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0001 // ParticleData.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
0002 // Copyright (C) 2024 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
0003 // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
0004 // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
0006 // Header file for the classes containing particle data.
0007 // DecayChannel contains info on a single decay channel.
0008 // ParticleDataEntry contains info on a single particle species.
0009 // ParticleData collects info on all particles as a map.
0011 #ifndef Pythia8_ParticleData_H
0012 #define Pythia8_ParticleData_H
0014 #include "Pythia8/Basics.h"
0015 #include "Pythia8/Info.h"
0016 #include "Pythia8/PythiaStdlib.h"
0017 #include "Pythia8/Settings.h"
0018 #include "Pythia8/StandardModel.h"
0020 namespace Pythia8 {
0022 //==========================================================================
0024 // Forward reference to some classes.
0025 class ParticleData;
0026 class ResonanceWidths;
0027 class CoupSM;
0028 class CoupSUSY;
0029 class SUSYResonanceWidths;
0031 //==========================================================================
0033 // This class holds info on a single decay channel.
0035 class DecayChannel {
0037 public:
0039   // Constructor.
0040   DecayChannel(int onModeIn = 0, double bRatioIn = 0., int meModeIn = 0,
0041     int prod0 = 0, int prod1 = 0, int prod2 = 0, int prod3 = 0,
0042     int prod4 = 0, int prod5 = 0, int prod6 = 0, int prod7 = 0)
0043     : onModeSave(onModeIn), bRatioSave(bRatioIn), currentBRSave(0.),
0044     onShellWidthSave(0.), openSecPos(1.), openSecNeg(1.),
0045     meModeSave(meModeIn), nProd(0), prod(), hasChangedSave(true) {
0046     prod[0] = prod0; prod[1] = prod1; prod[2] = prod2; prod[3] = prod3;
0047     prod[4] = prod4; prod[5] = prod5; prod[6] = prod6; prod[7] = prod7;
0048     for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) if (prod[j] != 0 && j == nProd) ++nProd; }
0050   // Copy constructor.
0051   DecayChannel( const DecayChannel& oldDC) {
0052     onModeSave = oldDC.onModeSave; bRatioSave = oldDC.bRatioSave;
0053     currentBRSave = oldDC.currentBRSave;
0054     onShellWidthSave = oldDC.onShellWidthSave; openSecPos = oldDC.openSecPos;
0055     openSecNeg = oldDC.openSecNeg; meModeSave = oldDC.meModeSave;
0056     nProd = oldDC.nProd; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) prod[j] =[j];
0057     hasChangedSave = oldDC.hasChangedSave; }
0059   // Assignment operator.
0060   DecayChannel& operator=( const DecayChannel& oldDC) { if (this != &oldDC) {
0061     onModeSave = oldDC.onModeSave; bRatioSave = oldDC.bRatioSave;
0062     currentBRSave = oldDC.currentBRSave;
0063     onShellWidthSave = oldDC.onShellWidthSave; openSecPos = oldDC.openSecPos;
0064     openSecNeg = oldDC.openSecNeg; meModeSave = oldDC.meModeSave;
0065     nProd = oldDC.nProd; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) prod[j] =[j];
0066     hasChangedSave = oldDC.hasChangedSave; } return *this; }
0068   // Member functions for input.
0069   void onMode(int onModeIn) {onModeSave = onModeIn; hasChangedSave = true;}
0070   void bRatio(double bRatioIn, bool countAsChanged = true) {
0071     bRatioSave = bRatioIn; if (countAsChanged) hasChangedSave = true;}
0072   void rescaleBR(double fac) {bRatioSave *= fac; hasChangedSave = true;}
0073   void meMode(int meModeIn) {meModeSave = meModeIn; hasChangedSave = true;}
0074   void multiplicity(int multIn)  {nProd = multIn; hasChangedSave = true;}
0075   void product(int i, int prodIn) {prod[i] = prodIn; nProd = 0;
0076     for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) if (prod[j] != 0 && j == nProd) ++nProd;
0077     hasChangedSave = true;}
0078   void setHasChanged(bool hasChangedIn) {hasChangedSave = hasChangedIn;}
0080   // Member functions for output.
0081   int    onMode()       const {return onModeSave;}
0082   double bRatio()       const {return bRatioSave;}
0083   int    meMode()       const {return meModeSave;}
0084   int    multiplicity() const {return nProd;}
0085   int    product(int i) const {return (i >= 0 && i < nProd) ? prod[i] : 0;}
0086   bool   hasChanged()   const { return hasChangedSave;}
0088   // Check for presence of particles anywhere in decay list.
0089   bool   contains(int id1) const;
0090   bool   contains(int id1, int id2) const;
0091   bool   contains(int id1, int id2, int id3) const;
0093   // Input/output for current selection of decay modes.
0094   // Takes into account on/off switches and dynamic width for resonances.
0095   void   currentBR(double currentBRIn) {currentBRSave = currentBRIn;}
0096   double currentBR() const {return currentBRSave;}
0098   // Input/output for nominal partial width; used by resonances.
0099   void   onShellWidth(double onShellWidthIn) {
0100          onShellWidthSave = onShellWidthIn;}
0101   double onShellWidth() const {return onShellWidthSave;}
0102   void   onShellWidthFactor(double factor) {onShellWidthSave *= factor;}
0104   // Input/output for fraction of secondary open widths; used by resonances.
0105   void   openSec(int idSgn, double openSecIn) {
0106     if (idSgn > 0) openSecPos = openSecIn; else openSecNeg = openSecIn;}
0107   double openSec(int idSgn) const {
0108     return (idSgn > 0) ? openSecPos : openSecNeg;}
0110 private:
0112   // Decay channel info.
