valid in internal nodes.
0491 template <typename Params>
0492 class btree_node {
0493   using is_key_compare_to = typename Params::is_key_compare_to;
0494   using field_type = typename Params::node_count_type;
0495   using allocator_type = typename Params::allocator_type;
0496   using slot_type = typename Params::slot_type;
0497   using original_key_compare = typename Params::original_key_compare;
0499  public:
0500   using params_type = Params;
0501   using key_type = typename Params::key_type;
0502   using value_type = typename Params::value_type;
0503   using pointer = typename Params::pointer;
0504   using const_pointer = typename Params::const_pointer;
0505   using reference = typename Params::reference;
0506   using const_reference = typename Params::const_reference;
0507   using key_compare = typename Params::key_compare;
0508   using size_type = typename Params::size_type;
0509   using difference_type = typename Params::difference_type;
0511   // Btree decides whether to use linear node search as follows:
0512   //   - If the comparator expresses a preference, use that.
0513   //   - If the key expresses a preference, use that.
0514   //   - If the key is arithmetic and the comparator is std::less or
0515   //     std::greater, choose linear.
0516   //   - Otherwise, choose binary.
0517   // TODO(ezb): Might make sense to add condition(s) based on node-size.
0518   using use_linear_search = std::integral_constant<
0519       bool, has_linear_node_search_preference<original_key_compare>::value
0520                 ? prefers_linear_node_search<original_key_compare>::value
0521             : has_linear_node_search_preference<key_type>::value
0522                 ? prefers_linear_node_search<key_type>::value
0523                 : std::is_arithmetic<key_type>::value &&
0524                       (std::is_same<std::less<key_type>,
0525                                     original_key_compare>::value ||
0526                        std::is_same<std::greater<key_type>,
0527                                     original_key_compare>::value)>;
0529   // This class is organized by absl::container_internal::Layout as if it had
0530   // the following structure:
0531   //   // A pointer to the node's parent.
0532   //   btree_node *parent;
0533   //
0534   //   // When ABSL_BTREE_ENABLE_GENERATIONS is defined, we also have a
0535   //   // generation integer in order to check that when iterators are
0536   //   // used, they haven't been invalidated already. Only the generation on
0537   //   // the root is used, but we have one on each node because whether a node
0538   //   // is root or not can change.
0539   //   uint32_t generation;
0540   //
0541   //   // The position of the node in the node's parent.
0542   //   field_type position;
0543   //   // The index of the first populated value in `values`.
0544   //   // TODO(ezb): right now, `start` is always 0. Update insertion/merge
0545   //   // logic to allow for floating storage within nodes.
0546   //   field_type start;
0547   //   // The index after the last populated value in `values`. Currently, this
0548   //   // is the same as the count of values.
0549   //   field_type finish;
0550   //   // The maximum number of values the node can hold. This is an integer in
0551   //   // [1, kNodeSlots] for root leaf nodes, kNodeSlots for non-root leaf
0552   //   // nodes, and kInternalNodeMaxCount (as a sentinel value) for internal
0553   //   // nodes (even though there are still kNodeSlots values in the node).
0554   //   // TODO(ezb): make max_count use only 4 bits and record log2(capacity)
0555   //   // to free extra bits for is_root, etc.
0556   //   field_type max_count;
0557   //
0558   //   // The array of values. The capacity is `max_count` for leaf nodes and
0559   //   // kNodeSlots for internal nodes. Only the values in
0560   //   // [start, finish) have been initialized and are valid.
0561   //   slot_type values[max_count];
0562   //
0563   //   // The array of child pointers. The keys in children[i] are all less
0564   //   // than key(i). The keys in children[i + 1] are all greater than key(i).
0565   //   // There are 0 children for leaf nodes and kNodeSlots + 1 children for
0566   //   // internal nodes.
0567   //   btree_node *children[kNodeSlots + 1];
0568   //
0569   // This class is only constructed by EmptyNodeType. Normally, pointers to the
0570   // layout above are allocated, cast to btree_node*, and de-allocated within
0571   // the btree implementation.
0572   ~btree_node() = default;
0573   btree_node(btree_node const &) = delete;
0574   btree_node &operator=(btree_node const &) = delete;
0576  protected:
0577   btree_node() = default;
0579  private:
0580   using layout_type =
0581       absl::container_internal::Layout<btree_node *, uint32_t, field_type,
0582                                        slot_type, btree_node *>;
0583   using leaf_layout_type = typename layout_type::template WithStaticSizes<
0584       /*parent*/ 1,
0585       /*generation*/ BtreeGenerationsEnabled() ? 1 : 0,
0586       /*position, start, finish, max_count*/ 4>;
0587   constexpr static size_type SizeWithNSlots(size_type n) {
0588     return leaf_layout_type(/*slots*/ n, /*children*/ 0).AllocSize();
0589   }
0590   // A lower bound for the overhead of fields other than slots in a leaf node.
0591   constexpr static size_type MinimumOverhead() {
0592     return SizeWithNSlots(1) - sizeof(slot_type);
0593   }
0595   // Compute how many values we can fit onto a leaf node taking into account
0596   // padding.
0597   constexpr static size_type NodeTargetSlots(const size_type begin,
0598                                              const size_type end) {
0599     return begin == end ? begin
0600            : SizeWithNSlots((begin + end) / 2 + 1) >
0601                    params_type::kTargetNodeSize
0602                ? NodeTargetSlots(begin, (begin + end) / 2)
0603                : NodeTargetSlots((begin + end) / 2 + 1, end);
0604   }
0606   constexpr static size_type kTargetNodeSize = params_type::kTargetNodeSize;
0607   constexpr static size_type kNodeTargetSlots =
0608       NodeTargetSlots(0, kTargetNodeSize);
0610   // We need a minimum of 3 slots per internal node in order to perform
0611   // splitting (1 value for the two nodes involved in the split and 1 value
0612   // propagated to the parent as the delimiter for the split). For performance
0613   // reasons, we don't allow 3 slots-per-node due to bad worst case occupancy of
0614   // 1/3 (for a node, not a b-tree).
0615   constexpr static size_type kMinNodeSlots = 4;
0617   constexpr static size_type kNodeSlots =
0618       kNodeTargetSlots >= kMinNodeSlots ? kNodeTargetSlots : kMinNodeSlots;
0620   using internal_layout_type = typename layout_type::template WithStaticSizes<
0621       /*parent*/ 1,
0622       /*generation*/ BtreeGenerationsEnabled() ? 1 : 0,
0623       /*position, start, finish, max_count*/ 4, /*slots*/ kNodeSlots,
0624       /*children*/ kNodeSlots + 1>;
0626   // The node is internal (i.e. is not a leaf node) if and only if `max_count`
0627   // has this value.
0628   constexpr static field_type kInternalNodeMaxCount = 0;
0630   // Leaves can have less than kNodeSlots values.
0631   constexpr static leaf_layout_type LeafLayout(
0632       const size_type slot_count = kNodeSlots) {
0633     return leaf_layout_type(slot_count, 0);
0634   }
0635   constexpr static auto InternalLayout() { return internal_layout_type(); }
0636   constexpr static size_type LeafSize(const size_type slot_count = kNodeSlots) {
0637     return LeafLayout(slot_count).AllocSize();
0638   }
0639   constexpr static size_type InternalSize() {
0640     return InternalLayout().AllocSize();
0641   }
0643   constexpr static size_type Alignment() {
0644     static_assert(LeafLayout(1).Alignment() == InternalLayout().Alignment(),
0645                   "Alignment of all nodes must be equal.");
0646     return InternalLayout().Alignment();
0647   }
0649   // N is the index of the type in the Layout definition.
0650   // ElementType<N> is the Nth type in the Layout definition.
0651   template <size_type N>
0652   inline typename layout_type::template ElementType<N> *GetField() {
0653     // We assert that we don't read from values that aren't there.
0654     assert(N < 4 || is_internal());
0655     return InternalLayout().template Pointer<N>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this));
0656   }
0657   template <size_type N>
0658   inline const typename layout_type::template ElementType<N> *GetField() const {
0659     assert(N < 4 || is_internal());
0660     return InternalLayout().template Pointer<N>(
0661         reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this));
0662   }
0663   void set_parent(btree_node *p) { *GetField<0>() = p; }
0664   field_type &mutable_finish() { return GetField<2>()[2]; }
0665   slot_type *slot(size_type i) { return &GetField<3>()[i]; }
0666   slot_type *start_slot() { return slot(start()); }
0667   slot_type *finish_slot() { return slot(finish()); }
0668   const slot_type *slot(size_type i) const { return &GetField<3>()[i]; }
0669   void set_position(field_type v) { GetField<2>()[0] = v; }
0670   void set_start(field_type v) { GetField<2>()[1] = v; }
0671   void set_finish(field_type v) { GetField<2>()[2] = v; }
0672   // This method is only called by the node init methods.
0673   void set_max_count(field_type v) { GetField<2>()[3] = v; }
0675  public:
0676   // Whether this is a leaf node or not. This value doesn't change after the
0677   // node is created.
0678   bool is_leaf() const { return GetField<2>()[3] != kInternalNodeMaxCount; }
0679   // Whether this is an internal node or not. This value doesn't change after
0680   // the node is created.
0681   bool is_internal() const { return !is_leaf(); }
0683   // Getter for the position of this node in its parent.
0684   field_type position() const { return GetField<2>()[0]; }
0686   // Getter for the offset of the first value in the `values` array.
0687   field_type start() const {
0688     // TODO(ezb): when floating storage is implemented, return GetField<2>()[1];
0689     assert(GetField<2>()[1] == 0);
0690     return 0;
0691   }
0693   // Getter for the offset after the last value in the `values` array.
0694   field_type finish() const { return GetField<2>()[2]; }
0696   // Getters for the number of values stored in this node.
0697   field_type count() const {
0698     assert(finish() >= start());
0699     return finish() - start();
0700   }
0701   field_type max_count() const {
0702     // Internal nodes have max_count==kInternalNodeMaxCount.
0703     // Leaf nodes have max_count in [1, kNodeSlots].
0704     const field_type max_count = GetField<2>()[3];
0705     return max_count == field_type{kInternalNodeMaxCount}
0706                ? field_type{kNodeSlots}
0707                : max_count;
0708   }
0710   // Getter for the parent of this node.
0711   btree_node *parent() const { return *GetField<0>(); }
0712   // Getter for whether the node is the root of the tree. The parent of the
0713   // root of the tree is the leftmost node in the tree which is guaranteed to
0714   // be a leaf.
0715   bool is_root() const { return parent()->is_leaf(); }
0716   void make_root() {
0717     assert(parent()->is_root());
0718     set_generation(parent()->generation());
0719     set_parent(parent()->parent());
0720   }
0722   // Gets the root node's generation integer, which is the one used by the tree.
0723   uint32_t *get_root_generation() const {
0724     assert(BtreeGenerationsEnabled());
0725     const btree_node *curr = this;
0726     for (; !curr->is_root(); curr = curr->parent()) continue;
0727     return const_cast<uint32_t *>(&curr->GetField<1>()[0]);
0728   }
0730   // Returns the generation for iterator validation.
0731   uint32_t generation() const {
0732     return BtreeGenerationsEnabled() ? *get_root_generation() : 0;
0733   }
0734   // Updates generation. Should only be called on a root node or during node
0735   // initialization.
0736   void set_generation(uint32_t generation) {
0737     if (BtreeGenerationsEnabled()) GetField<1>()[0] = generation;
0738   }
0739   // Updates the generation. We do this whenever the node is mutated.
0740   void next_generation() {
0741     if (BtreeGenerationsEnabled()) ++*get_root_generation();
0742   }
0744   // Getters for the key/value at position i in the node.
0745   const key_type &key(size_type i) const { return params_type::key(slot(i)); }
0746   reference value(size_type i) { return params_type::element(slot(i)); }
0747   const_reference value(size_type i) const {
0748     return params_type::element(slot(i));
0749   }
0751   // Getters/setter for the child at position i in the node.
0752   btree_node *child(field_type i) const { return GetField<4>()[i]; }
0753   btree_node *start_child() const { return child(start()); }
0754   btree_node *&mutable_child(field_type i) { return GetField<4>()[i]; }
0755   void clear_child(field_type i) {
0756     absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonObject(&mutable_child(i));
0757   }
0758   void set_child_noupdate_position(field_type i, btree_node *c) {
0759     absl::container_internal::SanitizerUnpoisonObject(&mutable_child(i));
0760     mutable_child(i) = c;
0761   }
0762   void set_child(field_type i, btree_node *c) {
0763     set_child_noupdate_position(i, c);
0764     c->set_position(i);
0765   }
0766   void init_child(field_type i, btree_node *c) {
0767     set_child(i, c);
0768     c->set_parent(this);
0769   }
0771   // Returns the position of the first value whose key is not less than k.
