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Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/zb/edge_table is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_zb_edge_table
0005 #define tools_zb_edge_table
0007 #include "line"
0008 #include "point"
0010 #include "../cmemT"
0011 #include <cstdio> //NULL
0013 namespace tools {
0014 namespace zb {
0016 /***************************************************************************/
0017 inline void InsertEdgeInET (
0018  EdgeTable* ET
0019 ,EdgeTableEntry* ETE
0020 ,int scanline
0021 ,ScanLineListBlock** SLLBlock
0022 ,int* iSLLBlock
0023 )
0024 /***************************************************************************/
0025 /*
0026  *     InsertEdgeInET
0027  *
0028  *     Insert the given edge into the edge table.
0029  *     First we must find the correct bucket in the
0030  *     Edge table, then find the right slot in the
0031  *     bucket.  Finally, we can insert it.
0032  *
0033  */
0034 /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
0035 {
0036   EdgeTableEntry *start, *prev;
0037   ScanLineList *pSLL, *pPrevSLL;
0038   ScanLineListBlock *tmpSLLBlock;
0039 /*.........................................................................*/
0041     /*
0042      * find the right bucket to put the edge into
0043      */
0044     pPrevSLL = &ET->scanlines;
0045     pSLL = pPrevSLL->next;
0046     while (pSLL && (pSLL->scanline < scanline))
0047     {
0048         pPrevSLL = pSLL;
0049         pSLL = pSLL->next;
0050     }
0052     /*
0053      * reassign pSLL (pointer to ScanLineList) if necessary
0054      */
0055     if ( (pSLL==NULL) || (pSLL->scanline > scanline))
0056     {
0057         if (*iSLLBlock > SLLSPERBLOCK-1)
0058         {
0059             tmpSLLBlock = cmem_alloc<ScanLineListBlock>(1);
0060             (*SLLBlock)->next = tmpSLLBlock;
0061             tmpSLLBlock->next = (ScanLineListBlock *)NULL;
0062             *SLLBlock = tmpSLLBlock;
0063             *iSLLBlock = 0;
0064         }
0065         pSLL = &((*SLLBlock)->SLLs[(*iSLLBlock)++]);
0067         pSLL->next = pPrevSLL->next;
0068         pSLL->edgelist = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0069         pPrevSLL->next = pSLL;
0070     }
0071     pSLL->scanline = scanline;
0073     /*
0074      * now insert the edge in the right bucket
0075      */
0076     prev = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0077     start = pSLL->edgelist;
0078     while (start && (start->bres.minor_axis < ETE->bres.minor_axis))
0079     {
0080         prev = start;
0081         start = start->next;
0082     }
0083     ETE->next = start;
0085     if (prev!=NULL)
0086         prev->next = ETE;
0087     else
0088         pSLL->edgelist = ETE;
0089 }
0091 /***************************************************************************/
0092 inline void CreateETandAET (
0093  int count
0094 ,point* pts
0095 ,EdgeTable* ET
0096 ,EdgeTableEntry* AET
0097 ,EdgeTableEntry* pETEs
0098 ,ScanLineListBlock* pSLLBlock
0099 )
0100 /***************************************************************************/
0101 /*
0102  *     CreateEdgeTable
0103  *
0104  *     This routine creates the edge table for
0105  *     scan converting polygons.
0106  *     The Edge Table (ET) looks like:
0107  *
0108  *    EdgeTable
0109  *     --------
0110  *    |  ymax  |        ScanLineLists
0111  *    |scanline|-->------------>-------------->...
0112  *     --------   |scanline|   |scanline|
0113  *                |edgelist|   |edgelist|
0114  *                ---------    ---------
0115  *                    |             |
0116  *                    |             |
0117  *                    V             V
0118  *              list of ETEs   list of ETEs
0119  *
0120  *     where ETE is an EdgeTableEntry data structure,
0121  *     and there is one ScanLineList per scanline at
0122  *     which an edge is initially entered.
0123  *
0124  */
0125 /*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*/
0126 {
0127   point *top, *bottom;
0128   point *PrevPt, *CurrPt;
0129   int iSLLBlock = 0;
0130   int dy;
0131 /*.........................................................................*/
0133     if (count < 2)  return;
0135     /*
0136      *  initialize the Active Edge Table
0137      */
0138     AET->next = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0139     AET->back = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0140     AET->nextWETE = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0141     AET->bres.minor_axis = SMALL_COORDINATE;
0143     /*
0144      *  initialize the Edge Table.
0145      */
0146     ET-> = (ScanLineList *)NULL;
0147     ET->ymax = SMALL_COORDINATE;
0148     ET->ymin = LARGE_COORDINATE;
0149     pSLLBlock->next = (ScanLineListBlock *)NULL;
0151     PrevPt = &pts[count-1];
0153     /*
0154      *  for each vertex in the array of points.
0155      *  In this loop we are dealing with two vertices at
0156      *  a time -- these make up one edge of the polygon.
0157      */
0158     while (count--)
0159     {
0160         CurrPt = pts++;
0162         /*
0163          *  find out which point is above and which is below.
0164          */
0165         if (PrevPt->y > CurrPt->y)
0166         {
0167             bottom = PrevPt, top = CurrPt;
0168             pETEs->ClockWise = 0;
0169         }
0170         else
0171         {
0172             bottom = CurrPt, top = PrevPt;
0173             pETEs->ClockWise = 1;
0174         }
0176         /*
0177          * don't add horizontal edges to the Edge table.
