Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/sg/viewer is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_sg_viewer
0005 #define tools_sg_viewer
0007 #include "group"
0009 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0010 #include "../mem"
0011 #endif
0013 #include "cursor_shape"
0015 namespace tools {
0016 namespace sg {
0018 class viewer {
0019 public:
0020 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::sg::viewer)
0021 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0022 if(void* p = cmp_cast<viewer>(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0023 else return 0;
0024 }
0025 public:
0026 virtual void set_size(unsigned int a_w,unsigned int a_h) {
0027 //m_out << "debug : tools::sg::viewer::set_size :"
0028 // << " ww " << a_w
0029 // << " wh " << a_h
0030 // << std::endl;
0031 size_event e(m_ww,m_wh,a_w,a_h);
0032 m_ww = a_w;
0033 m_wh = a_h;
0034 event_action action(m_out,m_ww,m_wh,e);
0035 action.set_do_switch_children(true); //Android : rot device : GUI & scene.
0036 m_sg.event(action); //used by m_plots in plots_viewer.
0037 }
0039 virtual bool set_cursor_shape(cursor_shape) {return false;}
0040 public:
0041 viewer(std::ostream& a_out,unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height)
0042 :m_out(a_out)
0043 ,m_clear_color(1,1,1)
0044 ,m_ww(a_width)
0045 ,m_wh(a_height)
0046 ,m_use_gsto(false)
0047 ,m_produce_out_jpeg(false)
0048 ,m_produce_out_png(false)
0049 ,m_produce_out_file()
0050 ,m_produce_out_bpp(4)
0051 {
0052 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0053 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0054 #endif
0055 }
0056 virtual ~viewer(){
0057 m_sg.clear(); //we must delete node before m_zb_mgr (and any render_manager).
0058 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0059 mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0060 #endif
0061 }
0062 public:
0063 viewer(const viewer& a_from)
0064 :m_out(a_from.m_out)
0065 ,m_clear_color(a_from.m_clear_color)
0066 ,m_ww(a_from.m_ww)
0067 ,m_wh(a_from.m_wh)
0068 ,m_sg(a_from.m_sg)
0069 ,m_use_gsto(a_from.m_use_gsto)
0070 ,m_produce_out_jpeg(a_from.m_produce_out_jpeg)
0071 ,m_produce_out_png(a_from.m_produce_out_png)
0072 ,m_produce_out_file(a_from.m_produce_out_file)
0073 ,m_produce_out_bpp(a_from.m_produce_out_bpp)
0074 {
0075 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0076 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0077 #endif
0078 }
0079 viewer& operator=(const viewer& a_from){
0080 m_clear_color = a_from.m_clear_color;
0081 m_ww = a_from.m_ww;
0082 m_wh = a_from.m_wh;
0083 m_sg = a_from.m_sg;
0084 m_use_gsto = a_from.m_use_gsto;
0085 m_produce_out_jpeg = a_from.m_produce_out_jpeg;
0086 m_produce_out_png = a_from.m_produce_out_png;
0087 m_produce_out_file = a_from.m_produce_out_file;
0088 m_produce_out_bpp = a_from.m_produce_out_bpp;
0089 return *this;
0090 }
0091 public:
0092 bool set_default_cursor_shape() {return set_cursor_shape(cursor_default);}
0094 group& sg() {return m_sg;}
0095 const group& sg() const {return m_sg;}
0097 unsigned int width() const {return m_ww;}
0098 unsigned int height() const {return m_wh;}
0100 bool screen2aspect(int a_x,int a_y,float& a_wx,float& a_wy) const {
0101 // convert screen point in [aspect,1] coordinates.
0102 //if(!m_ww) {a_wx = a_wy = 0;return false;}
0103 //if(!m_wh) {a_wx = a_wy = 0;return false;}
0104 float aspect = float(m_ww)/float(m_wh);
0105 float wch = 1;
0106 float wcw = wch*aspect;
0107 a_wx = float(a_x) * wcw/float(m_ww);
0108 a_wy = float(a_y) * wch/float(m_wh);
0109 return true;
0110 }
0112 void set_clear_color(float a_r,float a_g,float a_b,float a_a = 1) {
0113 m_clear_color = colorf(a_r,a_g,a_b,a_a);
0114 }
0115 void set_clear_color(const colorf& a_color) {
0116 m_clear_color = a_color;
0117 }
0118 void get_clear_color(float& a_r,float& a_g,float& a_b,float& a_a) {
0119 a_r = m_clear_color.r();
0120 a_g = m_clear_color.g();
0121 a_b = m_clear_color.b();
0122 a_a = m_clear_color.a();
0123 }
0125 const colorf& background() const {return m_clear_color;}
0127 std::ostream& out() const {return m_out;}
0129 const std::string& out_dir() const {return m_out_dir;}
0132 void set_produce_out_jpeg(bool a_value) {m_produce_out_jpeg = a_value;}
0133 bool produce_out_jpeg() const {return m_produce_out_jpeg;}
0135 void set_produce_out_png(bool a_value) {m_produce_out_png = a_value;}
0136 bool produce_out_png() const {return m_produce_out_png;}
0138 void set_produce_out_file(const std::string& a_file) {m_produce_out_file = a_file;}
0139 const std::string& produce_out_file() const {return m_produce_out_file;}
0141 void set_produce_out_bpp(unsigned int a_bpp) {m_produce_out_bpp = a_bpp;}
0142 unsigned int produce_out_bpp() const {return m_produce_out_bpp;}
0143 protected:
0144 // iPod : 320 x 480
0145 // iPad : 768 x 1024
0146 // SGS : API-1 : 320 x 533, API-5 : 480 x 800
0147 // SGT : 1024 x 600 ?
0149 // LRI WILD : borders w = 100 x h = 120. 4x8 screens with 2560x1600 pixels.
0150 // LAL ARTS : borders 88x100. 2x4 screens of 1920 x 1080
0152 //bool is_iPad() const {
0153 // if( (m_ww==768) && (m_wh==1024) ) return true;
0154 // if( (m_wh==768) && (m_ww==1024) ) return true;
0155 // return false;
0156 //}
0157 //bool is_SGS() const {
0158 // //API : 1
0159 // //if( (m_ww==320) && (m_wh==533) ) return true;
0160 // //if( (m_wh==320) && (m_ww==533) ) return true;
0161 //
0162 // //API : 5
0163 // if( (m_ww==480) && (m_wh==800) ) return true;
0164 // if( (m_wh==480) && (m_ww==800) ) return true;
0165 // return false;
0166 //}
0168 protected:
0169 std::ostream& m_out;
0170 colorf m_clear_color;
0171 unsigned int m_ww;
0172 unsigned int m_wh;
0173 group m_sg;
0174 std::string m_out_dir;
0175 bool m_use_gsto;
0176 bool m_produce_out_jpeg;
0177 bool m_produce_out_png;
0178 std::string m_produce_out_file;
0179 unsigned int m_produce_out_bpp;
0180 };
0182 }}
0184 #include "../pointer"
0186 namespace tools {
0187 namespace sg {
0189 // used with Python and lua :
0190 inline viewer* cast_viewer(const std::string& a_s) {
0191 void* p;
0192 if(!to_pointer(a_s,p)) return 0; //read with %lx and, if failure, with %lu.
0193 return (viewer*)p;
0194 }
0196 }}
0198 #endif