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0001 // DireSplitInfo.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
0002 // Copyright (C) 2024 Stefan Prestel, Torbjorn Sjostrand.
0003 // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
0004 // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
0006 // Header file for splitting information storage containers.
0007 // DireSplitParticle:   Quantum numbers and other information of one of the
0008 //                      particles participating in current branching.
0009 // DireSplitKinematics: Kinematical variables from which to construct a
0010 //                      branching.
0011 // DireSplitInfo:       Particles participating in the current branching.
0013 #ifndef Pythia8_DireSplitInfo_H
0014 #define Pythia8_DireSplitInfo_H
0016 #define DIRE_SPLITINFO_VERSION "2.002"
0018 #include "Pythia8/Event.h"
0019 #include "Pythia8/PartonSystems.h"
0020 #include "Pythia8/DireBasics.h"
0022 namespace Pythia8 {
0024 //==========================================================================
0026 // Definition of color chains.
0028 class DireSingleColChain {
0030 public:
0032   DireSingleColChain() {}
0033   DireSingleColChain(const DireSingleColChain& chainIn) : chain(chainIn.chain),
0034     original_chain(chainIn.original_chain) {}
0035   DireSingleColChain & operator=(const DireSingleColChain& c) { if (this != &c)
0036     { chain = c.chain;  original_chain = c.original_chain;} return *this; }
0037   DireSingleColChain(int iPos, const Event& state,
0038                      PartonSystems* partonSysPtr);
0040   void addToChain(const int iPos, const Event& state);
0042   int  iPosEnd()    { return chain.back().first; }
0043   int  colEnd ()    { return chain.back().second.first; }
0044   int  acolEnd()    { return chain.back().second.second; }
0045   int  size() const { return chain.size(); }
0046   bool isInChain  ( int iPos);
0047   int  posInChain ( int iPos);
0048   bool colInChain ( int col);
0050   DireSingleColChain chainFromCol(int iPos, int col, int nSteps,
0051     const Event& state);
0053   string listPos() const;
0055   // List functions by N. Fischer.
0056   void print() const;
0057   void list () const;
0058   string list2 () const;
0060   void clear() { chain.resize(0); original_chain.resize(0); }
0062   vector<pair<int,pair<int,int> > > chain;
0063   vector<pair<int,pair<int,int> > > original_chain;
0065   // Overload index operator to access element of event record.
0066   pair<int,pair<int,int> >& operator[](int i) {return chain[i];}
0067   const pair<int,pair<int,int> >& operator[](int i) const {return chain[i];}
0069 };
0071 //==========================================================================
0073 // Container for multiple color chains.
0075 class DireColChains {
0077 public:
0079   DireColChains() {}
0081   void addChain(DireSingleColChain chain) { chains.push_back( chain); }
0083   int size() const { return chains.size(); }
0085   DireSingleColChain chainOf (int iPos);
0087   DireSingleColChain chainFromCol (int iPos, int col, int nSteps,
0088     const Event& state);
0090   int check(int iSys, const Event& state, PartonSystems* partonSysPtr);
0092   void list();
0094   vector<DireSingleColChain> chains;
0096 };
0098 //==========================================================================
0100 class DireSplitParticle {
0102 public:
0104   DireSplitParticle() : id(0), col(-1), acol(-1), charge(0), spin(-9), m2(-1.),
0105     isFinal(false) {}
0106   DireSplitParticle( int idIn, int colIn, int acolIn, int chargeIn, int spinIn,
0107     double m2In, bool isFinalIn) : id(idIn), col(colIn),
0108     acol(acolIn), charge(chargeIn), spin(spinIn), m2(m2In), isFinal(isFinalIn)
0109   {}
0110   DireSplitParticle ( const Particle& in) : id(,
0111     col(in.col()), acol(in.acol()), charge(in.charge()), spin(in.pol()),
0112     m2(pow2(in.m())), isFinal(in.isFinal()) {}
0114   void store( int idIn, int colIn, int acolIn, int chargeIn, int spinIn,
0115     double m2In, bool isFinalIn) { id = idIn; col = colIn;
0116     acol = acolIn; charge = chargeIn; spin = spinIn; m2 = m2In;
0117     isFinal = isFinalIn; }
0118   void store( const Particle in) { id =; col = in.col();
0119     acol = in.acol(); charge = in.charge(); spin = in.pol();
0120     m2 = pow2(in.m()); isFinal = in.isFinal(); }
0122   void clear() { col = acol = -1; id = charge = 0; spin = -9; m2 = -1.;
0123     isFinal = false; }
0125   // Quantum numbers.