0113   int    onModeSave;
0114   double bRatioSave, currentBRSave, onShellWidthSave, openSecPos,
0115          openSecNeg;
0116   int    meModeSave, nProd, prod[8];
0117   bool   hasChangedSave;
0119 };
0121 //==========================================================================
0123 // This class holds info on a single particle species.
0125 class ParticleDataEntry {
0127 public:
0129   // Constructors: for antiparticle exists or not.
0130   ParticleDataEntry(int idIn = 0, string nameIn = " ",
0131     int spinTypeIn = 0, int chargeTypeIn = 0, int colTypeIn = 0,
0132     double m0In = 0., double mWidthIn = 0., double mMinIn = 0.,
0133     double mMaxIn = 0., double tau0In = 0., bool varWidthIn = false)
0134     : idSave(abs(idIn)), nameSave(nameIn), antiNameSave("void"),
0135     spinTypeSave(spinTypeIn), chargeTypeSave(chargeTypeIn),
0136     colTypeSave(colTypeIn), m0Save(m0In),  mWidthSave (mWidthIn),
0137     mMinSave(mMinIn), mMaxSave(mMaxIn), tau0Save(tau0In),
0138     constituentMassSave(), hasAntiSave(false), isResonanceSave(),
0139     mayDecaySave(), tauCalcSave(true), varWidthSave(varWidthIn),
0140     doExternalDecaySave(), isVisibleSave(), doForceWidthSave(),
0141     hasChangedSave(true), hasChangedMMinSave(false),
0142     hasChangedMMaxSave(false), modeBWnow(), modeTau0now(), atanLow(),
0143     atanDif(), mThr(), currentBRSum(), resonancePtr(0), particleDataPtr() {
0144       setDefaults();}
0145   ParticleDataEntry(int idIn, string nameIn, string antiNameIn,
0146     int spinTypeIn = 0, int chargeTypeIn = 0, int colTypeIn = 0,
0147     double m0In = 0., double mWidthIn = 0., double mMinIn = 0.,
0148     double mMaxIn = 0., double tau0In = 0., bool varWidthIn = false)
0149     : idSave(abs(idIn)), nameSave(nameIn), antiNameSave(antiNameIn),
0150     spinTypeSave(spinTypeIn), chargeTypeSave(chargeTypeIn),
0151     colTypeSave(colTypeIn), m0Save(m0In), mWidthSave (mWidthIn),
0152     mMinSave(mMinIn), mMaxSave(mMaxIn), tau0Save(tau0In),
0153     constituentMassSave(), hasAntiSave(true), isResonanceSave(),
0154     mayDecaySave(), tauCalcSave(true), varWidthSave(varWidthIn),
0155     doExternalDecaySave(), isVisibleSave(), doForceWidthSave(),
0156     hasChangedSave(true), hasChangedMMinSave(false),
0157     hasChangedMMaxSave(false), modeBWnow(), modeTau0now(), atanLow(),
0158     atanDif(), mThr(), currentBRSum(), resonancePtr(0), particleDataPtr() {
0159       setDefaults(); if (toLower(antiNameIn) == "void") hasAntiSave = false;}
0161   // Copy constructor.
0162   ParticleDataEntry( const ParticleDataEntry& oldPDE) {idSave = oldPDE.idSave;
0163     nameSave = oldPDE.nameSave; antiNameSave = oldPDE.antiNameSave;
0164     spinTypeSave = oldPDE.spinTypeSave; chargeTypeSave = oldPDE.chargeTypeSave;
0165     colTypeSave = oldPDE.colTypeSave; m0Save = oldPDE.m0Save;
0166     mWidthSave = oldPDE.mWidthSave;  mMinSave = oldPDE.mMinSave;
0167     mMaxSave = oldPDE.mMaxSave;  tau0Save = oldPDE.tau0Save;
0168     varWidthSave = oldPDE.varWidthSave;
0169     constituentMassSave = oldPDE.constituentMassSave;
0170     hasAntiSave = oldPDE.hasAntiSave; isResonanceSave = oldPDE.isResonanceSave;
0171     mayDecaySave = oldPDE.mayDecaySave; tauCalcSave = oldPDE.tauCalcSave;
0172     doExternalDecaySave = oldPDE.doExternalDecaySave; isVisibleSave
0173     = oldPDE.isVisibleSave; doForceWidthSave = oldPDE.doForceWidthSave;
0174     hasChangedSave = oldPDE.hasChangedSave; hasChangedMMinSave
0175     = oldPDE.hasChangedMMinSave; hasChangedMMaxSave
0176     = oldPDE.hasChangedMMaxSave; modeTau0now = oldPDE.modeTau0now; modeBWnow
0177     = oldPDE.modeBWnow; atanLow = oldPDE.atanLow; atanDif = oldPDE.atanDif;
0178     mThr = oldPDE.mThr;
0179     for (int i = 0; i < int(oldPDE.channels.size()); ++i) {
0180       DecayChannel oldDC = oldPDE.channels[i]; channels.push_back(oldDC); }
0181     currentBRSum = oldPDE.currentBRSum; resonancePtr = oldPDE.resonancePtr;
0182     particleDataPtr = oldPDE.particleDataPtr; }
0184   // Assignment operator.