0772   template <typename K>
0773   SearchResult<size_type, is_key_compare_to::value> lower_bound(
0774       const K &k, const key_compare &comp) const {
0775     return use_linear_search::value ? linear_search(k, comp)
0776                                     : binary_search(k, comp);
0777   }
0778   // Returns the position of the first value whose key is greater than k.
0779   template <typename K>
0780   size_type upper_bound(const K &k, const key_compare &comp) const {
0781     auto upper_compare = upper_bound_adapter<key_compare>(comp);
0782     return use_linear_search::value ? linear_search(k, upper_compare).value
0783                                     : binary_search(k, upper_compare).value;
0784   }
0786   template <typename K, typename Compare>
0787   SearchResult<size_type, btree_is_key_compare_to<Compare, key_type>::value>
0788   linear_search(const K &k, const Compare &comp) const {
0789     return linear_search_impl(k, start(), finish(), comp,
0790                               btree_is_key_compare_to<Compare, key_type>());
0791   }
0793   template <typename K, typename Compare>
0794   SearchResult<size_type, btree_is_key_compare_to<Compare, key_type>::value>
0795   binary_search(const K &k, const Compare &comp) const {
0796     return binary_search_impl(k, start(), finish(), comp,
0797                               btree_is_key_compare_to<Compare, key_type>());
0798   }
0800   // Returns the position of the first value whose key is not less than k using
0801   // linear search performed using plain compare.
0802   template <typename K, typename Compare>
0803   SearchResult<size_type, false> linear_search_impl(
0804       const K &k, size_type s, const size_type e, const Compare &comp,
0805       std::false_type /* IsCompareTo */) const {
0806     while (s < e) {
0807       if (!comp(key(s), k)) {
0808         break;
0809       }
0810       ++s;
0811     }
0812     return SearchResult<size_type, false>{s};
0813   }
0815   // Returns the position of the first value whose key is not less than k using
0816   // linear search performed using compare-to.
0817   template <typename K, typename Compare>
0818   SearchResult<size_type, true> linear_search_impl(
0819       const K &k, size_type s, const size_type e, const Compare &comp,
0820       std::true_type /* IsCompareTo */) const {
0821     while (s < e) {
0822       const absl::weak_ordering c = comp(key(s), k);
0823       if (c == 0) {
0824         return {s, MatchKind::kEq};
0825       } else if (c > 0) {
0826         break;
0827       }
0828       ++s;
0829     }
0830     return {s, MatchKind::kNe};
0831   }
0833   // Returns the position of the first value whose key is not less than k using
0834   // binary search performed using plain compare.
0835   template <typename K, typename Compare>
0836   SearchResult<size_type, false> binary_search_impl(
0837       const K &k, size_type s, size_type e, const Compare &comp,
0838       std::false_type /* IsCompareTo */) const {
0839     while (s != e) {
0840       const size_type mid = (s + e) >> 1;
0841       if (comp(key(mid), k)) {
0842         s = mid + 1;
0843       } else {
0844         e = mid;
0845       }
0846     }
0847     return SearchResult<size_type, false>{s};
0848   }
0850   // Returns the position of the first value whose key is not less than k using
0851   // binary search performed using compare-to.
0852   template <typename K, typename CompareTo>
0853   SearchResult<size_type, true> binary_search_impl(
0854       const K &k, size_type s, size_type e, const CompareTo &comp,
0855       std::true_type /* IsCompareTo */) const {
0856     if (params_type::template can_have_multiple_equivalent_keys<K>()) {
0857       MatchKind exact_match = MatchKind::kNe;
0858       while (s != e) {
0859         const size_type mid = (s + e) >> 1;
0860         const absl::weak_ordering c = comp(key(mid), k);
0861         if (c < 0) {
0862           s = mid + 1;
0863         } else {
0864           e = mid;
0865           if (c == 0) {
0866             // Need to return the first value whose key is not less than k,
0867             // which requires continuing the binary search if there could be
0868             // multiple equivalent keys.
0869             exact_match = MatchKind::kEq;
0870           }
0871         }
0872       }
0873       return {s, exact_match};
0874     } else {  // Can't have multiple equivalent keys.
0875       while (s != e) {
0876         const size_type mid = (s + e) >> 1;
0877         const absl::weak_ordering c = comp(key(mid), k);
0878         if (c < 0) {
0879           s = mid + 1;
0880         } else if (c > 0) {
0881           e = mid;
0882         } else {
0883           return {mid, MatchKind::kEq};
0884         }
0885       }
0886       return {s, MatchKind::kNe};
0887     }
0888   }
0890   // Returns whether key i is ordered correctly with respect to the other keys
0891   // in the node. The motivation here is to detect comparators that violate
0892   // transitivity. Note: we only do comparisons of keys on this node rather than
0893   // the whole tree so that this is constant time.
0894   template <typename Compare>
0895   bool is_ordered_correctly(field_type i, const Compare &comp) const {
0896     if (std::is_base_of<BtreeTestOnlyCheckedCompareOptOutBase,
0897                         Compare>::value ||
0898         params_type::kIsKeyCompareStringAdapted) {
0899       return true;
0900     }
0902     const auto compare = [&](field_type a, field_type b) {
0903       const absl::weak_ordering cmp =
0904           compare_internal::do_three_way_comparison(comp, key(a), key(b));
0905       return cmp < 0 ? -1 : cmp > 0 ? 1 : 0;
0906     };
0907     int cmp = -1;
0908     constexpr bool kCanHaveEquivKeys =
0909         params_type::template can_have_multiple_equivalent_keys<key_type>();
0910     for (field_type j = start(); j < finish(); ++j) {
0911       if (j == i) {
0912         if (cmp > 0) return false;
0913         continue;
0914       }
0915       int new_cmp = compare(j, i);
0916       if (new_cmp < cmp || (!kCanHaveEquivKeys && new_cmp == 0)) return false;
0917       cmp = new_cmp;
0918     }
0919     return true;
0920   }
0922   // Emplaces a value at position i, shifting all existing values and
0923   // children at positions >= i to the right by 1.
0924   template <typename... Args>
0925   void emplace_value(field_type i, allocator_type *alloc, Args &&...args);
0927   // Removes the values at positions [i, i + to_erase), shifting all existing
0928   // values and children after that range to the left by to_erase. Clears all
0929   // children between [i, i + to_erase).
0930   void remove_values(field_type i, field_type to_erase, allocator_type *alloc);
0932   // Rebalances a node with its right sibling.
0933   void rebalance_right_to_left(field_type to_move, btree_node *right,
0934                                allocator_type *alloc);
0935   void rebalance_left_to_right(field_type to_move, btree_node *right,
0936                                allocator_type *alloc);
0938   // Splits a node, moving a portion of the node's values to its right sibling.
0939   void split(int insert_position, btree_node *dest, allocator_type *alloc);
0941   // Merges a node with its right sibling, moving all of the values and the
0942   // delimiting key in the parent node onto itself, and deleting the src node.
0943   void merge(btree_node *src, allocator_type *alloc);
0945   // Node allocation/deletion routines.
0946   void init_leaf(field_type position, field_type max_count,
0947                  btree_node *parent) {
0948     set_generation(0);
0949     set_parent(parent);
0950     set_position(position);
0951     set_start(0);
0952     set_finish(0);
0953     set_max_count(max_count);
0954     absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion(
0955         start_slot(), max_count * sizeof(slot_type));
0956   }
0957   void init_internal(field_type position, btree_node *parent) {
0958     init_leaf(position, kNodeSlots, parent);
0959     // Set `max_count` to a sentinel value to indicate that this node is
0960     // internal.
0961     set_max_count(kInternalNodeMaxCount);
0962     absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion(
0963         &mutable_child(start()), (kNodeSlots + 1) * sizeof(btree_node *));
0964   }
0966   static void deallocate(const size_type size, btree_node *node,
0967                          allocator_type *alloc) {
0968     absl::container_internal::SanitizerUnpoisonMemoryRegion(node, size);
0969     absl::container_internal::Deallocate<Alignment()>(alloc, node, size);
0970   }
0972   // Deletes a node and all of its children.
0973   static void clear_and_delete(btree_node *node, allocator_type *alloc);
0975  private:
0976   template <typename... Args>
0977   void value_init(const field_type i, allocator_type *alloc, Args &&...args) {
0978     next_generation();
0979     absl::container_internal::SanitizerUnpoisonObject(slot(i));
0980     params_type::construct(alloc, slot(i), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
0981   }
0982   void value_destroy(const field_type i, allocator_type *alloc) {
0983     next_generation();
0984     params_type::destroy(alloc, slot(i));
0985     absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonObject(slot(i));
0986   }
0987   void value_destroy_n(const field_type i, const field_type n,
0988                        allocator_type *alloc) {
0989     next_generation();
0990     for (slot_type *s = slot(i), *end = slot(i + n); s != end; ++s) {
0991       params_type::destroy(alloc, s);
0992       absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonObject(s);
0993     }
0994   }
0996   static void transfer(slot_type *dest, slot_type *src, allocator_type *alloc) {
0997     absl::container_internal::SanitizerUnpoisonObject(dest);
0998     params_type::transfer(alloc, dest, src);
0999     absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonObject(src);
1000   }
1002   // Transfers value from slot `src_i` in `src_node` to slot `dest_i` in `this`.
1003   void transfer(const size_type dest_i, const size_type src_i,
1004                 btree_node *src_node, allocator_type *alloc) {
1005     next_generation();
1006     transfer(slot(dest_i), src_node->slot(src_i), alloc);
1007   }
1009   // Transfers `n` values starting at value `src_i` in `src_node` into the
1010   // values starting at value `dest_i` in `this`.
1011   void transfer_n(const size_type n, const size_type dest_i,
1012                   const size_type src_i, btree_node *src_node,
1013                   allocator_type *alloc) {
1014     next_generation();
1015     for (slot_type *src = src_node->slot(src_i), *end = src + n,
1016                    *dest = slot(dest_i);
1017          src != end; ++src, ++dest) {
1018       transfer(dest, src, alloc);
1019     }
1020   }
1022   // Same as above, except that we start at the end and work our way to the
1023   // beginning.
1024   void transfer_n_backward(const size_type n, const size_type dest_i,
1025                            const size_type src_i, btree_node *src_node,
1026                            allocator_type *alloc) {
1027     next_generation();
1028     for (slot_type *src = src_node->slot(src_i + n), *end = src - n,
1029                    *dest = slot(dest_i + n);
1030          src != end; --src, --dest) {
1031       // If we modified the loop index calculations above to avoid the -1s here,
1032       // it would result in UB in the computation of `end` (and possibly `src`
1033       // as well, if n == 0), since slot() is effectively an array index and it
1034       // is UB to compute the address of any out-of-bounds array element except
1035       // for one-past-the-end.
1036       transfer(dest - 1, src - 1, alloc);
1037     }
1038   }
1040   template <typename P>
1041   friend class btree;
1042   template <typename N, typename R, typename P>
1043   friend class btree_iterator;
1044   friend class BtreeNodePeer;
1045   friend struct btree_access;
1046 };
1048 template <typename Node>
1049 bool AreNodesFromSameContainer(const Node *node_a, const Node *node_b) {
1050   // If either node is null, then give up on checking whether they're from the
1051   // same container. (If exactly one is null, then we'll trigger the
1052   // default-constructed assert in Equals.)
1053   if (node_a == nullptr || node_b == nullptr) return true;
1054   while (!node_a->is_root()) node_a = node_a->parent();
1055   while (!node_b->is_root()) node_b = node_b->parent();
1056   return node_a == node_b;
1057 }
1059 class btree_iterator_generation_info_enabled {
1060  public:
1061   explicit btree_iterator_generation_info_enabled(uint32_t g)
1062       : generation_(g) {}
1064   // Updates the generation. For use internally right before we return an
1065   // iterator to the user.
