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Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/sg/plots_viewer is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_sg_plots_viewer
0005 #define tools_sg_plots_viewer
0007 // used in geant4 offscreen plotting.
0009 #include "viewer"
0011 #include "ortho"
0012 #include "plots"
0014 #include "h2plot_cp"
0015 #include "f2plot"
0016 #include "xy2plot"
0017 #include "fit2plot"
0018 #include "cloud2plot_cp"
0020 #include "zb_action"
0021 #include "../wps"
0023 #include "gl2ps_action"
0025 namespace tools {
0026 namespace sg {
0028 class plots_viewer : public viewer {
0029   TOOLS_HEADER(plots_viewer,tools::sg::plots_viewer,viewer)
0030 public:
0031   virtual void set_size(unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height) {
0032     parent::set_size(a_width,a_height);
0033     m_plots.adjust_size(a_width,a_height);
0034   }
0035 public:
0036   plots_viewer(std::ostream& a_out,const base_freetype& a_ttf,
0037                unsigned int a_cols = 1,unsigned int a_rows = 1,
0038                unsigned int a_width = 500,unsigned int a_height = 500)
0039   :parent(a_out,a_width,a_height)
0040   ,m_plots(a_ttf)
0041   ,m_wps(a_out)
0042   {
0043     create_sg();
0044     m_plots.cols = a_cols;
0045     m_plots.rows = a_rows;
0046     m_plots.adjust_size(width(),height());
0047   }
0048   virtual ~plots_viewer() {
0049     //WARNING : nodes may refer m_zb_mgr,m_gl2ps_mgr (to handle gstos/texs), then we have to delete them first.
0050     m_sg.clear();
0051     m_plots.clear_sg();
0052   }
0053 public:
0054   plots_viewer(const plots_viewer& a_from)
0055   :parent(a_from)
0056   ,m_camera(a_from.m_camera)
0057   ,m_plots(a_from.m_plots)
0058   ,m_wps(a_from.m_out)
0059   {
0060     create_sg();
0061     m_plots.adjust_size(width(),height());
0062   }
0063   plots_viewer& operator=(const plots_viewer& a_from){
0064     parent::operator=(a_from);
0065     m_camera = a_from.m_camera;
0066     m_plots = a_from.m_plots;
0067     create_sg();
0068     m_plots.adjust_size(width(),height());
0069     return *this;
0070   }
0071 public:
0072 #include <tools/plotter_common.icc>
0074   sg::zb_manager& zb_manager() {return m_zb_mgr;}
0075   sg::gl2ps_manager& gl2ps_manager() {return m_gl2ps_mgr;}
0077 public:
0078   typedef bool (*png_writer)(std::ostream&,const std::string&,
0079                              unsigned char*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int);
0081   bool write_inzb_png(png_writer a_writer,const std::string& a_file,unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height) {
0082     // for example :
0083     //   #include <toolx/png>
0084     //   ...
0085     //   viewer.write_inzb_png(toolx::png::write,"out.png");
0086     //
0087     zb_action action(m_zb_mgr,m_out,a_width,a_height);
0088     action.clear_color_buffer(m_clear_color);
0089     action.clear_depth_buffer();
0090     sg().render(action);
0092     unsigned int bpp = 3;
0093     uchar* buffer = new unsigned char[a_width*a_height*bpp];
0094     if(!buffer) {
0095       m_out << "tools::sg::plots_viewer::write_inzb_png : can't alloc buffer." << std::endl;
0096       return false;
0097     }
0098     unsigned char* pos = buffer;
0099     float r,g,b;
0100     for(unsigned int row=0;row<a_height;row++) {
0101       for(unsigned int col=0;col<a_width;col++) {
0102         zb_action::get_rgb(&action,col,a_height-row-1,r,g,b);
0103         *pos = (uchar)(255.0F*r);pos++;
0104         *pos = (uchar)(255.0F*g);pos++;
0105         *pos = (uchar)(255.0F*b);pos++;
0106       }
0107     }
0109     bool status = (*a_writer)(m_out,a_file,buffer,a_width,a_height,bpp);
0110     if(!status) {
0111       m_out << "tools::sg::plots_viewer::write_inzb_png : can't write " << a_file << "." << std::endl;
0112     }
0113     delete [] buffer;
0114     return status;
0115   }
0116   bool write_inzb_png(png_writer a_writer,const std::string& a_file) {
0117     return write_inzb_png(a_writer,a_file,width(),height());
0118   }
0120   typedef bool (*jpeg_writer)(std::ostream&,const std::string&,
0121                               unsigned char*,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,int);
0123   bool write_inzb_jpeg(jpeg_writer a_writer,const std::string& a_file,unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height,int a_quality = 100) {
0124     // for example :
0125     //   #include <toolx/jpeg>
0126     //   ...