0185   ParticleDataEntry& operator=( const ParticleDataEntry& oldPDE) {
0186     if (this != &oldPDE) { idSave = oldPDE.idSave;
0187     nameSave = oldPDE.nameSave; antiNameSave = oldPDE.antiNameSave;
0188     spinTypeSave = oldPDE.spinTypeSave; chargeTypeSave = oldPDE.chargeTypeSave;
0189     colTypeSave = oldPDE.colTypeSave; m0Save = oldPDE.m0Save;
0190     mWidthSave = oldPDE.mWidthSave;  mMinSave = oldPDE.mMinSave;
0191     mMaxSave = oldPDE.mMaxSave;  tau0Save = oldPDE.tau0Save;
0192     varWidthSave = oldPDE.varWidthSave;
0193     constituentMassSave = oldPDE.constituentMassSave;
0194     hasAntiSave = oldPDE.hasAntiSave; isResonanceSave = oldPDE.isResonanceSave;
0195     mayDecaySave = oldPDE.mayDecaySave; tauCalcSave = oldPDE.tauCalcSave;
0196     doExternalDecaySave = oldPDE.doExternalDecaySave; isVisibleSave
0197     = oldPDE.isVisibleSave; doForceWidthSave = oldPDE.doForceWidthSave;
0198     hasChangedSave = oldPDE.hasChangedSave; hasChangedMMinSave
0199     = oldPDE.hasChangedMMinSave; hasChangedMMaxSave
0200     = oldPDE.hasChangedMMaxSave; modeBWnow = oldPDE.modeBWnow; atanLow
0201     = oldPDE.atanLow; atanDif = oldPDE.atanDif; mThr = oldPDE.mThr;
0202     for (int i = 0; i < int(oldPDE.channels.size()); ++i) {
0203       DecayChannel oldDC = oldPDE.channels[i]; channels.push_back(oldDC); }
0204     currentBRSum = oldPDE.currentBRSum; resonancePtr = 0;
0205     particleDataPtr = 0; } return *this; }
0207   // Initialization of some particle flags.
0208   void setDefaults();
0210   // Store pointer to whole particle data table/database.
0211   void initPtr( ParticleData* particleDataPtrIn) {
0212     particleDataPtr = particleDataPtrIn;}
0214   // Reset all the properties of an existing particle.
0215   void setAll(string nameIn, string antiNameIn, int spinTypeIn = 0,
0216     int chargeTypeIn = 0, int colTypeIn = 0, double m0In = 0.,
0217     double mWidthIn = 0., double mMinIn = 0., double mMaxIn = 0.,
0218     double tau0In = 0., bool varWidthIn = false)
0219     {nameSave = nameIn; antiNameSave = antiNameIn; hasAntiSave = true;
0220     if (toLower(antiNameIn) == "void") hasAntiSave = false;
0221     spinTypeSave = spinTypeIn; chargeTypeSave = chargeTypeIn;
0222     colTypeSave = colTypeIn; m0Save = m0In; mWidthSave = mWidthIn;
0223     setMMin(mMinIn); setMMax(mMaxIn); tau0Save = tau0In;
0224     varWidthSave = varWidthIn; setDefaults(); hasChangedSave = true;}
0226   // Change current values one at a time (or set if not set before).
0227   // (Must use set here since else name+signature clash with get methods.)
0228   void setName(string nameIn) {nameSave = nameIn; hasChangedSave = true;}
0229   void setAntiName(string antiNameIn) {antiNameSave = antiNameIn;
0230     hasAntiSave = (toLower(antiNameIn) != "void"); hasChangedSave = true;}
0231   void setNames(string nameIn, string antiNameIn) {nameSave = nameIn;
0232     antiNameSave = antiNameIn; hasAntiSave = (toLower(antiNameIn) != "void");
0233     hasChangedSave = true;}
0234   void setSpinType(int spinTypeIn) {spinTypeSave = spinTypeIn;
0235     hasChangedSave = true;}
0236   void setChargeType(int chargeTypeIn) {chargeTypeSave = chargeTypeIn;
0237     hasChangedSave = true;}
0238   void setColType(int colTypeIn) {colTypeSave = colTypeIn;
0239     hasChangedSave = true;}
0240   void setM0(double m0In) {m0Save = m0In; setConstituentMass();
0241     hasChangedSave = true;}
0242   void setMWidth(double mWidthIn, bool countAsChanged = true) {
0243     mWidthSave = mWidthIn; if (countAsChanged) hasChangedSave = true;}
0244   void setMMin(double mMinIn) {mMinSave = mMinIn; hasChangedSave = true;
0245     hasChangedMMinSave=true;}
0246   void setMMax(double mMaxIn) {mMaxSave = mMaxIn; hasChangedSave = true;
0247     hasChangedMMaxSave=true;}
0248   // Special options specifically when cutting wings of Breit-Wigners.
0249   void setMMinNoChange(double mMinIn) {mMinSave = mMinIn;}
0250   void setMMaxNoChange(double mMaxIn) {mMaxSave = mMaxIn;}
0251   void setTau0(double tau0In, bool countAsChanged = true)
0252     {tau0Save = tau0In; if (countAsChanged) hasChangedSave = true;}
0253   void setVarWidth(bool varWidthIn) {varWidthSave = varWidthIn;}
0254   void setIsResonance(bool isResonanceIn) {isResonanceSave = isResonanceIn;
0255     hasChangedSave = true;}
0256   void setMayDecay(bool mayDecayIn, bool countAsChanged = true) {
0257     mayDecaySave = mayDecayIn; if (countAsChanged) hasChangedSave = true;}
0258   void setTauCalc(bool tauCalcIn, bool countAsChanged = true) {
0259     tauCalcSave = tauCalcIn; if (countAsChanged) hasChangedSave = true;}
0260   void setDoExternalDecay(bool doExternalDecayIn)
0261     {doExternalDecaySave = doExternalDecayIn; hasChangedSave = true;}
0262   void setIsVisible(bool isVisibleIn) {isVisibleSave = isVisibleIn;
0263     hasChangedSave = true;}
0264   void setDoForceWidth(bool doForceWidthIn) {doForceWidthSave = doForceWidthIn;
0265     hasChangedSave = true;}
0266   void setHasChanged(bool hasChangedIn) {hasChangedSave = hasChangedIn;
0267     for (int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++i)
0268       channels[i].setHasChanged(hasChangedIn);
0269     if (!hasChangedIn) {hasChangedMMinSave=false; hasChangedMMaxSave=false;}}
0271   // Give back current values.
