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0001 // Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
0007 #include <QtCore/qobject.h>
0008 #include <QtOpenGL/qtopenglglobal.h>
0010 #include <QtGui/qopengl.h>
0011 #include <QtGui/qvector2d.h>
0012 #include <QtGui/qvector3d.h>
0013 #include <QtGui/qvector4d.h>
0014 #include <QtGui/qmatrix4x4.h>
0019 class QOpenGLContext;
0020 class QOpenGLShaderProgram;
0021 class QOpenGLShaderPrivate;
0023 class Q_OPENGL_EXPORT QOpenGLShader : public QObject
0024 {
0025     Q_OBJECT
0026 public:
0027     enum ShaderTypeBit
0028     {
0029         Vertex                 = 0x0001,
0030         Fragment               = 0x0002,
0031         Geometry               = 0x0004,
0032         TessellationControl    = 0x0008,
0033         TessellationEvaluation = 0x0010,
0034         Compute                = 0x0020
0035     };
0036     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ShaderType, ShaderTypeBit)
0038     explicit QOpenGLShader(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0039     ~QOpenGLShader();
0041     QOpenGLShader::ShaderType shaderType() const;
0043     bool compileSourceCode(const char *source);
0044     bool compileSourceCode(const QByteArray& source);
0045     bool compileSourceCode(const QString& source);
0046     bool compileSourceFile(const QString& fileName);
0048     QByteArray sourceCode() const;
0050     bool isCompiled() const;
0051     QString log() const;
0053     GLuint shaderId() const;
0055     static bool hasOpenGLShaders(ShaderType type, QOpenGLContext *context = nullptr);
0057 private:
0058     friend class QOpenGLShaderProgram;
0060     Q_DISABLE_COPY(QOpenGLShader)
0061     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QOpenGLShader)
0062 };
0067 class QOpenGLShaderProgramPrivate;
0069 class Q_OPENGL_EXPORT QOpenGLShaderProgram : public QObject
0070 {
0071     Q_OBJECT
0072 public:
0073     explicit QOpenGLShaderProgram(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0074     ~QOpenGLShaderProgram();
0076     bool addShader(QOpenGLShader *shader);
0077     void removeShader(QOpenGLShader *shader);
0078     QList<QOpenGLShader *> shaders() const;
0080     bool addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const char *source);
0081     bool addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const QByteArray& source);
0082     bool addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const QString& source);
0083     bool addShaderFromSourceFile(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const QString& fileName);
0085     bool addCacheableShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const char *source);
0086     bool addCacheableShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const QByteArray &source);
0087     bool addCacheableShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const QString &source);
0088     bool addCacheableShaderFromSourceFile(QOpenGLShader::ShaderType type, const QString &fileName);
0090     void removeAllShaders();
0092     virtual bool link();
0093     bool isLinked() const;
0094     QString log() const;
0096     bool bind();
0097     void release();
0099     bool create();
0101     GLuint programId() const;
0103     int maxGeometryOutputVertices() const;
0105     void setPatchVertexCount(int count);
0106     int patchVertexCount() const;
0108     void setDefaultOuterTessellationLevels(const QList<float> &levels);
0109     QList<float> defaultOuterTessellationLevels() const;
0111     void setDefaultInnerTessellationLevels(const QList<float> &levels);
0112     QList<float> defaultInnerTessellationLevels() const;
0114     void bindAttributeLocation(const char *name, int location);
0115     void bindAttributeLocation(const QByteArray& name, int location);
0116     void bindAttributeLocation(const QString& name, int location);
0118     int attributeLocation(const char *name) const;
0119     int attributeLocation(const QByteArray& name) const;
0120     int attributeLocation(const QString& name) const;
0122     void setAttributeValue(int location, GLfloat value);
0123     void setAttributeValue(int location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
0124     void setAttributeValue(int location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
0125     void setAttributeValue(int location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
0126     void setAttributeValue(int location, const QVector2D& value);
0127     void setAttributeValue(int location, const QVector3D& value);
0128     void setAttributeValue(int location, const QVector4D& value);
0129     void setAttributeValue(int location, const QColor& value);
0130     void setAttributeValue(int location, const GLfloat *values, int columns, int rows);
0132     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, GLfloat value);
0133     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
0134     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
0135     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
0136     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, const QVector2D& value);
0137     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, const QVector3D& value);
0138     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, const QVector4D& value);
0139     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, const QColor& value);
0140     void setAttributeValue(const char *name, const GLfloat *values, int columns, int rows);
0142     void setAttributeArray
0143         (int location, const GLfloat *values, int tupleSize, int stride = 0);
0144     void setAttributeArray
0145         (int location, const QVector2D *values, int stride = 0);
0146     void setAttributeArray
0147         (int location, const QVector3D *values, int stride = 0);
0148     void setAttributeArray
0149         (int location, const QVector4D *values, int stride = 0);
0150     void setAttributeArray
0151         (int location, GLenum type, const void *values, int tupleSize, int stride = 0);
0152     void setAttributeArray
0153         (const char *name, const GLfloat *values, int tupleSize, int stride = 0);
0154     void setAttributeArray
0155         (const char *name, const QVector2D *values, int stride = 0);
0156     void setAttributeArray
0157         (const char *name, const QVector3D *values, int stride = 0);
0158     void setAttributeArray
0159         (const char *name, const QVector4D *values, int stride = 0);
0160     void setAttributeArray
0161         (const char *name, GLenum type, const void *values, int tupleSize, int stride = 0);
0163     void setAttributeBuffer
0164         (int location, GLenum type, int offset, int tupleSize, int stride = 0);
0165     void setAttributeBuffer
0166         (const char *name, GLenum type, int offset, int tupleSize, int stride = 0);
0168     void enableAttributeArray(int location);
0169     void enableAttributeArray(const char *name);
0170     void disableAttributeArray(int location);
0171     void disableAttributeArray(const char *name);
0173     int uniformLocation(const char *name) const;
0174     int uniformLocation(const QByteArray& name) const;
0175     int uniformLocation(const QString& name) const;