0127     //   viewer.write_inzb_jpeg(toolx::jpeg::write,"out.jpeg");
0128     //
0129     zb_action action(m_zb_mgr,m_out,a_width,a_height);
0130     action.clear_color_buffer(m_clear_color);
0131     action.clear_depth_buffer();
0132     sg().render(action);
0134     unsigned int bpp = 3;
0135     uchar* buffer = new unsigned char[a_width*a_height*bpp];
0136     if(!buffer) {
0137       m_out << "tools::sg::plots_viewer::write_inzb_jpeg : can't alloc buffer." << std::endl;
0138       return false;
0139     }
0140     unsigned char* pos = buffer;
0141     float r,g,b;
0142     for(unsigned int row=0;row<a_height;row++) {
0143       for(unsigned int col=0;col<a_width;col++) {
0144         zb_action::get_rgb(&action,col,a_height-row-1,r,g,b);
0145         *pos = (uchar)(255.0F*r);pos++;
0146         *pos = (uchar)(255.0F*g);pos++;
0147         *pos = (uchar)(255.0F*b);pos++;
0148       }
0149     }
0151     bool status = (*a_writer)(m_out,a_file,buffer,a_width,a_height,bpp,a_quality);
0152     if(!status) {
0153       m_out << "tools::sg::plots_viewer::write_inzb_jpeg : can't write " << a_file << "." << std::endl;
0154     }
0155     delete [] buffer;
0156     return status;
0157   }
0159   bool write_inzb_jpeg(jpeg_writer a_writer,const std::string& a_file,int a_quality = 100) {
0160     return write_inzb_jpeg(a_writer,a_file,width(),height(),a_quality);
0161   }
0163   bool write_inzb_ps(const std::string& a_file,unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height,bool a_anonymous = false) {
0164     zb_action action(m_zb_mgr,m_out,a_width,a_height);
0165     action.clear_color_buffer(m_clear_color);
0166     action.clear_depth_buffer();
0167     sg().render(action);
0168     wps wps(m_out);
0169     if(!wps.open_file(a_file,a_anonymous)) {
0170       m_out << "tools::viewplot::write_inzb_ps : can't open " << a_file << "." << std::endl;
0171       return false;
0172     }
0173     wps.PS_BEGIN_PAGE();
0174     wps.PS_PAGE_SCALE(float(a_width),float(a_height));
0175     wps.PS_IMAGE(a_width,a_height,wps::rgb_4,sg::zb_action::get_rgb,&action);
0176     wps.PS_END_PAGE();
0177     wps.close_file();
0178     return true;
0179   }
0181   bool write_inzb_ps(const std::string& a_file,bool a_anonymous = false) {
0182     return write_inzb_ps(a_file,width(),height(),a_anonymous);
0183   }
0185   bool open_inzb_ps_file(const std::string& a_file,bool a_anonymous = false) {
0186     if(!m_wps.open_file(a_file,a_anonymous)) {
0187       m_out << "tools::plots_viewer::open_inzb_ps_file : can't open " << a_file << "." << std::endl;
0188       return false;
0189     }
0190     return true;
0191   }
0192   bool write_inzb_ps_page(unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height) {
0193     sg::zb_action action(m_zb_mgr,m_out,a_width,a_height);
0194     action.clear_color_buffer(m_clear_color);
0195     action.clear_depth_buffer();
0196     sg().render(action);
0197     m_wps.PS_BEGIN_PAGE();
0198     m_wps.PS_PAGE_SCALE(float(a_width),float(a_height));
0199     m_wps.PS_IMAGE(a_width,a_height,wps::rgb_4,sg::zb_action::get_rgb,&action);
0200     m_wps.PS_END_PAGE();
0201     return true;
0202   }
0203   bool write_inzb_ps_page() {return write_inzb_ps_page(width(),height());}
0204   bool close_inzb_ps_file() {return m_wps.close_file();}
0206   bool write_gl2ps(const std::string& a_file,int a_gl2ps_format,unsigned int a_width,unsigned int a_height) {
0207     gl2ps_action action(m_gl2ps_mgr,m_out,a_width,a_height);
0208     action.clear_color(m_clear_color.r(),m_clear_color.g(),m_clear_color.b(),m_clear_color.a());
0209     if(!,a_gl2ps_format)) return false;
0210     sg().render(action);
0211     action.close();
0212     return true;
0213   }
0214   bool write_gl2ps(const std::string& a_file,int a_gl2ps_format) {return write_gl2ps(a_file,a_gl2ps_format,width(),height());}
0216 protected:
0217   void create_sg() {
0218     m_sg.clear();
0220     m_camera.height = 1;
0221     float z = 10*1;
0222     m_camera.znear = 0.1f*z;
0223     m_camera.zfar = 10*z; //100*z induces problems with lego rendering.
0224     m_camera.position = vec3f(0,0,z);
0225     m_camera.orientation = rotf(vec3f(0,0,1),0);
0226     m_camera.focal = z;
0227     m_sg.add(new noderef(m_camera));
0229     m_sg.add(new noderef(m_plots));
0230   }
0232 protected:
0233   sg::zb_manager m_zb_mgr;
0234   sg::gl2ps_manager m_gl2ps_mgr;
0235   ortho m_camera;
0236   sg::plots m_plots;
0237   wps m_wps;
0238 };
0240 }}
0242 #endif