0272   int    id()                     const { return idSave; }
0273   int    antiId()                 const {
0274          return hasAntiSave ? -idSave : idSave; }
0275   bool   hasAnti()                const { return hasAntiSave; }
0276   string name(int idIn = 1)       const {
0277          return (idIn > 0) ? nameSave : antiNameSave; }
0278   int    spinType()               const {return spinTypeSave; }
0279   int    chargeType(int idIn = 1) const {
0280          return (idIn > 0) ? chargeTypeSave : -chargeTypeSave; }
0281   double charge(int idIn = 1)     const {
0282          return (idIn > 0) ? chargeTypeSave / 3. : -chargeTypeSave / 3.; }
0283   int    colType(int idIn = 1)    const {
0284          if (colTypeSave == 2) return colTypeSave;
0285          return (idIn > 0) ? colTypeSave : -colTypeSave; }
0286   double m0()                     const { return m0Save; }
0287   double mWidth()                 const { return mWidthSave; }
0288   double mMin()                   const { return mMinSave; }
0289   double mMax()                   const { return mMaxSave; }
0290   double m0Min()                  const {
0291          return (modeBWnow == 0) ? m0Save : mMinSave; }
0292   double m0Max()                  const {
0293          return (modeBWnow == 0) ? m0Save : mMaxSave; }
0294   double tau0()                   const { return tau0Save; }
0295   bool   isResonance()            const { return isResonanceSave; }
0296   bool   varWidth()               const { return varWidthSave; }
0297   bool   mayDecay()               const { return mayDecaySave; }
0298   bool   tauCalc()                const { return tauCalcSave; }
0299   bool   doExternalDecay()        const { return doExternalDecaySave; }
0300   bool   isVisible()              const { return isVisibleSave; }
0301   bool   doForceWidth()           const { return doForceWidthSave; }
0302   bool   hasChanged()     const { if (hasChangedSave) return true;
0303          for (int i = 0; i < int(channels.size()); ++i)
0304            if (channels[i].hasChanged()) return true;
0305          return false;}
0306   bool   hasChangedMMin()         const { return hasChangedMMinSave; }
0307   bool   hasChangedMMax()         const { return hasChangedMMaxSave; }
0309   // Set and give back several mass-related quantities.
0310   void   initBWmass();
0311   double constituentMass()        const { return constituentMassSave; }
0312   double mSel()                   const;
0313   double mRun(double mH)          const;
0315   // Give back other quantities.
0316   bool   useBreitWigner() const { return (modeBWnow > 0); }
0317   bool   canDecay()       const { return (channels.size() > 0)
0318                                        || varWidthSave; }
0319   bool   isLepton()       const { return (idSave > 10 && idSave < 19);}
0320   bool   isQuark()        const { return (idSave != 0 && idSave < 9);}
0321   bool   isGluon()        const { return (idSave == 21);}
0322   bool   isDiquark()      const { return (idSave > 1000 && idSave < 10000
0323          && (idSave/10)%10 == 0);}
0324   // Identify Hidden Valley partons as partons.
0325   bool   isParton()       const { return ( idSave == 21
0326     || (idSave != 0 && idSave < 6)
0327     || (idSave > 1000 && idSave < 5510 && (idSave/10)%10 == 0)
0328     || (idSave > 4900100 && idSave < 4900109)
0329     || (idSave > 4901000 && idSave < 4909000 && (idSave/10)%10 == 0) );}
0330   bool   isHadron()       const;
0331   bool   isMeson()        const;
0332   bool   isBaryon()       const;
0333   bool   isOnium()        const;
0334   bool   isExotic()       const;
0336   // Intermediate octet ccbar or bbar states in colour-octet model.
0337   bool   isOctetHadron()  const {return idSave >= 9940000
0338       && idSave < 9960000; }
0339   int    heaviestQuark(int idIn = 1)    const;
0340   int    baryonNumberType(int idIn = 1) const;
0341   int    nQuarksInCode(int idQIn)       const;
0343   // Reset to empty decay table.
0344   void clearChannels() {channels.resize(0);}
0346   // Add a decay channel to the decay table.
0347   void addChannel(int onMode = 0, double bRatio = 0., int meMode = 0,
0348     int prod0 = 0, int prod1 = 0, int prod2 = 0, int prod3 = 0,
0349     int prod4 = 0, int prod5 = 0, int prod6 = 0, int prod7 = 0) {
0350     channels.push_back( DecayChannel( onMode, bRatio, meMode, prod0,
0351     prod1, prod2, prod3, prod4, prod5, prod6, prod7) ); }
0353   // Decay table size.
0354   int sizeChannels() const {return channels.size();}
0356   // Gain access to a channel in the decay table.
0357   DecayChannel& channel(int i){return channels[i];}
0358   const DecayChannel& channel(int i) const {return channels[i];}
0360   // Rescale sum of branching ratios to unity.
0361   void rescaleBR(double newSumBR = 1.);
0363   // Random choice of decay channel according to branching ratios.
0364   bool preparePick(int idSgn, double mHat = 0., int idInFlav = 0);
0365   DecayChannel& pickChannel();
0367   // Access methods stored in ResonanceWidths.