0126   int id, col, acol, charge, spin;
0128   // Mass.
0129   double m2;
0131   // Incoming/final
0132   bool isFinal;
0134 };
0136 //==========================================================================
0138 class DireSplitKinematics {
0140 public:
0142   DireSplitKinematics() : m2Dip(-1.), pT2(-1.), pT2Old(-1.), z(-1.), phi(-9.),
0143     sai(0.), xa(-1), phi2(-9.), m2RadBef(-1.), m2Rec(-1.), m2RadAft(-1.),
0144     m2EmtAft(-1.), m2EmtAft2(-1.), xBef(-1.), xAft(-1.) {}
0146   DireSplitKinematics( double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn,
0147     double saiIn, double xaIn, double phi2In, double m2RadBefIn,
0148     double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn, double m2EmtAftIn, double m2EmtAft2In,
0149     double xBefIn, double xAftIn )
0150     : m2Dip(m2DipIn), pT2(pT2In), pT2Old(-1.), z(zIn), phi(phiIn),
0151     sai(saiIn), xa(xaIn), phi2(phi2In), m2RadBef(m2RadBefIn), m2Rec(m2RecIn),
0152     m2RadAft(m2RadAftIn), m2EmtAft(m2EmtAftIn), m2EmtAft2(m2EmtAft2In),
0153       xBef(xBefIn), xAft(xAftIn) {}
0155   void store2to3kine( double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn,
0156     double xAftIn = -1.) {
0157     m2Dip = m2DipIn; pT2 = pT2In; z = zIn; phi = phiIn; xAft = xAftIn; }
0158   void store2to3mass( double m2RadBefIn, double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn,
0159     double m2EmtAftIn) { m2RadBef = m2RadBefIn; m2Rec = m2RecIn;
0160     m2RadAft = m2RadAftIn; m2EmtAft = m2EmtAftIn; }
0162   void store2to4kine( double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn,
0163     double saiIn, double xaIn, double phi2In, double xAftIn = -1.) {
0164     m2Dip = m2DipIn;
0165     pT2 = pT2In; z = zIn; phi = phiIn; sai = saiIn; xa = xaIn; phi2 = phi2In;
0166     xAft = xAftIn;}
0167   void store2to4mass( double m2RadBefIn, double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn,
0168     double m2EmtAftIn, double m2EmtAft2In) {
0169     m2RadBef = m2RadBefIn; m2Rec = m2RecIn; m2RadAft = m2RadAftIn;
0170     m2EmtAft = m2EmtAftIn; m2EmtAft2 = m2EmtAft2In; }
0172   void set_m2Dip     ( double in) {m2Dip=(in);}
0173   void set_pT2       ( double in) {pT2=(in);}
0174   void set_pT2Old    ( double in) {pT2Old=(in);}
0175   void set_z         ( double in) {z=(in);}
0176   void set_phi       ( double in) {phi=(in);}
0177   void set_sai       ( double in) {sai=(in);}
0178   void set_xa        ( double in) {xa=(in);}
0179   void set_phi2      ( double in) {phi2=(in);}
0180   void set_m2RadBef  ( double in) {m2RadBef=(in);}
0181   void set_m2Rec     ( double in) {m2Rec=(in);}
0182   void set_m2RadAft  ( double in) {m2RadAft=(in);}
0183   void set_m2EmtAft  ( double in) {m2EmtAft=(in);}
0184   void set_m2EmtAft2 ( double in) {m2EmtAft2=(in);}
0185   void set_xBef      ( double in) {xBef=(in);}
0186   void set_xAft      ( double in) {xAft=(in);}
0188   void clear() { m2Dip = pT2 = pT2Old = z = xa = m2RadBef = m2Rec = m2RadAft
0189      = m2EmtAft = m2EmtAft2 = xBef = xAft = -1.; sai = 0.; phi = phi2 = -9.; }
0191   void store ( const DireSplitKinematics& k);
0193   void list();
0195   unordered_map<string,double> getKinInfo() {
0196     return create_unordered_map<string,double> ("m2Dip",m2Dip)("pT2",pT2)
0197       ("pT2Old",pT2Old)
0198       ("z",z)("phi",phi)("sai",sai)("xa",xa)("phi2",phi2)("m2RadBef",m2RadBef)
0199       ("m2Rec",m2Rec)("m2RadAft",m2RadAft)("m2EmtAft",m2EmtAft)
0200       ("m2EmtAft2",m2EmtAft2)("xBef",xBef) ("xAft",xAft);
0201   }
0203   // Kinematic variable to enable branching.
