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Warning, file /include/QtCore/qcborvalue.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 // Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation.
0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
0004 #ifndef QCBORVALUE_H
0005 #define QCBORVALUE_H
0007 #include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
0008 #include <QtCore/qdatetime.h>
0009 #include <QtCore/qcborcommon.h>
0010 #if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
0011 #  include <QtCore/qregularexpression.h>
0012 #endif
0013 #include <QtCore/qstring.h>
0014 #include <QtCore/qstringview.h>
0015 #include <QtCore/qurl.h>
0016 #include <QtCore/quuid.h>
0017 #include <QtCore/qvariant.h>
0019 /* X11 headers use these values too, but as defines */
0020 #if defined(False) && defined(True)
0021 #  undef True
0022 #  undef False
0023 #endif
0025 #if 0 && __has_include(<compare>)
0026 #  include <compare>
0027 #endif
0031 class QCborArray;
0032 class QCborMap;
0033 class QCborStreamReader;
0034 class QCborStreamWriter;
0035 class QDataStream;
0037 namespace QJsonPrivate { class Value; }
0039 struct QCborParserError
0040 {
0041     qint64 offset = 0;
0042     QCborError error = { QCborError::NoError };
0044     QString errorString() const { return error.toString(); }
0045 };
0047 class QCborValueRef;
0048 class QCborContainerPrivate;
0049 class Q_CORE_EXPORT QCborValue
0050 {
0051     Q_GADGET
0052 public:
0053     enum EncodingOption {
0054         SortKeysInMaps = 0x01,
0055         UseFloat = 0x02,
0056 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
0057         UseFloat16 = UseFloat | 0x04,
0058 #endif
0059         UseIntegers = 0x08,
0061         NoTransformation = 0
0062     };
0063     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(EncodingOptions, EncodingOption)
0065     enum DiagnosticNotationOption {
0066         Compact         = 0x00,
0067         LineWrapped     = 0x01,
0068         ExtendedFormat  = 0x02
0069     };
0070     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DiagnosticNotationOptions, DiagnosticNotationOption)
0072     // different from QCborStreamReader::Type because we have more types
0073     enum Type : int {
0074         Integer         = 0x00,
0075         ByteArray       = 0x40,
0076         String          = 0x60,
0077         Array           = 0x80,
0078         Map             = 0xa0,
0079         Tag             = 0xc0,
0081         // range 0x100 - 0x1ff for Simple Types
0082         SimpleType      = 0x100,
0083         False           = SimpleType + int(QCborSimpleType::False),
0084         True            = SimpleType + int(QCborSimpleType::True),
0085         Null            = SimpleType + int(QCborSimpleType::Null),
0086         Undefined       = SimpleType + int(QCborSimpleType::Undefined),
0088         Double          = 0x202,
0090         // extended (tagged) types
0091         DateTime        = 0x10000,
0092         Url             = 0x10020,
0093         RegularExpression = 0x10023,
0094         Uuid            = 0x10025,
0096         Invalid         = -1
0097     };
0098     Q_ENUM(Type)
0100     QCborValue() {}
0101     QCborValue(Type t_) : t(t_) {}
0102     QCborValue(std::nullptr_t) : t(Null) {}
0103     QCborValue(bool b_) : t(b_ ? True : False) {}
0104 #ifndef Q_QDOC
0105     QCborValue(int i) : QCborValue(qint64(i)) {}
0106     QCborValue(unsigned u) : QCborValue(qint64(u)) {}
0107 #endif
0108     QCborValue(qint64 i) : n(i), t(Integer) {}
0109     QCborValue(double v) : t(Double) { memcpy(&n, &v, sizeof(n)); }
0110     QCborValue(QCborSimpleType st) : t(type_helper(st)) {}
0112     QCborValue(const QByteArray &ba);
0113     QCborValue(const QString &s);
0114     QCborValue(QStringView s);
0115     QCborValue(QLatin1StringView s);
0116 #ifndef QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII
0117     QT_ASCII_CAST_WARN QCborValue(const char *s) : QCborValue(QString::fromUtf8(s)) {}
0118 #endif
0119     QCborValue(const QCborArray &a);
0120     QCborValue(QCborArray &&a);
0121     QCborValue(const QCborMap &m);
0122     QCborValue(QCborMap &&m);
0123     QCborValue(QCborTag tag, const QCborValue &taggedValue = QCborValue());
0124     QCborValue(QCborKnownTags t_, const QCborValue &tv = QCborValue())
0125         : QCborValue(QCborTag(t_), tv)
0126     {}
0128     explicit QCborValue(const QDateTime &dt);
0129 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
0130     explicit QCborValue(const QUrl &url);
0131 #  if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
0132     explicit QCborValue(const QRegularExpression &rx);
0133 #  endif