0368   void   setResonancePtr(ResonanceWidthsPtr resonancePtrIn) {
0369     resonancePtr = resonancePtrIn;}
0370   ResonanceWidthsPtr getResonancePtr() {return resonancePtr;}
0371   void   resInit(Info* infoPtrIn);
0372   double resWidth(int idSgn, double mHat, int idIn = 0,
0373     bool openOnly = false, bool setBR = false);
0374   double resWidthOpen(int idSgn, double mHat, int idIn = 0);
0375   double resWidthStore(int idSgn, double mHat, int idIn = 0);
0376   double resOpenFrac(int idSgn);
0377   double resWidthRescaleFactor();
0378   double resWidthChan(double mHat, int idAbs1 = 0, int idAbs2 = 0);
0380 private:
0382   // Constants: could only be changed in the code itself.
0385                       CONSTITUENTMASSTABLE[10];
0387   // Particle data.
0388   int    idSave;
0389   string nameSave, antiNameSave;
0390   int    spinTypeSave, chargeTypeSave, colTypeSave;
0391   double m0Save, mWidthSave, mMinSave, mMaxSave, tau0Save,
0392          constituentMassSave;
0393   bool   hasAntiSave, isResonanceSave, mayDecaySave, tauCalcSave, varWidthSave,
0394          doExternalDecaySave, isVisibleSave, doForceWidthSave, hasChangedSave,
0395          hasChangedMMinSave, hasChangedMMaxSave;
0397   // Extra data for mass selection according to a Breit-Wigner and lifetime.
0398   int    modeBWnow, modeTau0now;
0399   double atanLow, atanDif, mThr;
0401   // A vector containing all the decay channels of the particle.
0402   vector<DecayChannel> channels;
0404   // Summed branching ratio of currently open channels.
0405   double currentBRSum;
0407   // Pointer to ResonanceWidths object; only used for some particles.
0408   ResonanceWidthsPtr resonancePtr;
0410   // Pointer to the full particle data table.
0411   ParticleData* particleDataPtr;
0413   // Set constituent mass.
0414   void setConstituentMass();
0416 };
0418 //==========================================================================
0420 // This class holds a map of all ParticleDataEntries.
0422 class ParticleData {
0424 public:
0426   // Constructor.
0427   ParticleData() : setRapidDecayVertex(), modeBreitWigner(), maxEnhanceBW(),
0428     mQRun(), Lambda5Run(), intermediateTau0(), infoPtr(nullptr),
0429     settingsPtr(nullptr), rndmPtr(nullptr), coupSMPtr(nullptr),
0430     particlePtr(nullptr), isInit(false), readingFailedSave(false) {}
0432   // Copy constructor.
0433   ParticleData( const ParticleData& oldPD) {
0434     modeBreitWigner = oldPD.modeBreitWigner; maxEnhanceBW = oldPD.maxEnhanceBW;
0435     for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) mQRun[i] = oldPD.mQRun[i];
0436     Lambda5Run = oldPD.Lambda5Run; infoPtr = nullptr; settingsPtr = nullptr;
0437     rndmPtr = nullptr; coupSMPtr = nullptr;
0438     for (auto pde = oldPD.pdt.begin(); pde != oldPD.pdt.end(); pde++) {
0439       int idTmp = pde->first;
0440       pdt[idTmp] = make_shared<ParticleDataEntry>(*pde->second);
0441       pdt[idTmp]->initPtr(this); }
0442     particlePtr = nullptr; isInit = oldPD.isInit;
0443     readingFailedSave = oldPD.readingFailedSave; }
0445   // Assignment operator.
0446   ParticleData& operator=( const ParticleData& oldPD) { if (this != &oldPD) {
0447     modeBreitWigner = oldPD.modeBreitWigner; maxEnhanceBW = oldPD.maxEnhanceBW;
0448     for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) mQRun[i] = oldPD.mQRun[i];
0449     Lambda5Run = oldPD.Lambda5Run; infoPtr = nullptr; settingsPtr = nullptr;
0450     rndmPtr = nullptr; coupSMPtr = nullptr;
0451     for (auto pde = oldPD.pdt.begin(); pde != oldPD.pdt.end(); pde++) {
0452       int idTmp = pde->first;
0453       pdt[idTmp] = make_shared<ParticleDataEntry>(*pde->second);
0454       pdt[idTmp]->initPtr(this); }
0455     particlePtr = nullptr; isInit = oldPD.isInit;
0456     readingFailedSave = oldPD.readingFailedSave; } return *this; }
0458   // Initialize pointers.
0459   void initPtrs(Info* infoPtrIn) {infoPtr = infoPtrIn;
0460     settingsPtr = infoPtr->settingsPtr; loggerPtr = infoPtr->loggerPtr;
0461     rndmPtr = infoPtr->rndmPtr; coupSMPtr = infoPtr->coupSMPtr;}
0463   // Read in database from specific file.
0464   bool init(string startFile = "../share/Pythia8/xmldoc/ParticleData.xml") {
0465     initCommon(); return readXML(startFile);}
0467   // Read in database from saved file stored in memory.
0468   bool init(const ParticleData& particleDataIn) {
0469     initCommon(); return copyXML(particleDataIn);}
0471   // Read in database from an istream.
0472   bool init(istream& is) { initCommon(); return readXML(is);}
0474   // Overwrite existing database by reading from specific file.
0475   bool reInit(string startFile, bool xmlFormat = true) { initCommon();
0476     return (xmlFormat) ? readXML(startFile) : readFF(startFile);}
0478   // Initialize pointers, normal Breit-Wigners and special resonances.