1066   template <typename Node>
1067   void update_generation(const Node *node) {
1068     if (node != nullptr) generation_ = node->generation();
1069   }
1070   uint32_t generation() const { return generation_; }
1072   template <typename Node>
1073   void assert_valid_generation(const Node *node) const {
1074     if (node != nullptr && node->generation() != generation_) {
1076           FATAL,
1077           "Attempting to use an invalidated iterator. The corresponding b-tree "
1078           "container has been mutated since this iterator was constructed.");
1079     }
1080   }
1082  private:
1083   // Used to check that the iterator hasn't been invalidated.
1084   uint32_t generation_;
1085 };
1087 class btree_iterator_generation_info_disabled {
1088  public:
1089   explicit btree_iterator_generation_info_disabled(uint32_t) {}
1090   static void update_generation(const void *) {}
1091   static uint32_t generation() { return 0; }
1092   static void assert_valid_generation(const void *) {}
1093 };
1096 using btree_iterator_generation_info = btree_iterator_generation_info_enabled;
1097 #else
1098 using btree_iterator_generation_info = btree_iterator_generation_info_disabled;
1099 #endif
1101 template <typename Node, typename Reference, typename Pointer>
1102 class btree_iterator : private btree_iterator_generation_info {
1103   using field_type = typename Node::field_type;
1104   using key_type = typename Node::key_type;
1105   using size_type = typename Node::size_type;
1106   using params_type = typename Node::params_type;
1107   using is_map_container = typename params_type::is_map_container;
1109   using node_type = Node;
1110   using normal_node = typename std::remove_const<Node>::type;
1111   using const_node = const Node;
1112   using normal_pointer = typename params_type::pointer;
1113   using normal_reference = typename params_type::reference;
1114   using const_pointer = typename params_type::const_pointer;
1115   using const_reference = typename params_type::const_reference;
1116   using slot_type = typename params_type::slot_type;
1118   // In sets, all iterators are const.
1119   using iterator = absl::conditional_t<
1120       is_map_container::value,
1121       btree_iterator<normal_node, normal_reference, normal_pointer>,
1122       btree_iterator<normal_node, const_reference, const_pointer>>;
1123   using const_iterator =
1124       btree_iterator<const_node, const_reference, const_pointer>;
1126  public:
1127   // These aliases are public for std::iterator_traits.
1128   using difference_type = typename Node::difference_type;
1129   using value_type = typename params_type::value_type;
1130   using pointer = Pointer;
1131   using reference = Reference;
1132   using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
1134   btree_iterator() : btree_iterator(nullptr, -1) {}
1135   explicit btree_iterator(Node *n) : btree_iterator(n, n->start()) {}
1136   btree_iterator(Node *n, int p)
1137       : btree_iterator_generation_info(n != nullptr ? n->generation()
1138                                                     : ~uint32_t{}),
1139         node_(n),
1140         position_(p) {}
1142   // NOTE: this SFINAE allows for implicit conversions from iterator to
1143   // const_iterator, but it specifically avoids hiding the copy constructor so
1144   // that the trivial one will be used when possible.
1145   template <typename N, typename R, typename P,
1146             absl::enable_if_t<
1147                 std::is_same<btree_iterator<N, R, P>, iterator>::value &&
1148                     std::is_same<btree_iterator, const_iterator>::value,
1149                 int> = 0>
1150   btree_iterator(const btree_iterator<N, R, P> other)  // NOLINT
1151       : btree_iterator_generation_info(other),
1152         node_(other.node_),
1153         position_(other.position_) {}
1155   bool operator==(const iterator &other) const {
1156     return Equals(other);
1157   }
1158   bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const {
1159     return Equals(other);
1160   }
1161   bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const {
1162     return !Equals(other);
1163   }
1164   bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const {
1165     return !Equals(other);
1166   }
1168   // Returns n such that n calls to ++other yields *this.
1169   // Precondition: n exists.
1170   difference_type operator-(const_iterator other) const {
1171     if (node_ == other.node_) {
1172       if (node_->is_leaf()) return position_ - other.position_;
1173       if (position_ == other.position_) return 0;
1174     }
1175     return distance_slow(other);
1176   }
1178   // Accessors for the key/value the iterator is pointing at.
1179   reference operator*() const {
1180     ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(node_ != nullptr);
1181     assert_valid_generation(node_);
1182     ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(position_ >= node_->start());
1183     if (position_ >= node_->finish()) {
1184       ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(!IsEndIterator() && "Dereferencing end() iterator");
1185       ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(position_ < node_->finish());
1186     }
1187     return node_->value(static_cast<field_type>(position_));
1188   }
1189   pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
1191   btree_iterator &operator++() {
1192     increment();
1193     return *this;
1194   }
1195   btree_iterator &operator--() {
1196     decrement();
1197     return *this;
1198   }
1199   btree_iterator operator++(int) {
1200     btree_iterator tmp = *this;
1201     ++*this;
1202     return tmp;
1203   }
1204   btree_iterator operator--(int) {
1205     btree_iterator tmp = *this;
1206     --*this;
1207     return tmp;
1208   }
1210  private:
1211   friend iterator;
1212   friend const_iterator;
1213   template <typename Params>
1214   friend class btree;
1215   template <typename Tree>
1216   friend class btree_container;
1217   template <typename Tree>
1218   friend class btree_set_container;
1219   template <typename Tree>
1220   friend class btree_map_container;
1221   template <typename Tree>
1222   friend class btree_multiset_container;
1223   template <typename TreeType, typename CheckerType>
1224   friend class base_checker;
1225   friend struct btree_access;
1227   // This SFINAE allows explicit conversions from const_iterator to
1228   // iterator, but also avoids hiding the copy constructor.
1229   // NOTE: the const_cast is safe because this constructor is only called by
1230   // non-const methods and the container owns the nodes.
1231   template <typename N, typename R, typename P,
1232             absl::enable_if_t<
1233                 std::is_same<btree_iterator<N, R, P>, const_iterator>::value &&
1234                     std::is_same<btree_iterator, iterator>::value,
1235                 int> = 0>
1236   explicit btree_iterator(const btree_iterator<N, R, P> other)
1237       : btree_iterator_generation_info(other.generation()),
1238         node_(const_cast<node_type *>(other.node_)),
1239         position_(other.position_) {}
1241   bool Equals(const const_iterator other) const {
1242     ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT(((node_ == nullptr && other.node_ == nullptr) ||
1243                            (node_ != nullptr && other.node_ != nullptr)) &&
1244                           "Comparing default-constructed iterator with "
1245                           "non-default-constructed iterator.");
1246     // Note: we use assert instead of ABSL_HARDENING_ASSERT here because this
1247     // changes the complexity of Equals from O(1) to O(log(N) + log(M)) where
1248     // N/M are sizes of the containers containing node_/other.node_.
1249     assert(AreNodesFromSameContainer(node_, other.node_) &&
1250            "Comparing iterators from different containers.");
1251     assert_valid_generation(node_);
1252     other.assert_valid_generation(other.node_);
1253     return node_ == other.node_ && position_ == other.position_;
1254   }
1256   bool IsEndIterator() const {
1257     if (position_ != node_->finish()) return false;
1258     node_type *node = node_;
1259     while (!node->is_root()) {
1260       if (node->position() != node->parent()->finish()) return false;
1261       node = node->parent();
1262     }
1263     return true;
1264   }
1266   // Returns n such that n calls to ++other yields *this.
1267   // Precondition: n exists && (this->node_ != other.node_ ||
1268   // !this->node_->is_leaf() || this->position_ != other.position_).
1269   difference_type distance_slow(const_iterator other) const;
1271   // Increment/decrement the iterator.
1272   void increment() {
1273     assert_valid_generation(node_);
1274     if (node_->is_leaf() && ++position_ < node_->finish()) {
1275       return;
1276     }
1277     increment_slow();
1278   }
1279   void increment_slow();
1281   void decrement() {
1282     assert_valid_generation(node_);
1283     if (node_->is_leaf() && --position_ >= node_->start()) {
1284       return;
1285     }
1286     decrement_slow();
1287   }
1288   void decrement_slow();
1290   const key_type &key() const {
1291     return node_->key(static_cast<size_type>(position_));
1292   }
1293   decltype(std::declval<Node *>()->slot(0)) slot() {
1294     return node_->slot(static_cast<size_type>(position_));
1295   }
1297   void update_generation() {
1298     btree_iterator_generation_info::update_generation(node_);
1299   }
1301   // The node in the tree the iterator is pointing at.
1302   Node *node_;
1303   // The position within the node of the tree the iterator is pointing at.
1304   // NOTE: this is an int rather than a field_type because iterators can point
1305   // to invalid positions (such as -1) in certain circumstances.
1306   int position_;
1307 };
1309 template <typename Params>
1310 class btree {
1311   using node_type = btree_node<Params>;
1312   using is_key_compare_to = typename Params::is_key_compare_to;
1313   using field_type = typename node_type::field_type;
1315   // We use a static empty node for the root/leftmost/rightmost of empty btrees
1316   // in order to avoid branching in begin()/end().
1317   struct EmptyNodeType : node_type {
1318     using field_type = typename node_type::field_type;
1319     node_type *parent;
1321     uint32_t generation = 0;
1322 #endif
1323     field_type position = 0;
1324     field_type start = 0;
1325     field_type finish = 0;
1326     // max_count must be != kInternalNodeMaxCount (so that this node is regarded
1327     // as a leaf node). max_count() is never called when the tree is empty.
1328     field_type max_count = node_type::kInternalNodeMaxCount + 1;
1330     constexpr EmptyNodeType() : parent(this) {}
1331   };
1333   static node_type *EmptyNode() {
1334     alignas(node_type::Alignment()) static constexpr EmptyNodeType empty_node;
1335     return const_cast<EmptyNodeType *>(&empty_node);
1336   }
1338   enum : uint32_t {
1339     kNodeSlots = node_type::kNodeSlots,
1340     kMinNodeValues = kNodeSlots / 2,
1341   };
1343   struct node_stats {
1344     using size_type = typename Params::size_type;
1346     node_stats(size_type l, size_type i) : leaf_nodes(l), internal_nodes(i) {}
1348     node_stats &operator+=(const node_stats &other) {
1349       leaf_nodes += other.leaf_nodes;
1350       internal_nodes += other.internal_nodes;
1351       return *this;
1352     }
1354     size_type leaf_nodes;
1355     size_type internal_nodes;
1356   };
1358  public:
1359   using key_type = typename Params::key_type;
1360   using value_type = typename Params::value_type;
1361   using size_type = typename Params::size_type;
1362   using difference_type = typename Params::difference_type;
1363   using key_compare = typename Params::key_compare;
1364   using original_key_compare = typename Params::original_key_compare;
1365   using value_compare = typename Params::value_compare;
1366   using allocator_type = typename Params::allocator_type;
1367   using reference = typename Params::reference;
1368   using const_reference = typename Params::const_reference;
1369   using pointer = typename Params::pointer;
1370   using const_pointer = typename Params::const_pointer;
1371   using iterator =
1372       typename btree_iterator<node_type, reference, pointer>::iterator;
1373   using const_iterator = typename iterator::const_iterator;
1374   using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
1375   using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
1376   using node_handle_type = node_handle<Params, Params, allocator_type>;
1378   // Internal types made public for use by btree_container types.
1379   using params_type = Params;
1380   using slot_type = typename Params::slot_type;
1382  private:
1383   // Copies or moves (depending on the template parameter) the values in
1384   // other into this btree in their order in other. This btree must be empty
1385   // before this method is called. This method is used in copy construction,
1386   // copy assignment, and move assignment.
1387   template <typename Btree>
1388   void copy_or_move_values_in_order(Btree &other);
1390   // Validates that various assumptions/requirements are true at compile time.
1391   constexpr static bool static_assert_validation();
1393  public:
1394   btree(const key_compare &comp, const allocator_type &alloc)
1395       : root_(EmptyNode()), rightmost_(comp, alloc, EmptyNode()), size_(0) {}
1397   btree(const btree &other) : btree(other, other.allocator()) {}
1398   btree(const btree &other, const allocator_type &alloc)
1399       : btree(other.key_comp(), alloc) {
1400     copy_or_move_values_in_order(other);
1401   }
1402   btree(btree &&other) noexcept
1403       : root_(std::exchange(other.root_, EmptyNode())),
1404         rightmost_(std::move(other.rightmost_)),
1405         size_(std::exchange(other.size_, 0u)) {
1406     other.mutable_rightmost() = EmptyNode();
1407   }
1408   btree(btree &&other, const allocator_type &alloc)
1409       : btree(other.key_comp(), alloc) {
1410     if (alloc == other.allocator()) {
1411       swap(other);
1412     } else {
1413       // Move values from `other` one at a time when allocators are different.
