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Warning, /include/Geant4/toolx/hdf5/pages is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef toolx_hdf5_pages
0005 #define toolx_hdf5_pages
0007 #include "T_tools"
0008 #include "tools"
0010 #include <tools/S_STRING>
0012 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0013 #include <tools/mem>
0014 #endif
0016 #include <ostream>
0018 namespace toolx {
0019 namespace hdf5 {
0027 class pages {
0028   TOOLS_SCLASS(toolx::hdf5::pages)
0029 public:
0030   pages(std::ostream& a_out,
0031         hid_t a_group,const std::string& a_name,const std::string& a_form,
0032         bool a_write,unsigned int a_compress)
0033   :m_out(a_out),m_name(a_name),m_form(a_form)
0034   //,m_type(0),m_size(0)
0035   ,m_group(-1),m_dataset(-1),m_write(a_write),m_compress(a_compress),m_entries(0),m_pos(0){
0036 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0037     tools::mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0038 #endif
0039     if(m_write) {
0040       m_group = toolx_H5Gcreate(a_group,m_name.c_str(),0);
0041       if(m_group<0) {
0042         m_out << "pages::pages : can't create group for column " << m_name << "." << std::endl;
0043         m_group = -1;
0044         return;
0045       }
0046       if(!write_atb(m_group,"class",s_class())) {
0047         m_out << "pages::pages : write_atb(class) failed." << std::endl;
0048         ::H5Gclose(m_group);
0049         m_group = -1;
0050         return;
0051       }
0052       int v = 1;
0053       if (!write_scalar_atb<int>(m_group,"version",v)) {
0054         m_out << "pages::pages : write_scalar_atb(version) failed." << std::endl;
0055         ::H5Gclose(m_group);
0056         m_group = -1;
0057         return;
0058       }
0059     } else {
0060       m_group = toolx_H5Gopen(a_group,m_name.c_str());
0061       if(m_group<0) {
0062         m_out << "pages::pages : can't open group for column " << m_name << "." << std::endl;
0063         m_group = -1;
0064         return;
0065       }
0066       if(!read_scalar<tools::uint64>(m_group,s_entries(),m_entries)) {
0067         m_out << "pages::pages : read_scalar(entries) failed." << std::endl;
0068         ::H5Gclose(m_group);
0069         m_group = -1;
0070         return;
0071       }
0072     }
0073   }
0074   virtual ~pages(){
0075     if(m_write) {
0076       if(!write_scalar<tools::uint64>(m_group,s_entries(),m_entries)) {
0077         m_out << "pages::~pages : write_scalar(entries) failed." << std::endl;
0078       }
0079       if(m_dataset>=0) ::H5Dclose(m_dataset);
0080     }
0081     ::H5Gclose(m_group);
0082 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0083     tools::mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0084 #endif
0085   }
0086 protected:
0087   pages(const pages& a_from):m_out(a_from.m_out){
0088 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0089     tools::mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0090 #endif
0091   }
0092   pages& operator=(const pages&){return *this;}
0093 public:
0094   bool is_valid() const {return m_group<0?false:true;}
0096   const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0097   const std::string& form() const {return m_form;}
0098   //int type() const {return m_type;}
0099   //unsigned int size() const {return m_size;}
0100   tools::uint64 entries() const {return m_entries;}
0101   tools::uint64 pos() const {return m_pos;}
0102   void reset_pos() {m_pos = 0;}
0104   template <class TYPE>
0105   bool write_page(size_t a_size,const TYPE* a_array) {
0106     if(!m_pos) {
0107       if(!write_array<TYPE>(m_group,s_pages(),a_size,a_array,a_size?a_size:32,m_compress)) {
0108         m_out << "pages::write_page : write_array<TYPE>() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0109         return false;
0110       }
0111       m_dataset = toolx_H5Dopen(m_group,s_pages().c_str());
0112       if(m_dataset<0) {
0113         m_out << "pages::write_page : H5Dopen failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0114         return false;
0115       }
0116     } else {
0117       if(!write_append_array_dataset<TYPE>(m_dataset,a_size,a_array)) {
0118         m_out << "pages::write_page : write_append_array_dataset<TYPE>() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0119         return false;
0120       }
0121     }
0122     m_pos += a_size;
0123     m_entries = m_pos;
0124     return true;
0125   }
0127   template <class TYPE>
0128   bool read_page(size_t a_size,TYPE* a_array) {
0129     //it is assumed that a_array can contain a_size*sizeof(TYPE) bytes.
