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Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/wroot/wbuf is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_wroot_wbuf
0005 #define tools_wroot_wbuf
0007 #include <ostream>
0008 #include "../long_out"
0009 #include "../charp_out"
0010 #include "../stype"
0012 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0013 #include "../mem"
0014 #endif
0016 #include <cstring> //memcpy
0017 #include <vector>
0019 namespace tools {
0020 namespace wroot {
0022 class wbuf {
0024   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0025   /// swap ////////////////////////////////////////////////
0026   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0027   // NOTE : on most common platforms (including Android, iPad)
0028   //        CERN-ROOT byte swaps ! (Bad luck). We have arranged to
0029   //        optimize this operation. The below "_swap_" functions
0030   //        do not have local variables and manipulates pointers
0031   //        directly.
0033   static void write_swap_2(char* a_pos,char* a_x) {
0034     *a_pos = *(a_x+1);a_pos++;
0035     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;
0036   }
0037   static void write_swap_4(char* a_pos,char* a_x) {
0038     a_x += 3;
0039     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0040     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0041     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0042     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;
0043   }
0044   static void write_swap_8(char* a_pos,char* a_x) {
0045     a_x += 7;
0046     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0047     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0048     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0049     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0050     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0051     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0052     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;a_x--;
0053     *a_pos = *a_x;a_pos++;
0054   }
0055   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0056   /// nswp ////////////////////////////////////////////////
0057   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0058   static void write_nswp_2(char* a_pos,char* a_x) {::memcpy(a_pos,a_x,2);}
0059   static void write_nswp_4(char* a_pos,char* a_x) {::memcpy(a_pos,a_x,4);}
0060   static void write_nswp_8(char* a_pos,char* a_x) {::memcpy(a_pos,a_x,8);}
0061   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0062   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0063   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0066   static const std::string& s_class() {
0067     static const std::string s_v("tools::wroot::wbuf");
0068     return s_v;
0069   }
0070   typedef void (*w_2_func)(char*,char*);
0071   typedef void (*w_4_func)(char*,char*);
0072   typedef void (*w_8_func)(char*,char*);
0073 public:
0074   wbuf(std::ostream& a_out,bool a_byte_swap,const char* a_eob,char*& a_pos)
0075   :m_out(a_out)
0076   ,m_byte_swap(a_byte_swap)
0077   ,m_eob(a_eob)
0078   ,m_pos(a_pos)
0080   ,m_w_2_func(0)
0081   ,m_w_4_func(0)
0082   ,m_w_8_func(0)
0083   {
0084 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0085     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0086 #endif
0087     set_byte_swap(a_byte_swap);
0088   }
0089   virtual ~wbuf(){
0090 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0091     mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0092 #endif
0093   }
0094 public:
0095   wbuf(const wbuf& a_from)
0096   :m_out(a_from.m_out) //a ref.
0097   ,m_byte_swap(a_from.m_byte_swap)
0098   ,m_eob(a_from.m_eob)
0099   ,m_pos(a_from.m_pos) //a ref.
0100   ,m_w_2_func(a_from.m_w_2_func)
0101   ,m_w_4_func(a_from.m_w_4_func)
0102   ,m_w_8_func(a_from.m_w_8_func)
0103   {
0104 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0105     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0106 #endif
0107     set_byte_swap(a_from.m_byte_swap);
0108   }
0109   wbuf& operator=(const wbuf& a_from){
0110     set_byte_swap(a_from.m_byte_swap);
0111     m_eob = a_from.m_eob;
0112     //m_pos is a ref.