0204   double m2Dip, pT2, pT2Old, z, phi, sai, xa, phi2,
0205          m2RadBef, m2Rec, m2RadAft, m2EmtAft, m2EmtAft2;
0206   double xBef, xAft;
0208 };
0210 //==========================================================================
0212 class DireSplitInfo {
0214 public:
0216   DireSplitInfo() : iRadBef(0), iRecBef(0), iRadAft(0), iRecAft(0), iEmtAft(0),
0217     iEmtAft2(0), side(0), type(0), system(0), systemRec(0),
0218     splittingSelName(""), useForBranching(false), terminateEvolution(false),
0219     iRadBefStore(-1), iRecBefStore(-1), iRadAftStore(-1), iRecAftStore(-1),
0220     iEmtAftStore(-1), iEmtAft2Store(-1), sideStore(-1), typeStore(-1),
0221     systemStore(-1), systemRecStore(-1), splittingSelNameStore(""),
0222     useForBranchingStore(false), terminateEvolutionStore(false) {
0223     init(); }
0224   DireSplitInfo ( const Event& state, int iRadBefIn, int iRecBefIn,
0225     int iRadAftIn, int iRecAftIn, int iEmtAftIn,
0226     double m2DipIn = -1., double pT2In = -1., double zIn = -1.,
0227     double phiIn = -9., double saiIn = 0., double xaIn = -1.,
0228     double phi2In = -9., double m2RadBefIn = -1., double m2RecIn = -1.,
0229     double m2RadAftIn = -1., double m2EmtAftIn = -1., double m2EmtAft2In = -1.,
0230     double xBefIn = -1., double xAftIn = -1.,
0231     int sideIn = 0, int typeIn = 0, int systemIn = 0, int systemRecIn = 0,
0232     string splittingSelNameIn = "", bool useForBranchingIn = false,
0233     DireSingleColChain iSiblingsIn = DireSingleColChain() ) :
0234       iRadBef(iRadBefIn), iRecBef(iRecBefIn),
0235       iRadAft(iRadAftIn), iRecAft(iRecAftIn), iEmtAft(iEmtAftIn),
0236       kinSave(m2DipIn, pT2In, zIn, phiIn, saiIn, xaIn, phi2In, m2RadBefIn,
0237         m2RecIn, m2RadAftIn, m2EmtAftIn, m2EmtAft2In, xBefIn, xAftIn),
0238       side(sideIn), type(typeIn), system(systemIn), systemRec(systemRecIn),
0239       splittingSelName(splittingSelNameIn), useForBranching(useForBranchingIn),
0240       terminateEvolution(false), iSiblings(iSiblingsIn)
0241       { init(state); }
0243   DireSplitInfo ( const Event& state, int iRadBefIn, int iRecBefIn,
0244     string splittingSelNameIn) : iRadBef(iRadBefIn), iRecBef(iRecBefIn),
0245     splittingSelName(splittingSelNameIn),
0246     iRadBefStore(-1), iRecBefStore(-1), iRadAftStore(-1), iRecAftStore(-1),
0247     iEmtAftStore(-1), iEmtAft2Store(-1), sideStore(-1), typeStore(-1),
0248     systemStore(-1), systemRecStore(-1), splittingSelNameStore(""),
0249     useForBranchingStore(false), terminateEvolutionStore(false) {
0250     iRadAft = iRecAft = iEmtAft = side = type = system = systemRec = 0;
0251     useForBranching = terminateEvolution = false; init(state); }
0253   DireSplitInfo ( const Event& state, int iRadAftIn, int iRecAftIn,
0254     int iEmtAftIn, string splittingSelNameIn) :
0255     iRadAft(iRadAftIn), iRecAft(iRecAftIn),
0256     iEmtAft(iEmtAftIn), splittingSelName(splittingSelNameIn),
0257     iRadBefStore(-1), iRecBefStore(-1), iRadAftStore(-1), iRecAftStore(-1),
0258     iEmtAftStore(-1), iEmtAft2Store(-1), sideStore(-1), typeStore(-1),
0259     systemStore(-1), systemRecStore(-1), splittingSelNameStore(""),
0260     useForBranchingStore(false), terminateEvolutionStore(false) {
0261     splittingSelName = ""; iRadBef = iRecBef = side = type = system
0262       = systemRec = 0;
0263     useForBranching = terminateEvolution = false; init(state); }
0265   DireSplitInfo ( const DireSplitInfo& s) : iRadBefStore(-1), iRecBefStore(-1),
0266     iRadAftStore(-1), iRecAftStore(-1), iEmtAftStore(-1), iEmtAft2Store(-1),
0267     sideStore(-1), typeStore(-1), systemStore(-1), systemRecStore(-1),
0268     particleSaveStore(), kinSaveStore(), splittingSelNameStore(),
0269     extrasStore(), useForBranchingStore(false), terminateEvolutionStore(false),
0270     iSiblingsStore() {
0271     iRadBef = s.iRadBef;
0272     iRecBef = s.iRecBef;
0273     iRadAft = s.iRadAft;
0274     iRecAft = s.iRecAft;
0275     iEmtAft = s.iEmtAft;
0276     iEmtAft2 = s.iEmtAft2;
0277     for (int i=0; i < int(s.particleSave.size()); ++i)
0278       particleSave.push_back(s.particleSave[i]);
0280     side = s.side;
0281     type = s.type;
0282     system = s.system;