0479   void initWidths(vector<ResonanceWidthsPtr> resonancePtrs);
0481   // Read and process or list whole (or part of) database from/to an XML file.
0482   bool readXML(string inFile, bool reset = true) ;
0483   void listXML(string outFile);
0484   bool readXML(istream& is, bool reset=true);
0486   // Copy and process XML information from another particleData object.
0487   bool copyXML(const ParticleData &particleDataIn);
0489   // Auxiliary functions to readXML() and copyXML().
0490   bool loadXML(string inFile, bool reset = true) ;
0491   bool loadXML(istream& is, bool reset=true);
0492   bool processXML(bool reset = true) ;
0494   // Read or list whole (or part of) database from/to a free format file.
0495   bool readFF(string inFile, bool reset = true) ;
0496   bool readFF(istream& is, bool reset = true);
0497   void listFF(string outFile);
0499   // Read in one update from a single line.
0500   bool readString(string lineIn, bool warn = true) ;
0502   // Keep track whether any readings have failed, invalidating run setup.
0503   bool readingFailed() {return readingFailedSave;}
0505   // Print out table of whole database, or of only part of it.
0506   void listAll(ostream& stream) {list(stream, false, true);}
0507   void listAll() {listAll(cout);}
0508   void listChanged(bool changedRes = false) {list(true, changedRes);}
0509   void list(ostream& stream, bool chargedOnly = false, bool changedRes = true);
0510   void list(bool changedOnly = false, bool changedRes = true) {
0511     list(cout, changedOnly, changedRes); }
0513   // Print out specified particles.
0514   void list(int idList) {vector<int> idListTemp;
0515     idListTemp.push_back(idList); list( idListTemp);}
0516   void list(vector<int> idList);
0518   // Retrieve readString history (e.g., for inspection). Everything
0519   // (subrun=-999), up to first subrun (=-1), or subrun-specific (>=0).
0520   vector<string> getReadHistory(int subrun=-999) {
0521     if (subrun == -999) return readStringHistory;
0522     else if (readStringSubrun.find(subrun) != readStringSubrun.end())
0523       return readStringSubrun[subrun];
0524     else return vector<string>();
0525   }
0527   // Check that table makes sense, especially for decays.
0528   void checkTable(int verbosity = 1) ;
0530   // Add new entry.
0531   void addParticle(int idIn, string nameIn = " ", int spinTypeIn = 0,
0532     int chargeTypeIn = 0, int colTypeIn = 0, double m0In = 0.,
0533     double mWidthIn = 0., double mMinIn = 0., double mMaxIn = 0.,
0534     double tau0In = 0., bool varWidthIn = false) {
0535     pdt[abs(idIn)] = make_shared<ParticleDataEntry>(idIn, nameIn, spinTypeIn,
0536       chargeTypeIn, colTypeIn, m0In, mWidthIn, mMinIn, mMaxIn, tau0In,
0537       varWidthIn);
0538     pdt[abs(idIn)]->initPtr(this); }
0539   void addParticle(int idIn, string nameIn, string antiNameIn,
0540     int spinTypeIn = 0, int chargeTypeIn = 0, int colTypeIn = 0,
0541     double m0In = 0., double mWidthIn = 0., double mMinIn = 0.,
0542     double mMaxIn = 0., double tau0In = 0., bool varWidthIn = false) {
0543     pdt[abs(idIn)] = make_shared<ParticleDataEntry>(idIn, nameIn, antiNameIn,
0544       spinTypeIn, chargeTypeIn, colTypeIn, m0In, mWidthIn, mMinIn, mMaxIn,
0545       tau0In, varWidthIn);
0546     pdt[abs(idIn)]->initPtr(this); }
0548   // Reset all the properties of an entry in one go.
0549   void setAll(int idIn, string nameIn, string antiNameIn,
0550     int spinTypeIn = 0, int chargeTypeIn = 0, int colTypeIn = 0,
0551     double m0In = 0., double mWidthIn = 0., double mMinIn = 0.,
0552     double mMaxIn = 0.,double tau0In = 0.,bool varWidthIn = false) {
0553     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0554     if ( ptr ) ptr->setAll( nameIn, antiNameIn, spinTypeIn, chargeTypeIn,
0555     colTypeIn, m0In, mWidthIn, mMinIn, mMaxIn, tau0In, varWidthIn); }
0557   // Query existence of an entry.
0558   bool isParticle(int idIn) const {
0559     auto found = pdt.find( abs(idIn) );
0560     if ( found == pdt.end() ) return false;
0561     if ( idIn > 0 || found->second->hasAnti() ) return true;
0562     return false;
0563   }
0565   // Query existence of an entry and return an iterator.
0566   ParticleDataEntryPtr findParticle(int idIn) {
0567     auto found = pdt.find( abs(idIn) );
0568     if( found == pdt.end() ) return nullptr;
0569     if ( idIn > 0 || found->second->hasAnti() ) return found->second;
0570     return nullptr;
0571   }
0573   // Query existence of an entry and return a const iterator.
0574   const ParticleDataEntryPtr findParticle(int idIn) const {
0575     auto found = pdt.find( abs(idIn) );
0576     if( found == pdt.end() ) return nullptr;
0577     if ( idIn > 0 || found->second->hasAnti() ) return found->second;
0578     return nullptr;
0579   }
0581   // Return the id of the sequentially next particle stored in table.
0582   int nextId(int idIn) const;
0584   // Define iterators over entries.
0585   map<int, ParticleDataEntryPtr>::iterator begin() { return pdt.begin(); }
0586   map<int, ParticleDataEntryPtr>::iterator end()   { return pdt.end();   }
0588   // Change current values one at a time (or set if not set before).