0134     explicit QCborValue(const QUuid &uuid);
0135 #endif
0137     ~QCborValue() { if (container) dispose(); }
0139     // make sure const char* doesn't go call the bool constructor
0140     QCborValue(const void *) = delete;
0142     QCborValue(const QCborValue &other) noexcept;
0143     QCborValue(QCborValue &&other) noexcept
0144         : n(other.n), container(std::exchange(other.container, nullptr)), t(std::exchange(other.t, Undefined))
0145     {
0146     }
0147     QCborValue &operator=(const QCborValue &other) noexcept;
0150     void swap(QCborValue &other) noexcept
0151     {
0152         std::swap(n, other.n);
0153         qt_ptr_swap(container, other.container);
0154         std::swap(t, other.t);
0155     }
0157     Type type() const           { return t; }
0158     bool isInteger() const      { return type() == Integer; }
0159     bool isByteArray() const    { return type() == ByteArray; }
0160     bool isString() const       { return type() == String; }
0161     bool isArray() const        { return type() == Array; }
0162     bool isMap() const          { return type() == Map; }
0163     bool isTag() const          { return isTag_helper(type()); }
0164     bool isFalse() const        { return type() == False; }
0165     bool isTrue() const         { return type() == True; }
0166     bool isBool() const         { return isFalse() || isTrue(); }
0167     bool isNull() const         { return type() == Null; }
0168     bool isUndefined() const    { return type() == Undefined; }
0169     bool isDouble() const       { return type() == Double; }
0170     bool isDateTime() const     { return type() == DateTime; }
0171     bool isUrl() const          { return type() == Url; }
0172     bool isRegularExpression() const { return type() == RegularExpression; }
0173     bool isUuid() const         { return type() == Uuid; }
0174     bool isInvalid() const      { return type() == Invalid; }
0175     bool isContainer() const    { return isMap() || isArray(); }
0177     bool isSimpleType() const
0178     {
0179         return int(type()) >> 8 == int(SimpleType) >> 8;
0180     }
0181     bool isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType st) const
0182     {
0183         return type() == type_helper(st);
0184     }
0185     QCborSimpleType toSimpleType(QCborSimpleType defaultValue = QCborSimpleType::Undefined) const
0186     {
0187         return isSimpleType() ? QCborSimpleType(type() & 0xff) : defaultValue;
0188     }
0190     qint64 toInteger(qint64 defaultValue = 0) const
0191     { return isInteger() ? value_helper() : isDouble() ? qint64(fp_helper()) : defaultValue; }
0192     bool toBool(bool defaultValue = false) const
0193     { return isBool() ? isTrue() : defaultValue; }
0194     double toDouble(double defaultValue = 0) const
0195     { return isDouble() ? fp_helper() : isInteger() ? double(value_helper()) : defaultValue; }
0197     QCborTag tag(QCborTag defaultValue = QCborTag(-1)) const;
0198     QCborValue taggedValue(const QCborValue &defaultValue = QCborValue()) const;
0200     QByteArray toByteArray(const QByteArray &defaultValue = {}) const;
0201     QString toString(const QString &defaultValue = {}) const;
0202     QDateTime toDateTime(const QDateTime &defaultValue = {}) const;
0203 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
0204     QUrl toUrl(const QUrl &defaultValue = {}) const;
0205 #  if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
0206     QRegularExpression toRegularExpression(const QRegularExpression &defaultValue = {}) const;
0207 #  endif
0208     QUuid toUuid(const QUuid &defaultValue = {}) const;
0209 #endif
0211     // only forward-declared, need split functions
0212     QCborArray toArray() const;
0213     QCborArray toArray(const QCborArray &defaultValue) const;
0214     QCborMap toMap() const;
0215     QCborMap toMap(const QCborMap &defaultValue) const;
0217     const QCborValue operator[](const QString &key) const;
0218     const QCborValue operator[](QLatin1StringView key) const;
0219     const QCborValue operator[](qint64 key) const;
0220     QCborValueRef operator[](qint64 key);
0221     QCborValueRef operator[](QLatin1StringView key);
0222     QCborValueRef operator[](const QString & key);
0224     int compare(const QCborValue &other) const;
0225 #if 0 && __has_include(<compare>)
0226     std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const QCborValue &other) const
0227     {
0228         int c = compare(other);
0229         if (c > 0) return std::partial_ordering::greater;
0230         if (c == 0) return std::partial_ordering::equivalent;
0231         return std::partial_ordering::less;
0232     }
0233 #else