0283     systemRec = s.systemRec;
0284     splittingSelName = s.splittingSelName;
0285     for ( unordered_map<string,double>::const_iterator it = s.extras.begin();
0286       it != s.extras.end(); ++it )
0287       extras.insert(make_pair(it->first,it->second));
0288     useForBranching = s.useForBranching;
0289     terminateEvolution = s.terminateEvolution;
0290     iSiblings       = s.iSiblings;
0291   }
0293   void init(const Event& state = Event() );
0295   void store (const DireSplitInfo& s);
0297   void save ();
0299   void restore ();
0301   const DireSplitParticle* radBef() const { return &particleSave[0]; }
0302   const DireSplitParticle* recBef() const { return &particleSave[1]; }
0303   const DireSplitParticle* radAft() const { return &particleSave[2]; }
0304   const DireSplitParticle* recAft() const { return &particleSave[3]; }
0305   const DireSplitParticle* emtAft() const { return &particleSave[4]; }
0306   const DireSplitParticle* emtAft2() const { return &particleSave[5]; }
0308   const DireSplitKinematics* kinematics() const { return &kinSave; }
0310   void set2to3kin( double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn,
0311     double m2RadBefIn, double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn, double m2EmtAftIn) {
0312     kinSave.store2to3kine(m2DipIn, pT2In, zIn, phiIn);
0313     kinSave.store2to3mass(m2RadBefIn, m2RecIn, m2RadAftIn, m2EmtAftIn); }
0315   void set2to4kin( double m2DipIn, double pT2In, double zIn, double phiIn,
0316     double saiIn, double xaIn, double phi2In, double m2RadBefIn,
0317     double m2RecIn, double m2RadAftIn, double m2EmtAftIn, double m2EmtAft2In) {
0318     kinSave.store2to4kine(m2DipIn, pT2In, zIn, phiIn, saiIn, xaIn, phi2In);
0319     kinSave.store2to4mass(m2RadBefIn, m2RecIn, m2RadAftIn, m2EmtAftIn,
0320       m2EmtAft2In); }
0322   void set_m2Dip     ( double in) {kinSave.set_m2Dip(in);}
0323   void set_pT2       ( double in) {kinSave.set_pT2(in);}
0324   void set_pT2Old    ( double in) {kinSave.set_pT2Old(in);}
0325   void set_z         ( double in) {kinSave.set_z(in);}
0326   void set_phi       ( double in) {kinSave.set_phi(in);}
0327   void set_sai       ( double in) {kinSave.set_sai(in);}
0328   void set_xa        ( double in) {kinSave.set_xa(in);}
0329   void set_phi2      ( double in) {kinSave.set_phi2(in);}
0330   void set_m2RadBef  ( double in) {kinSave.set_m2RadBef(in);}
0331   void set_m2Rec     ( double in) {kinSave.set_m2Rec(in);}
0332   void set_m2RadAft  ( double in) {kinSave.set_m2RadAft(in);}
0333   void set_m2EmtAft  ( double in) {kinSave.set_m2EmtAft(in);}
0334   void set_m2EmtAft2 ( double in) {kinSave.set_m2EmtAft2(in);}
0335   void set_xBef      ( double in) {kinSave.set_xBef(in);}
0336   void set_xAft      ( double in) {kinSave.set_xAft(in);}
0338   void storeRadBef(const Particle& in)
0339     { particleSave[0].store(in); }
0340   void storeRecBef(const Particle& in)
0341     { particleSave[1].store(in); }
0342   void storeRadAft(const Particle& in)
0343     { particleSave[2].store(in); }
0344   void storeRecAft(const Particle& in)
0345     { particleSave[3].store(in); }
0346   void storeEmtAft(const Particle& in)
0347     { particleSave[4].store(in); }
0348   void storeEmtAft2(const Particle& in)
0349     { particleSave[5].store(in); }
0351   void setRadBef( int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0352     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0353     bool isFinalIn = false) { setParticle(0, idIn, colIn,
0354     acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0355   void setRecBef( int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0356     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0357     bool isFinalIn = false) { setParticle(1, idIn, colIn,
0358     acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0359   void setRadAft( int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0360     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0361     bool isFinalIn = false) { setParticle(2, idIn, colIn,
0362     acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0363   void setRecAft( int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0364     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0365     bool isFinalIn = false) { setParticle(3, idIn, colIn,
