Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/sg/mf is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_sg_mf
0005 #define tools_sg_mf
0007 // mf for multiple field.
0009 #include "bmf"
0011 #include "../stype"
0012 #include "../cstr"
0013 #include "../io/iwbuf"
0014 #include "../io/irbuf"
0015 #include "../HEADER"
0017 namespace tools {
0018 namespace sg {
0020 template <class T>
0021 class mf : public bmf<T> {
0022 typedef bmf<T> parent;
0023 public:
0024 static const std::string& s_class() {
0025 static const std::string s_v("tools::sg::mf<"+stype(T())+">");
0026 return s_v;
0027 }
0028 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0029 if(void* p = cmp_cast< mf<T> >(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0030 return parent::cast(a_class);
0031 }
0032 virtual const std::string& s_cls() const {return s_class();}
0033 public:
0034 virtual bool write(io::iwbuf& a_buffer) {
0035 const std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0036 return a_buffer.write_vec((uint32)vec.size(),vec_data(vec));
0037 }
0038 virtual bool read(io::irbuf& a_buffer) {
0039 std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0040 return a_buffer.read_std_vec(vec);
0041 }
0042 virtual bool dump(std::ostream& a_out) {
0043 const std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0044 a_out << "size : " << vec.size() << std::endl;
0045 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cit_t;
0046 for(cit_t it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
0047 a_out << " " << (*it) << std::endl;
0048 }
0049 return true;
0050 }
0051 virtual bool s_value(std::string& a_s) const {a_s.clear();return false;}
0052 virtual bool s2value(const std::string&) {return false;}
0053 public:
0054 mf(){}
0055 mf(const T& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0056 mf(const std::vector<T>& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0057 virtual ~mf(){}
0058 public:
0059 mf(const mf& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0060 mf& operator=(const mf& a_from){
0061 //typedef typename parent::iterator bmf_t;
0062 parent::operator=(a_from);
0063 return *this;
0064 }
0065 public:
0066 mf& operator=(const std::vector<T>& a_from){
0067 parent::operator=(a_from);
0068 return *this;
0069 }
0070 mf& operator=(const T& a_v){
0071 parent::operator=(a_v);
0072 return *this;
0073 }
0074 };
0076 class mf_string : public bmf<std::string> {
0077 TOOLS_HEADER(mf_string,tools::sg::mf_string,bmf<std::string>)
0078 public:
0079 virtual bool write(io::iwbuf& a_buffer) {
0080 return a_buffer.write_vec(m_values);
0081 }
0082 virtual bool read(io::irbuf& a_buffer) {
0083 std::vector<std::string>& vec = parent::m_values;
0084 return a_buffer.read_vec(vec);
0085 }
0086 virtual bool dump(std::ostream& a_out) {
0087 const std::vector<std::string>& vec = parent::m_values;
0088 a_out << "size : " << vec.size() << std::endl;
0089 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
0090 for(it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
0091 a_out << " \"" << (*it) << "\"" << std::endl;
0092 }
0093 return true;
0094 }
0095 virtual bool s_value(std::string& a_s) const {a_s.clear();return false;}
0096 virtual bool s2value(const std::string&) {return false;}
0097 public:
0098 mf_string():parent(){}
0099 mf_string(const std::string& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0100 mf_string(const std::vector<std::string>& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0101 virtual ~mf_string(){}
0102 public:
0103 mf_string(const mf_string& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0104 mf_string& operator=(const mf_string& a_from){
0105 parent::operator=(a_from);
0106 return *this;
0107 }
0108 public:
0109 mf_string& operator=(const std::vector<std::string>& a_value){
0110 parent::operator=(a_value);
0111 return *this;
0112 }
0113 mf_string& operator=(const char* a_cstr){
0114 parent::operator=(a_cstr);
0115 return *this;
0116 }
0117 };
0119 //exa tools::sg::entries.mf_vec<entry_type>
0121 template <class T>
0122 class mf_enum : public bmf<T> {
0123 typedef bmf<T> parent;
0124 public:
0125 static const std::string& s_class() {
0126 static const std::string s_v("tools::sg::mf_enum");
0127 return s_v;
0128 }
0129 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0130 if(void* p = cmp_cast< mf_enum<T> >(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0131 return parent::cast(a_class);
0132 }
0133 virtual const std::string& s_cls() const {return s_class();}
0134 public:
0135 virtual bool write(io::iwbuf& a_buffer) {
0136 const std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0137 std::vector<int16> v; //an enum can be negative.
0138 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cit_t;
0139 for(cit_t it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) v.push_back(*it);
0140 return a_buffer.write_vec((uint32)v.size(),vec_data(v));
0141 }
0142 virtual bool read(io::irbuf& a_buffer) {
0143 std::vector<int16> v; //an enum can be negative.
0144 if(!a_buffer.read_std_vec(v)) return false;
0145 std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0146 vec.clear();
0147 std::vector<int16>::const_iterator it;
0148 for(it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it) vec.push_back((T)(*it));
0149 return true;
0150 }
0151 virtual bool dump(std::ostream& a_out) {
0152 const std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0153 a_out << "size : " << vec.size() << std::endl;
0154 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cit_t;
0155 for(cit_t it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
0156 a_out << " " << (*it) << std::endl;
0157 }
0158 return true;
0159 }
0160 virtual bool s_value(std::string& a_s) const {a_s.clear();return false;}
0161 virtual bool s2value(const std::string&) {return false;}
0162 public:
0163 mf_enum():parent(){}
0164 mf_enum(const T& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0165 mf_enum(const std::vector<T>& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0166 virtual ~mf_enum(){}
0167 public:
0168 mf_enum(const mf_enum& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0169 mf_enum& operator=(const mf_enum& a_from){
0170 parent::operator=(a_from);
0171 return *this;
0172 }
0173 };
0175 //exa mf_vec<colorf,float>
0177 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0178 //the three below funcs are for :
0179 // mf_vec< std::vector<std::string> ,std::string> opts;
0180 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0181 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& a_out,const std::vector<std::string>&) {
0182 //for mf_vec::dump.