0234     bool operator==(const QCborValue &other) const noexcept
0235     { return compare(other) == 0; }
0236     bool operator!=(const QCborValue &other) const noexcept
0237     { return !(*this == other); }
0238     bool operator<(const QCborValue &other) const
0239     { return compare(other) < 0; }
0240 #endif
0242     static QCborValue fromVariant(const QVariant &variant);
0243     QVariant toVariant() const;
0244     static QCborValue fromJsonValue(const QJsonValue &v);
0245     QJsonValue toJsonValue() const;
0247 #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader)
0248     static QCborValue fromCbor(QCborStreamReader &reader);
0249     static QCborValue fromCbor(const QByteArray &ba, QCborParserError *error = nullptr);
0250     static QCborValue fromCbor(const char *data, qsizetype len, QCborParserError *error = nullptr)
0251     { return fromCbor(QByteArray(data, int(len)), error); }
0252     static QCborValue fromCbor(const quint8 *data, qsizetype len, QCborParserError *error = nullptr)
0253     { return fromCbor(QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), int(len)), error); }
0254 #endif // QT_CONFIG(cborstreamreader)
0255 #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter)
0256     QByteArray toCbor(EncodingOptions opt = NoTransformation) const;
0257     void toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, EncodingOptions opt = NoTransformation) const;
0258 #endif
0260     QString toDiagnosticNotation(DiagnosticNotationOptions opts = Compact) const;
0262 private:
0263     friend class QCborValueRef;
0264     friend class QCborContainerPrivate;
0265     friend class QJsonPrivate::Value;
0267     qint64 n = 0;
0268     QCborContainerPrivate *container = nullptr;
0269     Type t = Undefined;
0271     void dispose();
0272     qint64 value_helper() const
0273     {
0274         return n;
0275     }
0277     double fp_helper() const
0278     {
0279         static_assert(sizeof(double) == sizeof(n));
0280         double d;
0281         memcpy(&d, &n, sizeof(d));
0282         return d;
0283     }
0285     constexpr static Type type_helper(QCborSimpleType st)
0286     {
0287         return Type(quint8(st) | SimpleType);
0288     }
0290     constexpr static bool isTag_helper(Type tt)
0291     {
0292         return tt == Tag || tt >= 0x10000;
0293     }
0294 };
0297 class QCborValueConstRef
0298 {
0299 public:
0300     QCborValueConstRef(const QCborValueConstRef &) = default;
0301     QCborValueConstRef &operator=(const QCborValueConstRef &) = delete;
0302     operator QCborValue() const     { return concrete(); }
0304     QCborValue::Type type() const   { return concreteType(*this); }
0305     bool isInteger() const          { return type() == QCborValue::Integer; }
0306     bool isByteArray() const        { return type() == QCborValue::ByteArray; }
0307     bool isString() const           { return type() == QCborValue::String; }
0308     bool isArray() const            { return type() == QCborValue::Array; }
0309     bool isMap() const              { return type() == QCborValue::Map; }
0310     bool isTag() const              { return concrete().isTag(); }
0311     bool isFalse() const            { return type() == QCborValue::False; }
0312     bool isTrue() const             { return type() == QCborValue::True; }
0313     bool isBool() const             { return isFalse() || isTrue(); }
0314     bool isNull() const             { return type() == QCborValue::Null; }
0315     bool isUndefined() const        { return type() == QCborValue::Undefined; }
0316     bool isDouble() const           { return type() == QCborValue::Double; }
0317     bool isDateTime() const         { return type() == QCborValue::DateTime; }
0318     bool isUrl() const              { return type() == QCborValue::Url; }
0319     bool isRegularExpression() const { return type() == QCborValue::RegularExpression; }
0320     bool isUuid() const             { return type() == QCborValue::Uuid; }
0321     bool isInvalid() const          { return type() == QCborValue::Invalid; }
0322     bool isContainer() const        { return isMap() || isArray(); }
0323     bool isSimpleType() const       { return concrete().isSimpleType(); }
0324     bool isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType st) const { return concrete().isSimpleType(st); }
0326     QCborSimpleType toSimpleType(QCborSimpleType defaultValue = QCborSimpleType::Undefined) const
0327     {
0328         return concrete().toSimpleType(defaultValue);
0329     }
0331     QCborTag tag(QCborTag defaultValue = QCborTag(-1)) const
0332     { return concrete().tag(defaultValue); }
