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Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/sg/vertices is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_sg_vertices
0005 #define tools_sg_vertices
0007 #include "node"
0008 #include "gstos"
0010 #include "sf"
0011 #include "mf"
0012 #include "render_action"
0013 #include "pick_action"
0014 #include "bbox_action"
0015 #include "visible_action"
0017 #include "../vmanip"
0019 namespace tools {
0020 namespace sg {
0022 class vertices : public node, public gstos {
0023   TOOLS_NODE(vertices,tools::sg::vertices,node)
0024   typedef gstos parent_gstos;
0025 public:
0026   sf<gl::mode_t> mode;
0027   mf<float> xyzs;
0028 public:
0029   virtual const desc_fields& node_desc_fields() const {
0030     TOOLS_FIELD_DESC_NODE_CLASS(tools::sg::vertices)
0031     static const desc_fields s_v(parent::node_desc_fields(),2, //WARNING : take care of count.
0032       TOOLS_ARG_FIELD_DESC(mode),
0033       TOOLS_ARG_FIELD_DESC(xyzs)
0034     );
0035     return s_v;
0036   }
0037 private:
0038   void add_fields(){
0039     add_field(&mode);
0040     add_field(&xyzs);
0041   }
0042 protected: //gstos
0043   virtual unsigned int create_gsto(std::ostream&,sg::render_manager& a_mgr) {
0044     //unsigned int npt = xyzs.values().size()/3;
0045     //::printf("debug : vertices : %lu : create_gsto : %u\n",this,npt);
0046     return a_mgr.create_gsto_from_data(xyzs.values());
0047   }
0049 public:
0050   virtual void render(render_action& a_action) {
0051     if(touched()) {clean_gstos();reset_touched();}
0052     if(xyzs.empty()) return;
0054     const state& state = a_action.state();
0056     if(state.m_use_gsto) {
0057       unsigned int _id = get_gsto_id(a_action.out(),a_action.render_manager());
0058       if(_id) {
0059 #ifdef __APPLE__
0060         bool restore_blend = check_set_blend(a_action);
0061 #endif
0062         a_action.begin_gsto(_id);
0063         size_t npt = xyzs.values().size()/3;
0064         bufpos pos = 0;
0065         if(gl::is_line(mode.value())) {
0066           //Same logic as Inventor SoLightModel.model = BASE_COLOR.
0067           a_action.set_lighting(false);
0068           a_action.draw_gsto_v(mode.value(),npt,pos);
0069           a_action.set_lighting(state.m_GL_LIGHTING);
0070         } else {
0071           a_action.draw_gsto_v(mode.value(),npt,pos);
0072         }
0073         a_action.end_gsto();
0074 #ifdef __APPLE__
0075         if(restore_blend) a_action.set_blend(true);
0076 #endif
0077         return;
0078       } else { //!_id
0079         // use immediate rendering.
0080       }
0082     } else {
0083       clean_gstos(&a_action.render_manager());
0084     }
0086 #ifdef __APPLE__
0087     bool restore_blend = check_set_blend(a_action);
0088 #endif
0090     // immediate rendering :
0091     if(gl::is_line(mode.value())) {
0092       //Same logic as Inventor SoLightModel.model = BASE_COLOR.
0093       a_action.set_lighting(false);
0094       a_action.draw_vertex_array(mode.value(),xyzs.values());
0095       a_action.set_lighting(state.m_GL_LIGHTING);
0096     } else {
0097       a_action.draw_vertex_array(mode.value(),xyzs.values());
0098     }
0100 #ifdef __APPLE__
0101     if(restore_blend) a_action.set_blend(true);
0102 #endif
0103   }
0104   virtual void pick(pick_action& a_action) {
0105     if(touched()) {clean_gstos();reset_touched();}
0106     a_action.add__primitive(*this,mode.value(),xyzs.values(),true);
0107   }
0109   virtual void bbox(bbox_action& a_action) {
0110     if(touched()) {clean_gstos();reset_touched();}
0111     a_action.add_points(xyzs.values());
0112   }
0113   virtual void is_visible(visible_action& a_action) {
0114     if(touched()) {clean_gstos();reset_touched();}
0115     if(_is_visible(a_action)) a_action.increment();
0116   }
0118 public:
0119   vertices()
0120   :parent()
0121   ,mode(gl::line_strip()){
0122 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0123     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0124 #endif
0125     add_fields();
0126   }
0127   virtual ~vertices(){
0128 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0129     mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0130 #endif
0131   }
0132 public:
0133   vertices(const vertices& a_from)
0134   :parent(a_from)
0135   ,parent_gstos(a_from)
0136   ,mode(a_from.mode)
0137   ,xyzs(a_from.xyzs)