1414       copy_or_move_values_in_order(other);
1415     }
1416   }
1418   ~btree() {
1419     // Put static_asserts in destructor to avoid triggering them before the type
1420     // is complete.
1421     static_assert(static_assert_validation(), "This call must be elided.");
1422     clear();
1423   }
1425   // Assign the contents of other to *this.
1426   btree &operator=(const btree &other);
1427   btree &operator=(btree &&other) noexcept;
1429   iterator begin() { return iterator(leftmost()); }
1430   const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(leftmost()); }
1431   iterator end() { return iterator(rightmost(), rightmost()->finish()); }
1432   const_iterator end() const {
1433     return const_iterator(rightmost(), rightmost()->finish());
1434   }
1435   reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
1436   const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
1437     return const_reverse_iterator(end());
1438   }
1439   reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
1440   const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
1441     return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
1442   }
1444   // Finds the first element whose key is not less than `key`.
1445   template <typename K>
1446   iterator lower_bound(const K &key) {
1447     return internal_end(internal_lower_bound(key).value);
1448   }
1449   template <typename K>
1450   const_iterator lower_bound(const K &key) const {
1451     return internal_end(internal_lower_bound(key).value);
1452   }
1454   // Finds the first element whose key is not less than `key` and also returns
1455   // whether that element is equal to `key`.
1456   template <typename K>
1457   std::pair<iterator, bool> lower_bound_equal(const K &key) const;
1459   // Finds the first element whose key is greater than `key`.
1460   template <typename K>
1461   iterator upper_bound(const K &key) {
1462     return internal_end(internal_upper_bound(key));
1463   }
1464   template <typename K>
1465   const_iterator upper_bound(const K &key) const {
1466     return internal_end(internal_upper_bound(key));
1467   }
1469   // Finds the range of values which compare equal to key. The first member of
1470   // the returned pair is equal to lower_bound(key). The second member of the
1471   // pair is equal to upper_bound(key).
1472   template <typename K>
1473   std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const K &key);
1474   template <typename K>
1475   std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const K &key) const {
1476     return const_cast<btree *>(this)->equal_range(key);
1477   }
1479   // Inserts a value into the btree only if it does not already exist. The
1480   // boolean return value indicates whether insertion succeeded or failed.
1481   // Requirement: if `key` already exists in the btree, does not consume `args`.
1482   // Requirement: `key` is never referenced after consuming `args`.
1483   template <typename K, typename... Args>
1484   std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_unique(const K &key, Args &&...args);
1486   // Inserts with hint. Checks to see if the value should be placed immediately
1487   // before `position` in the tree. If so, then the insertion will take
1488   // amortized constant time. If not, the insertion will take amortized
1489   // logarithmic time as if a call to insert_unique() were made.
1490   // Requirement: if `key` already exists in the btree, does not consume `args`.
1491   // Requirement: `key` is never referenced after consuming `args`.
1492   template <typename K, typename... Args>
1493   std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_hint_unique(iterator position, const K &key,
1494                                                Args &&...args);
1496   // Insert a range of values into the btree.
1497   // Note: the first overload avoids constructing a value_type if the key
1498   // already exists in the btree.
1499   template <typename InputIterator,
1500             typename = decltype(std::declval<const key_compare &>()(
1501                 params_type::key(*std::declval<InputIterator>()),
1502                 std::declval<const key_type &>()))>
1503   void insert_iterator_unique(InputIterator b, InputIterator e, int);
1504   // We need the second overload for cases in which we need to construct a
1505   // value_type in order to compare it with the keys already in the btree.
1506   template <typename InputIterator>
1507   void insert_iterator_unique(InputIterator b, InputIterator e, char);
1509   // Inserts a value into the btree.
1510   template <typename ValueType>
1511   iterator insert_multi(const key_type &key, ValueType &&v);
1513   // Inserts a value into the btree.
1514   template <typename ValueType>
1515   iterator insert_multi(ValueType &&v) {
1516     return insert_multi(params_type::key(v), std::forward<ValueType>(v));
1517   }
1519   // Insert with hint. Check to see if the value should be placed immediately
1520   // before position in the tree. If it does, then the insertion will take
1521   // amortized constant time. If not, the insertion will take amortized
1522   // logarithmic time as if a call to insert_multi(v) were made.
1523   template <typename ValueType>
1524   iterator insert_hint_multi(iterator position, ValueType &&v);
1526   // Insert a range of values into the btree.
1527   template <typename InputIterator>
1528   void insert_iterator_multi(InputIterator b,
1529                              InputIterator e);
1531   // Erase the specified iterator from the btree. The iterator must be valid
1532   // (i.e. not equal to end()).  Return an iterator pointing to the node after
1533   // the one that was erased (or end() if none exists).
1534   // Requirement: does not read the value at `*iter`.
1535   iterator erase(iterator iter);
1537   // Erases range. Returns the number of keys erased and an iterator pointing
1538   // to the element after the last erased element.
1539   std::pair<size_type, iterator> erase_range(iterator begin, iterator end);
1541   // Finds an element with key equivalent to `key` or returns `end()` if `key`
1542   // is not present.
1543   template <typename K>
1544   iterator find(const K &key) {
1545     return internal_end(internal_find(key));
1546   }
1547   template <typename K>
1548   const_iterator find(const K &key) const {
1549     return internal_end(internal_find(key));
1550   }
1552   // Clear the btree, deleting all of the values it contains.
1553   void clear();
1555   // Swaps the contents of `this` and `other`.
1556   void swap(btree &other);
1558   const key_compare &key_comp() const noexcept {
1559     return rightmost_.template get<0>();
1560   }
1561   template <typename K1, typename K2>
1562   bool compare_keys(const K1 &a, const K2 &b) const {
1563     return compare_internal::compare_result_as_less_than(key_comp()(a, b));
1564   }
1566   value_compare value_comp() const {
1567     return value_compare(original_key_compare(key_comp()));
1568   }
1570   // Verifies the structure of the btree.
1571   void verify() const;
1573   // Size routines.
1574   size_type size() const { return size_; }
1575   size_type max_size() const { return (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)(); }
1576   bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
1578   // The height of the btree. An empty tree will have height 0.
1579   size_type height() const {
1580     size_type h = 0;
1581     if (!empty()) {
1582       // Count the length of the chain from the leftmost node up to the
1583       // root. We actually count from the root back around to the level below
1584       // the root, but the calculation is the same because of the circularity
1585       // of that traversal.
1586       const node_type *n = root();
1587       do {
1588         ++h;
1589         n = n->parent();
1590       } while (n != root());
1591     }
1592     return h;
1593   }
1595   // The number of internal, leaf and total nodes used by the btree.
1596   size_type leaf_nodes() const { return internal_stats(root()).leaf_nodes; }
1597   size_type internal_nodes() const {
1598     return internal_stats(root()).internal_nodes;
1599   }
1600   size_type nodes() const {
1601     node_stats stats = internal_stats(root());
1602     return stats.leaf_nodes + stats.internal_nodes;
1603   }
1605   // The total number of bytes used by the btree.
1606   // TODO(b/169338300): update to support node_btree_*.
1607   size_type bytes_used() const {
1608     node_stats stats = internal_stats(root());
1609     if (stats.leaf_nodes == 1 && stats.internal_nodes == 0) {
1610       return sizeof(*this) + node_type::LeafSize(root()->max_count());
1611     } else {
1612       return sizeof(*this) + stats.leaf_nodes * node_type::LeafSize() +
1613              stats.internal_nodes * node_type::InternalSize();
1614     }
1615   }
1617   // The average number of bytes used per value stored in the btree assuming
1618   // random insertion order.
1619   static double average_bytes_per_value() {
1620     // The expected number of values per node with random insertion order is the
1621     // average of the maximum and minimum numbers of values per node.
1622     const double expected_values_per_node = (kNodeSlots + kMinNodeValues) / 2.0;
1623     return node_type::LeafSize() / expected_values_per_node;
1624   }
1626   // The fullness of the btree. Computed as the number of elements in the btree
1627   // divided by the maximum number of elements a tree with the current number
1628   // of nodes could hold. A value of 1 indicates perfect space
1629   // utilization. Smaller values indicate space wastage.
1630   // Returns 0 for empty trees.
1631   double fullness() const {
1632     if (empty()) return 0.0;
1633     return static_cast<double>(size()) / (nodes() * kNodeSlots);
1634   }
1635   // The overhead of the btree structure in bytes per node. Computed as the
1636   // total number of bytes used by the btree minus the number of bytes used for
1637   // storing elements divided by the number of elements.
1638   // Returns 0 for empty trees.
1639   double overhead() const {
1640     if (empty()) return 0.0;
1641     return (bytes_used() - size() * sizeof(value_type)) /
1642            static_cast<double>(size());
1643   }
1645   // The allocator used by the btree.
1646   allocator_type get_allocator() const { return allocator(); }
1648  private:
1649   friend struct btree_access;
1651   // Internal accessor routines.
1652   node_type *root() { return root_; }
1653   const node_type *root() const { return root_; }
1654   node_type *&mutable_root() noexcept { return root_; }
1655   node_type *rightmost() { return rightmost_.template get<2>(); }
1656   const node_type *rightmost() const { return rightmost_.template get<2>(); }
1657   node_type *&mutable_rightmost() noexcept {
1658     return rightmost_.template get<2>();
1659   }
1660   key_compare *mutable_key_comp() noexcept {
1661     return &rightmost_.template get<0>();
1662   }
1664   // The leftmost node is stored as the parent of the root node.
1665   node_type *leftmost() { return root()->parent(); }
1666   const node_type *leftmost() const { return root()->parent(); }
1668   // Allocator routines.
1669   allocator_type *mutable_allocator() noexcept {
1670     return &rightmost_.template get<1>();
1671   }
1672   const allocator_type &allocator() const noexcept {
1673     return rightmost_.template get<1>();
1674   }
1676   // Allocates a correctly aligned node of at least size bytes using the
1677   // allocator.
1678   node_type *allocate(size_type size) {
1679     return reinterpret_cast<node_type *>(
1680         absl::container_internal::Allocate<node_type::Alignment()>(
1681             mutable_allocator(), size));
1682   }
1684   // Node creation/deletion routines.
1685   node_type *new_internal_node(field_type position, node_type *parent) {
1686     node_type *n = allocate(node_type::InternalSize());
1687     n->init_internal(position, parent);
1688     return n;
1689   }
1690   node_type *new_leaf_node(field_type position, node_type *parent) {
1691     node_type *n = allocate(node_type::LeafSize());
1692     n->init_leaf(position, kNodeSlots, parent);
1693     return n;
1694   }
1695   node_type *new_leaf_root_node(field_type max_count) {
1696     node_type *n = allocate(node_type::LeafSize(max_count));
1697     n->init_leaf(/*position=*/0, max_count, /*parent=*/n);
1698     return n;
1699   }
1701   // Deletion helper routines.
1702   iterator rebalance_after_delete(iterator iter);
1704   // Rebalances or splits the node iter points to.
1705   void rebalance_or_split(iterator *iter);
1707   // Merges the values of left, right and the delimiting key on their parent
1708   // onto left, removing the delimiting key and deleting right.
1709   void merge_nodes(node_type *left, node_type *right);
1711   // Tries to merge node with its left or right sibling, and failing that,
1712   // rebalance with its left or right sibling. Returns true if a merge
1713   // occurred, at which point it is no longer valid to access node. Returns
1714   // false if no merging took place.
1715   bool try_merge_or_rebalance(iterator *iter);
1717   // Tries to shrink the height of the tree by 1.
1718   void try_shrink();
1720   iterator internal_end(iterator iter) {
1721     return iter.node_ != nullptr ? iter : end();
1722   }
1723   const_iterator internal_end(const_iterator iter) const {
1724     return iter.node_ != nullptr ? iter : end();
1725   }
1727   // Emplaces a value into the btree immediately before iter. Requires that
1728   // key(v) <= iter.key() and (--iter).key() <= key(v).
1729   template <typename... Args>
1730   iterator internal_emplace(iterator iter, Args &&...args);
1732   // Returns an iterator pointing to the first value >= the value "iter" is
1733   // pointing at. Note that "iter" might be pointing to an invalid location such
1734   // as iter.position_ == iter.node_->finish(). This routine simply moves iter
1735   // up in the tree to a valid location. Requires: iter.node_ is non-null.