0183 return a_out;
0184 }
0186 inline bool set_from_vec(std::vector<std::string>&,const std::vector<std::string>&) {
0187 //for mf_vec::read(io::irbuf&)
0188 return false;
0189 }
0191 inline const std::string* get_data(const std::vector<std::string>& a_v) {
0192 return vec_data(a_v);
0193 }
0194 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0195 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0196 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0199 template <class T,class TT>
0200 class mf_vec : public bmf<T> {
0201 typedef bmf<T> parent;
0202 public:
0203 static const std::string& s_class() {
0204 static const std::string s_v("tools::sg::mf_vec<"+stype(T())+","+stype(TT())+">");
0205 return s_v;
0206 }
0207 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0208 if(void* p = cmp_cast< mf_vec<T,TT> >(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0209 return parent::cast(a_class);
0210 }
0211 virtual const std::string& s_cls() const {return s_class();}
0212 public:
0213 virtual bool write(io::iwbuf& a_buffer) {
0214 const std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0215 typedef typename std::vector<TT> vec_t;
0216 std::vector<vec_t> vec_vec;
0217 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cit_t;
0218 for(cit_t it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
0220 const T& v = (*it);
0221 size_t num = v.size();
0222 const TT* d = get_data(v);
0224 std::vector<TT> std_vec(num);
0225 for(size_t i=0;i<num;i++) std_vec[i] = d[i];
0227 vec_vec.push_back(std_vec);
0228 }
0229 return a_buffer.write_std_vec_vec(vec_vec);
0230 }
0231 virtual bool read(io::irbuf& a_buffer) {
0232 std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0233 vec.clear();
0234 typedef typename std::vector<TT> vec_t;
0235 std::vector<vec_t> vec_vec;
0236 if(!a_buffer.read_std_vec_vec(vec_vec)) return false;
0237 typedef typename std::vector<vec_t>::iterator _it_t;
0238 for(_it_t it=vec_vec.begin();it!=vec_vec.end();++it) {
0239 T x;
0240 // x colorf, *it = std::vector<float>
0241 // x vecs, *it = std::vector<std::string>
0242 if(!set_from_vec(x,*it)) {vec.clear();return false;}
0243 vec.push_back(x);
0244 }
0245 return true;
0246 }
0247 virtual bool dump(std::ostream& a_out) {
0248 const std::vector<T>& vec = parent::m_values;
0249 a_out << "size : " << vec.size() << std::endl;
0250 typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator cit_t;
0251 for(cit_t it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
0252 a_out << " " << (*it) << std::endl;
0253 }
0254 return true;
0255 }
0256 virtual bool s_value(std::string& a_s) const {a_s.clear();return false;}
0257 virtual bool s2value(const std::string&) {return false;}
0258 public:
0259 mf_vec():parent(){}
0260 mf_vec(const T& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0261 mf_vec(const std::vector<T>& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0262 virtual ~mf_vec(){}
0263 public:
0264 mf_vec(const mf_vec& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0265 mf_vec& operator=(const mf_vec& a_from){
0266 parent::operator=(a_from);
0267 return *this;
0268 }
0269 };
0271 template <class T>
0272 class mf_std_vec : public bmf< std::vector<T> > {
0273 typedef bmf< std::vector<T> > parent;
0274 public:
0275 static const std::string& s_class() {
0276 static const std::string s_v("tools::sg::mf_std_vec<"+stype(T())+">");
0277 return s_v;
0278 }
0279 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0280 if(void* p = cmp_cast< mf_std_vec<T> >(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0281 return parent::cast(a_class);
0282 }
0283 virtual const std::string& s_cls() const {return s_class();}
0284 public:
0285 virtual bool write(io::iwbuf& a_buffer) {
0286 //used in exlib/sg/text_freetype::unitext
0287 const std::vector< std::vector<T> >& vec = parent::m_values;
0288 return a_buffer.write_std_vec_vec(vec);
0289 }
0290 virtual bool read(io::irbuf& a_buffer) {
0291 std::vector< std::vector<T> >& vec = parent::m_values;
0292 return a_buffer.read_std_vec_vec(vec);
0293 }
0294 virtual bool dump(std::ostream& a_out) {
0295 const std::vector< std::vector<T> >& vec = parent::m_values;
0296 a_out << "size : " << vec.size() << std::endl;
0297 typedef typename std::vector< std::vector<T> >::const_iterator cit_t;
0298 for(cit_t it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it) {
0299 //a_out << " " << (*it) << std::endl;
0300 }
0301 return true;
0302 }
0303 virtual bool s_value(std::string& a_s) const {a_s.clear();return false;}
0304 virtual bool s2value(const std::string&) {return false;}
0305 public:
0306 mf_std_vec():parent(){}
0307 mf_std_vec(const T& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0308 mf_std_vec(const std::vector<T>& a_v):parent(a_v){}
0309 virtual ~mf_std_vec(){}
0310 public:
0311 mf_std_vec(const mf_std_vec& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0312 mf_std_vec& operator=(const mf_std_vec& a_from){
0313 parent::operator=(a_from);
0314 return *this;
0315 }
0316 };
0318 }}
0320 #endif