0138   {
0139 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0140     mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0141 #endif
0142     add_fields();
0143   }
0144   vertices& operator=(const vertices& a_from){
0145     parent::operator=(a_from);
0146     parent_gstos::operator=(a_from);
0148     mode = a_from.mode;
0149     xyzs = a_from.xyzs;
0151     return *this;
0152   }
0153 public:
0154   template <class VEC>
0155   void add(const VEC& a_v) {
0156     xyzs.add(a_v.x());
0157     xyzs.add(a_v.y());
0158     xyzs.add(a_v.z());
0159   }
0160   void add(float a_x,float a_y,float a_z) {
0161     xyzs.add(a_x);
0162     xyzs.add(a_y);
0163     xyzs.add(a_z);
0164   }
0165   void add_allocated(size_t& a_pos,float a_x,float a_y,float a_z) {
0166     std::vector<float>& v = xyzs.values();
0167     v[a_pos] = a_x;a_pos++;
0168     v[a_pos] = a_y;a_pos++;
0169     v[a_pos] = a_z;a_pos++;
0170     xyzs.touch();
0171   }
0172   bool add(const std::vector<float>& a_v) {
0173     std::vector<float>::size_type _number = a_v.size()/3;
0174     if(3*_number!=a_v.size()) return false;
0175     std::vector<float>::const_iterator it;
0176     for(it=a_v.begin();it!=a_v.end();it+=3) {
0177       xyzs.add(*(it+0));
0178       xyzs.add(*(it+1));
0179       xyzs.add(*(it+2));
0180     }
0181     return true;
0182   }
0184   size_t number() const {return xyzs.size()/3;}
0185   void clear() {xyzs.clear();}
0187   bool add_dashed_line(float a_bx,float a_by,float a_bz,
0188                        float a_ex,float a_ey,float a_ez,
0189                        unsigned int a_num_dash) {
0190     //optimized version.
0191     if(!a_num_dash) return false;
0192     // there is a dash at beg and end of line.
0194     float fac = 1.0f/float(2*a_num_dash-1);
0195     float sx = (a_ex-a_bx)*fac;
0196     float sy = (a_ey-a_by)*fac;
0197     float sz = (a_ez-a_bz)*fac;
0199     float two_sx = sx*2.0f;
0200     float two_sy = sy*2.0f;
0201     float two_sz = sz*2.0f;
0203     float px = a_bx;
0204     float py = a_by;
0205     float pz = a_bz;
0207     for(unsigned int idash=0;idash<a_num_dash;idash++) {
0208       add(px,py,pz);
0209       add(px+sx,py+sy,pz+sz);
0210       px += two_sx;
0211       py += two_sy;
0212       pz += two_sz;
0213     }
0214     return true;
0215   }
0216   bool center() {
0217     std::vector<float>& v = xyzs.values();
0218     std::vector<float>::size_type _number = v.size()/3;
0219     if(!_number) return true;
0220     if(3*_number!=v.size()) return false;
0221     float x_mean = 0;
0222     float y_mean = 0;
0223     float z_mean = 0;
0224    {for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();it+=3) {
0225       x_mean += *(it+0);
0226       y_mean += *(it+1);
0227       z_mean += *(it+2);
0228     }}
0229     x_mean /= float(_number);
0230     y_mean /= float(_number);
0231     z_mean /= float(_number);
0232    {for(std::vector<float>::iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();it+=3) {
0233       *(it+0) -= x_mean;
0234       *(it+1) -= y_mean;
0235       *(it+2) -= z_mean;
0236     }}
0237     return true;
0238   }
0239 protected:
0240   bool _is_visible(const matrix_action& a_action) {
0241     if(xyzs.empty()) return false;
0242     const state& _state = a_action.state();
0243     pick_action action(a_action.out(),_state.m_ww,_state.m_wh,0,float(_state.m_ww),0,float(_state.m_wh));
0244     action.set_win_size(_state.m_ww,_state.m_wh);
0245     action.set_area(0,float(_state.m_ww),0,float(_state.m_wh));
0246     action.set_stop_at_first(true);
0247     action.matrix_action::operator=(a_action); //IMPORTANT.
0248     int old_cur = action.cur(); //not 0.
0249     action.add__primitive(*this,mode.value(),xyzs.values(),true);
0250     if(action.cur()!=old_cur) return false;
0251     if(!action.node()) return false;
0252     return true;
0253   }
0254 #ifdef __APPLE__
0255 protected:
0256   // macOS/Mojave : on this version, points are blended even if alpha is one !
0257   bool check_set_blend(render_action& a_action) {
0258     bool restore_blend = false;
0259     const state& state = a_action.state();
0260     if(state.m_GL_BLEND) {
0261       if(state.m_color.a()==1) {
0262         a_action.set_blend(false);
0263         restore_blend = true;
0264       }
0265     }
0266     return restore_blend;
0267   }
0268 #endif //__APPLE__
0269 };
0271 }}
0273 #endif