0178          */
0179         if (bottom->y != top->y)
0180         {
0181             pETEs->ymax = (int)(bottom->y-1);  /* -1 so we don't get last scanline */
0183             /*
0184              *  initialize integer edge algorithm
0185              */
0186             dy = (int)(bottom->y - top->y);
0187             BRESINITPGONSTRUCT (dy,(int)top->x,(int)bottom->x, pETEs->bres)
0189             InsertEdgeInET (ET, pETEs, (int)top->y, &pSLLBlock, &iSLLBlock);
0191             if (PrevPt->y > ET->ymax) ET->ymax = (int) PrevPt->y;
0192             if (PrevPt->y < ET->ymin) ET->ymin = (int) PrevPt->y;
0193             pETEs++;
0194         }
0196         PrevPt = CurrPt;
0197     }
0198 }
0200 inline void LoadAET(EdgeTableEntry* AET,EdgeTableEntry* ETEs) {
0201 /*
0202  *     LoadAET
0203  *
0204  *     This routine moves EdgeTableEntries from the
0205  *     EdgeTable into the Active Edge Table,
0206  *     leaving them sorted by smaller x coordinate.
0207  *
0208  */
0209   EdgeTableEntry *pPrevAET;
0210   EdgeTableEntry *tmp;
0212   pPrevAET = AET;
0213   AET = AET->next;
0214   while(ETEs) {
0215         while (AET && (AET->bres.minor_axis < ETEs->bres.minor_axis))
0216         {
0217             pPrevAET = AET;
0218             AET = AET->next;
0219         }
0220         tmp = ETEs->next;
0221         ETEs->next = AET;
0222         if (AET!=NULL)
0223             AET->back = ETEs;
0224         ETEs->back = pPrevAET;
0225         pPrevAET->next = ETEs;
0226         pPrevAET = ETEs;
0228         ETEs = tmp;
0229   }
0230 }
0232 inline void ComputeWAET(EdgeTableEntry* AET) {
0233 /*
0234  *     ComputeWAET
0235  *
0236  *     This routine links the AET by the
0237  *     nextWETE (winding EdgeTableEntry) link for
0238  *     use by the winding number rule.  The final
0239  *     Active Edge Table (AET) might look something
0240  *     like:
0241  *
0242  *     AET
0243  *     ----------  ---------   ---------
0244  *     |ymax    |  |ymax    |  |ymax    |
0245  *     | ...    |  |...     |  |...     |
0246  *     |next    |->|next    |->|next    |->...
0247  *     |nextWETE|  |nextWETE|  |nextWETE|
0248  *     ---------   ---------   ^--------
0249  *         |                   |       |
0250  *         V------------------->       V---> ...
0251  *
0252  */
0253   EdgeTableEntry *pWETE;
0254   int inside = 1;
0255   int isInside = 0;
0257   AET->nextWETE = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0258   pWETE = AET;
0259   AET = AET->next;
0260   while(AET) {
0261         if (AET->ClockWise!=0)
0262             isInside++;
0263         else
0264             isInside--;
0266         if (( (inside==0) && (isInside==0) ) ||
0267             ( (inside!=0) && (isInside!=0) ))
0268         {
0269             pWETE->nextWETE = AET;
0270             pWETE = AET;
0271             inside = !inside;
0272         }
0273         AET = AET->next;
0274   }
0275   pWETE->nextWETE = (EdgeTableEntry *)NULL;
0276 }
0278 inline int InsertAndSort(EdgeTableEntry* AET) {
0279   // InsertAndSort
0280   //   Just a simple insertion sort using
0281   //   pointers and back pointers to sort the Active
0282   //   Edge Table.
0284   EdgeTableEntry *pETEchase;
0285   EdgeTableEntry *pETEinsert;
0286   EdgeTableEntry *pETEchaseBackTMP;
0287   int changed = 0;
0289   AET = AET->next;
0290   while(AET) {
0291         pETEinsert = AET;
0292         pETEchase = AET;
0293         while (pETEchase->back->bres.minor_axis > AET->bres.minor_axis)
0294             pETEchase = pETEchase->back;
0296         AET = AET->next;
0297         if (pETEchase != pETEinsert)
0298         {
0299             pETEchaseBackTMP = pETEchase->back;
0300             pETEinsert->back->next = AET;
0301             if (AET!=NULL)
0302                 AET->back = pETEinsert->back;
0303             pETEinsert->next = pETEchase;
0304             pETEchase->back->next = pETEinsert;
0305             pETEchase->back = pETEinsert;
0306             pETEinsert->back = pETEchaseBackTMP;
0307             changed = 1;
0308         }
0309   }
0310   return(changed);
0311 }
0313 inline void FreeStorage(ScanLineListBlock* pSLLBlock){
0314   // Clean up our act.
0315   ScanLineListBlock* tmpSLLBlock;
0316   while(pSLLBlock) {
0317     tmpSLLBlock = pSLLBlock->next;
0318     cmem_free(pSLLBlock);
0319     pSLLBlock = tmpSLLBlock;
0320   }
0321 }
0323 }}
0325 #endif