0589   void name(int idIn, string nameIn) {
0590     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0591     if ( ptr ) ptr->setName(nameIn); }
0592   void antiName(int idIn, string antiNameIn) {
0593     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0594     if ( ptr ) ptr->setAntiName(antiNameIn); }
0595   void names(int idIn, string nameIn, string antiNameIn) {
0596     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0597     if ( ptr ) ptr->setNames(nameIn, antiNameIn); }
0598   void spinType(int idIn, int spinTypeIn) {
0599     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0600     if ( ptr ) ptr->setSpinType(spinTypeIn); }
0601   void chargeType(int idIn, int chargeTypeIn) {
0602     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0603     if ( ptr ) ptr->setChargeType(chargeTypeIn); }
0604   void colType(int idIn, int colTypeIn) {
0605     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0606     if ( ptr ) ptr->setColType(colTypeIn); }
0607   void m0(int idIn, double m0In) {
0608     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0609     if ( ptr ) ptr->setM0(m0In); }
0610   void mWidth(int idIn, double mWidthIn) {
0611     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0612     if ( ptr ) ptr->setMWidth(mWidthIn); }
0613   void mMin(int idIn, double mMinIn) {
0614     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0615     if ( ptr ) ptr->setMMin(mMinIn); }
0616   void mMax(int idIn, double mMaxIn) {
0617     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0618     if ( ptr ) ptr->setMMax(mMaxIn); }
0619   void tau0(int idIn, double tau0In) {
0620     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0621     if ( ptr ) ptr->setTau0(tau0In); }
0622   void isResonance(int idIn, bool isResonanceIn) {
0623     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0624     if ( ptr ) ptr->setIsResonance(isResonanceIn); }
0625   void mayDecay(int idIn, bool mayDecayIn) {
0626     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0627     if ( ptr ) ptr->setMayDecay(mayDecayIn); }
0628   void tauCalc(int idIn, bool tauCalcIn) {
0629     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0630     if ( ptr ) ptr->setTauCalc(tauCalcIn); }
0631   void doExternalDecay(int idIn, bool doExternalDecayIn) {
0632     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0633     if ( ptr ) ptr->setDoExternalDecay(doExternalDecayIn); }
0634   void varWidth(int idIn, bool varWidthIn) {
0635     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0636     if ( ptr ) ptr->setVarWidth(varWidthIn); }
0637   void isVisible(int idIn, bool isVisibleIn) {
0638     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0639     if ( ptr ) ptr->setIsVisible(isVisibleIn); }
0640   void doForceWidth(int idIn, bool doForceWidthIn) {
0641     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0642     if ( ptr ) ptr->setDoForceWidth(doForceWidthIn); }
0643   void hasChanged(int idIn, bool hasChangedIn) {
0644     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0645     if ( ptr ) ptr->setHasChanged(hasChangedIn); }
0647   // Give back current values.
0648   bool hasAnti(int idIn) const {
0649     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0650     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->hasAnti() : false; }
0651   int antiId(int idIn) const {
0652     if (idIn < 0) return -idIn;
0653     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0654     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->antiId() : 0; }
0655   string name(int idIn) const {
0656     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0657     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->name(idIn) : " "; }
0658   int spinType(int idIn) const {
0659     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0660     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->spinType() : 0; }
0661   int chargeType(int idIn) const {
0662     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0663     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->chargeType(idIn) : 0; }
0664   double charge(int idIn) const {
0665     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0666     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->charge(idIn) : 0; }
0667   int colType(int idIn) const {
0668     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0669     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->colType(idIn) : 0 ; }
0670   double m0(int idIn) const {
0671     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0672     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->m0() : 0. ; }
0673   double mWidth(int idIn) const {
0674     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0675     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->mWidth() : 0. ; }
0676   double mMin(int idIn) const {
0677     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0678     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->mMin() : 0. ; }
0679   double m0Min(int idIn) const {
0680     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0681     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->m0Min() : 0. ; }
0682   double mMax(int idIn) const {
0683     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0684     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->mMax() : 0. ; }
0685   double m0Max(int idIn) const {
0686     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0687     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->m0Max() : 0. ; }
0688   double tau0(int idIn) const {
0689     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0690     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->tau0() : 0. ; }
0691   bool isResonance(int idIn) const {
0692     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0693     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isResonance() : false ; }
0694   bool mayDecay(int idIn) const {
0695     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0696     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->mayDecay() : false ; }
0697   bool tauCalc(int idIn) const {
0698     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0699     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->tauCalc() : false ; }
0700   bool doExternalDecay(int idIn) const {
0701     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0702     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->doExternalDecay() : false ; }
0703   bool isVisible(int idIn) const {
0704     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0705     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isVisible() : false ; }
0706   bool doForceWidth(int idIn) const {
0707     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0708     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->doForceWidth() : false ; }
0709   bool hasChanged(int idIn) const {
0710     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0711     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->hasChanged() : false ; }
0712   bool hasChangedMMin(int idIn) const {
0713     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0714     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->hasChangedMMin() : false ; }
0715   bool hasChangedMMax(int idIn) const {
0716     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0717     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->hasChangedMMax() : false ; }
0719   // Give back special mass-related quantities.
0720   bool useBreitWigner(int idIn) const {
0721     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0722     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->useBreitWigner() : false ; }
0723   bool varWidth(int idIn) const {
0724     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0725     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->varWidth() : false; }
0726   double constituentMass(int idIn) const {
0727     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0728     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->constituentMass() : 0. ; }
0729   double mSel(int idIn) const {
0730     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0731     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->mSel() : 0. ; }
0732   double mRun(int idIn, double mH) const {
0733     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0734     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->mRun(mH) : 0. ; }
0736   // Give back other quantities.