0130     unsigned int _size = a_size;
0131     unsigned int n = 0;
0132     TYPE* array = 0;
0133     if(!read_sub_array<TYPE>(m_group,s_pages(),(unsigned int)m_pos,(unsigned int)_size,n,array)) {
0134       m_out << "pages::read_page : read_sub_array<TYPE>() failed." << std::endl;
0135       return false;
0136     }
0137     if(n!=_size) {
0138       m_out << "pages::read_page : size mismatch. Requested " << _size << ", got "<< n << "." << std::endl;
0139       delete [] array;
0140       return false;
0141     }
0143    {TYPE* rpos = (TYPE*)array;
0144     TYPE* wpos = (TYPE*)a_array;
0145     for(size_t i=0;i<n;i++,rpos++,wpos++) *wpos = *rpos;
0146     for(size_t i=n;i<_size;i++,rpos++,wpos++) *wpos = TYPE();}
0148     delete [] array;
0150     m_pos += n;
0151     return true;
0152   }
0154   template <class TYPE>
0155   bool write_vlen(size_t a_size,const TYPE* a_array) {
0156     if(!m_pos) {
0157       if(!hdf5::write_vlen<TYPE>(m_group,s_pages(),a_size,a_array,a_size?a_size:32,m_compress)) {
0158         m_out << "pages::write_vlen : write_vlen<TYPE>() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0159         return false;
0160       }
0161       m_dataset = toolx_H5Dopen(m_group,s_pages().c_str());
0162       if(m_dataset<0) {
0163         m_out << "pages::write_vlen : H5Dopen failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0164         return false;
0165       }
0166     } else {
0167       if(!write_append_vlen_dataset<TYPE>(m_dataset,a_size,a_array)) {
0168         m_out << "pages::write_vlen : write_append_vlen_dataset<TYPE>() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0169         return false;
0170       }
0171     }
0172     m_pos++;
0173     m_entries++;
0174     return true;
0175   }
0177   template <class TYPE>
0178   bool read_vlen(size_t& a_size,TYPE*& a_array) {
0179     //it is assumed that a_array can contain a_size*sizeof(TYPE) bytes.
0180     unsigned int sz;
0181     if(!read_sub_vlen<TYPE>(m_group,s_pages(),(unsigned int)m_pos,sz,a_array)) {
0182       m_out << "pages::read_vlen : read_sub_vlen<TYPE>() failed." << std::endl;
0183       a_size = 0;
0184       a_array = 0;
0185       return false;
0186     }
0187     a_size = sz;
0188     m_pos++;
0189     m_entries++;
0190     return true;
0191   }
0193   bool write_string(const std::string& a_string) {
0194     if(!m_pos) {
0195       if(!hdf5::write_string_dataset(m_group,s_pages(),a_string,128,m_compress)) { //32=>enforce extendable.