0333     QCborValue taggedValue(const QCborValue &defaultValue = QCborValue()) const
0334     { return concrete().taggedValue(defaultValue); }
0336     qint64 toInteger(qint64 defaultValue = 0) const
0337     { return concrete().toInteger(defaultValue); }
0338     bool toBool(bool defaultValue = false) const
0339     { return concrete().toBool(defaultValue); }
0340     double toDouble(double defaultValue = 0) const
0341     { return concrete().toDouble(defaultValue); }
0343     QByteArray toByteArray(const QByteArray &defaultValue = {}) const
0344     { return concrete().toByteArray(defaultValue); }
0345     QString toString(const QString &defaultValue = {}) const
0346     { return concrete().toString(defaultValue); }
0347     QDateTime toDateTime(const QDateTime &defaultValue = {}) const
0348     { return concrete().toDateTime(defaultValue); }
0349 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
0350     QUrl toUrl(const QUrl &defaultValue = {}) const
0351     { return concrete().toUrl(defaultValue); }
0352 #  if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
0353     QRegularExpression toRegularExpression(const QRegularExpression &defaultValue = {}) const
0354     { return concrete().toRegularExpression(defaultValue); }
0355 #  endif
0356     QUuid toUuid(const QUuid &defaultValue = {}) const
0357     { return concrete().toUuid(defaultValue); }
0358 #endif
0360     // only forward-declared, need split functions. Implemented in qcbor{array,map}.h
0361     inline QCborArray toArray() const;
0362     inline QCborArray toArray(const QCborArray &a) const;
0363     inline QCborMap toMap() const;
0364     inline QCborMap toMap(const QCborMap &m) const;
0366     Q_CORE_EXPORT const QCborValue operator[](const QString &key) const;
0367     Q_CORE_EXPORT const QCborValue operator[](QLatin1StringView key) const;
0368     Q_CORE_EXPORT const QCborValue operator[](qint64 key) const;
0370     int compare(const QCborValue &other) const
0371     { return concrete().compare(other); }
0372 #if 0 && __has_include(<compare>)
0373     std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const QCborValue &other) const
0374     {
0375         int c = compare(other);
0376         if (c > 0) return std::strong_ordering::greater;
0377         if (c == 0) return std::strong_ordering::equivalent;
0378         return std::strong_ordering::less;
0379     }
0380 #else
0381     bool operator==(const QCborValue &other) const
0382     { return compare(other) == 0; }
0383     bool operator!=(const QCborValue &other) const
0384     { return !(*this == other); }
0385     bool operator<(const QCborValue &other) const
0386     { return compare(other) < 0; }
0387 #endif
0389     QVariant toVariant() const                  { return concrete().toVariant(); }
0390     inline QJsonValue toJsonValue() const;      // in qjsonvalue.h
0392 #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter)
0393     QByteArray toCbor(QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt = QCborValue::NoTransformation) const
0394     { return concrete().toCbor(opt); }
0395     void toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt = QCborValue::NoTransformation) const
0396     { return concrete().toCbor(writer, opt); }
0397 #endif
0399     QString toDiagnosticNotation(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions opt = QCborValue::Compact) const
0400     { return concrete().toDiagnosticNotation(opt); }
0402 protected:
0403     friend class QCborValue;
0404     friend class QCborArray;
0405     friend class QCborMap;
0406     friend class QCborContainerPrivate;
0408     QCborValue concrete() const noexcept  { return concrete(*this); }
0410     static Q_CORE_EXPORT QCborValue concrete(QCborValueConstRef that) noexcept;
0411     static Q_CORE_EXPORT QCborValue::Type concreteType(QCborValueConstRef that) noexcept Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION;
0412     static Q_CORE_EXPORT bool
0413     concreteBoolean(QCborValueConstRef that, bool defaultValue) noexcept Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION;
0414     static Q_CORE_EXPORT double
0415     concreteDouble(QCborValueConstRef that, double defaultValue) noexcept Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION;
0416     static Q_CORE_EXPORT qint64
0417     concreteIntegral(QCborValueConstRef that, qint64 defaultValue) noexcept Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION;
0418     static Q_CORE_EXPORT QByteArray
0419     concreteByteArray(QCborValueConstRef that, const QByteArray &defaultValue);
0420     static Q_CORE_EXPORT QString
0421     concreteString(QCborValueConstRef that, const QString &defaultValue);