1736   template <typename IterType>
1737   static IterType internal_last(IterType iter);
1739   // Returns an iterator pointing to the leaf position at which key would
1740   // reside in the tree, unless there is an exact match - in which case, the
1741   // result may not be on a leaf. When there's a three-way comparator, we can
1742   // return whether there was an exact match. This allows the caller to avoid a
1743   // subsequent comparison to determine if an exact match was made, which is
1744   // important for keys with expensive comparison, such as strings.
1745   template <typename K>
1746   SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> internal_locate(
1747       const K &key) const;
1749   // Internal routine which implements lower_bound().
1750   template <typename K>
1751   SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> internal_lower_bound(
1752       const K &key) const;
1754   // Internal routine which implements upper_bound().
1755   template <typename K>
1756   iterator internal_upper_bound(const K &key) const;
1758   // Internal routine which implements find().
1759   template <typename K>
1760   iterator internal_find(const K &key) const;
1762   // Verifies the tree structure of node.
1763   size_type internal_verify(const node_type *node, const key_type *lo,
1764                             const key_type *hi) const;
1766   node_stats internal_stats(const node_type *node) const {
1767     // The root can be a static empty node.
1768     if (node == nullptr || (node == root() && empty())) {
1769       return node_stats(0, 0);
1770     }
1771     if (node->is_leaf()) {
1772       return node_stats(1, 0);
1773     }
1774     node_stats res(0, 1);
1775     for (int i = node->start(); i <= node->finish(); ++i) {
1776       res += internal_stats(node->child(i));
1777     }
1778     return res;
1779   }
1781   node_type *root_;
1783   // A pointer to the rightmost node. Note that the leftmost node is stored as
1784   // the root's parent. We use compressed tuple in order to save space because
1785   // key_compare and allocator_type are usually empty.
1786   absl::container_internal::CompressedTuple<key_compare, allocator_type,
1787                                             node_type *>
1788       rightmost_;
1790   // Number of values.
1791   size_type size_;
1792 };
1794 ////
1795 // btree_node methods
1796 template <typename P>
1797 template <typename... Args>
1798 inline void btree_node<P>::emplace_value(const field_type i,
1799                                          allocator_type *alloc,
1800                                          Args &&...args) {
1801   assert(i >= start());
1802   assert(i <= finish());
1803   // Shift old values to create space for new value and then construct it in
1804   // place.
1805   if (i < finish()) {
1806     transfer_n_backward(finish() - i, /*dest_i=*/i + 1, /*src_i=*/i, this,
1807                         alloc);
1808   }
1809   value_init(static_cast<field_type>(i), alloc, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
1810   set_finish(finish() + 1);
1812   if (is_internal() && finish() > i + 1) {
1813     for (field_type j = finish(); j > i + 1; --j) {
1814       set_child(j, child(j - 1));
1815     }
1816     clear_child(i + 1);
1817   }
1818 }
1820 template <typename P>
1821 inline void btree_node<P>::remove_values(const field_type i,
1822                                          const field_type to_erase,
1823                                          allocator_type *alloc) {
1824   // Transfer values after the removed range into their new places.
1825   value_destroy_n(i, to_erase, alloc);
1826   const field_type orig_finish = finish();
1827   const field_type src_i = i + to_erase;
1828   transfer_n(orig_finish - src_i, i, src_i, this, alloc);
1830   if (is_internal()) {
1831     // Delete all children between begin and end.
1832     for (field_type j = 0; j < to_erase; ++j) {
1833       clear_and_delete(child(i + j + 1), alloc);
1834     }
1835     // Rotate children after end into new positions.
1836     for (field_type j = i + to_erase + 1; j <= orig_finish; ++j) {
1837       set_child(j - to_erase, child(j));
1838       clear_child(j);
1839     }
1840   }
1841   set_finish(orig_finish - to_erase);
1842 }
1844 template <typename P>
1845 void btree_node<P>::rebalance_right_to_left(field_type to_move,
1846                                             btree_node *right,
1847                                             allocator_type *alloc) {
1848   assert(parent() == right->parent());
1849   assert(position() + 1 == right->position());
1850   assert(right->count() >= count());
1851   assert(to_move >= 1);
1852   assert(to_move <= right->count());
1854   // 1) Move the delimiting value in the parent to the left node.
1855   transfer(finish(), position(), parent(), alloc);
1857   // 2) Move the (to_move - 1) values from the right node to the left node.
1858   transfer_n(to_move - 1, finish() + 1, right->start(), right, alloc);
1860   // 3) Move the new delimiting value to the parent from the right node.
1861   parent()->transfer(position(), right->start() + to_move - 1, right, alloc);
1863   // 4) Shift the values in the right node to their correct positions.
1864   right->transfer_n(right->count() - to_move, right->start(),
1865                     right->start() + to_move, right, alloc);
1867   if (is_internal()) {
1868     // Move the child pointers from the right to the left node.
1869     for (field_type i = 0; i < to_move; ++i) {
1870       init_child(finish() + i + 1, right->child(i));
1871     }
1872     for (field_type i = right->start(); i <= right->finish() - to_move; ++i) {
1873       assert(i + to_move <= right->max_count());
1874       right->init_child(i, right->child(i + to_move));
1875       right->clear_child(i + to_move);
1876     }
1877   }
1879   // Fixup `finish` on the left and right nodes.
1880   set_finish(finish() + to_move);
1881   right->set_finish(right->finish() - to_move);
1882 }
1884 template <typename P>
1885 void btree_node<P>::rebalance_left_to_right(field_type to_move,
1886                                             btree_node *right,
1887                                             allocator_type *alloc) {
1888   assert(parent() == right->parent());
1889   assert(position() + 1 == right->position());
1890   assert(count() >= right->count());
1891   assert(to_move >= 1);
1892   assert(to_move <= count());
1894   // Values in the right node are shifted to the right to make room for the
1895   // new to_move values. Then, the delimiting value in the parent and the
1896   // other (to_move - 1) values in the left node are moved into the right node.
1897   // Lastly, a new delimiting value is moved from the left node into the
1898   // parent, and the remaining empty left node entries are destroyed.
1900   // 1) Shift existing values in the right node to their correct positions.
1901   right->transfer_n_backward(right->count(), right->start() + to_move,
1902                              right->start(), right, alloc);
1904   // 2) Move the delimiting value in the parent to the right node.
1905   right->transfer(right->start() + to_move - 1, position(), parent(), alloc);
1907   // 3) Move the (to_move - 1) values from the left node to the right node.
1908   right->transfer_n(to_move - 1, right->start(), finish() - (to_move - 1), this,
1909                     alloc);
1911   // 4) Move the new delimiting value to the parent from the left node.
1912   parent()->transfer(position(), finish() - to_move, this, alloc);
1914   if (is_internal()) {
1915     // Move the child pointers from the left to the right node.
1916     for (field_type i = right->finish() + 1; i > right->start(); --i) {
1917       right->init_child(i - 1 + to_move, right->child(i - 1));
1918       right->clear_child(i - 1);
1919     }
1920     for (field_type i = 1; i <= to_move; ++i) {
1921       right->init_child(i - 1, child(finish() - to_move + i));
1922       clear_child(finish() - to_move + i);
1923     }
1924   }
1926   // Fixup the counts on the left and right nodes.
1927   set_finish(finish() - to_move);
1928   right->set_finish(right->finish() + to_move);
1929 }
1931 template <typename P>
1932 void btree_node<P>::split(const int insert_position, btree_node *dest,
1933                           allocator_type *alloc) {
1934   assert(dest->count() == 0);
1935   assert(max_count() == kNodeSlots);
1936   assert(position() + 1 == dest->position());
1937   assert(parent() == dest->parent());
1939   // We bias the split based on the position being inserted. If we're
1940   // inserting at the beginning of the left node then bias the split to put
1941   // more values on the right node. If we're inserting at the end of the
1942   // right node then bias the split to put more values on the left node.
1943   if (insert_position == start()) {
1944     dest->set_finish(dest->start() + finish() - 1);
1945   } else if (insert_position == kNodeSlots) {
1946     dest->set_finish(dest->start());
1947   } else {
1948     dest->set_finish(dest->start() + count() / 2);
1949   }
1950   set_finish(finish() - dest->count());
1951   assert(count() >= 1);
1953   // Move values from the left sibling to the right sibling.
1954   dest->transfer_n(dest->count(), dest->start(), finish(), this, alloc);
1956   // The split key is the largest value in the left sibling.
1957   --mutable_finish();
1958   parent()->emplace_value(position(), alloc, finish_slot());
1959   value_destroy(finish(), alloc);
1960   parent()->set_child_noupdate_position(position() + 1, dest);
1962   if (is_internal()) {
1963     for (field_type i = dest->start(), j = finish() + 1; i <= dest->finish();
1964          ++i, ++j) {
1965       assert(child(j) != nullptr);
1966       dest->init_child(i, child(j));
1967       clear_child(j);
1968     }
1969   }
1970 }
1972 template <typename P>
1973 void btree_node<P>::merge(btree_node *src, allocator_type *alloc) {
1974   assert(parent() == src->parent());
1975   assert(position() + 1 == src->position());
1977   // Move the delimiting value to the left node.
1978   value_init(finish(), alloc, parent()->slot(position()));
1980   // Move the values from the right to the left node.
1981   transfer_n(src->count(), finish() + 1, src->start(), src, alloc);
1983   if (is_internal()) {
1984     // Move the child pointers from the right to the left node.
1985     for (field_type i = src->start(), j = finish() + 1; i <= src->finish();
1986          ++i, ++j) {
1987       init_child(j, src->child(i));
1988       src->clear_child(i);
1989     }
1990   }
1992   // Fixup `finish` on the src and dest nodes.
1993   set_finish(start() + 1 + count() + src->count());
1994   src->set_finish(src->start());
1996   // Remove the value on the parent node and delete the src node.
1997   parent()->remove_values(position(), /*to_erase=*/1, alloc);
1998 }
2000 template <typename P>
2001 void btree_node<P>::clear_and_delete(btree_node *node, allocator_type *alloc) {
2002   if (node->is_leaf()) {
2003     node->value_destroy_n(node->start(), node->count(), alloc);
2004     deallocate(LeafSize(node->max_count()), node, alloc);
2005     return;
2006   }
2007   if (node->count() == 0) {
2008     deallocate(InternalSize(), node, alloc);
2009     return;
2010   }
2012   // The parent of the root of the subtree we are deleting.
2013   btree_node *delete_root_parent = node->parent();
2015   // Navigate to the leftmost leaf under node, and then delete upwards.
2016   while (node->is_internal()) node = node->start_child();
2018   // When generations are enabled, we delete the leftmost leaf last in case it's
2019   // the parent of the root and we need to check whether it's a leaf before we
2020   // can update the root's generation.
2021   // TODO(ezb): if we change btree_node::is_root to check a bool inside the node
2022   // instead of checking whether the parent is a leaf, we can remove this logic.
2023   btree_node *leftmost_leaf = node;
2024 #endif
2025   // Use `size_type` because `pos` needs to be able to hold `kNodeSlots+1`,
2026   // which isn't guaranteed to be a valid `field_type`.
2027   size_type pos = node->position();
2028   btree_node *parent = node->parent();
2029   for (;;) {
2030     // In each iteration of the next loop, we delete one leaf node and go right.
2031     assert(pos <= parent->finish());
2032     do {
2033       node = parent->child(static_cast<field_type>(pos));
2034       if (node->is_internal()) {
2035         // Navigate to the leftmost leaf under node.
2036         while (node->is_internal()) node = node->start_child();
2037         pos = node->position();
2038         parent = node->parent();
2039       }
2040       node->value_destroy_n(node->start(), node->count(), alloc);
2042       if (leftmost_leaf != node)
2043 #endif
2044         deallocate(LeafSize(node->max_count()), node, alloc);
2045       ++pos;
2046     } while (pos <= parent->finish());
2048     // Once we've deleted all children of parent, delete parent and go up/right.
2049     assert(pos > parent->finish());
2050     do {
2051       node = parent;
2052       pos = node->position();
2053       parent = node->parent();
2054       node->value_destroy_n(node->start(), node->count(), alloc);
2055       deallocate(InternalSize(), node, alloc);
2056       if (parent == delete_root_parent) {
2058         deallocate(LeafSize(leftmost_leaf->max_count()), leftmost_leaf, alloc);
2059 #endif
2060         return;
2061       }
2062       ++pos;
2063     } while (pos > parent->finish());
2064   }
2065 }
2067 ////
2068 // btree_iterator methods
2070 // Note: the implementation here is based on btree_node::clear_and_delete.