0177     void setUniformValue(int location, GLfloat value);
0178     void setUniformValue(int location, GLint value);
0179     void setUniformValue(int location, GLuint value);
0180     void setUniformValue(int location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
0181     void setUniformValue(int location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
0182     void setUniformValue(int location, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
0183     void setUniformValue(int location, const QVector2D& value);
0184     void setUniformValue(int location, const QVector3D& value);
0185     void setUniformValue(int location, const QVector4D& value);
0186     void setUniformValue(int location, const QColor& color);
0187     void setUniformValue(int location, const QPoint& point);
0188     void setUniformValue(int location, const QPointF& point);
0189     void setUniformValue(int location, const QSize& size);
0190     void setUniformValue(int location, const QSizeF& size);
0191     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix2x2& value);
0192     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix2x3& value);
0193     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix2x4& value);
0194     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix3x2& value);
0195     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix3x3& value);
0196     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix3x4& value);
0197     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix4x2& value);
0198     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix4x3& value);
0199     void setUniformValue(int location, const QMatrix4x4& value);
0200     void setUniformValue(int location, const GLfloat value[2][2]);
0201     void setUniformValue(int location, const GLfloat value[3][3]);
0202     void setUniformValue(int location, const GLfloat value[4][4]);
0203     void setUniformValue(int location, const QTransform& value);
0205     void setUniformValue(const char *name, GLfloat value);
0206     void setUniformValue(const char *name, GLint value);
0207     void setUniformValue(const char *name, GLuint value);
0208     void setUniformValue(const char *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
0209     void setUniformValue(const char *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
0210     void setUniformValue(const char *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w);
0211     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QVector2D& value);
0212     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QVector3D& value);
0213     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QVector4D& value);
0214     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QColor& color);
0215     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QPoint& point);
0216     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QPointF& point);
0217     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QSize& size);
0218     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QSizeF& size);
0219     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix2x2& value);
0220     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix2x3& value);
0221     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix2x4& value);
0222     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix3x2& value);
0223     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix3x3& value);
0224     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix3x4& value);
0225     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix4x2& value);
0226     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix4x3& value);
0227     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QMatrix4x4& value);
0228     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const GLfloat value[2][2]);
0229     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const GLfloat value[3][3]);
0230     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const GLfloat value[4][4]);
0231     void setUniformValue(const char *name, const QTransform& value);
0233     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const GLfloat *values, int count, int tupleSize);
0234     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const GLint *values, int count);
0235     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const GLuint *values, int count);
0236     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QVector2D *values, int count);
0237     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QVector3D *values, int count);
0238     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QVector4D *values, int count);
0239     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix2x2 *values, int count);
0240     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix2x3 *values, int count);
0241     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix2x4 *values, int count);
0242     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix3x2 *values, int count);
0243     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix3x3 *values, int count);
0244     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix3x4 *values, int count);
0245     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix4x2 *values, int count);
0246     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix4x3 *values, int count);
0247     void setUniformValueArray(int location, const QMatrix4x4 *values, int count);
0249     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const GLfloat *values, int count, int tupleSize);
0250     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const GLint *values, int count);
0251     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const GLuint *values, int count);
0252     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QVector2D *values, int count);
0253     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QVector3D *values, int count);
0254     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QVector4D *values, int count);
0255     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix2x2 *values, int count);
0256     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix2x3 *values, int count);
0257     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix2x4 *values, int count);
0258     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix3x2 *values, int count);
0259     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix3x3 *values, int count);
0260     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix3x4 *values, int count);
0261     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix4x2 *values, int count);
0262     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix4x3 *values, int count);
0263     void setUniformValueArray(const char *name, const QMatrix4x4 *values, int count);
0265     static bool hasOpenGLShaderPrograms(QOpenGLContext *context = nullptr);
0267 private Q_SLOTS:
0268     void shaderDestroyed();
0270 private:
0271     Q_DISABLE_COPY(QOpenGLShaderProgram)
0272     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QOpenGLShaderProgram)
0274     bool init();
0275 };
0279 #endif