0423     constexpr QCborValueConstRef() : d(nullptr), i(0) {} // this will actually be invalid
0424     constexpr QCborValueConstRef(QCborContainerPrivate *dd, qsizetype ii)
0425         : d(dd), i(ii)
0426     {}
0427     QCborContainerPrivate *d;
0428     qsizetype i;
0429 };
0432 QT6_ONLY(QT_WARNING_DISABLE_MSVC(4275)) // non dll-interface class 'QJsonValueConstRef' used as base for dll-interface class 'QJsonValueRef'
0433 class QT6_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) QCborValueRef : public QCborValueConstRef
0434 {
0435 public:
0436     QCborValueRef(const QCborValueRef &) noexcept = default;
0437     QCborValueRef(QCborValueRef &&) noexcept = default;
0438     QCborValueRef &operator=(const QCborValue &other)
0439     { assign(*this, other); return *this; }
0440     QCborValueRef &operator=(QCborValue &&other)
0441     { assign(*this, std::move(other)); other.container = nullptr; return *this; }
0442     QCborValueRef &operator=(const QCborValueRef &other)
0443     { assign(*this, other); return *this; }
0445     QT7_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) QCborValueRef operator[](qint64 key);
0446     QT7_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) QCborValueRef operator[](QLatin1StringView key);
0447     QT7_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) QCborValueRef operator[](const QString & key);
0449 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(7, 0, 0) && !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED)
0450     // retained for binary compatibility (due to the Q_CORE_EXPORT) because at
0451     // least one compiler emits and exports all inlines in an exported class
0453     operator QCborValue() const     { return concrete(); }
0454     QCborValue::Type type() const   { return concreteType(); }
0455     bool isInteger() const          { return type() == QCborValue::Integer; }
0456     bool isByteArray() const        { return type() == QCborValue::ByteArray; }
0457     bool isString() const           { return type() == QCborValue::String; }
0458     bool isArray() const            { return type() == QCborValue::Array; }
0459     bool isMap() const              { return type() == QCborValue::Map; }
0460     bool isTag() const              { return QCborValue::isTag_helper(type()); }
0461     bool isFalse() const            { return type() == QCborValue::False; }
0462     bool isTrue() const             { return type() == QCborValue::True; }
0463     bool isBool() const             { return isFalse() || isTrue(); }
0464     bool isNull() const             { return type() == QCborValue::Null; }
0465     bool isUndefined() const        { return type() == QCborValue::Undefined; }
0466     bool isDouble() const           { return type() == QCborValue::Double; }
0467     bool isDateTime() const         { return type() == QCborValue::DateTime; }
0468     bool isUrl() const              { return type() == QCborValue::Url; }
0469     bool isRegularExpression() const { return type() == QCborValue::RegularExpression; }
0470     bool isUuid() const             { return type() == QCborValue::Uuid; }
0471     bool isInvalid() const          { return type() == QCborValue::Invalid; }
0472     bool isContainer() const        { return isMap() || isArray(); }
0473     bool isSimpleType() const
0474     {
0475         return type() >= QCborValue::SimpleType && type() < QCborValue::SimpleType + 0x100;
0476     }
0477     bool isSimpleType(QCborSimpleType st) const
0478     {
0479         return type() == QCborValue::type_helper(st);
0480     }
0481     QCborSimpleType toSimpleType(QCborSimpleType defaultValue = QCborSimpleType::Undefined) const
0482     {
0483         return isSimpleType() ? QCborSimpleType(type() & 0xff) : defaultValue;
0484     }
0486     QCborTag tag(QCborTag defaultValue = QCborTag(-1)) const
0487     { return concrete().tag(defaultValue); }
0488     QCborValue taggedValue(const QCborValue &defaultValue = QCborValue()) const
0489     { return concrete().taggedValue(defaultValue); }
0491     qint64 toInteger(qint64 defaultValue = 0) const
0492     { return concreteIntegral(*this, defaultValue); }
0493     bool toBool(bool defaultValue = false) const
0494     { return concreteBoolean(*this, defaultValue); }
0495     double toDouble(double defaultValue = 0) const
0496     { return concreteDouble(*this, defaultValue); }
0498     QByteArray toByteArray(const QByteArray &defaultValue = {}) const
0499     { return concreteByteArray(*this, defaultValue); }
0500     QString toString(const QString &defaultValue = {}) const
0501     { return concreteString(*this, defaultValue); }