0366     acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0367   void setEmtAft( int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0368     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0369     bool isFinalIn = false) { setParticle(4, idIn, colIn,
0370     acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0371   void setEmtAft2( int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0372     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0373     bool isFinalIn = false) { setParticle(5, idIn, colIn,
0374     acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0375   void clearRadBef()  { setParticle(0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -1.0, false); }
0376   void clearRecBef()  { setParticle(1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -1.0, false); }
0377   void clearRadAft()  { setParticle(2, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -1.0, false); }
0378   void clearRecAft()  { setParticle(3, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -1.0, false); }
0379   void clearEmtAft()  { setParticle(4, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -1.0, false); }
0380   void clearEmtAft2() { setParticle(5, 0, -1, -1, 0, -9, -1.0, false); }
0381   void setParticle( int iPos, int idIn = 0, int colIn = -1, int acolIn = -1,
0382     int chargeIn = 0, int spinIn = -9, double m2In = -1.0,
0383     bool isFinalIn = false) { particleSave[iPos].store(
0384     idIn, colIn, acolIn, chargeIn, spinIn, m2In, isFinalIn); }
0386   void storeName (string name) { splittingSelName = name; }
0387   void storeType ( int in) { type = in; }
0388   void storeSystem ( int in) { system = in; }
0389   void storeSystemRec ( int in) { systemRec = in; }
0390   void storeSide ( int in) { side = in; }
0391   void storeExtras ( unordered_map<string,double> in) { extras = in; }
0392   void storeRadRecBefPos (int rad, int rec) { iRadBef = rad; iRecBef = rec; }
0393   void canUseForBranching (bool in) { useForBranching = in;}
0395   void addExtra(string key, double value) {
0396     unordered_map<string, double>::iterator it = extras.find(key);
0397     if (it == extras.end()) extras.insert(make_pair(key,value));
0398     else                    it->second = value;
0399   }
0401   void storeInfo(string name, int typeIn, int systemIn, int systemRecIn,
0402     int sideIn, int iPosRadBef, int iPosRecBef,
0403     const Event& state, int idEmtAft,
0404     int idRadAft, int nEmissions, double m2Dip, double pT2, double pT2Old,
0405     double z, double phi, double m2Bef, double m2s, double m2r, double m2i,
0406     double sa1, double xa, double phia1, double m2j, double xBef, double xAft);
0408   unordered_map<string,double> getKinInfo() { return kinSave.getKinInfo();}
0410   void storePosAfter( int iRadAftIn, int iRecAftIn, int iEmtAftIn,
0411     int iEmtAft2In);
0413   void clear();
0415   void list();
0417   // Information to enable branching.
0418   int iRadBef, iRecBef;
0420   // Information to enable clustering.
0421   int    iRadAft, iRecAft, iEmtAft, iEmtAft2;
0423   vector<DireSplitParticle> particleSave;
0424   DireSplitKinematics kinSave;
0426   // Auxiliary information.
0427   int side, type, system, systemRec;
0428   string splittingSelName;
0429   unordered_map<string,double> extras;
0431   bool useForBranching, terminateEvolution;
0433   // Information to enable branching.
0434   int iRadBefStore, iRecBefStore, iRadAftStore, iRecAftStore, iEmtAftStore,
0435       iEmtAft2Store, sideStore, typeStore, systemStore, systemRecStore;
0436   vector<DireSplitParticle> particleSaveStore;
0437   DireSplitKinematics kinSaveStore;
0438   string splittingSelNameStore;
0439   unordered_map<string,double> extrasStore;
0440   bool useForBranchingStore, terminateEvolutionStore;
0442   DireSingleColChain iSiblings, iSiblingsStore;
0443   void setSiblings(DireSingleColChain s) { clearSiblings(); iSiblings = s; }
0444   void clearSiblings() { iSiblings.clear(); }
0446 };
0448 //==========================================================================
0450 } // end namespace Pythia8
0452 #endif // Pythia8_DireSplitInfo_H