0113     m_w_2_func = a_from.m_w_2_func;
0114     m_w_4_func = a_from.m_w_4_func;
0115     m_w_8_func = a_from.m_w_8_func;
0116     return *this;
0117   }
0118 public:
0119   void set_eob(const char* a_eob){m_eob = a_eob;}
0120   bool byte_swap() const {return m_byte_swap;}
0121   void set_byte_swap(bool a_value) {
0122     m_byte_swap = a_value;
0123     if(m_byte_swap) {
0124       m_w_2_func = write_swap_2;
0125       m_w_4_func = write_swap_4;
0126       m_w_8_func = write_swap_8;
0127     } else {
0128       m_w_2_func = write_nswp_2;
0129       m_w_4_func = write_nswp_4;
0130       m_w_8_func = write_nswp_8;
0131     }
0132   }
0133 public:
0134   bool write(unsigned char a_x) {
0135     if(!check_eob<unsigned char>()) return false;
0136     *m_pos++ = a_x;
0137     return true;
0138   }
0140   bool write(unsigned short a_x) {
0141     if(!check_eob<unsigned short>()) return false;
0142     m_w_2_func(m_pos,(char*)&a_x);
0143     m_pos += sizeof(unsigned short);
0144     return true;
0145   }
0147   bool write(unsigned int a_x) {
0148     if(!check_eob<unsigned int>()) return false;
0149     m_w_4_func(m_pos,(char*)&a_x);
0150     m_pos += sizeof(unsigned int);
0151     return true;
0152   }
0154   bool write(uint64 a_x){
0155     if(!check_eob<uint64>()) return false;
0156     m_w_8_func(m_pos,(char*)&a_x);
0157     m_pos += 8;
0158     return true;
0159   }
0161   bool write(float a_x) {
0162     if(!check_eob<float>()) return false;
0163     m_w_4_func(m_pos,(char*)&a_x);
0164     m_pos += sizeof(float);
0165     return true;
0166   }
0168   bool write(double a_x) {
0169     if(!check_eob<double>()) return false;
0170     m_w_8_func(m_pos,(char*)&a_x);
0171     m_pos += sizeof(double);
0172     return true;
0173   }
0175   bool write(char a_x)  {return write((unsigned char)a_x);}
0176   bool write(short a_x) {return write((unsigned short)a_x);}
0177   bool write(int a_x)   {return write((unsigned int)a_x);}
0178   bool write(int64 a_x) {return write((uint64)a_x);}
0180   bool write(const std::string& a_x) {
0181     unsigned char nwh;
0182     unsigned int nchars = (unsigned int)a_x.size();
0183     if(nchars>254) {
0184       if(!check_eob(1+4,"std::string")) return false;
0185       nwh = 255;
0186       if(!write(nwh)) return false;
0187       if(!write(nchars)) return false;
0188     } else {
0189       if(!check_eob(1,"std::string")) return false;
0190       nwh = (unsigned char)nchars;
0191       if(!write(nwh)) return false;
0192     }
0193     if(!check_eob(nchars,"std::string")) return false;
0194     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nchars; i++) m_pos[i] = a_x[i];
0195     m_pos += nchars;
0196     return true;
0197   }
0200   template <class T>
0201   bool write(const T* a_a,uint32 a_n) {
0202     if(!a_n) return true;
0203     uint32 l = a_n * sizeof(T);
0204     if(!check_eob(l,"array")) return false;
0205     if(m_byte_swap) {
0206       for(uint32 i=0;i<a_n;i++) {
0207         if(!write(a_a[i])) return false;
0208       }
0209     } else {
0210       ::memcpy(m_pos,a_a,l);
0211       m_pos += l;
0212     }
0213     return true;
0214   }
0216   template <class T>
0217   bool write(const std::vector<T>& a_v) {
0218     if(a_v.empty()) return true;
0219     uint32 n = uint32(a_v.size());
0220     uint32 l = n * sizeof(T);
0221     if(!check_eob(l,"array")) return false;
0222     for(uint32 i=0;i<n;i++) {
0223       if(!write(a_v[i])) return false;
0224     }
0225     return true;
0226   }
0228 protected:
0229   template <class T>
0230   bool check_eob(){
0231     if((m_pos+sizeof(T))>m_eob) {
0232       m_out << s_class() << " : " << stype(T()) << " : "
0233 //           << " try to access out of buffer " << long_out(sizeof(T)) << " bytes"
0234            << " try to access out of buffer " << sizeof(T) << " bytes"
0235            << " (pos=" << charp_out(m_pos)
0236            << ", eob=" << charp_out(m_eob) << ")." << std::endl;
0237       return false;
0238     }
0239     return true;
0240   }
0241   bool check_eob(size_t a_n,const char* a_cmt){
0242     if((m_pos+a_n)>m_eob) {
0243       m_out << s_class() << " : " << a_cmt << " : "
0244 //           << " try to access out of buffer " << long_out(a_n) << " bytes"
0245            << " try to access out of buffer " << a_n << " bytes"
0246            << " (pos=" << charp_out(m_pos)
0247            << ", eob=" << charp_out(m_eob) << ")." << std::endl;
0248       return false;
0249     }
0250     return true;
0251   }
0253 protected:
0254   std::ostream& m_out;
0255   bool m_byte_swap;
0256   const char* m_eob;
0257   char*& m_pos;
0259   w_2_func m_w_2_func;
0260   w_4_func m_w_4_func;
0261   w_8_func m_w_8_func;
0262 };
0264 }}
0266 #endif