0502     QDateTime toDateTime(const QDateTime &defaultValue = {}) const
0503     { return concrete().toDateTime(defaultValue); }
0504 #ifndef QT_BOOTSTRAPPED
0505     QUrl toUrl(const QUrl &defaultValue = {}) const
0506     { return concrete().toUrl(defaultValue); }
0507 #  if QT_CONFIG(regularexpression)
0508     QRegularExpression toRegularExpression(const QRegularExpression &defaultValue = {}) const
0509     { return concrete().toRegularExpression(defaultValue); }
0510 #  endif
0511     QUuid toUuid(const QUuid &defaultValue = {}) const
0512     { return concrete().toUuid(defaultValue); }
0513 #endif
0515     // only forward-declared, need split functions. Implemented in qcbor{array,map}.h
0516     QCborArray toArray() const;
0517     QCborArray toArray(const QCborArray &a) const;
0518     QCborMap toMap() const;
0519     QCborMap toMap(const QCborMap &m) const;
0521     const QCborValue operator[](const QString &key) const;
0522     const QCborValue operator[](QLatin1StringView key) const;
0523     const QCborValue operator[](qint64 key) const;
0525     int compare(const QCborValue &other) const
0526     { return concrete().compare(other); }
0527 #if 0 && __has_include(<compare>)
0528     std::strong_ordering operator<=>(const QCborValue &other) const
0529     {
0530         int c = compare(other);
0531         if (c > 0) return std::strong_ordering::greater;
0532         if (c == 0) return std::strong_ordering::equivalent;
0533         return std::strong_ordering::less;
0534     }
0535 #else
0536     bool operator==(const QCborValue &other) const
0537     { return compare(other) == 0; }
0538     bool operator!=(const QCborValue &other) const
0539     { return !(*this == other); }
0540     bool operator<(const QCborValue &other) const
0541     { return compare(other) < 0; }
0542 #endif
0544     QVariant toVariant() const                  { return concrete().toVariant(); }
0545     QJsonValue toJsonValue() const;
0547 #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter)
0548     using QCborValueConstRef::toCbor;
0549     QByteArray toCbor(QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt = QCborValue::NoTransformation)
0550     { return std::as_const(*this).toCbor(opt); }
0551     void toCbor(QCborStreamWriter &writer, QCborValue::EncodingOptions opt = QCborValue::NoTransformation);
0552 #endif
0554     using QCborValueConstRef::toDiagnosticNotation;
0555     QString toDiagnosticNotation(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions opt = QCborValue::Compact)
0556     { return std::as_const(*this).toDiagnosticNotation(opt); }
0558 private:
0559     static QCborValue concrete(QCborValueRef that) noexcept;
0560     QCborValue concrete() const noexcept  { return concrete(*this); }
0562     static QCborValue::Type concreteType(QCborValueRef self) noexcept Q_DECL_PURE_FUNCTION;
0563     QCborValue::Type concreteType() const noexcept { return concreteType(*this); }
0565     // this will actually be invalid...
0566     constexpr QCborValueRef() : QCborValueConstRef(nullptr, 0) {}
0568     QCborValueRef(QCborContainerPrivate *dd, qsizetype ii)
0569         : QCborValueConstRef(dd, ii)
0570     {}
0571 #else
0572 private:
0573     using QCborValueConstRef::QCborValueConstRef;
0574 #endif // < Qt 7
0576     friend class QCborValue;
0577     friend class QCborArray;
0578     friend class QCborMap;
0579     friend class QCborContainerPrivate;
0580     friend class QCborValueConstRef;
0582     // static so we can pass this by value
0583     QT7_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) static void assign(QCborValueRef that, const QCborValue &other);
0584     QT7_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) static void assign(QCborValueRef that, QCborValue &&other);
0585     QT7_ONLY(Q_CORE_EXPORT) static void assign(QCborValueRef that, const QCborValueRef other);
0586 };
0588 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QCborValue::EncodingOptions)
0589 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QCborValue::DiagnosticNotationOptions)
0591 Q_CORE_EXPORT size_t qHash(const QCborValue &value, size_t seed = 0);
0593 #if !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
0594 Q_CORE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug, const QCborValue &v);
0595 #endif
0597 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
0598 #if QT_CONFIG(cborstreamwriter)
0599 Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QCborValue &);
0600 #endif
0601 Q_CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QCborValue &);
0602 #endif
0606 #if defined(QT_X11_DEFINES_FOUND)
0607 #  define True  1
0608 #  define False 0
0609 #endif
0611 #endif // QCBORVALUE_H