2071 template <typename N, typename R, typename P>
2072 auto btree_iterator<N, R, P>::distance_slow(const_iterator other) const
2073     -> difference_type {
2074   const_iterator begin = other;
2075   const_iterator end = *this;
2076   assert(begin.node_ != end.node_ || !begin.node_->is_leaf() ||
2077          begin.position_ != end.position_);
2079   const node_type *node = begin.node_;
2080   // We need to compensate for double counting if begin.node_ is a leaf node.
2081   difference_type count = node->is_leaf() ? -begin.position_ : 0;
2083   // First navigate to the leftmost leaf node past begin.
2084   if (node->is_internal()) {
2085     ++count;
2086     node = node->child(begin.position_ + 1);
2087   }
2088   while (node->is_internal()) node = node->start_child();
2090   // Use `size_type` because `pos` needs to be able to hold `kNodeSlots+1`,
2091   // which isn't guaranteed to be a valid `field_type`.
2092   size_type pos = node->position();
2093   const node_type *parent = node->parent();
2094   for (;;) {
2095     // In each iteration of the next loop, we count one leaf node and go right.
2096     assert(pos <= parent->finish());
2097     do {
2098       node = parent->child(static_cast<field_type>(pos));
2099       if (node->is_internal()) {
2100         // Navigate to the leftmost leaf under node.
2101         while (node->is_internal()) node = node->start_child();
2102         pos = node->position();
2103         parent = node->parent();
2104       }
2105       if (node == end.node_) return count + end.position_;
2106       if (parent == end.node_ && pos == static_cast<size_type>(end.position_))
2107         return count + node->count();
2108       // +1 is for the next internal node value.
2109       count += node->count() + 1;
2110       ++pos;
2111     } while (pos <= parent->finish());
2113     // Once we've counted all children of parent, go up/right.
2114     assert(pos > parent->finish());
2115     do {
2116       node = parent;
2117       pos = node->position();
2118       parent = node->parent();
2119       // -1 because we counted the value at end and shouldn't.
2120       if (parent == end.node_ && pos == static_cast<size_type>(end.position_))
2121         return count - 1;
2122       ++pos;
2123     } while (pos > parent->finish());
2124   }
2125 }
2127 template <typename N, typename R, typename P>
2128 void btree_iterator<N, R, P>::increment_slow() {
2129   if (node_->is_leaf()) {
2130     assert(position_ >= node_->finish());
2131     btree_iterator save(*this);
2132     while (position_ == node_->finish() && !node_->is_root()) {
2133       assert(node_->parent()->child(node_->position()) == node_);
2134       position_ = node_->position();
2135       node_ = node_->parent();
2136     }
2137     // TODO(ezb): assert we aren't incrementing end() instead of handling.
2138     if (position_ == node_->finish()) {
2139       *this = save;
2140     }
2141   } else {
2142     assert(position_ < node_->finish());
2143     node_ = node_->child(static_cast<field_type>(position_ + 1));
2144     while (node_->is_internal()) {
2145       node_ = node_->start_child();
2146     }
2147     position_ = node_->start();
2148   }
2149 }
2151 template <typename N, typename R, typename P>
2152 void btree_iterator<N, R, P>::decrement_slow() {
2153   if (node_->is_leaf()) {
2154     assert(position_ <= -1);
2155     btree_iterator save(*this);
2156     while (position_ < node_->start() && !node_->is_root()) {
2157       assert(node_->parent()->child(node_->position()) == node_);
2158       position_ = node_->position() - 1;
2159       node_ = node_->parent();
2160     }
2161     // TODO(ezb): assert we aren't decrementing begin() instead of handling.
2162     if (position_ < node_->start()) {
2163       *this = save;
2164     }
2165   } else {
2166     assert(position_ >= node_->start());
2167     node_ = node_->child(static_cast<field_type>(position_));
2168     while (node_->is_internal()) {
2169       node_ = node_->child(node_->finish());
2170     }
2171     position_ = node_->finish() - 1;
2172   }
2173 }
2175 ////
2176 // btree methods
2177 template <typename P>
2178 template <typename Btree>
2179 void btree<P>::copy_or_move_values_in_order(Btree &other) {
2180   static_assert(std::is_same<btree, Btree>::value ||
2181                     std::is_same<const btree, Btree>::value,
2182                 "Btree type must be same or const.");
2183   assert(empty());
2185   // We can avoid key comparisons because we know the order of the
2186   // values is the same order we'll store them in.
2187   auto iter = other.begin();
2188   if (iter == other.end()) return;
2189   insert_multi(iter.slot());
2190   ++iter;
2191   for (; iter != other.end(); ++iter) {
2192     // If the btree is not empty, we can just insert the new value at the end
2193     // of the tree.
2194     internal_emplace(end(), iter.slot());
2195   }
2196 }
2198 template <typename P>
2199 constexpr bool btree<P>::static_assert_validation() {
2200   static_assert(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<key_compare>::value,
2201                 "Key comparison must be nothrow copy constructible");
2202   static_assert(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<allocator_type>::value,
2203                 "Allocator must be nothrow copy constructible");
2204   static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<iterator>::value,
2205                 "iterator not trivially copyable.");
2207   // Note: We assert that kTargetValues, which is computed from
2208   // Params::kTargetNodeSize, must fit the node_type::field_type.
2209   static_assert(
2210       kNodeSlots < (1 << (8 * sizeof(typename node_type::field_type))),
2211       "target node size too large");
2213   // Verify that key_compare returns an absl::{weak,strong}_ordering or bool.
2214   static_assert(
2215       compare_has_valid_result_type<key_compare, key_type>(),
2216       "key comparison function must return absl::{weak,strong}_ordering or "
2217       "bool.");
2219   // Test the assumption made in setting kNodeSlotSpace.
2220   static_assert(node_type::MinimumOverhead() >= sizeof(void *) + 4,
2221                 "node space assumption incorrect");
2223   return true;
2224 }
2226 template <typename P>
2227 template <typename K>
2228 auto btree<P>::lower_bound_equal(const K &key) const
2229     -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
2230   const SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> res =
2231       internal_lower_bound(key);
2232   const iterator lower = iterator(internal_end(res.value));
2233   const bool equal = res.HasMatch()
2234                          ? res.IsEq()
2235                          : lower != end() && !compare_keys(key, lower.key());
2236   return {lower, equal};
2237 }
2239 template <typename P>
2240 template <typename K>
2241 auto btree<P>::equal_range(const K &key) -> std::pair<iterator, iterator> {
2242   const std::pair<iterator, bool> lower_and_equal = lower_bound_equal(key);
2243   const iterator lower = lower_and_equal.first;
2244   if (!lower_and_equal.second) {
2245     return {lower, lower};
2246   }
2248   const iterator next = std::next(lower);
2249   if (!params_type::template can_have_multiple_equivalent_keys<K>()) {
2250     // The next iterator after lower must point to a key greater than `key`.
2251     // Note: if this assert fails, then it may indicate that the comparator does
2252     // not meet the equivalence requirements for Compare
2253     // (see
2254     assert(next == end() || compare_keys(key, next.key()));
2255     return {lower, next};
2256   }
2257   // Try once more to avoid the call to upper_bound() if there's only one
2258   // equivalent key. This should prevent all calls to upper_bound() in cases of
2259   // unique-containers with heterogeneous comparators in which all comparison
2260   // operators have the same equivalence classes.
2261   if (next == end() || compare_keys(key, next.key())) return {lower, next};
2263   // In this case, we need to call upper_bound() to avoid worst case O(N)
2264   // behavior if we were to iterate over equal keys.
2265   return {lower, upper_bound(key)};
2266 }
2268 template <typename P>
2269 template <typename K, typename... Args>
2270 auto btree<P>::insert_unique(const K &key, Args &&...args)
2271     -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
2272   if (empty()) {
2273     mutable_root() = mutable_rightmost() = new_leaf_root_node(1);
2274   }
2276   SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> res = internal_locate(key);
2277   iterator iter = res.value;
2279   if (res.HasMatch()) {
2280     if (res.IsEq()) {
2281       // The key already exists in the tree, do nothing.
2282       return {iter, false};
2283     }
2284   } else {
2285     iterator last = internal_last(iter);
2286     if (last.node_ && !compare_keys(key, last.key())) {
2287       // The key already exists in the tree, do nothing.
2288       return {last, false};
2289     }
2290   }
2291   return {internal_emplace(iter, std::forward<Args>(args)...), true};
2292 }
2294 template <typename P>
2295 template <typename K, typename... Args>
2296 inline auto btree<P>::insert_hint_unique(iterator position, const K &key,
2297                                          Args &&...args)
2298     -> std::pair<iterator, bool> {
2299   if (!empty()) {
2300     if (position == end() || compare_keys(key, position.key())) {
2301       if (position == begin() || compare_keys(std::prev(position).key(), key)) {
2302         // prev.key() < key < position.key()
2303         return {internal_emplace(position, std::forward<Args>(args)...), true};
2304       }
2305     } else if (compare_keys(position.key(), key)) {
2306       ++position;
2307       if (position == end() || compare_keys(key, position.key())) {
2308         // {original `position`}.key() < key < {current `position`}.key()
2309         return {internal_emplace(position, std::forward<Args>(args)...), true};
2310       }
2311     } else {
2312       // position.key() == key
2313       return {position, false};
2314     }
2315   }
2316   return insert_unique(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
2317 }
2319 template <typename P>
2320 template <typename InputIterator, typename>
2321 void btree<P>::insert_iterator_unique(InputIterator b, InputIterator e, int) {
2322   for (; b != e; ++b) {
2323     insert_hint_unique(end(), params_type::key(*b), *b);
2324   }
2325 }
2327 template <typename P>
2328 template <typename InputIterator>
2329 void btree<P>::insert_iterator_unique(InputIterator b, InputIterator e, char) {
2330   for (; b != e; ++b) {
2331     // Use a node handle to manage a temp slot.
2332     auto node_handle =
2333         CommonAccess::Construct<node_handle_type>(get_allocator(), *b);
2334     slot_type *slot = CommonAccess::GetSlot(node_handle);
2335     insert_hint_unique(end(), params_type::key(slot), slot);
2336   }
2337 }
2339 template <typename P>
2340 template <typename ValueType>
2341 auto btree<P>::insert_multi(const key_type &key, ValueType &&v) -> iterator {
2342   if (empty()) {
2343     mutable_root() = mutable_rightmost() = new_leaf_root_node(1);
2344   }
2346   iterator iter = internal_upper_bound(key);
2347   if (iter.node_ == nullptr) {
2348     iter = end();
2349   }
2350   return internal_emplace(iter, std::forward<ValueType>(v));
2351 }
2353 template <typename P>
2354 template <typename ValueType>
2355 auto btree<P>::insert_hint_multi(iterator position, ValueType &&v) -> iterator {
2356   if (!empty()) {
2357     const key_type &key = params_type::key(v);
2358     if (position == end() || !compare_keys(position.key(), key)) {
2359       if (position == begin() ||
2360           !compare_keys(key, std::prev(position).key())) {
2361         // prev.key() <= key <= position.key()
2362         return internal_emplace(position, std::forward<ValueType>(v));
2363       }
2364     } else {
2365       ++position;
2366       if (position == end() || !compare_keys(position.key(), key)) {
2367         // {original `position`}.key() < key < {current `position`}.key()
2368         return internal_emplace(position, std::forward<ValueType>(v));
2369       }
2370     }
2371   }
2372   return insert_multi(std::forward<ValueType>(v));
2373 }
2375 template <typename P>
2376 template <typename InputIterator>
2377 void btree<P>::insert_iterator_multi(InputIterator b, InputIterator e) {
2378   for (; b != e; ++b) {
2379     insert_hint_multi(end(), *b);
2380   }
2381 }
2383 template <typename P>
2384 auto btree<P>::operator=(const btree &other) -> btree & {
2385   if (this != &other) {
2386     clear();
2388     *mutable_key_comp() = other.key_comp();
2389     if (absl::allocator_traits<
2390             allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value) {
2391       *mutable_allocator() = other.allocator();
2392     }
2394     copy_or_move_values_in_order(other);
2395   }
2396   return *this;
2397 }
2399 template <typename P>
2400 auto btree<P>::operator=(btree &&other) noexcept -> btree & {
2401   if (this != &other) {
2402     clear();
2404     using std::swap;
2405     if (absl::allocator_traits<
2406             allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value) {
2407       swap(root_, other.root_);
2408       // Note: `rightmost_` also contains the allocator and the key comparator.