0737   bool canDecay(int idIn) const {
0738     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0739     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->canDecay() : false ; }
0740   bool isLepton(int idIn) const {
0741     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0742     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isLepton() : false ; }
0743   bool isQuark(int idIn) const {
0744     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0745     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isQuark() : false ; }
0746   bool isGluon(int idIn) const {
0747     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0748     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isGluon() : false ; }
0749   bool isDiquark(int idIn) const {
0750     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0751     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isDiquark() : false ; }
0752   bool isParton(int idIn) const {
0753     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0754     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isParton() : false ; }
0755   bool isHadron(int idIn) const {
0756     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0757     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isHadron() : false ; }
0758   bool isMeson(int idIn) const {
0759     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0760     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isMeson() : false ; }
0761   bool isBaryon(int idIn) const {
0762     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0763     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isBaryon() : false ; }
0764   bool isOnium(int idIn) const {
0765     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0766     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isOnium() : false ; }
0767   bool isExotic(int idIn) const {
0768     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0769     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isExotic() : false ; }
0770   bool isOctetHadron(int idIn) const {
0771     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0772     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->isOctetHadron() : false ; }
0773   int heaviestQuark(int idIn) const {
0774     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0775     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->heaviestQuark(idIn) : 0 ; }
0776   int baryonNumberType(int idIn) const {
0777     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0778     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->baryonNumberType(idIn) : 0 ; }
0779   int nQuarksInCode(int idIn, int idQIn) const {
0780     const ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0781     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->nQuarksInCode(idQIn) : 0 ; }
0783   // Change branching ratios.
0784   void rescaleBR(int idIn, double newSumBR = 1.) {
0785     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0786     if ( ptr ) ptr->rescaleBR(newSumBR); }
0788   // Access methods stored in ResonanceWidths.
0789   void setResonancePtr(int idIn, ResonanceWidthsPtr resonancePtrIn) {
0790     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0791     if ( ptr ) ptr->setResonancePtr( resonancePtrIn);}
0792   void resInit(int idIn) {
0793     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0794     if ( ptr ) ptr->resInit(infoPtr);}
0795   double resWidth(int idIn, double mHat, int idInFlav = 0,
0796     bool openOnly = false, bool setBR = false) {
0797     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0798     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->resWidth(idIn, mHat,
0799     idInFlav, openOnly, setBR) : 0.;}
0800   double resWidthOpen(int idIn, double mHat, int idInFlav = 0) {
0801     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0802     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->resWidthOpen(idIn, mHat, idInFlav) : 0.;}
0803   double resWidthStore(int idIn, double mHat, int idInFlav = 0) {
0804     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0805     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->resWidthStore(idIn, mHat, idInFlav) : 0.;}
0806   double resOpenFrac(int id1In, int id2In = 0, int id3In = 0);
0807   double resWidthRescaleFactor(int idIn) {
0808     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0809     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->resWidthRescaleFactor() : 0.;}
0810   double resWidthChan(int idIn, double mHat, int idAbs1 = 0,
0811     int idAbs2 = 0) {
0812     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0813     return ( ptr ) ? ptr->resWidthChan( mHat, idAbs1, idAbs2) : 0.;}
0815   // Return pointer to entry.
0816   ParticleDataEntryPtr particleDataEntryPtr(int idIn) {
0817     ParticleDataEntryPtr ptr = findParticle(idIn);
0818     return ( ptr ) ? ptr : pdt[0]; }
0820   // Check initialisation status.
0821   bool getIsInit() {return isInit;}
0823 private:
0825   // Common data, accessible for the individual particles.
0826   bool   setRapidDecayVertex;
0827   int    modeBreitWigner;
0828   double maxEnhanceBW, mQRun[7], Lambda5Run, intermediateTau0;
0830   // The individual particle need access to the full database.
0831   friend class ParticleDataEntry;
0833   // Pointer to various information on the generation.
0834   Info*     infoPtr;
0836   // Pointer to the settings database.
0837   Settings* settingsPtr;
0839   // Pointer to logger.
0840   Logger*   loggerPtr;
0842   // Pointer to the random number generator.
0843   Rndm*     rndmPtr;
0845   // Pointer to Standard Model couplings.
0846   CoupSM* coupSMPtr;
0848   // All particle data stored in a map.
0849   map<int, ParticleDataEntryPtr> pdt;
0851   // Pointer to current particle (e.g. when reading decay channels).
0852   ParticleDataEntryPtr particlePtr;
0854   // Flag that initialization has been performed; whether any failures.
0855   bool   isInit, readingFailedSave;
0857   // Method for common setting of particle-specific info.
0858   void   initCommon();
0860   // Useful functions for string handling.
0861   bool   boolString(string tag) { string tagLow = toLower(tag);
0862     return ( tagLow == "true" || tagLow == "1" || tagLow == "on"
0863     || tagLow == "yes" || tagLow == "ok" ); }
0865   // Extract XML value following XML attribute.
0866   string attributeValue(string line, string attribute);
0867   bool   boolAttributeValue(string line, string attribute);
0868   int    intAttributeValue(string line, string attribute);
0869   double doubleAttributeValue(string line, string attribute);
0871   // Vector of strings containing the readable lines of the XML file.
0872   vector<string> xmlFileSav;
0874   // Stored history of readString statements (common and by subrun).
0875   vector<string> readStringHistory;
0876   map<int, vector<string> > readStringSubrun;
0878 };
0880 //==========================================================================
0882 } // end namespace Pythia8
0884 #endif // Pythia8_ParticleData_H