0196         m_out << "pages::write_string : hdf5::write_string() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0197         return false;
0198       }
0199       m_dataset = toolx_H5Dopen(m_group,s_pages().c_str());
0200       if(m_dataset<0) {
0201         m_out << "pages::write_string : H5Dopen failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0202         return false;
0203       }
0204     } else {
0205       if(!write_append_string_dataset(m_dataset,a_string)) {
0206         m_out << "pages::write_string : write_append_string_dataset() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0207         return false;
0208       }
0209     }
0210     m_pos++;
0211     m_entries++;
0212     return true;
0213   }
0215   bool read_string(std::string& a_string) {
0216     if(!read_sub_string(m_group,s_pages(),(unsigned int)m_pos,a_string)) {
0217       m_out << "pages::read_string : read_sub_string() failed." << std::endl;
0218       a_string.clear();
0219       return false;
0220     }
0221     m_pos++;
0222     m_entries++;
0223     return true;
0224   }
0226 /*
0227   bool write_string(const std::string& a_string) {return write_vlen<char>(a_string.size(),a_string.c_str());}
0229   bool read_string(std::string& a_string) {
0230     size_t sz;char* _data;
0231     if(!read_vlen<char>(sz,_data)) {a_string.clear();return false;}
0232     a_string.resize(sz);
0233     for(size_t index=0;index<sz;index++) a_string[index] = _data[index];
0234     delete [] _data;
0235     return true;
0236   }
0237 */
0239 /*
0240   bool write_strings(size_t a_number,void* a_array) {
0241     size_t sz = m_size*a_number;
0242     char* buffer = new char[sz];
0243    {char* pos = buffer;
0244     for(size_t index=0;index<sz;index++,pos++) *pos = ' ';}
0246    {char** strings = (char**)a_array;
0247     char* pos = buffer;
0248     size_t ls;
0249     for(size_t index=0;index<a_number;index++) {
0250       char* ss = strings[index];
0251       ls = ::strlen(ss);
0252       ::memcpy(pos,ss,ls); //do not copy the ending 0.
0253       *(pos+m_size-1) = 0;
0254       pos += m_size;
0255     }}
0257     if(!m_pos) {
0258       unsigned int chunked = 32*m_size; //<size>A strings.
0259       if(!write_array<char>(m_group,s_pages(),sz,buffer,chunked,m_compress)) {
0260         m_out << "pages::write_strings : write_strings() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0261         return false;
0262       }
0263       m_dataset = toolx_H5Dopen(m_group,s_pages().c_str());
0264       if(m_dataset<0) {
0265         m_out << "pages::write_strings : H5Dopen failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0266         return false;
0267       }
0268     } else {
0269       if(!write_append_array_dataset<char>(m_dataset,sz,buffer)) {
0270         m_out << "pages::write_strings : write_append_strings() failed. Pos " << m_pos << std::endl;
0271         return false;
0272       }
0273     }
0274     m_pos += a_number;
0275     m_entries = m_pos;
0276     return true;
0277   }
0279   bool read_strings(size_t a_size,char* a_array) {
0280     unsigned int _size = a_size*m_size;
0281     unsigned int n = 0;
0282     char* array = 0;
0283     if(!read_sub_array<char>(m_group,s_pages(),m_pos,_size,n,array)) {
0284       m_out << "pages::read_strings : read_sub_array<char>() failed." << std::endl;
0285       return false;
0286     }
0287     if(n!=_size) {
0288       m_out << "pages::read_strings : size mismatch. Requested " << _size << ", got "<< n << "." << std::endl;
0289       delete [] array;
0290       return false;
0291     }
0292     char* pos = array;
0293    {char** strings = (char**)a_array;
0294     for(size_t index=0;index<a_size;index++) {
0295       ::memcpy(strings[index],pos,m_size*sizeof(char));
0296       pos += m_size;
0297     }}
0298     delete [] array;
0299     m_pos += n;
0300     return true;
0301   }
0302 */
0303 protected:
0304   std::ostream& m_out;
0305   std::string m_name;
0306   std::string m_form;
0307   //int m_type;
0308   //unsigned int m_size;
0309   hid_t m_group;
0310   hid_t m_dataset;
0311   bool m_write;
0312   unsigned int m_compress; //if write.
0313   tools::uint64 m_entries;
0314   tools::uint64 m_pos;
0315 };
0317 }}
0319 #endif