2409       swap(rightmost_, other.rightmost_);
2410       swap(size_, other.size_);
2411     } else {
2412       if (allocator() == other.allocator()) {
2413         swap(mutable_root(), other.mutable_root());
2414         swap(*mutable_key_comp(), *other.mutable_key_comp());
2415         swap(mutable_rightmost(), other.mutable_rightmost());
2416         swap(size_, other.size_);
2417       } else {
2418         // We aren't allowed to propagate the allocator and the allocator is
2419         // different so we can't take over its memory. We must move each element
2420         // individually. We need both `other` and `this` to have `other`s key
2421         // comparator while moving the values so we can't swap the key
2422         // comparators.
2423         *mutable_key_comp() = other.key_comp();
2424         copy_or_move_values_in_order(other);
2425       }
2426     }
2427   }
2428   return *this;
2429 }
2431 template <typename P>
2432 auto btree<P>::erase(iterator iter) -> iterator {
2433   iter.node_->value_destroy(static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_),
2434                             mutable_allocator());
2435   iter.update_generation();
2437   const bool internal_delete = iter.node_->is_internal();
2438   if (internal_delete) {
2439     // Deletion of a value on an internal node. First, transfer the largest
2440     // value from our left child here, then erase/rebalance from that position.
2441     // We can get to the largest value from our left child by decrementing iter.
2442     iterator internal_iter(iter);
2443     --iter;
2444     assert(iter.node_->is_leaf());
2445     internal_iter.node_->transfer(
2446         static_cast<size_type>(internal_iter.position_),
2447         static_cast<size_type>(iter.position_), iter.node_,
2448         mutable_allocator());
2449   } else {
2450     // Shift values after erased position in leaf. In the internal case, we
2451     // don't need to do this because the leaf position is the end of the node.
2452     const field_type transfer_from =
2453         static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_ + 1);
2454     const field_type num_to_transfer = iter.node_->finish() - transfer_from;
2455     iter.node_->transfer_n(num_to_transfer,
2456                            static_cast<size_type>(iter.position_),
2457                            transfer_from, iter.node_, mutable_allocator());
2458   }
2459   // Update node finish and container size.
2460   iter.node_->set_finish(iter.node_->finish() - 1);
2461   --size_;
2463   // We want to return the next value after the one we just erased. If we
2464   // erased from an internal node (internal_delete == true), then the next
2465   // value is ++(++iter). If we erased from a leaf node (internal_delete ==
2466   // false) then the next value is ++iter. Note that ++iter may point to an
2467   // internal node and the value in the internal node may move to a leaf node
2468   // (iter.node_) when rebalancing is performed at the leaf level.
2470   iterator res = rebalance_after_delete(iter);
2472   // If we erased from an internal node, advance the iterator.
2473   if (internal_delete) {
2474     ++res;
2475   }
2476   return res;
2477 }
2479 template <typename P>
2480 auto btree<P>::rebalance_after_delete(iterator iter) -> iterator {
2481   // Merge/rebalance as we walk back up the tree.
2482   iterator res(iter);
2483   bool first_iteration = true;
2484   for (;;) {
2485     if (iter.node_ == root()) {
2486       try_shrink();
2487       if (empty()) {
2488         return end();
2489       }
2490       break;
2491     }
2492     if (iter.node_->count() >= kMinNodeValues) {
2493       break;
2494     }
2495     bool merged = try_merge_or_rebalance(&iter);
2496     // On the first iteration, we should update `res` with `iter` because `res`
2497     // may have been invalidated.
2498     if (first_iteration) {
2499       res = iter;
2500       first_iteration = false;
2501     }
2502     if (!merged) {
2503       break;
2504     }
2505     iter.position_ = iter.node_->position();
2506     iter.node_ = iter.node_->parent();
2507   }
2508   res.update_generation();
2510   // Adjust our return value. If we're pointing at the end of a node, advance
2511   // the iterator.
2512   if (res.position_ == res.node_->finish()) {
2513     res.position_ = res.node_->finish() - 1;
2514     ++res;
2515   }
2517   return res;
2518 }
2520 // Note: we tried implementing this more efficiently by erasing all of the
2521 // elements in [begin, end) at once and then doing rebalancing once at the end
2522 // (rather than interleaving deletion and rebalancing), but that adds a lot of
2523 // complexity, which seems to outweigh the performance win.
2524 template <typename P>
2525 auto btree<P>::erase_range(iterator begin, iterator end)
2526     -> std::pair<size_type, iterator> {
2527   size_type count = static_cast<size_type>(end - begin);
2528   assert(count >= 0);
2530   if (count == 0) {
2531     return {0, begin};
2532   }
2534   if (static_cast<size_type>(count) == size_) {
2535     clear();
2536     return {count, this->end()};
2537   }
2539   if (begin.node_ == end.node_) {
2540     assert(end.position_ > begin.position_);
2541     begin.node_->remove_values(
2542         static_cast<field_type>(begin.position_),
2543         static_cast<field_type>(end.position_ - begin.position_),
2544         mutable_allocator());
2545     size_ -= count;
2546     return {count, rebalance_after_delete(begin)};
2547   }
2549   const size_type target_size = size_ - count;
2550   while (size_ > target_size) {
2551     if (begin.node_->is_leaf()) {
2552       const size_type remaining_to_erase = size_ - target_size;
2553       const size_type remaining_in_node =
2554           static_cast<size_type>(begin.node_->finish() - begin.position_);
2555       const field_type to_erase = static_cast<field_type>(
2556           (std::min)(remaining_to_erase, remaining_in_node));
2557       begin.node_->remove_values(static_cast<field_type>(begin.position_),
2558                                  to_erase, mutable_allocator());
2559       size_ -= to_erase;
2560       begin = rebalance_after_delete(begin);
2561     } else {
2562       begin = erase(begin);
2563     }
2564   }
2565   begin.update_generation();
2566   return {count, begin};
2567 }
2569 template <typename P>
2570 void btree<P>::clear() {
2571   if (!empty()) {
2572     node_type::clear_and_delete(root(), mutable_allocator());
2573   }
2574   mutable_root() = mutable_rightmost() = EmptyNode();
2575   size_ = 0;
2576 }
2578 template <typename P>
2579 void btree<P>::swap(btree &other) {
2580   using std::swap;
2581   if (absl::allocator_traits<
2582           allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_swap::value) {
2583     // Note: `rightmost_` also contains the allocator and the key comparator.
2584     swap(rightmost_, other.rightmost_);
2585   } else {
2586     // It's undefined behavior if the allocators are unequal here.
2587     assert(allocator() == other.allocator());
2588     swap(mutable_rightmost(), other.mutable_rightmost());
2589     swap(*mutable_key_comp(), *other.mutable_key_comp());
2590   }
2591   swap(mutable_root(), other.mutable_root());
2592   swap(size_, other.size_);
2593 }
2595 template <typename P>
2596 void btree<P>::verify() const {
2597   assert(root() != nullptr);
2598   assert(leftmost() != nullptr);
2599   assert(rightmost() != nullptr);
2600   assert(empty() || size() == internal_verify(root(), nullptr, nullptr));
2601   assert(leftmost() == (++const_iterator(root(), -1)).node_);
2602   assert(rightmost() == (--const_iterator(root(), root()->finish())).node_);
2603   assert(leftmost()->is_leaf());
2604   assert(rightmost()->is_leaf());
2605 }
2607 template <typename P>
2608 void btree<P>::rebalance_or_split(iterator *iter) {
2609   node_type *&node = iter->node_;
2610   int &insert_position = iter->position_;
2611   assert(node->count() == node->max_count());
2612   assert(kNodeSlots == node->max_count());
2614   // First try to make room on the node by rebalancing.
2615   node_type *parent = node->parent();
2616   if (node != root()) {
2617     if (node->position() > parent->start()) {
2618       // Try rebalancing with our left sibling.
2619       node_type *left = parent->child(node->position() - 1);
2620       assert(left->max_count() == kNodeSlots);
2621       if (left->count() < kNodeSlots) {
2622         // We bias rebalancing based on the position being inserted. If we're
2623         // inserting at the end of the right node then we bias rebalancing to
2624         // fill up the left node.
2625         field_type to_move =
2626             (kNodeSlots - left->count()) /
2627             (1 + (static_cast<field_type>(insert_position) < kNodeSlots));
2628         to_move = (std::max)(field_type{1}, to_move);
2630         if (static_cast<field_type>(insert_position) - to_move >=
2631                 node->start() ||
2632             left->count() + to_move < kNodeSlots) {
2633           left->rebalance_right_to_left(to_move, node, mutable_allocator());
2635           assert(node->max_count() - node->count() == to_move);
2636           insert_position = static_cast<int>(
2637               static_cast<field_type>(insert_position) - to_move);
2638           if (insert_position < node->start()) {
2639             insert_position = insert_position + left->count() + 1;
2640             node = left;
2641           }
2643           assert(node->count() < node->max_count());
2644           return;
2645         }
2646       }
2647     }
2649     if (node->position() < parent->finish()) {
2650       // Try rebalancing with our right sibling.
2651       node_type *right = parent->child(node->position() + 1);
2652       assert(right->max_count() == kNodeSlots);
2653       if (right->count() < kNodeSlots) {
2654         // We bias rebalancing based on the position being inserted. If we're
2655         // inserting at the beginning of the left node then we bias rebalancing
2656         // to fill up the right node.
2657         field_type to_move = (kNodeSlots - right->count()) /
2658                              (1 + (insert_position > node->start()));
2659         to_move = (std::max)(field_type{1}, to_move);
2661         if (static_cast<field_type>(insert_position) <=
2662                 node->finish() - to_move ||
2663             right->count() + to_move < kNodeSlots) {
2664           node->rebalance_left_to_right(to_move, right, mutable_allocator());
2666           if (insert_position > node->finish()) {
2667             insert_position = insert_position - node->count() - 1;
2668             node = right;
2669           }
2671           assert(node->count() < node->max_count());
2672           return;
2673         }
2674       }
2675     }
2677     // Rebalancing failed, make sure there is room on the parent node for a new
2678     // value.
2679     assert(parent->max_count() == kNodeSlots);
2680     if (parent->count() == kNodeSlots) {
2681       iterator parent_iter(parent, node->position());
2682       rebalance_or_split(&parent_iter);
2683       parent = node->parent();
2684     }
2685   } else {
2686     // Rebalancing not possible because this is the root node.
2687     // Create a new root node and set the current root node as the child of the
2688     // new root.
2689     parent = new_internal_node(/*position=*/0, parent);
2690     parent->set_generation(root()->generation());
2691     parent->init_child(parent->start(), node);
2692     mutable_root() = parent;
2693     // If the former root was a leaf node, then it's now the rightmost node.
2694     assert(parent->start_child()->is_internal() ||
2695            parent->start_child() == rightmost());
2696   }
2698   // Split the node.
2699   node_type *split_node;
2700   if (node->is_leaf()) {
2701     split_node = new_leaf_node(node->position() + 1, parent);
2702     node->split(insert_position, split_node, mutable_allocator());
2703     if (rightmost() == node) mutable_rightmost() = split_node;
2704   } else {
2705     split_node = new_internal_node(node->position() + 1, parent);
2706     node->split(insert_position, split_node, mutable_allocator());
2707   }
2709   if (insert_position > node->finish()) {
2710     insert_position = insert_position - node->count() - 1;
2711     node = split_node;
2712   }
2713 }
2715 template <typename P>
2716 void btree<P>::merge_nodes(node_type *left, node_type *right) {
2717   left->merge(right, mutable_allocator());
2718   if (rightmost() == right) mutable_rightmost() = left;
2719 }
2721 template <typename P>
2722 bool btree<P>::try_merge_or_rebalance(iterator *iter) {
2723   node_type *parent = iter->node_->parent();
2724   if (iter->node_->position() > parent->start()) {
2725     // Try merging with our left sibling.
2726     node_type *left = parent->child(iter->node_->position() - 1);
2727     assert(left->max_count() == kNodeSlots);
2728     if (1U + left->count() + iter->node_->count() <= kNodeSlots) {
2729       iter->position_ += 1 + left->count();
2730       merge_nodes(left, iter->node_);
2731       iter->node_ = left;
2732       return true;
2733     }
2734   }
2735   if (iter->node_->position() < parent->finish()) {
2736     // Try merging with our right sibling.
2737     node_type *right = parent->child(iter->node_->position() + 1);
2738     assert(right->max_count() == kNodeSlots);
2739     if (1U + iter->node_->count() + right->count() <= kNodeSlots) {
2740       merge_nodes(iter->node_, right);
2741       return true;
2742     }
2743     // Try rebalancing with our right sibling. We don't perform rebalancing if
2744     // we deleted the first element from iter->node_ and the node is not
2745     // empty. This is a small optimization for the common pattern of deleting
2746     // from the front of the tree.
2747     if (right->count() > kMinNodeValues &&
2748         (iter->node_->count() == 0 || iter->position_ > iter->node_->start())) {
2749       field_type to_move = (right->count() - iter->node_->count()) / 2;
2750       to_move =
2751           (std::min)(to_move, static_cast<field_type>(right->count() - 1));
2752       iter->node_->rebalance_right_to_left(to_move, right, mutable_allocator());
2753       return false;
2754     }
2755   }
2756   if (iter->node_->position() > parent->start()) {
2757     // Try rebalancing with our left sibling. We don't perform rebalancing if
2758     // we deleted the last element from iter->node_ and the node is not
2759     // empty. This is a small optimization for the common pattern of deleting
2760     // from the back of the tree.
2761     node_type *left = parent->child(iter->node_->position() - 1);
2762     if (left->count() > kMinNodeValues &&
2763         (iter->node_->count() == 0 ||
2764          iter->position_ < iter->node_->finish())) {
2765       field_type to_move = (left->count() - iter->node_->count()) / 2;
2766       to_move = (std::min)(to_move, static_cast<field_type>(left->count() - 1));
2767       left->rebalance_left_to_right(to_move, iter->node_, mutable_allocator());
2768       iter->position_ += to_move;
2769       return false;
2770     }
2771   }
2772   return false;
2773 }
2775 template <typename P>
2776 void btree<P>::try_shrink() {
2777   node_type *orig_root = root();
2778   if (orig_root->count() > 0) {
2779     return;
2780   }
2781   // Deleted the last item on the root node, shrink the height of the tree.
2782   if (orig_root->is_leaf()) {
2783     assert(size() == 0);
2784     mutable_root() = mutable_rightmost() = EmptyNode();
2785   } else {
2786     node_type *child = orig_root->start_child();
2787     child->make_root();
2788     mutable_root() = child;
2789   }
2790   node_type::clear_and_delete(orig_root, mutable_allocator());
2791 }
2793 template <typename P>
2794 template <typename IterType>
2795 inline IterType btree<P>::internal_last(IterType iter) {
2796   assert(iter.node_ != nullptr);
2797   while (iter.position_ == iter.node_->finish()) {
2798     iter.position_ = iter.node_->position();
2799     iter.node_ = iter.node_->parent();
2800     if (iter.node_->is_leaf()) {
2801       iter.node_ = nullptr;
2802       break;
2803     }
2804   }
2805   iter.update_generation();
2806   return iter;
2807 }
2809 template <typename P>
2810 template <typename... Args>
2811 inline auto btree<P>::internal_emplace(iterator iter, Args &&...args)
2812     -> iterator {
2813   if (iter.node_->is_internal()) {
2814     // We can't insert on an internal node. Instead, we'll insert after the
2815     // previous value which is guaranteed to be on a leaf node.
2816     --iter;
2817     ++iter.position_;
2818   }
2819   const field_type max_count = iter.node_->max_count();
2820   allocator_type *alloc = mutable_allocator();
2822   const auto transfer_and_delete = [&](node_type *old_node,
2823                                        node_type *new_node) {
2824     new_node->transfer_n(old_node->count(), new_node->start(),
2825                          old_node->start(), old_node, alloc);
2826     new_node->set_finish(old_node->finish());
2827     old_node->set_finish(old_node->start());
2828     new_node->set_generation(old_node->generation());
2829     node_type::clear_and_delete(old_node, alloc);
2830   };
2831   const auto replace_leaf_root_node = [&](field_type new_node_size) {
2832     assert(iter.node_ == root());
2833     node_type *old_root = iter.node_;
2834     node_type *new_root = iter.node_ = new_leaf_root_node(new_node_size);
2835     transfer_and_delete(old_root, new_root);
2836     mutable_root() = mutable_rightmost() = new_root;
2837   };
2839   bool replaced_node = false;
2840   if (iter.node_->count() == max_count) {
2841     // Make room in the leaf for the new item.
2842     if (max_count < kNodeSlots) {
2843       // Insertion into the root where the root is smaller than the full node
2844       // size. Simply grow the size of the root node.
2845       replace_leaf_root_node(static_cast<field_type>(
2846           (std::min)(static_cast<int>(kNodeSlots), 2 * max_count)));
2847       replaced_node = true;
2848     } else {
2849       rebalance_or_split(&iter);
2850     }
2851   }
2852   (void)replaced_node;
2853 #if defined(ABSL_HAVE_ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || \
2855   if (!replaced_node) {
2856     assert(iter.node_->is_leaf());
2857     if (iter.node_->is_root()) {
2858       replace_leaf_root_node(max_count);
2859     } else {
2860       node_type *old_node = iter.node_;
2861       const bool was_rightmost = rightmost() == old_node;
2862       const bool was_leftmost = leftmost() == old_node;
2863       node_type *parent = old_node->parent();
2864       const field_type position = old_node->position();
2865       node_type *new_node = iter.node_ = new_leaf_node(position, parent);
2866       parent->set_child_noupdate_position(position, new_node);
2867       transfer_and_delete(old_node, new_node);
2868       if (was_rightmost) mutable_rightmost() = new_node;
2869       // The leftmost node is stored as the parent of the root node.
2870       if (was_leftmost) root()->set_parent(new_node);
2871     }
2872   }
2873 #endif
2874   iter.node_->emplace_value(static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_), alloc,
2875                             std::forward<Args>(args)...);
2876   assert(
2877       iter.node_->is_ordered_correctly(static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_),
2878                                        original_key_compare(key_comp())) &&
2879       "If this assert fails, then either (1) the comparator may violate "
2880       "transitivity, i.e. comp(a,b) && comp(b,c) -> comp(a,c) (see "
2881       ", or (2) a "
2882       "key may have been mutated after it was inserted into the tree.");
2883   ++size_;
2884   iter.update_generation();
2885   return iter;
2886 }
2888 template <typename P>
2889 template <typename K>
2890 inline auto btree<P>::internal_locate(const K &key) const
2891     -> SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> {
2892   iterator iter(const_cast<node_type *>(root()));
2893   for (;;) {
2894     SearchResult<size_type, is_key_compare_to::value> res =
2895         iter.node_->lower_bound(key, key_comp());
2896     iter.position_ = static_cast<int>(res.value);
2897     if (res.IsEq()) {
2898       return {iter, MatchKind::kEq};
2899     }
2900     // Note: in the non-key-compare-to case, we don't need to walk all the way
2901     // down the tree if the keys are equal, but determining equality would
2902     // require doing an extra comparison on each node on the way down, and we
2903     // will need to go all the way to the leaf node in the expected case.
2904     if (iter.node_->is_leaf()) {
2905       break;
2906     }
2907     iter.node_ = iter.node_->child(static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_));
2908   }
2909   // Note: in the non-key-compare-to case, the key may actually be equivalent
2910   // here (and the MatchKind::kNe is ignored).
2911   return {iter, MatchKind::kNe};
2912 }
2914 template <typename P>
2915 template <typename K>
2916 auto btree<P>::internal_lower_bound(const K &key) const
2917     -> SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> {
2918   if (!params_type::template can_have_multiple_equivalent_keys<K>()) {
2919     SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> ret = internal_locate(key);
2920     ret.value = internal_last(ret.value);
2921     return ret;
2922   }
2923   iterator iter(const_cast<node_type *>(root()));
2924   SearchResult<size_type, is_key_compare_to::value> res;
2925   bool seen_eq = false;
2926   for (;;) {
2927     res = iter.node_->lower_bound(key, key_comp());
2928     iter.position_ = static_cast<int>(res.value);
2929     if (iter.node_->is_leaf()) {
2930       break;
2931     }
2932     seen_eq = seen_eq || res.IsEq();
2933     iter.node_ = iter.node_->child(static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_));
2934   }
2935   if (res.IsEq()) return {iter, MatchKind::kEq};
2936   return {internal_last(iter), seen_eq ? MatchKind::kEq : MatchKind::kNe};
2937 }
2939 template <typename P>
2940 template <typename K>
2941 auto btree<P>::internal_upper_bound(const K &key) const -> iterator {
2942   iterator iter(const_cast<node_type *>(root()));
2943   for (;;) {
2944     iter.position_ = static_cast<int>(iter.node_->upper_bound(key, key_comp()));
2945     if (iter.node_->is_leaf()) {
2946       break;
2947     }
2948     iter.node_ = iter.node_->child(static_cast<field_type>(iter.position_));
2949   }
2950   return internal_last(iter);
2951 }
2953 template <typename P>
2954 template <typename K>
2955 auto btree<P>::internal_find(const K &key) const -> iterator {
2956   SearchResult<iterator, is_key_compare_to::value> res = internal_locate(key);
2957   if (res.HasMatch()) {
2958     if (res.IsEq()) {
2959       return res.value;
2960     }
2961   } else {
2962     const iterator iter = internal_last(res.value);
2963     if (iter.node_ != nullptr && !compare_keys(key, iter.key())) {
2964       return iter;
2965     }
2966   }
2967   return {nullptr, 0};
2968 }
2970 template <typename P>
2971 typename btree<P>::size_type btree<P>::internal_verify(
2972     const node_type *node, const key_type *lo, const key_type *hi) const {
2973   assert(node->count() > 0);
2974   assert(node->count() <= node->max_count());
2975   if (lo) {
2976     assert(!compare_keys(node->key(node->start()), *lo));
2977   }
2978   if (hi) {
2979     assert(!compare_keys(*hi, node->key(node->finish() - 1)));
2980   }
2981   for (int i = node->start() + 1; i < node->finish(); ++i) {
2982     assert(!compare_keys(node->key(i), node->key(i - 1)));
2983   }
2984   size_type count = node->count();
2985   if (node->is_internal()) {
2986     for (field_type i = node->start(); i <= node->finish(); ++i) {
2987       assert(node->child(i) != nullptr);
2988       assert(node->child(i)->parent() == node);
2989       assert(node->child(i)->position() == i);
2990       count += internal_verify(node->child(i),
2991                                i == node->start() ? lo : &node->key(i - 1),
2992                                i == node->finish() ? hi : &node->key(i));
2993     }
2994   }
2995   return count;
2996 }
2998 struct btree_access {
2999   template <typename BtreeContainer, typename Pred>
3000   static auto erase_if(BtreeContainer &container, Pred pred) ->
3001       typename BtreeContainer::size_type {
3002     const auto initial_size = container.size();
3003     auto &tree = container.tree_;
3004     auto *alloc = tree.mutable_allocator();
3005     for (auto it = container.begin(); it != container.end();) {
3006       if (!pred(*it)) {
3007         ++it;
3008         continue;
3009       }
3010       auto *node = it.node_;
3011       if (node->is_internal()) {
3012         // Handle internal nodes normally.
3013         it = container.erase(it);
3014         continue;
3015       }
3016       // If this is a leaf node, then we do all the erases from this node
3017       // at once before doing rebalancing.
3019       // The current position to transfer slots to.
3020       int to_pos = it.position_;
3021       node->value_destroy(it.position_, alloc);
3022       while (++it.position_ < node->finish()) {
3023         it.update_generation();
3024         if (pred(*it)) {
3025           node->value_destroy(it.position_, alloc);
3026         } else {
3027           node->transfer(node->slot(to_pos++), node->slot(it.position_), alloc);
3028         }
3029       }
3030       const int num_deleted = node->finish() - to_pos;
3031       tree.size_ -= num_deleted;
3032       node->set_finish(to_pos);
3033       it.position_ = to_pos;
3034       it = tree.rebalance_after_delete(it);
3035     }
3036     return initial_size - container.size();
3037   }
3038 };
3042 }  // namespace container_internal
3044 }  // namespace absl